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0363 Chapter boy, is strong

 Due to the difficulty of surgery and the high risks of surgery, there are not many hospitals across the country that can perform scoliosis correction.

For this type of surgery, there are only a few first-line hospitals in the country: Xiehe Hospital, 301 Hospital, Nanjing Drum Tower, and Nandu Affiliated Hospital.

The comprehensive strength of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital is not ranked among the best in the country. Only scoliosis surgery is at the top level in the country, with more surgeries than several other first-line hospitals. This is due to the efforts of Professor Qiu, who returned from studying in France.

Professor Qiu studied in France for eight years and studied internationally advanced spinal orthopedic surgery with Professor Contrel, a French spinal orthopedic master. Professor Contrel is one of the world-famous founders of CD orthopedic technology.

After completing his studies, Professor Qiu gave up the generous salary in France and returned to China to establish the spine surgery department at Gulou Hospital, focusing on scoliosis correction, shortening the gap between China and developed countries.

The scoliosis center in Nandu Affiliated One is also the first in the country. With the efforts of Professor Su, it has formed a four-legged situation with Xiehe, 301, and Drum Tower.

The second-tier hospitals for scoliosis correction include 304, 306, Didu Chaoyang Hospital, and Didu Children's Hospital. The rest of the hospitals can only be ranked in the third tier or outside the third tier.

Sanbo Hospital, which performs dozens of operations per year, can only be considered a third- or fourth-tier hospital. However, for a new hospital that has been established for ten years to be able to do this, it is already very good.

Many emerging hospitals are depleted, losing staff, suffering from a shortage of disease sources, and are in a precarious state.

Examples like this can be found everywhere, with billions invested in full swing, only to be left with a few beautiful houses, a few nurses playing with mobile phones, and a few articles full of complaints on the Internet.

For a hospital like Sanbo Hospital to be able to achieve such a scale, especially for orthopedics, which can be divided into several sub-specialty wards of spine, joints, sports medicine and traumatology, that is already quite impressive.

Lu Gang's surgery was too difficult. Director Han had no doubts about Yang Ping's words, but after decades of being a doctor, seeing is believing.

Before Lu Gang's surgery, Lao Han wanted Yang Ping to undergo an ordinary scoliosis correction so that he could evaluate Yang Ping's level of surgery.

Geniuses also need to be evaluated, not with distrust, but with a scientific attitude.

Scoliosis correction is the pinnacle of orthopedic surgery. If you make a mistake, you will be paralyzed, so no matter how much you trust, you must follow this procedure.

There happens to be a patient in the department, a 19-year-old freshman girl, who has been diagnosed with scoliosis for ten years. The current thoracic scoliosis angle is Cobb's 52 degrees, and the lumbar scoliosis angle is Cobb's 64 degrees. She has been treated with braces but failed.

I am now seeking surgical treatment and found Professor Zhang through someone’s recommendation.

She had been admitted to the hospital before Lu Gang, and her preoperative preparations were complete.

Before the operation started, Lao Han and Professor Zhang were already sitting next to him.

Lao Han knew that Yang Pingping was very experienced and would not accept surgery without confidence, so Lao Han only had to watch from the audience.

During this period of spinal orthopedic surgery, Yang Ping went in and out of the system space intermittently, and had received devil's training.

In the system space, there is no physiological energy consumed, no need to eat, drink, sleep, or excretory. As long as you can tolerate loneliness and boredom psychologically, you can continue to perform surgeries.

From unskilled to skilled, even if one operation takes an average of three hours, you can perform eight operations a day, 80 operations in ten days, and 800 operations in a hundred days.

In the system space, 800 surgeries can be performed in more than three months. In reality, these three months are just a blink of an eye.

Staying for three months at a time was the time that Yang Ping could endure from the beginning. With Yang Ping's super endurance, even if he entered 800 units at one time and entered ten times, he would be 8,000 units, and 20 times would be sixteen thousand units.
As long as the fire is big enough, a stone can be melted for you. This is where the devil in the system space lies.

Sixteen thousand units, in reality, who can do it?

