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Chapter 484 Did the operation fail?

 The atmosphere of the entire venue also began to cool down, and you could almost feel the coldness in the air.

Three minutes, such a dangerous and delicate operation can be completed within three minutes.

How is that possible!


"Darkness, whirlpools, strong winds, and heavy rains are finally here."

Ikeda took out a nitroglycerin pill from his pocket, threw it into his mouth, and held it under his tongue.

Relieve coronary artery contraction caused by tension, expand the coronary arteries of the heart, increase the oxygen supply to the heart, and prevent dangers that may occur at any time.

I am too old to withstand such a blow.

The heart rate has dropped to single digits, and there is no possibility of rescuing him. He must either step over or die on the operating table.

Time is measured in seconds.

Everyone can hear the ticking sound in their heart. This sound is like a reminder, which makes people very uncomfortable.

The numbers on the monitoring screen keep going down.

Professor Liang took out a tissue and pressed it on his forehead.

Professor Su and Professor Qin looked solemn and stopped talking in low voices.

They can't wait to rush into the operating room to help. This is just an impulse in a crisis situation. In fact, they can't help at all.

8 times!

Fatty Liang swallowed his saliva and reported the declining numbers.

7 times!

It is still declining. If it drops to zero, it means the operation failed.

6 times!

He dared to operate six times. Komori and Mitsui were on pins and needles, with the pores all over their bodies opening and sweating involuntarily.

Japanese roving nurses came over from time to time to help the two of them wipe their sweat. Although they did not actually go on stage, they had washed their hands and dressed to ensure sterility.

The 6 times lasted less than ten seconds and jumped to 5 times.

The laser knife operates on the edge of the life center, with bold and delicate movements, directly entering the most dangerous area without even a single test.

4 times!

The monitor's beeping alarm sounded again for no apparent reason, and Fatty Liang pressed the alarm smoothly.

This time, Fatty Liang also felt a thump in his heart and his voice was a little hoarse. The last time, the operation was completed in only 6 operations.

Now it has dropped to 4 times, and the operation is still in the danger zone.

There are still two minutes left, but it may not be two minutes, it all depends on how fast the heart rate drops.

A heartbeat of 4 beats/minute is not much different from cardiac arrest.

Death will begin in the brain tissue and then spread to other tissues and organs.

Xu Zhiliang also became anxious, but he had to hold on to his position and the nerve retractor in his hand remained motionless.

Only Song Zimo remained as calm and composed as Yang Ping.

Xiao Su also turned her eyes to the screen. When she heard the heart rate reported by Fatty Liang, she believed that Yang Ping must have done it.

The separation of tumors is very slow. This step must be slow, gentle and slow to minimize interference.

The laser knife truly does not come into contact with the tissue, eliminating mechanical pressure and friction. Otherwise, the operation will not be able to continue.

3 times---

Fatty Liang was extremely reluctant to see this number, but it showed up anyway.

Dr. Yang can definitely do it, it can definitely do it!

Fatty Liang told himself in his heart.

But only 3 times!

At this falling speed, there is no time, no more time!


About to fail?

With only a heart rate of 3 beats and two minutes left, the operation is impossible to complete.

Takahashi realized something and felt very uncomfortable.

Because this was the first time he saw Yang Ping fail in his challenge to Miracle.

There is almost no suspense in failure.

The myth of Yang Ping's invincibility was broken in his heart.

Before, Yang Ping was a god-like existence in his heart and could not fail.

But soon, Takahashi calmed down.

Being able to achieve this step is already the best in the world, but Takahashi still feels that something is missing.


Masao Fujiwara sat upright and remained silent.

Soon it will be 2 times, then 1 time, and finally it will be reduced to zero.

The separation of the death zone is just halfway through.

No one can complete the rest of the operation under such strong pressure. Not to mention two minutes, it will not be completed even if it is given another twenty minutes.

At this time, like a huge hydraulic press that keeps pressing down, the space keeps shrinking, and the people in the middle have shrunk into a ball. There is no room for survival, and all that is waiting is to be shattered into pieces.

With no time and no space, Yang Ping was forced into a desperate situation.

Still failed!

Even if he failed, Masao Fujiwara was still shocked by Yang Ping's surgery. This kind of surgery is the best in the world.

