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Chapter 554 What I seek is stability

On the third day after the operation, Yasmine started to try to walk upright with the help of a walker and a special brace.

This brace is like a pair of boots, which can protect the fused ankle joint and the orthopedic arch. It not only allows her to walk upright, but also protects the fused ankle joint and the orthopedic arch from the damage of gravity before the bone heals.
Yasmeni has never stood up and walked across the street, never taken an upright step in her life.

When Yasmine was mentally prepared, Dr. Che and the nurse in charge of recovery helped her stand up from the bed.

Yasmeni's trembling legs supported her body and stood up slowly. She couldn't believe this was true.

Due to her position, Yasmine felt a little dizzy. Doctor Che asked her to hold on and let her heart slowly adapt to the upright circulation.

After about ten minutes, Yasmine felt a little more comfortable.

Doctor Che asked her to hold on to the walker and take the first step boldly.

Yasmeni looked at the doctors and nurses around her, then at her lower limbs, and tried to take the first step. She was a little weak and didn't know how to take a step.

Doctor Che demonstrated three times before she mastered how to take steps, and finally took the first step tremblingly.

This was the first step she took to stand upright since she was born.

It turns out that walking upright and having such a wide field of vision made Yasmine feel good instantly.

The ward remembered the warm applause. Everyone encouraged her to keep walking. As long as she takes the first step, a new life will begin.

The muscle strength of both lower limbs is still not enough, and every step I take is very tiring and difficult.

Yasmeni took a deep breath and took another step.

"One more step!"

Doctor Che led the way, making a guiding gesture with his hands.

After adjusting and preparing with strength, Yasmeni took the third step.

"How do you feel?"

Yang Ping asked Yasmeni.

She nodded excitedly: "I can stand up and walk. Look, I really stood up."

The little girl was so excited that she burst into tears. How many times had she dreamed that she could walk upright like a normal person?

Now that her dream has really come true, Yasmeni cried louder and louder, and the nurse and translator stroked her back together to calm her emotions.

Yang Ping carefully observed her gait. Although her muscle strength was insufficient, her gait was still relatively good.

If you can train for about three months, the muscle strength of both lower limbs will be enhanced, and you can walk completely without the walker.

In the past, Yasmine's lower limbs only carried half of her body weight, so her lower limbs were thinner than normal and her muscle strength was also poor.

Normal people's upper limbs do not need to bear weight. Her upper limbs participate in crawling and bear the other half of the body weight, so they are thicker and stronger than normal people.

This is the result of the adaptation of anatomy and function.

Yang Ping asked Dr. Che to teach Feida and Yasmine the content of rehabilitation training while they were hospitalized, so that Yasmine could continue rehabilitation training after returning to Oman.

The human body has two organs that can be shaped, muscles and the brain. This is the medical basis for why fitness can achieve strong muscles.

Walking for the first time, Yasmine took six steps and was already covered in sweat.

Yang Ping asked her to rest and not to rush. Recovery is a gradual process.


Xiao Minmin's grandmother was transferred from the CCU back to the general ward of the Department of Cardiology. She saw her granddaughter taking out thirty-four needles, and she felt extremely complicated. The old couple began to worry about Xiao Minmin's future.

As a couple in their seventies, time is running out. It is impossible for Xiao Minmin to continue to be left to her father or mother.

My mother has refused to accept it. Even if the law forces her to accept it, the result will not be much better than following her father.

As for the father's current situation, if the child is handed over to him again, there is no guarantee that the child will not be given a hundred needles next time.

There are no relatives willing to take her in, so she can only find a way to send her to some welfare institutions, or ask someone to find someone willing to adopt her.

At this time, some relatives came to visit Xiao Minmin's grandma one after another. There were many people talking. Some relatives suggested that the old couple should find trouble with the hospital. If someone had an accident in the hospital, no matter what the reason, the hospital was responsible anyway and spent so much money.

You have to bear the out-of-pocket part, which shouldn’t be the case.

Some relatives even expressed their willingness to come forward, but were rejected by the old couple.