Even for hospitals with the largest number of surgeries, the total number of surgeries in the entire department cannot reach this number.

Yang Ping's points have entered a virtuous cycle, just like investment entering a virtuous cycle, holding huge amounts of money, constantly making profits, and spending more and more.

It turns out that the 500,000 points awarded in the main mission can be used to purchase a lot of surgical training. With this surgical training, you can perform higher and more difficult surgeries in reality and get more point rewards.

For Yu Shuilian’s several surgeries, the system’s accumulated reward points are more than 400,000 points.

According to the characteristics of the system, in the future, only new modules will be rewarded for main tasks, and points will be awarded for real-life surgeries. The higher the difficulty, the more points will be rewarded.

For spinal orthopedic surgery, each training package starts with 1,000 units. A training package consumes about 60,000 points. The points awarded by Yu Shuilian's surgery can support about 7,000 units of training.

There are also those multi-ligament reconstruction surgeries of shoulders and knees, each time the rewards are tens of thousands of points, and the points from various reward channels are continuously accumulated.

Therefore, although Yang Ping spent a lot of points to buy training during this period, his points did not decrease, but increased, and now his book balance is more than 800,000 points.

As long as Yang Ping keeps control and maintains points and continues to make profits, the wind will prevail and the rain will rain.

"Should I first use thoracoscopy and laparoscopy to release the front of the thoracic and lumbar spine?" Yang Ping asked Director Han and Professor Zhang for their opinions.

The operation plan was very thorough, and endoscopic anterior release was also used. Director Han nodded.

Song Zimo disinfected the sheets, and Yang Ping brushed his hands and took the stage.

With the assistance of thoracoscopy and laparoscopy, the anterior release was completed quickly.

The operation was a bit fast, not like the first surgery, but in Lao Han's eyes, it was definitely Yang Ping's first spinal orthopedic surgery.

After the anterior release is completed, the position is changed to prone position, the drapes are re-disinfected, and the hands are brushed again.

The incision was very quick and the bleeding was completely stopped. There were only a few pieces of gauze with little blood stains.

The nail is placed first, then the osteotomy is performed, and finally the correction is performed.

The surgical steps are very clear, with big steps followed by small steps, step by step, without any ineffective or repetitive movements.

This shows that Yang Ping is not a novice, or that his performance during the first surgery was not like a novice.

Lao Han and Professor Zhang stood up, walked closer, and stared at the screen.

Open the opening, open the circuit, detect, and implant the positioning needle. Follow these steps to complete the left side, then the right side, complete this vertebra, and then the other vertebra.

Dozens of guide pins are implanted into the vertebral pedicles, and all the guide pins are seen through at once.

On the screen, dozens of guide pins are scattered in a mess, inserted from different points and directions.

Lao Han and Professor Zhang looked at the screen of the G-arm machine and checked it one by one several times.

The insertion point, direction and depth of each guide pin are almost perfect. Each guide pin passes through the bony center of the vertebral pedicle at the optimal angle. No one is dissatisfied, not even with a slight allowable deviation.


It looks messy, but every independent guide pin is the best, and if it changes a little bit, it will be a deviation.

Check the fluoroscopy to confirm that there is no problem with the guide pin, and then pull out the guide pin one by one.

Every time one is pulled out, a pedicle screw is implanted, either universal or directional, until all the guide pins are replaced with pedicle screws.

Another fluoroscopy showed that there was no problem with the screws and the positions of the pedicle screws were very beautiful.

"The osteotomy has begun!" Yang Ping reported the progress of the operation at any time and received permission.

"Cut!" Director Han agreed.

Osteotomy is a high-risk operation and is also the step with the highest technical content.

Osteotomy is to cut off the spine at several places in order to reassemble it. Osteotomy is not just a simple cut, it needs to be cut off so that it can be effectively refitted.

The osteotomy operation may damage the nerves and cause paralysis. If there is dislocation during the reassembly process, the nerves may also be damaged and cause paralysis.

