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Chapter 56

 With nothing to do on the weekend, Yang Ping entered the system space to read.

Browse all the books on pelvic and acetabular fractures and put them all on the bookshelf.

Now Yang Ping can confirm that in the system space, whether it is reading or practicing surgery, the efficiency is higher than outside.

When reading books in the system, Yang Ping can almost never forget them, and he can understand and comprehend some knowledge very quickly.

The only drawback is that you need points to support reading time, but it is very conscientious to exchange one point for one hour.

Yang Ping studied the books on pelvis and acetabulum one by one to prepare theoretical knowledge for future surgeries.

A rare leisurely weekend was spent like this.

Director Han came back on Sunday night and attended the shift handover on Monday.

He brought back good news that the cooperation with Fudan University School of Medicine to establish an Orthopedic Research Institute has been finalized. This week the other party will come to sign the agreement.

The next step is preparation. The site is not a problem. There is an eight-story house in Sanbo that has not been opened. It is not a big problem to get one floor.

This building previously housed a same-day surgery center, but it failed and left the operation unused. The operating rooms and wards were sealed and idle.

Money is not difficult either. Sanbo is supported by an overseas Chinese foundation. Funds for equipment and scientific research can be channeled through the foundation, which makes the procedures much simpler.

After handing in the class, Director Han called Yang Ping into the office, pondered for a moment, and said: "You must prepare well for the Ph.D. exam next year, you must pass it."

Then he softened his tone: "I'm really too busy, so I'll take the exam-free route, but it's a little more troublesome."

Director Han still hopes that Yang Ping can pass the exam to study for a Ph.D., and hopes that he can get a Ph.D. admission quota with real swords and guns.

Yang Ping used to have good grades, but in order to start working early, he did not continue his studies. Now that he has this opportunity, he cannot let it go.

Besides, if you study for Dr. Han’s PhD, you should be able to spend most of your time doing surgeries in the department.

Yang Ping also didn’t want Director Han to worry about this matter for him. It’s not Director Han who has the final say in exempting himself from the exam, and the operation will definitely require someone to find connections.

The system now has a reading function. If you spend more time in the system, you should be confident about going online based on your previous experience.

"Director Han, I will definitely pass the exam," Yang Ping said.

I chatted with Director Han for a while and reported Professor Zhang’s surgery in person. Director Han was very satisfied.

Director Han took everyone to see Professor Zhang, perform ward rounds, and go to the operating room.

Sure enough, there were two pairs of brand new slippers in the shoe cabinet in the operating room, with Yang Ping's name written on them.

The operating room originally had a large number of slippers, all of which were cleaned and disinfected for surgeons to use.

However, some doctors like to use their own slippers. As long as they meet the conditions of cleaning and disinfection, the operating room allows doctors to prepare their own slippers.

The logistics staff will open the doctor's shoe cabinet every day, take away the slippers that have been worn, and put the sterilized ones in them.

The operating room is very busy. There are eight operating rooms in the Department of General Orthopedics, three operating rooms in the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, only one operating room in the Sports Medicine Department, and two operating rooms each for spine and joints.

The patient operated by Director Han has been anesthetized, and Zhang Lin Xiaowu has begun disinfection.

When scheduling operations in the operating room, in addition to the principle of priority, it also depends on the status of the surgeon.

For example, Director Han is always the first in line for surgery. Although Tian Yuan is also the deputy chief physician, he is young and often takes over. Director Ouyang and Director Bai have more seniority and will have priority over Director Tian.

As for Yang Ping and Song Zimo’s surgery, no matter how good you are, you have to stay in the back row.

The qualifications and status of a doctor, just like a wealthy family in ancient times, cannot be achieved in a day.

Therefore, the growth of a doctor, no matter how good you are, is one step at a time.

The difference is that some people are fast and some are slow. Dreams can soar into the sky, which may be possible in other industries, but impossible for doctors.

Just like Yang Ping, if a broken finger is replanted, it will not have much impact on promotion. When it is time to discuss topics, when it is time to prepare topics, when it is time to prepare papers, prepare papers.

Yang Ping has met a noble person like Director Han. If he is unlucky and encounters a dirty and narrow-minded director, he will find a reason to seal your sword, and you will be suppressed despite your great abilities. In the end, you can only

I ran away in anger and became a director at a hand surgery hospital, relying on my craftsmanship to earn a living for a few years.

