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Chapter 506 First Five-Year Plan

 An hour later, the Mayo staff, who spoke fluent Chinese, called Director Zhao’s office directly and said that the visit to Sanbo Hospital could be arranged as a priority.

To what extent is the priority given? The time and number of people are determined by Sanbo Hospital itself. The time and personnel are determined and a list is drawn up for them. They then issue a formal invitation letter based on the number of people on the list to facilitate Sanbo Hospital to apply for visas at the embassy.<


Director Zhao didn't believe it when he received the call, but the number on the caller ID was indeed an overseas call.

The other party's fluent Chinese caught him a bit off guard.

The English translator was sitting next to me, but the other person actually spoke Chinese.

But Director Zhao didn't know that the other party was more nervous than him.

According to the time difference, morning in China corresponds to evening in the United States, which means it is already time for Mayo Hospital administrators to get off work.

It means that this call was made after working overtime.

Moreover, this person who can speak Chinese was also found on an emergency basis.

In the United States, it is not easy to find someone who is proficient in Chinese.

Putting down the phone, Director Zhao looked confused. This is so bloody.

Mayo Clinic is one of the top hospitals in the world. Didn't they say that the visit would be scheduled for a year later? But now they say it can be arranged at any time, and the person who talks about the matter speaks Chinese instead of English.

How powerful is a phone call from Yang Ping? Does he give you such a big face?

Director Zhao immediately reported the matter to Dean Xia, who was also very surprised. He knew that Yang Ping was a genius, but he was still young and it would take time to show his prominence.

Dean Xia was in the office and almost slapped the cup so hard that it jumped.

Not angry, but happy.

That's how he is. When he's angry, he slaps his generous palms on the table, and when he's happy, he slaps them on the table.

So his desk is all made of elm wood, and he can take pictures of any solid wood more than ten centimeters thick.

This guy is so awesome. He must have taken a liking to Yang Ping. It’s obvious that Mayo is so enthusiastic and can’t afford to be early without any benefit. He just wants to win over Yang Ping and cooperate with Yang Ping.

At the same time, Dean Xia was secretly glad that he had struck first, otherwise this kid would have been poached long ago.

Mayo! Mayo! Mayo!

Dean Xia silently chanted Mayo's name repeatedly.

The hospital ranked first in the world in terms of comprehensive strength.

Both medical level and management are at the top of the world pyramid.

How could Dean Xia let go of such a good opportunity? Don’t think that Mayo is so enthusiastic and is doing charity and it is profitable. The next step will definitely be to invite Yang Ping as a visiting professor.

How could a shrewd person like Dean Xia not think of this?

Mayo actually attaches so much importance to it for a reason. Under Johannesson's promotion, it is ready to establish some kind of cooperation with Yang Ping, inviting Yang Ping to be a visiting professor at Mayo, giving lectures and guiding surgeries regularly, and this cooperation has led to

There is a certain urgency.

How could Mayo let such a talented person go? He would definitely try his best to win over him.

This visit arrangement is nothing more than a trivial opening ceremony.

In the future, Mayo will launch some more important gifts, such as exchange of study places, laboratory cooperation, scientific research project cooperation, case data sharing, remote case discussion, etc.

How could it be possible for them to be so cheap? Dean Xia's mind raced quickly and he immediately picked up the phone. A large group of directors from the Medical Department, Science and Education Department, etc., all gathered together to prepare for a meeting.

Dean Xia wants to discuss and come up with a systematic, complete and scientific cooperation plan for Mayo.

The goal of this plan is to make full use of Mayo to enhance the strength of Sanbo Hospital, including medical level and management level.

Damn it, if you are worrying about this, you are not hitting the muzzle of a gun.

Even the First Five-Year Plan, the Second Five-Year Plan, and the Third Five-Year Plan were all taking shape in Dean Xia’s mind.

Dean Xia sat down and carefully considered the First Five-Year Plan.

To completely transplant Mayo's management model to Sanbo, we need to move it over first, and then make adaptive improvements during operation.

Each department selects two young doctors to go to Mayo for training. Yes, two from each department, including clinical, medical technology, and administration.

Sanbo now reserves a large number of PhDs just for this day.

These doctors go to Mayo to directly receive standardized professional training, which lasts for three to five years depending on the major.

Then some doctors went to other top hospitals for training.

Now that the hospital is sending so many people out, its financial resources will be very tight.

However, the expenditures in many places can be suppressed, and the payment of drug suppliers can also be delayed. We should not do any infrastructure renovations and make do with it.

Without talent, building a house to a hundred stories is of no use.

With the best talents, even if it is a bungalow, patients come from all over the world.

Three to five years later!

At that time, the overall strength of Sanbo---

It's exciting for Dean Xia to think about it. The key is that he was still in office at that time and did not retire.

Plan A of my five-year plan is a bit heavy, and I don’t know if Mayo can accept it, so I also need Plan B and Plan C.

After Director Zhao settled the matter with Mayo, Johannesson began to contact Yang Ping using WeChat, and told him in a credit-based manner that the visit matter had been resolved as quickly as possible.

The forum established by Johnathan, named Young Forum, has attracted more than a dozen top American spine surgery, neurosurgery and oncology experts to join.

Currently, three sub-sections have been opened---spine surgery, neurosurgery, and oncology surgery.

Each section moderator has set up a moderator. For example, the moderator of neurosurgery is Johannessen himself.

Official articles published by the forum have copyright statements and tracking. Anyone who publishes articles that plagiarizes articles from the forum will be severely punished.

