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0386 Chapter Crossing the Line of Death

 The deepest root of the tumor has not been completely dug out, and the final adhesions with the nerve nuclei have not yet been separated.

The ballet on the tip of the knife continues to perform, and the scalpel, which has experienced three death threats, continues to move forward without flinching.

The final adhesion has crossed the superficial layer of the nucleus and is deeper than the previous one. The last time it was peeled off, this time it was dug out.

Yang Ping knew in his heart that the first three dangers were not the most thrilling, and the next cardiac arrest was completely different from the previous one.

Once cardiac arrest occurs, rescue cannot be performed immediately. If the operation is to be successful, he must complete the final danger zone separation based on Professor Feng's cardiac arrest.

That is to say, after cardiac arrest, rescue can only be carried out after he successfully completes the operation.

If his operation is not completed successfully, there will be no chance for rescue. If his operation takes too long, even if the operation is completed, the best opportunity for rescue will be lost.

The brain can withstand ischemia for only 4-6 minutes, leaving time for rescue.

Yang Ping calculated that he only had sixty seconds left for cardiac arrest surgery.

In these sixty seconds, you will be under tremendous pressure to complete the operation accurately and within a limited time in the most dangerous area.

This kind of test, if it weren't for the strong mental quality cultivated by countless devil training, there would be no way to do it, and it would be almost despair.

Johannessen has been tortured to death. It would be fine if he were a layman. It doesn't hurt or itches, just watch the excitement. As the world's top neurosurgery expert, almost every step is clear.

Every time Yang Ping operated, the laser knife seemed to be operating on the apex of Johannesson's heart. He could almost feel his heart expanding and contracting strongly.

The surge of adrenaline in the body puts the body at the peak of excitement. After the peak, there will be bursts of cold sweat and continuous muscle soreness.


Director Han told Professor Zhang that the eighty-year-old man's clothes were all wet: "I know---"

But when I waited until this moment, I didn't know how many waves were going through my mind. Even if there was an 80% probability, when it came to this surgery, it was a choice between zero and 100%.

The mysteries of the human body are complex, and no one can guarantee that we can overcome danger every time.

"How's it going?" Dean Chen couldn't stay in the locker room and came out to do some activities.

"I've been through the gate of hell three times, and I almost couldn't get through it just now," Professor Zhang said.

Director Chen approached the small window on the operating door and looked inside. There was an operation going on inside.

After extreme tension, comes uncontrollable relaxation.

The entire observation room was filled with doctors, mostly orthopedic and neurosurgeons, all of whom felt like they were surviving a disaster.

But the laser knife has not relaxed at all, and is still separating. The separation will go into the deepest part, and the deepest root will now be dug out.

The most dangerous step is about to come. Whether the operation can be successful or not depends on this step.

Even the third time, 21 times of heart compression and defibrillation, it was still a brush with death.

This time it was different. Yang Ping had to perform an operation directly when his heart stopped, that is, he directly traveled through death and walked side by side with the God of Death.

"It's incredible. Without fluorescence imaging or navigation assistance, the boundaries of the tumor can be positioned so accurately." Johannessen expressed admiration.

Johannessen feels that the chief surgeon behind the screen is no longer the young doctor, but his mentor.

His wisdom, his courage, his perseverance, and his extremely rational brilliance in the face of illness.

He is not anxious, not impatient, and is not threatened by death. He always follows the scientific plan in an orderly and meticulous manner.

He can come up with a plan to deal with any accident.

It is a pity that this operation is only allowed to be publicized internally. If it can be broadcast live in front of doctors all over the world, Johannessen will definitely ask all his colleagues to put down whatever work they are doing and concentrate on observing the operation.

What are the limits of human precision, stability, and rationality---

What this surgery embodies is not only the unparalleled surgical operation, but also the thorough preoperative research on disease anatomy, pathology, and pathophysiology.

"The heartbeat is about to stop again. Remember, don't panic. In addition to drug rescue, any other rescue measures must wait for me to complete the operation before they can be implemented." Yang Ping reminded everyone for the last time.

Because the vibration caused by the rescue will affect the operation, operation errors may cause nerve core damage, and the rescue will not be possible no matter what.

Yang Ping didn't plan to rest anymore. He took advantage of the fact that his current condition was very good and worked hard to conquer the most difficult step.

While separating and stopping the bleeding, the laser knife continues to penetrate deeper.