In order to reduce nerve damage, neuroelectrophysiological monitoring and wake-up tests are often used during surgery.

For osteotomy, Yang Ping uses an ultrasonic osteotome. Compared with traditional tools, the ultrasonic osteotome is much more accurate and safer than traditional tools.

This kind of tool eats hard but not soft. It only cuts hard bone and has no effect on the nerves of soft tissue.

The rhythm of the operation is very good. During the osteotomy, Yang Ping will turn his head to look at the screen of the neuroelectrophysiology monitor between each cut.

Fatty has adjusted its angle to the best, so that he can see the monitoring wave at any time. If the spinal cord or nerve roots are damaged or stimulated, the amplitude of the wave will change and a stimulation wave will appear, reminding the operator that your operation is dangerous.

Yang Ping has not used the ultrasonic bone knife a few times, but now, it is very obedient in Yang Ping's hands, as if it was born just for Yang Ping.

The osteotomy was performed very quickly, and Lao Han and Professor Zhang's hearts were in their throats.

Listening to the noise of the ultrasonic bone knife, they did not dare to speak for fear of interrupting Yang Ping's rhythm and causing an accident.

"Osteotomy completed!"

Lao Han and Professor Zhang woke up from a dream, they had finished it so quickly.

"Start orthopedics!"

This step is the most risky. During spinal correction, sometimes the patient becomes paralyzed on the spot or becomes paralyzed a few days after the operation because the spinal cord cannot tolerate the correction.

Once paralyzed, it will have disastrous consequences.

Therefore, doctors, every operation is like walking on thin ice.

In the system space operating room, with more than 10,000 surgical trainings, Yang Ping has mastered a large amount of data, which deformity correction is safe to what extent, and the data will not lie.

When he has free time, he would like to sort out the collected data, summarize the patterns, and come up with a set of predictive models to guide scoliosis correction surgery and make the surgery precise and standardized.

"Slow down, Xiao Yang---"

Professor Zhang and Director Han reminded at the same time.

Yang Ping held the tool and began to correct the spine.

Yang Ping was not very fast in this step. He corrected it a little. He looked at the pulsation of the spinal cord here and the monitoring wave there. They were always normal and there was no change in amplitude due to stimulation.

Little by little, step by step, in an appropriate rhythm, the spine undergoes spatial changes at the truncated part, and the sequence is reconstructed.

The spine is corrected in three-dimensional space, and then titanium alloy rods are implanted, screws are locked step by step, and finally the beam is added and locked again.

The whole process lasted an hour. Zhou Can spread out the gauze with tails thrown in the collection basin piece by piece. The gauze was dry and there were a few faint blood stains.

"Perspective!" Director Han directed the trainees pushing the G-arm machine.

"How about a CT scan?" Yang Ping suggested.

This operating room is a multi-functional operating room with its own CT imaging equipment.

The CT scan is completed, and the three-dimensional reconstructed image gradually comes out.

Each screw is wrapped in the bone channel of the vertebral pedicle, and the spine has completely returned to normal physiological curvature, which means that the osteotomy and correction have been achieved to the extreme.

"Mobile your toes, yes, go up, go down, that's good!"

Professor Zhang directed the patient to move his toes, and everything was normal.

Lao Han was fascinated by the three-dimensional CT reconstruction images. He had nothing to say about this surgery.

This guy was born to do surgery, he is a god of surgery, no exaggeration at all.

Once you get started, you will be the master of thousands of years!

Lao Han has become accustomed to it. This is not the first time that his knowledge has been brushed. It doesn't hurt to brush him one more time.

If you must explain, talent! Talent can explain everything.

This kind of talent is rare and hard to come by, so I’m very lucky that I encountered him.

Yang Ping helped carry the patient across the bed, and Professor Zhang walked to Director Han: "The toes move very well!"

This is my first time doing it. How dare I correct it to zero without leaving any room for error?

Alas, it’s still talent!

"Let him perform Lu Gang's surgery, right?" Director Han felt there was no doubt.

What else can Professor Zhang say: "Young man, you are just strong!"

This chapter has been completed!
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