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0360 Chapter Twist Ball Folding

 When someone fires the first shot, everyone behind becomes bolder.

Various hospitals started operations for pelvic and acetabular fractures one after another. In less than a month, more than a dozen surgeries in this surgical category were all completed.

Chen Ge was deducted points due to incomplete hemostasis during the acetabular fracture surgery and too many invalid and repetitive movements during fracture reduction, and was dropped from the full-scoring camp in the Southern Division.

Invalid movements or repetitive movements often occur during surgery. This is a sign that the surgeon is unskilled or inexperienced and is helpless when encountering difficulties. These movements waste a lot of time, disrupt the rhythm of the surgery, and make it difficult for the surgery to proceed normally.

Invalid movements are movements that do not bring any benefit to the operation. For example, when the operation encounters difficulties, the instruments are constantly replaced. These instrument replacements have no clear purpose and are just to delay time to think about countermeasures and adjust emotions.

Or some surgeons complain that their assistants are not cooperating properly. This is also a sign of guilt and lack of confidence. If the assistants perform poorly, the surgeon can help correct them instead of complaining.

In short, these actions do not substantially help the operation and are just a waste of time.

Repeated actions, operations that can be completed once, are performed repeatedly, which is similar to the origin and consequences of invalid actions.

In the regional competition of the Golden Knife Award, points will be deducted if there are invalid or repeated actions, but in the national competition, points will not be deducted.

The reason is very simple. The surgeries inspected in the regional competition are all basic surgeries. If there are ineffective or repeated actions, it means that the basic surgeries have not reached the level of excellence they should be.

Most of the surgeries performed in the national competition are highly difficult surgeries. Faced with these surgeries, if you encounter difficulties, take a short break, or have ineffective repetitive movements. It is extenuating circumstances. If you encounter difficulties in difficult surgeries, as long as you can solve them, it is considered enough.


In the Southern Division, only Song Zimo, Su Nanchen, and Lin Hao have perfect scores. As long as these three teams don't make mistakes, they have the best chance of qualifying.

However, it is also possible that some teams will be deducted points for later surgeries, allowing the laggards to catch up.

This happens in every competition. The team that has been leading is caught up by the team behind because of mistakes.

Beyond the pelvic acetabular fracture, it is easier to treat the spinal fracture behind it. The pelvic acetabular fracture is a hurdle, and many people deduct points here.

The focus of spine fractures in the regional competition is posterior surgery on the thoracolumbar spine, posterior spine surgery, and the most critical thing is the pedicle screw placement technique, which everyone thinks is easier than pelvic acetabular fractures.

The next round of the spinal fracture surgery competition begins. Song Zimo has already selected the cases, drawn up the surgical plan, and handed it over to Yang Ping. If there are no problems, he will report and explain it at the regular department meeting in the afternoon.

I was just halfway through the surgical drawing when Professor Zhang called. He admitted a special patient in the outpatient clinic and immediately went to the department and asked Yang Ping to go to the classroom and wait.

The special patients Professor Zhang is talking about are definitely not the rich and powerful. The special patients he refers to are those whose conditions are serious or rare.

Yang Ping packed up the surgical drawings, put an orthopedic monograph on his desk, and went to the classroom to wait for Professor Zhang.

Go to the demonstration classroom, because the demonstration classroom has a large professional reading screen. This screen is used for teaching, so it is larger than the one in the office and is more convenient for reading.

About ten minutes later, the patient appeared at the door and was pushed in by Xiao Mo in a wheelchair, followed by Professor Zhang and a woman carrying a luggage bag who should be the patient's family members.

If Yang Ping had not seen this kind of patient in the system space, his jaw would have dropped in surprise.

Anyone, any spine surgeon, will be deeply shocked when they see this kind of patient.

The whole person curled up into a ball, like an onion roll or a twist, with the whole waist curled up, the head turned away from the side of the thigh, and the face was close to his buttocks.

The spine is twisted like a twist, and the whole person is folded more than 180 degrees. Not to mention, while folding, it is also twisting like a twist.

Both hip and knee joints were stiff and in a state of flexion deformity. In the wheelchair, the patient huddled into a complex ball, like a twist ball.