Deep in the tiny medulla oblongata, the laser knife goes deeper and deeper, and tree roots extend in all directions, winding between nerve nuclei.

Intertwined with the life center, Yang Ping is ready to dig out the last one.

Finally, the operation interfered with the vital center, and the electrocardiogram on the screen turned into a frightening ventricular fibrillation wave.

Once the ventricular fibrillation wave turns into cardiac arrest, the chance of rescue will be very slim.

For ventricular fibrillation waves, the earlier the defibrillation is performed, the better. However, at this time, the sterile drape cannot be lifted at all, let alone defibrillation. Even the anesthesiologist is cautious in injecting epinephrine intravenously for fear of interfering with Yang Ping's operation.

Everyone stared at the ventricular fibrillation wave on the screen, their hearts clenching tightly and twisting together.

The operating room was unusually quiet. Director Ma watched the ventricular fibrillation wave with fear, fearing that it would suddenly turn into a straight line and progress to complete cardiac arrest.

Others kept urging: Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up.

Dr. Wu's two hands are grasping the handle of the defibrillator electrode plate, ready for defibrillation at any time. The circulating nurse's hand has already grasped the tail of the sterile drape, ready to lift the sterile drape.

But Yang Ping is still undergoing surgery, with no intention of ending it.

Once the golden opportunity for defibrillation has passed, there is no chance again, but I dare not rush it, so I can only be anxious and my heart is on fire.

The time on the wall panel and the numbers on the second hand keep increasing, and time is lost bit by bit.

Yang Pingping was like Mount Tai, and the instruments in his hands cooperated to cut, separate, and stop bleeding faster and faster. The dance of the knife tip was to complete the most difficult scene.

"What's going on?"

In the observation room, no one could understand what was going on.

Ventricular fibrillation occurs. Are you still undergoing surgery? No rescue? Once the best opportunity is lost, no one can rescue it.

Johannesson murmured: "To complete the operation as quickly as possible while the heart is in cardiac arrest, and to rescue him after the operation, this is a face-to-face bet with death."

Perhaps, only Johannessen can understand the difficulty, risk and no hesitation of this last fight.

How much confidence and courage is required to perform such an operation.

There is no way, under the current medical conditions, this is an impact on the limit.

Johannesson's adrenaline was exhausted and could no longer support his full concentration, but he still gathered strength, reluctantly stood up, saluted the surgeon behind the screen, and then sat back down like mud.

The last straw of life is floating on the water and may sink at any time.

The laser knife was not affected at all and separated the bottom of the tumor as quickly as possible. Finally, like digging a sweet potato, the deepest and last root of the medulla oblongata was successfully dug out.


A loud and clear command.

Everyone was in position like an arrow that had been charging for a long time. When the electrode plate of the defibrillator pressed against Mr. Feng's back.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times---

Electrical defibrillation and cardiac compression were performed alternately. This time, only six rounds were used to achieve successful electrical cardioversion.


Sure enough, he won a huge bet with the God of Death, the ultimate bet with no way out.

Successfully completed a death crossing.

It was like walking through a long darkness, everyone was exhausted, and finally saw the light of hope. The tumor in the brainstem area was completely removed, and the remaining upper cervical spinal cord seemed very simple.

When the last tumor root system was separated, the tumor was like a handful of tree roots, with a trace of blood, thrown into a metal basin.

Under the microscope, the clean surgical field was observed for five minutes. There was no bleeding point before Yang Ping started flushing.

"He succeeded?" Griffin was exhausted and his voice was hoarse.

Woodhead's eyes were blank and he asked blankly: "Succeeded?"

Johannesson, on the other hand, was so excited that he couldn't speak. He didn't hear Griffin's words at all. He looked at the screen with dull eyes and muttered to himself: "Success, success, success---"<


The entire observation room burst into joy, shaking hands and hugging each other.

In the operating room, the work continued, flushing, hemostasis again, cervical skull base fixation, drainage, layered sutures, and head and neck incision coverage.

Remove the fixed frame and turn the body position to the supine position.

After three hours, three long hours, the door of the operating room opened.

Professor Zhang, Han Jiangong, Hong Zhigang, and Dean Chen, all the doctors who were looking this way from a distance, all gathered together.

"Vital signs are stable, ready to return to ICU!"

Yang Ping stood at the door and said.

Director Han hugged him in his arms, his eyes were blurred and he no longer knew what to say.

This chapter has been completed!
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