You know, these are the world's top experts, joining together to sue a pirate is not a piece of cake.

Yang Ping's status in this forum is like a leader, similar to Linus Benedikt Torvalds' status in the Linux community.

Every time he uploads information, it will cause heated discussions.

In this kind of open and shared online community, information is almost instantaneous and more efficient than publishing articles. These top doctors like this method very much.

Therefore, in addition to studying Yang Ping's cases crazily, they will also upload their own cases to the forum to share and discuss with everyone.

Even the coding of online communities is completed by the cooperation of some top programmers convened by these doctors using their influence.

Operating expenses are also met by donations.

Anyway, with a character like Johannesson operating, nothing will be a problem.

You know, in the United States, the connections and appeal of a dozen top surgeons are very powerful.

"Currently, there is a craze for learning Chinese, and the forum is planning to open a special section for Chinese learning."

Johannesson report.

Because this section is necessary, Yang Ping’s articles are all published in Chinese. If you want to understand the articles, you can use the power of translation, but in the end it is not as good as understanding Chinese yourself.

In the translation of medical knowledge, whether it is translated from Chinese into English or English into Chinese, many professional terms are translated into a mess.

Therefore, the English taught by many domestic experts is very good. There is no other way. To learn other people’s advanced knowledge, you must understand their language.

In the same way, if these top doctors want to learn Yang Ping's knowledge, they must understand Yang Ping's language.

Yang Ping writes articles in Chinese because it is his mother tongue, and he is naturally the most proficient in using it. If he writes in English, it is not that he cannot write, but that he cannot do whatever he wants.

Chinese has many advantages that English cannot compare with, such as efficiency.

In an article, the keyboard typing rate of Chinese is much lower than that of English. In order to reduce the possibility of tenosynovitis, Yang Ping is reluctant to use English.

In particular, Yang Ping likes to type in Shuangpin, with two keys and one word, which has a great sense of rhythm. He also edited a powerful thesaurus himself, and writing articles is like flying. Nothing can compare with English.

When learning Chinese, Yang Ping thought of Gao Qiao’s teacher, Mr. Tang, who taught Gao Qiao’s Chinese very well. He wanted to recommend this Mr. Tang to be the specially appointed teacher in charge of the Chinese learning section.

But I don’t know if Teacher Tang is willing to let Takahashi lobby for it when the time comes.

After Johanathan reported on the planning and progress of the forum, he mentioned Mayo’s intention to invite Yang Ping to serve as a visiting professor.

Yang Ping said that he agreed, but this matter needs to be communicated between Mayo and Sanbo Hospital, which involves the two hospitals.

Since Yang Ping agreed, Johannessen felt confident that he could let Mayo officials go to formal negotiations with Sanbo Hospital.

Mayo may not have expected that Xia Changjiang has prepared a team to deal with them, and this negotiation will be very formal in the future.

After finishing these tasks, Yang Ping began to study experimental data on external fixators for the treatment of scoliosis.

This experiment has come to an end. If the animal experiment data is qualified, it can enter clinical trials immediately. After the clinical trials are completed, it can be put on the market.

Because this device is a brand new technological application rather than an improvement of the original technology, the procedures are very strict.

If this newly developed external fixator is successfully used in clinical applications, the system space can reward 30 million points, so that the project of stem cell cultured muscle can have capital to carry out.

In the system space, points are currency. Without points, it is difficult to move forward, even to sleep, because the entire system space is supported by points. If there are very few points, the air in the system space will be very thin and the environment will become harsh, making you unable to

Endure it.

Therefore, to play this system well is also a matter of using your brain.

You need to plan your own scientific research projects. If a project runs out of points and has not produced results, you will face a long period of time without points to support new projects.

According to the rules of the current system, the points that support a large-scale experimental project cannot be accumulated by surgery.

It is obvious that the system's requirements for Yang Ping are no longer how to perform the surgery well, but more importantly, to achieve a breakthrough in medicine.

Therefore, the points rewarded for scientific research results are much higher than those for clinical operations, because the benefits brought to patients by a valuable innovation are far greater than the value of an operation.

The consumption of stem cell cultured muscle cells is in the tens of millions, and it is estimated that it will consume 2000 to 300 million points, and it is estimated that it may not be possible to achieve it in many years if accumulated through surgery.

The daily reward points for common surgeries are very few, while difficult surgeries are not available every day.

Looking at the full-length X-rays of the spine of these little monkeys, the degree of scoliosis is naturally divided into three groups: mild, moderate and severe. Now all the mild and moderate ones have been successfully corrected, and the severe ones have also been significantly improved. Just wait for some more

Time can also correct success.

This is the power of the space laboratory. As long as you have enough points, you can experiment repeatedly in it until you achieve a breakthrough.

Then put the successful data into reality and repeat it, directly bypassing the mistakes and rushing towards success.

This time, the external fixator was used to correct scoliosis. The maturity of the new device was incredible. Professor Liang had been paying close attention to the progress of the experiment. He had never seen such a smooth project. The entire design avoided almost all pitfalls and went straight to


There will definitely be no problem in applying for clinical trials in the next step. With such dazzling data, Professor Liang, the leader of the national expert group responsible for the evaluation, will definitely have the green light all the way and will race against time to pass the review.

Entering clinical trials, essentially for Yang Ping, it can be applied to patients, but it cannot be promoted yet.

Thinking that in the near future, he will be able to use this brand-new device to cure scoliosis without surgery, he is very excited.

This chapter has been completed!
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