It's a pity that Dr. Yang is also a human being, and he has his limits.

Professor Liang, Professor Su, and Professor Qin were silent and had regrets, but at the same time they felt proud. Young people are not afraid of difficulties and bravely climb to the top. Even if they fail, it doesn't matter. Medicine is to move forward hard in the face of failure.

Professor Su even remembered that he would personally send a text message to encourage Yang Ping at this time. He would be able to read the text message after the operation was over.

"Half the battle is already done."


"Brave young man."

Su Nanchen, Lao Cheng, and this group of young doctors were very moved by Yang Ping's almost tragic calmness in the end.

Because until now, the laser knife during infusion has not stopped, there is no panic, and it has maintained its consistent precision.

The atmosphere in the entire venue dropped to freezing point, and the air seemed to solidify.

There was a small whisper just now, but now there is no sound at all. You can hear a pin drop.

This is how everyone can maintain respect for the chief surgeon.

Because everyone can see that there is no hope for the operation, but the surgeon still makes a last-ditch effort.

This is a noble professional spirit!

Never give up until the end!


"I'm afraid he won't be able to make it this time?" Ito was silent for a long time and finally spoke.

Ikeda unbuttoned another button and pulled the collar, which made it much more comfortable.

"Is there any more nitroglycerin?" Ito asked Ikeda.

Ikeda took out a bottle from his pocket and handed it to Ito. Ito took it, looked at the bottle, opened it, took out a piece, and held it under his tongue.

The tip of the knife in the video has not changed at all under such overwhelming pressure. It remains stable. This calmness is unparalleled.

However, the more Ito looked at it, the more something seemed wrong.

He wanted to stand up, but his knees wouldn't allow him.

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"Teacher!" Matsui supported him, and he waved his hand again and stood up stubbornly, hoping that he could see more clearly.

Ito spent all his energy in his later years on the research of upper cervical spinal cord and medullary bulbar tumors, but there has been no breakthrough.

His students Matsui and Kobayashi continued his research and stayed still.

Therefore, Ito has conducted deeper research on this type of cases than other doctors at the conference. It can be said that this is his specialty.

"Teacher!" Matsui saw that Ito's expression was wrong and wanted to help him, but was rejected again.

Ito's lips trembled, his facial muscles twitched, and his eyes were bright.

"He arrived at Loughdrew, and One Piece was at his feet!"

When he said this, Ito slapped Ikeda hard.

"What did you say?"

Ikeda immediately stood up, squinted his eyes, tried his best to concentrate, and followed Ito's fingers.

"Look at the tip of his knife and the electrocoagulation. He has control of the situation, he has control of the situation, he has control of the situation!"

Ito was like a madman, slurring, crying, and laughing.

Ikeda seemed to see the problem under Ito's guidance and hugged him: "Oh my God, he has taken control of the situation!"

Ito spent his whole life trying to solve the problems, but now this young man has solved them.


Matsui didn't understand the abnormal behavior of these two old professors, and hoped that they could sit down and take a good look.

Fujiwara also went to help Ikeda.

"You should stand and watch this operation to show respect for the surgeon!"

Ito said that because Yang Ping solved a medical problem, he had completely clarified the anatomy of the medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord.

Based on Yang Ping's knowledge, the surgery of the upper cervical spinal cord and medulla oblongata will usher in a leapfrog development in the future.



The heartbeat was finally detected on the screen.

Twice a minute, almost asystole.

Then the heart stopped again.

Whether it can still pulsate or not is unknown.

No heartbeat?

The Japanese traveling nurse covered her mouth and spoke softly.

Komori and Mitsui have also been paying attention to the numbers on the monitoring screen. He is not sure whether they are there or not.

Maybe it will jump again, maybe not.

"Don't worry, you're still alive, hibernating!"

Yang Ping finally spoke, his tone was relaxed and free, without any trace of nervousness.

The tip of the knife is still so slow, and the countdown begins in the last few dozen seconds.

Suddenly, the tip of the microscopic nerve dissector moved, and the tissue that had just been gently pressed by it rebounded slightly due to its elasticity.

At the new position, the blade tip began to separate rapidly, almost dozens of times faster than before.

The laser tip on the screen is getting faster and faster, as if this surgery has been performed thousands of times, and the proficiency revealed in every movement is simply natural.

