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Chapter 500 The unique skill of raising a family

 Hearing that Yang Ping was coming to perform surgery on Sisi, Director Duan of the Haifu Surgery Department postponed all the patients scheduled for that day.

For Director Duan, the current unique skills of "walking in the world" all come from Yang Ping.

At that time, the department's performance was bleak, and Director Duan was unable to make ends meet. A dignified deputy chief physician in a first-tier city was struggling to pay for a house. He could not see any hope in life. He was addicted to the stock market all day long, dreaming of getting rich from stocks, but he didn't know what to buy and what to sell.

Whatever goes up, everything goes up, and in the end all is lost.

This Haifu knife, a tens-of-million-level equipment, is lying here covered in dust. There are only a few patients with uterine fibroids removed every month. In the end, due to skin burns and other complications, there are not many patients with uterine fibroids.
Director Duan applied to be transferred back to the Ultrasound Department several times, but the hospital disagreed and always replied: it needs to be evaluated before making a decision.

In this way, several years passed.

Director Duan knew that the hospital was not willing to invest in such a large amount of equipment. If it was left idle, it would not be able to explain it to the superiors, so it would just put it off.

This drag turned Director Duan's Mediterranean hairstyle into a completely hairless one.

When Yang Ping heard about his predicament, he patiently guided him to perform several uterine fibroid resections with the Haifu Knife.

The results of these operations were surprisingly good. Not only were the resections complete, there were no skin burns, YD bleeding and other messy complications after the operation. The patients were very satisfied.

Some young patients were pregnant not long after they were cured, and banners were delivered to Director Duan one after another.

Director Duan keenly realized that the opportunity had come for his life to go uphill. He immediately shamelessly asked Yang Ping to perform a few more surgeries and recorded all the experiences Yang Ping taught him, especially some parameter settings, in a notebook.

I memorized it at night and it was deeply engraved in my brain.

Based on this experience, I managed to treat uterine fibroids well in the future and never suffered from complications again.

So Director Duan decided to focus his limited energy on "Hai Fu Dao uterine fibroids removal". Unexpectedly, he became more and more successful, and his fame spread like wildfire. Life is like opening up the Ren and Du channels, and everything is going smoothly.

Director Duan locked his briefcase in the cabinet in the office, arranged his clothes and straightened his tie, looking successful.

Xiaowu pushed Sisi in a wheelchair, with Yang Ping, Song Zimo, and Fatty Liang following behind.

Director Duan was waiting at the gate early. He was smiling and high-spirited, completely different from his previous decadence.

Goldlion's shirt and floral tie make even the bald man shine brighter.

"Dr. Yang, please! Everything is ready."

In the corridor of the Department of Surgery, there are seven or eight women sitting on chairs. Judging by their appearance, the oldest one is in her fifties or sixties, and the youngest is only about twenty years old. These are all patients with uterine fibroids, and some have made appointments.

Surgery, some people came to inquire about the situation.

It seems that Director Duan really relied on the removal of uterine fibroids to support the business of the entire department.

Yang Ping came to this department for the first time. When he met Director Duan, he was studying stocks on his mobile phone, and the corridor was deserted.

My only partner, a nurse, is also using TikTok.

It's completely different now. The corridor is bustling with activity, and two nurses are busy communicating with the patient and rescheduling the operation time.

"Brother Ming! I heard that we are recruiting troops to expand the team?" Song Zimo greeted him.

Director Duan touched his bald head: "I reported to the Human Resources Department several times and asked for several people, but only one nurse was given. Now there are two nurses and a rotating doctor, which is too busy at all."

There was a young man at the door who appeared out of nowhere and nodded and bowed when he saw everyone.

This person is a salesperson from Haifu Surgery Company. I heard that the business office in Sanbo is in full swing. Haifu Surgery Company immediately sent people to understand the situation and then invited Director Duan to give lectures to Haifu Surgery Departments in other hospitals to support operations.
In particular, some small hospitals adopt equipment leasing methods with companies, which means that they cannot develop their business in the long term and the hospital companies all suffer losses.

The salesman took out a few bottles of Wong Lo Kat from his backpack and placed them on the table: "Teachers, hard work, hard work, quench your thirst!"

"What are you doing? Bribery? Put it away and get out." Director Duan didn't notice how this kid slipped in.

There was a very eye-catching sign on the door of the office saying "No Medical Representatives Allowed". Director Duan was afraid that Yang Ping would misunderstand and think that this young man was a medical representative, so he was so angry.

The young man noticed what was going on and immediately knew what was going on. He kept apologizing and went out in despair.

Fatty Liang began to anesthetize Sisi, with two nurses helping him.

"Director Duan, how are the stocks lately? Have you made a lot of money?" Xiao Wu chatted with him.

Duan Guangtou looked like he had changed his mind: "I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It's boring. It's just like playing cards. You win, you lose, you win. If you calculate the general ledger, you'll still be losing money at the end of the year."

Song Zimo took over: "Xiaowu, you don't know that Director Duan is now a famous person. Haifu knife can be used to treat uterine fibroids. Everyone in this city knows Director Duan. Now the cost of flying knives in the city is three thousand, and across the province.

