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Chapter 415 Three birds with one arrow

 The thrusters of Japan's "Kibo" started inexplicably, and the International Space Station suddenly adjusted its posture.

Engineers at the ground control center in Houston were busy. The engineer called up the three-dimensional structural diagram of the International Space Station on the computer and planned to use the remote control system to turn off the thruster. However, it could not be turned off no matter how hard it was operated, so he had to turn on another thruster to fight.

Only in this way can the mechanical balance be maintained and the space station be prevented from tilting excessively.

The old International Space Station cannot withstand the abuse. I don’t know how many chain reactions this small accident will cause. In normal times, it may be used as usual with repairs, but it is different now. A high-risk operation needs to be completed.

In the face of a so-called crisis, any loophole will be magnified infinitely, and this is the case with the International Space Station.

Richard breathed a sigh of relief. The space station finally stopped flipping and barely maintained its balance, but it still tilted 45 degrees.

This balance is temporary. The reason must be found and the two thrusters must be turned off to achieve true stability.

Richard was so angry that he cursed: "David Holly, help them check what happened!"

Richard was really worried about his allies who could measure their heights wrong and asked David Hawley to find out the reason as soon as possible.

Richard connected to the Japanese cabin, and the astronaut looked innocent: "I don't know anything. I have been resting in my sleeping bag and haven't touched anything."

"Could it be that the snoring was too loud? The sound waves started the propeller?" an engineer couldn't help but said.

No one knows whether the engineer is serious or deliberately making fun of him.

Richard said angrily: "How is it possible? It's not a voice-activated switch. You are conducting remote inspections. Last time, they said there was a leak in the Hope No. and did nothing."

Fortunately, Yang Ping quickly withdrew the guide wire in advance. Otherwise, the guide wire would be stuck in the blood vessel and penetrate deeply. These unstable factors would cause the operation to fail. Failure would mean the loss of Steven's life.

"Work with David Hawley to find out the cause and shut down the thruster together."

Richard ordered Japanese astronauts.


The team of doctors at the ground control center were all frightened. The guide wire had passed through many obstacles and crossed bifurcations one after another. It had just entered the intracranial blood vessel network, and when it continued to penetrate deeper, an accident suddenly occurred.

Yang Ping quickly withdrew the guidewire. This kind of withdrawal was by no means simply pulling out. If this was done, the intracranial blood vessels would be seriously damaged.

This kind of retreat is completely the reverse process of guide wire advancement, but Yang Ping is familiar with the way back, and uses the fastest speed to retreat, crossing countless forks, and evacuates safely.

When the guidewire was completely withdrawn from the blood vessel, Johannesson was so excited that he evaded a disaster.

This kind of real remote surgery requires doctors to have extremely high surgical ability and psychological quality. Once something goes wrong, no one will be able to rescue it.

There is only one chance for the operation to be successful. If something goes wrong during the operation, there is no way to remedy it.

In conventional robotic surgery on the ground, if something goes wrong, the doctors standing by and the entire hospital can provide remediation and rescue. On the space station, there is only one doctor, Susan, who is also a general practitioner. Apart from cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he does not have any other skills.

Powerful rescue.

"Is he scared?"

Massimo was in shock, suppressed his violent emotions, and finally found a step.

The United States is the number one in the world, the genius of Johns Hopkins, and Massimo who is unrivaled in the field of intervention in the world.

A young Chinese doctor actually surpassed him. What is even more ironic is that his specialty is orthopedic surgery. This kind of surgery is just for amateur fun and to cultivate sentiments.

Johannessen knows that talking more is useless: "Dr. Yang is not afraid. During the operation, he is calmer than anyone else. But every time he performs a high-risk operation, the people watching the operation will be afraid. I am afraid, and you will be afraid, too."

This surgery uses up our adrenaline."

Massimo touched his forehead and saw that he was sweating. He pretended not to know. Johannesson glanced at him from the corner of his eye and just smiled inwardly.

On the screen, the cerebral angiography image spread out like black fireworks. The aneurysm was like a balloon, much larger than before. I don’t know how long the thin blood vessel wall can last.

"Hurry up! He won't last until dawn, his blood vessels will burst at any time!" Yang Ping's voice rang on the radio.

Everyone in the control center can hear it, and Jim Bassa hears it most clearly.

"It's expanding like a balloon, and it keeps expanding!" Massimo swallowed.

If the balloon keeps blowing up, the final result will definitely explode.

The heart rate on the ECG monitoring continues to slow down, and the myocardial suppression becomes more obvious. This small compression will cause such a big reaction. If it bursts, the pressure of the blood will cause sudden death.

"Steven's heart rate is still dropping!"

Susan stared at the monitoring screen. The problem was not solved and the operation could not continue. If she kept waiting like this, she didn't know how long she would have to wait.

"Hope's thrusters cannot be shut down at this time." David Hawley reports.

Unable to close?

How could something like this happen at a critical moment? Richard thought about it:

"When using an emergency mechanical switch, the thrusters must be turned off, both at the same time."

The purpose of the thrusters that have just been actively turned on is to balance the thrusters that were accidentally started. If only one is turned off, the space station will tilt again under the action of thrust.