Some relatives came forward to give their own account: She was shopping for groceries and was passing by the street in front of a restaurant when she accidentally fell down. She climbed to the door of the restaurant and cried and made a fuss. Later, her son took people to the restaurant and made a big fuss again, blocking the door for several days. Later, she also took

Receive compensation.

This relative guarantees the ticket. In a situation like Grandma Minmin’s, if she finds someone to make a fuss, she will definitely get the money.

Not only are medical expenses free, but you can also have a sum of cash.

The old couple said that one cannot be without conscience. They accompanied their granddaughter to the hospital for treatment. They fell ill in the middle of the night, and the doctor saved them. If they still caused trouble to others afterwards, it would be unjustifiable.

This relative didn't give up yet and encouraged her, "Don't be so stubborn. Now that your granddaughter has had the surgery, you don't need to ask the hospital for anything. You can use this to make some money for retirement, or you can keep it for your granddaughter. It's so big anyway."

Even at my age, I can’t make money.

The relatives finally confessed, without the couple having to come forward. As long as she nodded, the relatives asked the son to come forward to find the hospital, and then paid some activity fees in proportion to it.

Relatives said angrily, how could the hospital not be held responsible for something that happened to someone in the hospital?

The old couple hurriedly stopped them. They must not do this, otherwise they will not be at ease until they die.

The relative left the ward angrily, very disappointed, and scolded the old couple, saying that they were behind the times and could not make money.

The old couple has their own ideas. Although they have worked hard all their lives, they have raised a bastard son who has never done anything immoral and unconscionable. It is impossible for him to do such an immoral and unreasonable thing.

If we do this, if similar things happen in the future, will any doctor dare to save people?

It is very likely that when an elderly person brings a child to the hospital for medical treatment, the hospital will avoid them and find excuses to postpone the treatment.

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Most of the elderly are in poor health, and many are at risk of potential sudden diseases.

By extension, in the future, in order to avoid liability, all public places such as restaurants, shopping malls, stations, etc., will put up a sign prohibiting the entry of the elderly.

If the matter becomes more serious, anyone who goes to a public place in the future must provide a health certificate from the hospital and sign a liability exemption agreement.

Just like an old man falling to the ground and not daring to help him.

The hospital saved me and then blackmailed the hospital for money!

What is this called?

There is no bottom line, and pigs are worse than dogs.

Is there always a difference between being a human being and a pig or a dog?

The old couple cursed fiercely after their relatives left.


Six-year-old boy Cui Shukai came to Sanbo Hospital under the leadership of his parents. His father Cui Xubing heard that his son had received a new method to treat scoliosis. This method was minimally invasive, and he was very happy.

Cui Xubing took a month's leave from his work, and went to Nandu Province Sanbo Hospital with his wife and son.

They have great trust in Yang Ping, especially when they saw with their own eyes the recognition of Yang Ping by the academicians of the Imperial Capital at Sanbo Hospital last time. The couple even placed all their hopes for treating their son on Yang Ping.

After returning home last time, Cui Xubing did a lot of homework. He searched for information about Yang Ping on the Internet and asked local doctors and relatives to check Yang Ping's information.

The result of the final investigation was that Yang Ping, a young professor, performed the surgery for folded human vertebral column deformity, which was more serious and complicated than that of his own son.

My son's ridge deformity was just a routine surgery in Professor Yang's hands.

However, Professor Yang considered the six-year-old child and tried to use minimally invasive methods so as not to interfere with the normal growth and development of the ridge, so he used innovative techniques to treat the child.

Cui Xubing's family is from Yan'an, an old revolutionary area. They came all the way to Nandu. To express their gratitude, they brought some specialties from their hometown, Yan'an red dates and Luochuan apples.

After completing the hospitalization procedures and settling in the ward, he handed the specialties he brought to Head Nurse Cai, and then went to the office to find Yang Ping.

Sitting down, Yang Ping explained to him the details of the new technology and told him that the data from animal experiments were very gratifying. Now Cui Shukai is the first clinical trial patient of this technology.