There is no existing medical name to describe this kind of folding deformity. If we want to use vivid words to express it, "twist" is not careless enough. Only "twist ball fold" can describe this exaggerated deformity.<


There are such serious cases in reality. Yang Ping thought that only the devil training in the system space could cause such extreme spinal deformity cases.

The patient had just walked in, attracting a lot of curious people. Everyone gathered around the door of the demonstration classroom, talking in low voices, and some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Some people who had just finished surgery, using crutches and walking aids, rushed here to watch the excitement, and a nurse followed behind to disperse everyone.

Director Han came in from the separated crowd, turned around and said to the nurse who was trying to persuade everyone to leave: "Don't crowd around, Xiao Mo, close the door."

Graduate student Xiao Mo immediately closed the classroom door to block those curious eyes.

Old Han couldn't help but be surprised. He had never seen a deformed folding knife like a twist ball before.

"This is Lu Gang, male, 22 years old. He has been diagnosed with spinal deformity for 14 years. I don't need to tell you how serious it is. He has been to many hospitals, all over the country, and everyone said no, so come and find him.

I, I have never seen such a serious case. The young man has just graduated from college and still wants to marry a wife to live. Let's discuss it and see if it can be cured? How to cure it?"

In this situation, he actually went to college and graduated from college? How did he get through these more than ten years? Yang Ping couldn't help but admire this patient.

"Can you take care of yourself in daily life?" Although he knew that he couldn't take care of himself in this situation, Director Han still wanted to ask.

"This is Lu Gang's mother, and this is Professor Han and Dr. Yang from our department." Professor Zhang introduced and asked everyone to sit down and chat.

Lu Gang's mother is in her fifties, with dark skin, but there is a hint of stubbornness between her eyebrows. This should be "women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong".

She said: "He can walk, but he can only eat on the floor. I serve the rice and put the bowl on the floor. He can eat by himself and can take care of himself, but he needs a special toilet chair."

"Xiaogang, go and see the doctor!"

The mother lifted Lu Gang out of the wheelchair. Lu Gang performed a performance of walking on all fours with his hands and feet, like a crab. He walked well, but due to distortion and deformity, his four limbs were unbalanced. When he walked, one was higher and the other was lower.

Relatively slow.

"It walks like a crab, which doesn't look good. You can only eat on the ground. I used to have cats and dogs at home, and they often competed with me for food. Later, I didn't have cats or dogs, so I had no difficulty eating. I urinate and defecate, and the bathroom and toilet at home are

The chair is a special one, which is much more convenient. It’s difficult to go out to the bathroom, but I rarely go out." Lu Gang said mockingly.

His face is close to his buttocks. Because the spine is folded and twisted in a spiral, he can tilt his face a little. This profile is just convenient for him to eat, but it should be very difficult for him to eat.

"Okay, let's take a rest. Have you been like this since you were eight years old?" Director Han gestured for him to stop.

"My body started to bend when I was eight years old. It wasn't that serious at first, but within a few years it became like this, turning into a twisted dumpling."

How did this young man get here all these years? Listening to his self-deprecating tone, he seems to be very optimistic.

Mother Lu took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears: "We have been looking for medical treatment everywhere in the past few years. We heard that this disease is serious, so we went there, but it was of no use."

"Doctor, please help me. I also want to marry a wife and have a son, so that my mother can have grandchildren." Lu Gang said jokingly.

It made everyone laugh. The young man was very cheerful and did not look sad at all.

Lu’s mother is a single mother. Lu Gang’s father died when he was six years old. For Lu Gang’s sake, her mother never remarried. She earned money by pushing a tricycle and selling steamed buns, raised him up, and sent him to college.

"Xiao Mo, bring up his film." Professor Zhang called Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo has already turned on the computer and brought up Lu Gang's CT scan and three-dimensional reconstruction.

The whole person is more compact than a fetus curled up in the womb. In particular, the spine is completely folded over 180 degrees, and then shows a spiral deformity in three-dimensional space. The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrococcygeal, and cervical vertebrae are all severely deformed. Even more terrifying is the upper cervical vertebrae.

It is also in a state of deformity. Both hip and knee joints are also stiff, and the hip joints are in a dislocated state. It is a complete mess. Only the upper limbs of the whole body are normal.

It is too difficult to open up, straighten, level, and correct this person and make him an upright person!