"The Russians have passed, help them deal with it." David Hawley will stay where he is.

Things will be much easier to handle if the Russians lend a helping hand, and their experience is much stronger than that of the Japanese.

"I've arrived at the Hope, and I'm going to prepare to turn off the mechanical switch of the thruster."

"Let's do it together, are you ready?"


OK, close!

The space station needs to move and regain its balance. The aging International Space Station is usually repaired and there are no problems. Once such an emergency occurs, it will be full of problems.

"The voltage is unstable!"

The space station tilted unexpectedly just now, which may have interfered with some old equipment in the power system, causing poor contact.

Alas! The International Space Station is seriously aging, just like a thatched house in the wind and rain. Either there is air leakage here or water leakage there.

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Richard was worried: "Unstable voltage will cause the remote surgery system to shut down. Hurry up and find out the cause."

David Hawley is an engineer himself, and he is very familiar with these. After painstaking troubleshooting: "The multiplexers and demultiplexers (MDM) have failed. One has stopped working and the other is unstable."

"Replace! Hurry!"

Richard now has a splitting headache. An accident has caused so many problems. To replace the MDM, he needs to go out of the cabin and conduct a spacewalk. It takes two hours to replace this thing.

MDM weighs 23 kilograms on earth and is only as big as a small microwave oven, but it controls important components such as the space station's radiator, solar panels and cooling circulation system.

There are two such devices in space, and only one is working now. If something goes wrong with this device, it may affect the life safety of astronauts.

"Remote investigation revealed that the voltage of the other unit is unstable, and it can continue to work for at least 3 months." The ground engineer reviewed the equipment log of the space station.

What if, if something happens to this station, if there is no backup, the people on it will be in danger.

Even if you don't worry about accidents, this unstable voltage will seriously affect the operation. Once the critical moment comes, the robotic arm will lose control and everything will return to zero.

"I want to leave the cabin to inspect and repair, and I need an assistant." David Holly decided to leave the cabin.

"Ask Russian friends to help." Richard could only ask for help from the Russians, as the others seriously lacked experience in going out of the cabin.

"I just checked the space station's spare parts inventory, and there are no spare parts!"

Oh my god! Steven, you are so lucky.

"There is a power failure, there are no MDM accessories, and emergency delivery will take eight hours." The engineer reported anxiously to Richard.

Richard could only ask Jim Basa for help, and Jim Basa calmed down: "Is there any temporary way to keep the voltage stable, even for an hour?"

"I don't know. I need David Hawley to get out of the cabin. I hope it can be repaired." Richard was not sure.

"Both sides acted at the same time and sent David Hawley out for repairs. I coordinated the emergency delivery. We had no choice but to turn to the Russians. They only needed more than three hours to complete the replenishment. We need at least eight hours, and they also have spare parts."
There is no way, the Russian Soyuz rocket is more powerful than the Falcon 9. The Soyuz rocket is launched from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, and can dock with the International Space Station in just over three hours.

"Ask Dr. Yang what supplements are needed for medical treatment, and we will send them together." Jim Basa will contact the Russians immediately.

Yang Ping is sitting in front of the operating console of the remote surgery system. Under this voltage, the risk of surgery increases a lot. If it is halfway done, the machine will lose control and it will be troublesome.

"Ask them to get some tea leaves and make a few cups of tea."

Yang Ping wanted to take a rest. After they prepared the basic conditions for the operation, Steven should be able to hold on for a few more hours.

Yang Ping was really not interested in the coffee prepared by the Yankees. It was such a bitter thing that it tasted unpalatable even with added sugar.

"Get some tea and make a few cups of tea to drink. This is Dr. Yang's habit." Lao Cheng said to Collins.

Tea leaves, space city should be able to find tea leaves, right? Collins is not sure.

But what Dr. Yang wants is an order.

"It's better, West Lake Longjing, Anxi Tieguanyin, they are all fine, don't be too bad!" Lao Cheng asked Collins to hurry up and do it.

When it comes to drinking tea, Lao Cheng gets excited. If he has a house, he will make a show here.

Collins will definitely not be able to find any good tea, but those police officers in suits outside should have some ideas, especially those from the FBI, who have plenty of ideas.

Drink a few cups of tea, calm down the atmosphere, and wait until the conditions for the operation are suitable to get it done in one go.


"Dr. Yang just asked to send some tea. They want to have tea and have a rest."

Someone whispered in Johannesson's ear.

Johannesson suddenly remembered that he had the best Harney & Sons there and was going to give it to Dr. Yang, but he didn't bring it.

Does he still want to drink tea?

Massimo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This leisurely mood was incompatible with the tense atmosphere of the moment.

He was so nervous that he was sweating, and he shouted for tea.

"Is intervention really his amateur field?" Massimo still didn't believe it, thinking that Johannesson was deliberately mocking him.

Johannesson thought for a while and said: "Strictly speaking, Dr. Yang's intervention in the amateur amateur is similar to Jordan playing table tennis."

Massimo stared at Johannesson, his eyes spitting fire.

Johanathan shrugged: "There is no way, you force me to tell the truth."

This chapter has been completed!
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