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Chapter 429 The whole point of peanuts and beer

 The difficulty of this case is that the deformity has not yet been finalized and is in dynamic change.

Ordinary osteotomy and correction only target static deformities and cannot cope with future growth and development.

Osteotomy itself can cause damage and interfere with the development of the spine, which makes the problem complicated and varied.

If an external fixator can be used for orthopedics, all difficulties will be solved, but the design of this external fixator is not easy.

The distance between ideas and reality is very long, especially in the medical field.

Returning to the doctor's office from the ward, Professor Liang sat down and asked: "What stage is your external fixator at?"

Medical devices and drugs have strict procedures from research and development to application. Compared with drugs, medical devices are much more relaxed.

"The design has matured and we are now ready to conduct animal experiments. We need a batch of young monkey models with scoliosis deformity. We are contacting to purchase experimental monkeys and looking for ways to make scoliosis models. The whole process will take a long time, and we will let

The child will go back first and wait for a while before coming back." Yang Ping introduced the progress.

In fact, in the system space, Yang Ping completed the entire experimental process, but the system space is the system space, reality is reality, and the experiment must be repeated in reality.

For this child, Yang Ping has conducted countless research experiments in the system space and screened various technologies, such as epiphyseal blocking technology.

This technology selects some points on the epiphysis of the spine to block it, causing it to grow slowly, resulting in unbalanced growth and development of various parts of the spine.

Scoliosis deformity is the result of imbalance in growth and development. If epiphyseal blockade is used to reverse this imbalance.

Theoretically, spinal deformities will automatically correct during growth and development.

In a simple bending model, the growth of the convex side slows down and the growth of the concave side speeds up, so that the two sides are unbalanced, and eventually the bend becomes straight.

This hockey stick theory is also the theoretical basis for the application of epiphyseal block in orthopedic surgery.

This technology is currently used in the orthopedics of simple deformities of children's joints.

For example, children's real X-shaped legs or O-shaped legs use the epiphyses and growth plates at both ends of children's long bones. The ideal orthopedic effect can be achieved by controlling the growth plates through simple surgery.

In this way, there is less trauma, faster recovery, and no need to break bones; while for adults, X-shaped leg or O-shaped leg surgery can only require osteotomy and correction.

This kind of surgery uses the principle of epiphyseal block, which is called temporary hemi-epiphyseal block. Temporary means that the block produced by this operation is time-limited and not permanent. To achieve the purpose, the block must be canceled and the epiphysis can be allowed to heal.

Resume growth; hemi-epiphysis means that part of the epiphysis stops growing while the other part continues to grow.

Like a simple curved stick, for the knee joint, if the inner part is controlled and the outer part keeps growing, the inner part grows slowly and the outer part grows fast, the knee joint will bend inward, then the normal knee joint will become O-shaped, and vice versa.

It becomes X-shaped.

If it is an O-shaped leg, the outer side is blocked, the inner side grows quickly, the knee joint bends outward during growth, and the deformity is corrected, while the X-shaped leg is just the opposite.

This technique is suitable for X- or O-shaped legs with knee joints, because the deformity is simple, that is, bending inward or outward.

However, the spine is three-dimensional. It is very difficult to find the control point. When finding the control point, the degree of blockage cannot be grasped. The consequence of this is that the spine changes from one deformity to another.

Therefore, Yang Ping gave up the application of this epiphyseal block and chose Ilizalov's tension stress theory.

Yang Ping completed a large number of experiments in the system space and spent a lot of points. He will finally obtain valuable data and improve the external fixator to a level that can be clinically practical.

Yang Ping asked Song Zimo to take out the mobile hard drive and connect it to the computer. Inside were detailed drawings of the external fixator design.

When Professor Liang heard that it was a detailed drawing, he waved his hand: "As long as you know it has reached the animal experiment stage, I won't read the details."

Professor Liang is well-known in the academic circle for publishing papers on the results of his students. He does not play a key role. He will never be the first author. He will never add his name to papers that he has no substantial participation in. What belongs to the student belongs to the student.

Never rob students of their scientific research results.

He also constantly warned students that no matter how they obtained other people's results, when writing articles or citing them in public, they must indicate the source and indicate that they were quoted.

As a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Professor Liang has a proposal to increase the penalties for intellectual property violations. Without penalties, offenders will be unscrupulous. Anyway, if they plagiarize your work, I will gain both fame and fortune. Even if you sue, I will compensate you tens of thousands.

Who is afraid of whom? This greatly kills the enthusiasm of the real original creators.

Yang Ping did not expect Professor Liang to be so serious about this matter, and immediately explained: "This is just a drawing of the equipment, just a part of the technology, and it can be made public."

Since Yang Ping said it could be made public, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look. Professor Liang nodded in agreement.

Open the drawings in the mobile hard disk, which are very detailed, with decomposed pictures, three-dimensional pictures, pictures of each part, and a group of pictures showing the application principles.

Yang Ping explained the principle and some details of this set of equipment in front of the picture.

This set of equipment is very mature from theoretical basis to mechanical design, and can fully enter clinical experimental applications. Now it only needs animal experimental data to support it.

Yang Ping's scientific research talent is so high? How can an innovation be so mature? After this animal experiment, it can be applied clinically immediately.

It would take several years for a complete team to go from idea to drawing for this kind of equipment, and it may not be successful.

Now that he has taken it out, he is already mature, why should he study this just after graduation?

In fact, Yang Ping failed countless times in the system space before succeeding. He spent millions of points. If he failed again, he would not dare to spend points to continue.