The market has raised the price to 5,000. I heard that we can make several units in one weekend. Stocks. What are stocks?"

Director Duan chuckled. These words revealed his current situation. Currently, all his energy is devoted to surgery. Really, what are stocks?

"The young man just now is a salesman from Haifu Dao Company. He asked me to provide technical support to their company's partner hospitals." Director Duan just clarified the young man's identity.

Xiao Wu nodded: "No wonder, the Corolla was replaced by a Cadillac?"

Director Duan said embarrassedly: "Oh, the price reduction is only over 200,000 yuan, and it is paid in installments. This technical support must be paid for, but some poor units should be free, so I will waive it."

For the safety of the operation, Fatty Liang chose general anesthesia. After the anesthesia was completed, Director Duan personally acted as an assistant to help Sisi position herself.

Yang Ping started to operate, and everyone gathered around him.

The color ultrasound image on the screen shows the rhythmic beating of the heart and the whirring sound of the large red and blue blood vessels.

Twenty-four ribs surround the chest into a cage-like structure, and the gaps between ribs are very narrow.

Even if you arch your body back or bend forward to open the rib gap a little, you still can't get a satisfactory gap. The focused ultrasound is blocked by the ribs and cannot exert its power.

"The human body is really amazing! The most important organs, the brain and heart and lungs, are protected by strong bones. For example, the skull protects the brain tissue, and the thorax protects the heart and lungs. When laid out, the human body gives the strongest protection to the most important organs.

." Song Zimo looked at the image and sighed.

Xiaowu asked: "Why not protect all the trachea, such as the spleen, so that the spleen will not rupture so easily."

Song Zimo shook his head: "If all is protected by solid bones, the human body's mobility will be reduced. The human body must make a balance between soft and hard."

Fatty Liang took over: "In primitive society, human beings were in low-energy living situations, and this bone protection could cope with it. But with the development of technology, especially the emergence of automobiles, human beings are in high-energy scenes, and hard bone protection is also very important."


Director Duan then said: "This is the same as wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle. It is better to have protection than no protection."

"Yang Bo, are you trying to carry out a precise strike through the rib gap?"

During the chat, Director Duan saw Yang Ping starting to set parameters, and immediately stopped chatting. He was secretly happy because he had to learn a trick again, so he couldn't wait to write down these parameters, for fear of missing the wrong numbers and taking pictures.

Another record.

Sure enough, using the gap between the ribs as a breakthrough, Yang Ping began to accurately bombard the tumors in the mediastinum.

In view of the limitation of angle, a target needs to be bombarded from multiple points and angles.

And each time you have to change your body position.

No one else can help with changing body positions, only Song Zimo can do it.

Yang Ping bombards each tumor lesion from different points and angles. Each point covers a part of the lesion. The sum of several bombardment points can just cover the lesion perfectly.

In less than half an hour, the operation was completed.

"How are Sisi's vital signs?" Yang Ping asked Fatty Liang.

The fat man nodded with satisfaction: "Smooth!"

After all, the target of bombardment is close to the heart, so we have to be careful of side effects on the heart.

Yang Ping used an ultrasound probe to re-examine the mediastinum, heart, lungs, and great blood vessels. Under the color ultrasound images, the target lesions had been perfectly eliminated.

This time, I was lucky enough to be able to use this staggered method to bombard the tumor. If the range was wider, some lesions would be in the dead zone, and it would be difficult to bombard the tumor no matter how much the angle was adjusted.

"Dr. Yang, can I ask a few more questions to waste your time?"

Director Duan bit the bullet.


Several times I used other people's territory for surgery, and they were always polite and courteous.

"Is there any rule to follow in determining this kind of launch point and angle? For example, formula calculation?" Director Duan pointed to the dense numbers on the notebook, many of which had decimal points. He didn't know how Yang Ping could determine the numbers behind these decimal points.


When Director Duan did a uterine fibroid test, he measured the size of the uterus at different heights and weights under color ultrasound, and then measured the size of the fibroids to obtain a series of numbers. Based on the experience Yang Ping taught him, he determined the precise bombardment based on these data.

Parameters. He tried to modify the numbers after the decimal point, or rounded them off. After modification, the surgical effect plummeted, skin burns, YD bleeding, incomplete resection, and other complications emerged.

In other words, you can only achieve good results if you follow Yang Ping's data honestly.

"This is purely the accumulation of experience. Just like a lot of data on drugs, we must rely on a large number of experiments to obtain accurate data bit by bit. There is no once-and-for-all formula." Yang Ping told him truthfully.

These data are valuable data obtained by Yang Ping through constant trial and error in the system space. Because Yang Ping has no interest in uterine fibroids and does not have the energy to study all diseases, he teaches the data to Director Duan and lets Director Duan use it.

The clinical role of data.

Director Duan finally understood that clinical medicine relies heavily on the accumulation of experience, and many things are data accumulated through continuous trial and error.

These data may be nothing to Yang Ping.

But for Duan Xiaoming, it is a unique job to support his family!

It’s a magic weapon for counterattack in life!

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Xiaowu is calling for someone to push the wheelchair in.

Director Duan stood up immediately, the keys on his butt making a rustling sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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