In particular, the risk of spinal correction is extremely high. Once something goes wrong, it can lead to death or paralysis.

If surgery is performed, it is difficult to insert a tracheal intubation, so anesthesia is an insurmountable obstacle.

"He has traveled all over the country, going to everything he should go, but nothing works. Come and see me to try his luck. Can he do it?" Professor Zhang pointed to the three-dimensional CT reconstruction on the screen and asked Director Han.

The advice of experts from other hospitals is correct. Without surgery, you can still live in this state. If the surgery fails, you may lose your life or become paralyzed.

"Doctor, no matter how big the risk is, I am willing to fight for it!" Lu Gang said firmly.

His mother said sincerely: "I am over fifty now, and I will leave one day. When I leave, who will take care of him, so I want to let him have the operation while he is still young, so that he can be like

If I can live a normal life like a normal person, I will be satisfied and have nothing to worry about in my life."

Listening to his mother's words, Lu Gang remained silent.

Yes, it was too difficult for her mother. She was worried that she would not be able to survive alone the day she left. If it were not for her mother's careful care, she would not be able to survive until now.

"This has no precedent in the world. Correction of the thoracolumbar spine may only lead to paralysis, while correction of the cervical spine will risk life. You see, the most dangerous thing is the deformity of the upper cervical spine, which is where the respiratory and circulatory centers are located. Once something goes wrong,

You will remain on the operating table."

Director Han solemnly said that after a brief conversation, he had determined the young man's perseverance and there was no need to be vague.

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I want to fight for it. I want to live like a normal person, even if I risk my life."

Risking your life, I just hope to be able to raise your head and straighten your body. The request is that simple.

"Have you thought about it?"

"We thought about it for a few years."

"Xiao Yang, how are you?" Director Han asked Yang Ping's opinion.

This surgery is difficult, but it is not impossible to do. At most, I can go to the system space to perform hundreds of similar surgeries to strengthen my training. If this is not possible, no matter how high the risk is, I still have surgery simulation support.

"Admit yourself to the hospital!"

Admit him to the hospital! Such a simple sentence, but in Director Han's heart, this is the most domineering thing he has ever heard from a doctor.

However, Director Han did not ask him if he could do it, but just asked for his opinion. What Yang Ping meant now was that if he could do it himself, he could be admitted to the hospital.

Since Director Han brought Yang Ping to the stage to perform scoliosis correction, Yang Ping has not performed this kind of surgery yet, but Corey already has a patient with scoliosis, and Director Han is planning to let Yang Ping perform it.

How could a doctor who had never performed or just learned scoliosis correction surgery perform such a major surgery? It's an exaggeration.

But, hasn’t Yang Ping done enough exaggerated things?

The surgery performed by the Academic Society was not only rare in the world, but he performed it under mysterious circumstances.

Miracle, this is a man who continues to create miracles and has gone beyond common sense.

Everything he boasted about came true.

"Okay!" Director Han agreed.

Professor Zhang saw that these two people had made a decision, so of course he supported it.

"First let Dr. Che give him some breathing, muscle strength and stretching training to prepare for the surgery and complete the preoperative examination, because the surgery will affect the spinal cord, heart and lungs and other functions. How much correction can be tolerated is a question.

The unknown number needs to be carefully evaluated. This will be a protracted battle. The surgery can only be done in stages, and it will not take more than half a year."

"If possible, let this case be a Golden Knife Award-winning case. It happens to involve the correction of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, as well as pelvic rotation osteotomy and correction, and most likely double hip and knee joint replacement ---

"Yang Ping said.

This surgery performs Golden Knife award-winning cases. Isn’t this creating a problem for yourself?

How can this be the case? Others try to pick classic cases if they meet the requirements.

Yang Ping looked intently at the three-dimensional CT reconstruction on the screen.

Director Han and Professor Zhang looked at each other. This guy has never had this kind of surgery before, and this is unprecedented in the world.

Originally, Mr. Zhang wanted to discuss it with Director Han. The two of them did it and called Yang Ping over, just to let him see this rare case and gain insights.

This guy's attitude is that he plans to do the surgery himself, and he also wants to do it for the Golden Sword Award.

"Am I admitted to the hospital?" Professor Zhang asked.

"Stop it!" Director Han tapped his thigh with his fingers.

This chapter has been completed!
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