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Chapter 495 Tokyo Night (6)

 At this time, Professor Liang also became nervous. He was already very confident in the operation.

But the current ECG waveform clearly indicates an imminent cardiac arrest. Based on his experience, it will not last more than three minutes.

"No, look, the patient is dying?"

Professor Liang immediately informed Professor Su and Professor Qin of his judgment.

Professor Su became even more nervous. He grabbed his own mineral water, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and took a random sip to calm down his shock.

"Being able to achieve this step has pushed the level of this type of surgery to several levels!" Professor Su said.

Su Nanchen, Song Yun, these young doctors were completely immersed in the success of the operation, but the sudden changes made them wake up like a dream.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Jiacai is not a doctor, but he understands what is happening in the atmosphere of the venue.

"Fujiwara's father is afraid that he will die."

Lao Cheng was frightened by the sudden changes in his heart rate.

Several professors at the University of Tokyo also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems the model is correct?"

"There must be something wrong with the model. Our simulation has not reached this step at all, and the patient will not survive."

"But the ending is the same!"

"With the continuous improvement of the model, the optimization of the algorithm, and the improvement of the data, there has never been a simulation failure in the past five years."

Due to the previous lessons, Daisuke Komori and Mitsui did not make any fuss.

Masao Fujiwara had already stood up. He looked at the screen and then at his uncle who was covered by a sterile drape. The electrocardiogram was so erratic that it was probably his last insistence. After making eye contact with Miyuki, the two of them approached the operating table at the same time, keeping one meter away.

safe distance.

Clinical things sometimes evolve slowly and sometimes suddenly.

Fujiwara Masao has also become accustomed to it, and they have to accompany their uncle on his last journey.

"What's wrong?" Miyuki asked in a low voice.

Masao Fujiwara grabbed Miyuki's outstretched hand and remained silent.

Judging from experience with this sudden change, there is no hope of surviving the surgery safely.

I'm afraid - that's the end of it!

"Professor Fujiwara!"

Komori and Matsui came behind Fujiwara, and Professor Fujiwara waved his hand.

Let nature take its course. In this situation, any rescue will be of no use.

At this time, the compensatory capacity of the heart and medulla oblongata has been exhausted, and rescue is in vain.

And the surgeon is still immersed in the operation, so just let nature take its course.

Suddenly, the heart rate dropped to more than a dozen beats and then skyrocketed to nearly 200 beats per minute.

Everyone's hearts rose to their throats following the heart rate, and then, within less than two seconds, the heart rate dropped off a cliff again.

Finally, as everyone expected.

It's like an elevator falling out of control. After the fall, there is peace.

All ECG waveforms disappear and appear in a straight line.

The entire heart stops electrical activity and mechanical contraction. The P wave and QRS wave complex on the electrocardiogram disappear, showing a straight line. The heart's outward pumping of blood disappears, and the blood supply to all organs is interrupted.

It's like a city having a power outage and instantly falling into darkness.


It’s meaningless!

Everyone knew that the patient could not hold on any longer, but they did not expect it to happen so quickly.

Miyuki leaned her head on Professor Fujiwara's shoulder, biting her lip, and Fujiwara patted her on the back: "Be strong, what should come will always come!"

Everyone felt that they should do something at this time, but Yang Ping's hands did not stop.

Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang were focused on following Yang Ping's rhythm.

Fujiwara Masao looked at Yang Ping silently and was impressed by this concentration. This is also respect for life and true all-out effort.

Komori wanted to tell Yang Ping---the patient had no signs of life.

Fujiwara Masao blocked Komori, shook his head and signaled: "Don't disturb him!"

At this time, keeping quiet is the greatest respect for the surgeon and the greatest respect for the surgeon's efforts.

The entire operating room fell into silence.

But the doctors and nurses on the operating table are still focused on the operation.

The instruments are handed over one by one, as if the patient is still alive.

Fatty Liang stared at that straight line and was about to speak.

Yang Ping spoke: "Calm down!"

"Yeah! Calm down!"

Fatty Liang sat down, crossed his legs out of habit, and sorted out the pipes of the anesthesia machine a little.

The exposed ankles make the Japanese hand-washing clothes look like cropped pants.

The dripping of the hanging liquid has stopped, and no flow can be seen in the pipe of the infusion set. Zhou Can looked at Fatty Liang.

The fat man just said: "Calm down!"

"Calm down!"

Zhang Lin told Komori, Matsui and others to keep quiet.

Except for the word calm, Yang Ping never spoke again.

Time passes minute by minute.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes---

When eight minutes passed and the heart stopped beating for ten minutes, everyone seemed calm.

The ending is decided!

Can be declared dead!

No matter he is the president of a generation consortium or a beggar on the street, he ultimately cannot escape the law of life.