Professor Liang didn’t want to get to the bottom of it. Anyway, for whatever reason, the thing was here, so he said: "Your set of equipment is very mature, but it is lacking in animal experiments. We have a cooperative laboratory with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which is

Use experimental monkeys as models to study scoliosis. This laboratory is located in Guilin, Guangxi. It has been operating for three years and has accumulated a lot of data. Now the data is open to you. Director Hu, how many young monkeys are there in the existing model? "<


"These experimental monkeys are all cynomolgus monkeys, which should be very suitable for research. How old do they need to be? Under six years?" Professor Liang asked.

"Yes, that's great. I was just thinking of taking the time to take a trip to Guangxi to see the experimental monkey base there." Yang Ping knew that their laboratory was located in Guilin because it was convenient to obtain experimental monkeys. Guangxi has the largest experimental monkey base in the country.

Experimental monkey breeding base.

"I will implement it later!" Director Hu wrote down Professor Liang's words.

Professor Liang was a little unhappy: "Not later, just now, just a few words, ask now."

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Director Hu was used to Professor Liang's style, but he was still a little embarrassed.

In front of everyone, Director Hu made a phone call and asked about the situation of the Guilin laboratory. Except for a few daily management personnel, the staff of the laboratory there were all stationed in rotation from Peking Union Medical College and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

For the experimental monkey scoliosis model, you need to purchase the experimental monkey and then make the scoliosis model yourself, which requires a process. Therefore, if the experiment is launched soon, you must know whether the inventory is sufficient.

"Yes! Thirty-four young monkeys! They have all completed the health quarantine and immunization plan and can be put into experiments at any time." Director Hu replied.

"Thirty-four, that's enough!" Professor Liang did some calculations.

"Let's all gather together to do experiments on Dr. Yang's project. Xiao Yang, if you agree, we can cooperate on this. We can help you complete your animal experiments. What do you think? We will not name the paper, and the first batch of experiments will be done then.

Cases, let us give priority to observation." Professor Liang did not want to take advantage of young people, but sincerely wanted to use his own resources to help Yang Ping.

"Then thank you Professor Liang." Yang Ping agreed.

In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to add a name. After all, he helped complete animal experiments. But Professor Liang’s style was so Yang Ping didn’t mention it and just followed his wishes.

"Xiao Yang, please send the detailed experimental plan and they will complete the animal experiments. Director Hu will be responsible for liaison on this topic." Professor Liang said a few words, and the cooperation on this topic was confirmed.

Cooperating on a topic can drive everyone to make progress together, and more importantly, do not work behind closed doors.

This is the same as enterprise production. You must master the core technology and let upstream and downstream cooperative companies do the rest. Doing everything yourself will reduce efficiency.

After visiting the ward and then the operating room, Professor Liang and Yang Ping had endless things to say, which made Director Han and Dean Xia unable to get in the conversation. They just shook their heads and sighed.

We all had dinner together in the evening, accompanied by Professor Su, Dean Xia, Director Han, Director Tian, ​​several directors of the Department of Orthopedics, all the doctors of the Department of Comprehensive Orthopedics, and the Xiehe Training Group.

When Professor Su saw Yang Ping, he was extremely cordial. If it wasn't for the occasion, he would have asked Yang Ping to sit next to him. Since Yang Ping came back from the United States, Professor Su has been looking for opportunities to meet Yang Ping.

This time, Yang Ping won the Golden Knife Award, and Su Yixuan won the Best Instrument Nurse. They both won awards. Professor Su and his wife laughed from ear to ear every time they talked about it.

The two couples were also anxious at the same time. Why didn't the girl tell her family about her relationship and didn't bring Yang Ping to meet her parents? They tried to urge her several times but held back.

This time, Professor Su had also heard about the battle between Xiehe and 301, and had been paying attention to the trends. He didn't know which hospital Yang Ping would go to. Based on his overall analysis, Yang Ping would probably stay put. However, the young man's mind was hard to understand.

Think about it.

When it comes to those who are closer to the water, first wins, Nandu's No. 1 has the advantage, but Professor Su is like a mirror in his mind.

Everything is going well for Yang Ping in Sanbo, and there is no need to move. Even if he moves, if he really goes to Xiehe or 301, it will be better than Nandu Fuyi.

Therefore, Professor Su is neither impatient nor impetuous. He is as stable as a rock. He has already planned how to do it. He knows that neither Yang Ping nor his daughter want to develop under his wings, otherwise Su Yixuan will not be in Sanbo.

Working in the hospital.

"Professor Su!" Yang Ping has already picked up the cup.

At the green dinner, everyone was drinking. Professor Su quickly raised his glass: "Xiao Yang, you performed well in this Golden Knife Award, especially the scoliosis machine. It made me jump with fear."

"Professor Su won the award. My methods are all improvements on the basis of my predecessors." Yang Ping should be humble in front of his father-in-law.

Professor Su is very happy about this child. He is humble when he should be humble and proud when he should be proud. I like this character.

"Come to Annex 1 sometime. Nan Chen always talks about you." Professor Su put down his cup.

"Xiao Yang still has a relationship with your young master?" Professor Liang was greatly surprised. At the same time, he was also puzzled. Why did Su Qingyun, who was also famous for his talents, not take any action against Yang Ping?

Su Nanchen graduated from Union Medical College, and all his clinical courses were completed at Union Hospital. Professor Liang was naturally familiar with it.

Looking at Professor Liang's confused eyes, Director Han understood and just smiled. What was Su Qingyun so worried about? No matter where he went, he had to recognize him as his father-in-law.

This chapter has been completed!
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