Everyone has not yet reacted, and they are all immersed in high tension.

I thought there would never be a heartbeat again.

The entire tumor, including two small ones, was completely cut out. A piece of wet gauze was laid on the curved plate that Xiao Su had waited for in advance. Yang Ping placed the tumor on the gauze.

In fact, it’s just a little bit. The entire medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord are no more than the size of a thumb, and how big is the tumor removed from them?

Hemostasis was stopped under the microscope again, and the nerve retractor was gently withdrawn.

Finally, the heartbeat numbers appeared on the screen.




Climbing slowly.

The patient's heartbeat didn't stop, it really didn't stop, it was just on the verge of arrest.

He succeeded!

Ito couldn't help but shed tears, looked at the screen with mixed emotions, stretched out his hand, and then clapped stiffly.

Yang Ping's anatomy knowledge is completely beyond all current research. He has mastered the rhythm of every step. He knows which step he reaches and what will happen.

He knew that as long as the microscopic nerve stripper did not loosen and exerted a certain amount of pressure on the nerve nuclei, the heart rate could be maintained at the edge and would not collapse.

When he crosses the most dangerous area, he knows that he can speed up.

The nerve nuclei have adapted to the new pressure. If the peeler is withdrawn at this time, all dangers have been passed.

How amazing!

The research is too in-depth!

Ikeda also applauded, and then the whole audience immediately burst into applause, rising and falling, one wave after another, and could not subside for a long time.

It was so sudden that even Fujiwara didn’t see it clearly, and the operation came to an end.

Now the heart rate displayed on the screen has reached 40,50, and quickly entered the normal range, 65 beats/minute.


Ito and Ikeda bowed to the screen!

All Japanese doctors bowed and saluted, which was a heartfelt admiration for the strong.


"Zhang Lin Xiaowu, come on stage and sew the skin!"

Mitsui and Komori were still in a daze, and the operation had entered the skin suturing stage.

As soon as he heard the call from here, Zhang Lin Xiaowu immediately became excited. He did not expect that there would be a chance to sew the skin.

"Teacher Zhang, can we --- go and cut the thread?"

Daisuke Komori could no longer straighten his waist, so he asked cautiously.

Zhang Lin saw that they were quite honest, so he nodded: "Come on stage!"

Mitsui also got up and followed Komori and went to help, and the four of them sewed leather and cut threads together.

Being able to undergo this surgery, even if the thread is cut, is an honor and will be recorded in history.

"Dr. Yang---"

After the skin suturing was completed, Daisuke Komori wanted to ask Yang Ping some specific details about the operation.

Mitsui also had this idea. I was a little confused just now and didn’t understand many steps.

Yang Ping was taking off his surgical gown and said to Takahashi, who was helping to untie the laces on his back: "Tell them about it when you have time."

Yang Ping himself does not have time to explain to everyone. Unless it is a lecture, in private, he can only have time to explain to a few doctors close to him, such as Song Zimo, Xu Zhiliang, and Gao Qiao.


Takahashi answered proudly.

I thought the operation was doomed to fail, but I didn't expect it to succeed.

Komori and Mitsui felt that they were boring, and others ignored them and only recognized Takahashi.

If Takahashi keeps up with such a genius, who will be able to match his status in Dongda Hospital in the future? No wonder in front of Yang Ping, Takahashi is like a grandson. He enters the operating room and even puts his slippers on the floor to help Yang Ping put them on.


Now Komori and Mitsui finally understand what's going on, but it seems a little late.

"Dr. Yang, thank you for your hard work!"

Baking Soda made a gesture and smiled to celebrate the success of Yang Ping's operation. Yang Ping's operation was successful, and she was happier than anyone else.

"Nurse Su also worked hard."

Yang Ping’s eyes are filled with admiration.

"Serve the people!"

Xiao Su replied playfully.

When two Japanese nurses saw this scene, they didn't know the relationship between Xiao Su and Yang Ping, so they actually imitated Xiao Su and said hello to Yang Ping, hoping to get that admiring look.

But although the actions were obviously the same, Yang Ping only responded lightly, with no love in his eyes.

The two Japanese nurses were a little confused as to why this was happening.

Clearly racist!

This chapter has been completed!
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