The opening of the surgery was even more lively, with rustling ping-pongs, the sound of hammers and electric saws, and the pungent smell of burnt meat as the electric knife cauterized the tissue.

Orthopedic surgery has obvious characteristics with other surgeries. Some people make fun of orthopedic surgeons as carpenters.

When working, you need a hammer, a saw, nails, and a screwdriver.

It does look a bit like it. In fact, this is a superficial phenomenon. The scope of orthopedics is very wide, and there are many types of surgeries. Just one hallux valgus correction involves more than 130 surgeries. Any orthopedics monograph requires some effort to carry.

Girls may not be able to lift the complete set of "Campbell's Orthopedic Surgery", but boys who lack exercise will have to rest several times while moving upstairs.

Director Han performed six surgeries today, including fractures of the acetabulum, upper end of the humerus, fractures of the humeral shaft, fractures of the radius and ulna, fractures of the femoral shaft, and fractures of the tibia and fibula.

The first case of acetabular fracture was performed by Director Han, and the battle ended in half an hour.

The rest is not complicated. Song Zimo will do three stations and Yang Ping will do two. Since they are senior brothers, try to give them opportunities.

After the operation at around 7 p.m., I returned to the ward. Yang Ping checked the patient’s latest test results.

Director Han said: "Huaqiao Building called and said that they received a female patient with a double fracture of the ulna and radius. Let's go and take a look."

The Overseas Chinese Building is the VIP ward of Sanbo, where rich and powerful people live. The eight-story Overseas Chinese Building has wards from the third to the eighth floor.

Some wards are not accessible to those with money. Every patient who wants to be admitted must be signed by Dean Xia himself.

Only the department director has the authority to access the medical records of Huaqiao Building, or doctors temporarily authorized by the medical office. General doctors cannot even see the medical records.

A few interns who didn't know anything wanted to go with them and see the Overseas Chinese Building.

Director Han said:

"Xiao Song, Xiao Yang, you two come with me to the Overseas Chinese Building. Others don't need to go there."

The Overseas Chinese Building is a separate building with a separate garden.

When Sanbo was built, there was no development here. The government was very generous and approved a large piece of land with a stroke of a pen. If it were done now, it would never be given such a large piece of land.

Dean Xia often said: "With such a big territory, something must be done."

There are corridors connecting each building, and the marble railings give people a sense of grandeur and calmness. To be honest, Yang Ping has been working for so long and has never been to the Overseas Chinese Building.

Overseas Chinese Building, only the main door can enter and exit. There is a service desk in the lobby on the first floor. The nurse sister is very beautiful and eye-catching. There are several security guards patrolling the lobby.

There is a dedicated elevator on each floor. Take the elevator to the seventh floor and swipe your card to enter.

The nurse at the nursing station immediately guided Director Han to the doctor's office.

The doctor's office is very big and bright, and even the computer screen is several inches larger than an ordinary ward.

The seventh floor is for surgical patients, and is in charge of Director Zhuang, who is from general surgery.

For VIP patients, if they need surgery, it will be done by specialists from various specialties, and their own doctors will be responsible for daily management.

"Female, 25 years old, suffered a comminuted fracture of the radius and ulna of her left forearm. This patient is a reporter from the city TV station." Director Zhuang introduced.

The bedside doctor retrieves the X-ray and displays it on the electronic reading screen.

The left radius and ulna were comminuted fractures, and the displacement was very obvious.

Just after watching the movie, Director Han answered the phone and talked for several minutes. It seemed to be Dean Xia.

After hanging up the phone, Director Han said: "Let's take a look at the patient!"

Director Zhuang and the doctor in charge took Director Han to the ward, followed by Yang Ping and Song Zimo.

The bed doctor knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A woman's voice.

Opening the door, the female patient was wearing hospital clothes, with her left upper limb in a plaster, hanging on her chest. She was holding a mobile phone in her right hand and was answering the phone: "I really don't want to do the operation. I want to try again. Don't worry, doctor."

Come on, I'm going to hang up." She hung up the phone and turned around.

"I'm sorry, please sit down." The patient said politely.

This? Yang Ping recognized it. Isn’t this the female reporter?

Even though she was wearing a mask, she recognized Yang Ping. She held the sleeve of her clothes in her right hand and wanted to point at Yang Ping, but found it impolite.

He retracted and nodded: "It's you, Dr. Yang."

Director Zhuang asked:


"I know him. Isn't he Dr. Yang who does replantation of severed limbs?" said the female reporter.

This chapter has been completed!
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