"Ten minutes! You can declare death."

Ito let out a long sigh.

"It has been very successful. Maybe in a few years, he will be able to succeed in this kind of case."

Ikeda felt very sorry.

"What a persistent young man."

Ito sighed.

"A rescue operation was performed on a patient in a car accident. The injured person died of hemorrhagic shock during the operation. I knew he was already dead, but my hands couldn't stop. They were still stopping the bleeding and suturing. I remember the director yelling at me---Ikeda

, enough, stop, she is dead, has been dead for a long time, you are a doctor, you should remain professionally calm and objective, stop, there are more people waiting for you to save, but I can't hear it, I can't hear it at all.

I couldn't bear the crying daughter of the injured person. The heartbreaking voice of the little girl in the emergency department echoed in my mind. At that time, I only had one thought: I want to save her, I want to save her, I want to save her.

!---At that time, I should be thirty years old!"

Ikeda looked at Yang Ping who was still insisting on the screen, recalling his experiences when he was young, and couldn't help but burst into tears, as if it happened yesterday.

"Wipe your tears, the young people behind are looking at us."

Ito handed Ikeda a tissue.

"As a doctor, I am respected wherever I go. No matter who I am, they will bow and call me sir. Over the past decades, I have saved many patients, but many patients have also slipped away from the knife and left this world forever.

In this world, some are the helplessness of human medicine, some are the helplessness of self-medication, and some are completely errors in my judgment. I often think that if I do it again, some people can survive." Ikeda pinched the tissue and said,

Didn't wipe my tears.

Ito shook his head: "This is the helplessness of all doctors. Human medicine has shortcomings, doctors' medical skills are flawed, and even doctors will make mistakes. As long as we are sincere in our hearts, we don't have to blame ourselves. Just like Dr. Yang, he has already

Going all out, the outcome has not been changed, but progress has been made. Medicine is like this. Accumulate bit by bit. In a few years, maybe he or someone else will succeed."

"Do you want to announce the results?" Ito remembered that the patient was now dead, and he looked back at the silent venue.

Ikeda shook his head: "Wait, keep quiet and let Dr. Yang complete the operation."

The entire venue remained silent.

It has been ten minutes and it is completely safe to declare death.

Brain cells have died, and cells in various important organs have begun to disintegrate.


The persistent surgeon still maintained the quality of the operation. Every blood vessel was handled perfectly. The tumor was dug out from the depths of the medulla oblongata and upper cervical spinal cord. One large one was accompanied by two small ones, one by one, and the two were gently placed.

In the bending plate.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Masao Fujiwara bowed deeply.

"Check under the microscope again to see if there is bleeding, rinse, and close!"

Yang Ping stood up and handed over the follow-up work to Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang.

He turned around and looked at the ECG line on the screen and kept staring.

"Dr. Yang?"

Masao Fujiwara was grateful and reminded Yang Ping.

Yang Ping still looked at the screen: "The operation was successful!"

Very successful?

The patient's heart stopped beating for twelve minutes!

"There are still thirty seconds before the heartbeat will recover. Once the heartbeat recovers, use medication according to the principles of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After recovery, there will be no neurological sequelae." Yang Ping said calmly.

This is a strange event with extremely low probability that will occur after it has been simulated countless times in the system space---Lazarus Syndrome!

This patient will "resurrect from the dead"!

Since the report in 1982, there are currently only more than 50 reports worldwide.

Lazarus syndrome: after cardiopulmonary resuscitation fails, all rescue measures are stopped, including stopping chest compressions, ventilator-assisted breathing, infusion, and rescue drug use, and spontaneous circulation returns without reason, so it is also called delayed spontaneous circulation.


In layman's terms, "resurrection from the dead"!

There was once a patient who was declared dead and was taken to the morgue. In the end, he came back to life, crawled out of the morgue, and ate in a restaurant near the hospital. He happened to be seen by the doctor in charge and thought he had really seen a ghost.

However, the probability of this kind of "resurrection from death" is extremely low.

Although this patient did not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation or other rescue due to various reasons, he stopped breathing for 12 minutes and then resumed spontaneous breathing. It can also be classified as Lazarus syndrome.

Although we know that Yang Ping's words are ridiculous, everyone is very heavy at this time.

Every doctor hopes that what he says is true.

Thirty seconds!

Fatty Liang stared at the monitoring screen and had all the resuscitation drugs ready for use at any time.

When the thirty seconds are up, really, really!

That lifeless straight line began to move, moved a few times, and then began to fluctuate.

Finally, clear P waves and QRS appear!

Resurrection, really resurrection!

Fujiwara Masao looked at Yang Ping as if in a dream.

Without taking any measures, the patient on the operating table came back to life.

This chapter has been completed!
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