This technique does not require fusion of the spine, and a normal functioning spine can be obtained after correction.

However, any surgery has risks, especially new technologies, which are even more uncertain.

Yang Ping told him the risks of the operation one by one. The biggest risk was pinhole infection, but the probability was very low.

Compared to a normal functioning spine, this risk is nothing.

It is much safer than major surgery.

Cui Xubing still knows a lot about scoliosis and surgery, and he expressed his willingness to accept clinical trials.

Scoliosis is divided into functional and structural. Functional scoliosis is not fixed and is caused by certain reasons, such as incorrect posture, lumbar disc herniation, etc. Scoliosis can be corrected by correcting the cause.

Structural scoliosis is already fixed, and structural scoliosis is divided into idiopathic and congenital.

Congenital means a deformity present at birth.

Idiopathic, no specific exact cause has been found in medicine. Generally, medical terms with the word idiopathic refer to no clear cause, such as idiopathic hypertension.

Most of us face this kind of idiopathic scoliosis.

Generally, scoliosis within 20 degrees can be observed without special treatment. X-rays of the full length of the ridge, front and lateral, are taken every year for measurement. If the curve increases by more than 5 degrees every year, intervention and treatment are required.

Conservative treatment has been proven effective with brace treatment. Wearing orthopedic braces is more laborious, but effective.

There is currently no evidence to support the effectiveness of other methods such as manual correction, but if you must feel that it is effective, then so be it, and just be happy.

If the scoliosis reaches 30-40 degrees, surgical treatment needs to be considered.

Whether it is scoliosis of the thoracic spine, thoracolumbar, or lumbar spine, if it reaches this degree, surgery is generally required. The indications for thoracic scoliosis are a little wider than those of the latter two.

Surgery is generally required for thoracic curves above 40 degrees, and for lateral curvatures of thoracolumbar and lumbar spine above 35 degrees, surgery is generally required.

Cui Xubing still understands these basic knowledge. As for the risks of surgery, notification of clinical trials, and ethics notification, he has understood these in advance and understands them very well.

"I'll sign now!"

Cui Xubing doesn’t want to waste Professor Yang’s time.

Yang Ping told him: "There is no rush. The surgery will be arranged only after completing the preoperative examination. The doctor in charge will ask the couple to sign before the surgery."

Surgery for scoliosis is relatively concentrated. There are only a few first-line hospitals, such as Xiehe Hospital, 301 Hospital, and Nanjing Drum Tower. He has been to all of them and checked relevant information online.

Cui Xubing stood up, saw that no one was outside, closed the door of Yang Ping's office, locked it, and then secretly stuffed a bulging envelope into Yang Ping's hands.

"Thank you for your hard work, Professor Yang. I'm sorry to trouble you about Shukai."

Yang Ping originally wanted to refuse, but Cui Xubing was very persistent: "No one saw it, don't worry, no one will know. We, husband and wife, thank you sincerely."

Cui Xubing had prepared the 20,000 yuan a long time ago, and they were indeed sincerely grateful to Yang Ping.

Well, Yang Ping doesn’t want to push things around, it’s pointless.

It is common for patients to send red envelopes. Yang Ping has a standardized handling process. He accepts the red envelope on the spot, and after the patient leaves, he hands the red envelope to the head nurse. The head nurse will count the number with another doctor and record it.
The head nurse will help deposit this money into the patient's hospital account before the operation, and then give the receipt to the patient or family member - the person who gave the red envelope - after the operation.

In fact, many patients give red envelopes just for peace of mind. If they refuse on the spot, pushing and pulling will waste time and make the patients or their families think wildly, such as worrying that the operation is uncertain?

Therefore, Yang Ping usually accepts it first to reassure patients and their families, and then follows the procedure.

Cui Xubing came out of Yang Ping's office feeling comfortable and at ease.

Sending red envelopes means you can feel at ease.

Sending this red envelope shows that Professor Yang will do his best to support his son's illness.

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