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Chapter 557 Duke

Newcomers are always slow. August was in the chat room, reading the records word by word.

It took a long time for August to figure out the cause of the matter and follow up with a vote in time.

Forum members quickly reached a consensus, raised their hands in favor, and formed the forum's resolution, which will echo the statement of the Chinese hospital. This behavior is unofficial and voluntary by private individuals.

Augustus stayed online for several hours until others logged off. The experience of a few hours made him feel as if he had opened a door and entered a brand new world.

After a burst of secret joy, August felt that he was really smart. He had just contacted Yang Ping and was immediately recommended to join this secret society, no, it was a secret academic organization.

In the forum of this secret organization, he saw new technologies that he had never been exposed to before.

August felt like a character in a movie who was appointed by aliens to secretly teach mysterious advanced technology and then change the world.

A sense of mission, holiness and sublimity arise spontaneously.

He concluded that the British guy definitely had no chance of joining such a high-end secret academic organization because the British guy didn't understand Chinese, and because he was stupid and stubborn, he didn't know how to learn Chinese and couldn't learn Chinese.

After August got excited, he picked up his cell phone and dialed the number of his old friend.

This patient with spiral spine is the son of an old friend. My old friend will be happy to hear this news.

However, you cannot tell your old friends on the phone, lest you become overly excited and cause a heart attack.


Old European castle.

A Mercedes-Benz stopped at the gate and honked its horn.

The housekeeper put down the lawnmower, turned to look outside the iron door, and cursed in his heart: "What an uneducated bastard!"

With a creaking sound, the iron door slowly opened, and August poked his head out of the car window. The housekeeper recognized it at a glance. This was the Duke's good friend---Dr. August.

Although the hereditary system no longer exists, the owner of the castle still likes to be called Duke.

"Get out of the way! I want to see Mr. Duke right away!"

August urged the butler.

A few hours ago, Auguste had called the Duke and made an appointment to meet at this time.

The butler opened the iron door completely and stood aside.

The Mercedes-Benz rushed into the manor and drove along the wide main road to the gate of the castle. August got out of the car and threw the keys to the butler, who caught up with him and caught the keys in a hurry.

Brother, you always ask me to help you park your car.

Moreover, your car seems to recognize its owner and stalls at every turn.

The door was open, Auguste rushed through it and went up the winding staircase, where the Duke was resting on the terrace.

On sunny days, he likes to look at his manor from the terrace.

Compared with the manors in Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein, he prefers the manors here.


August shouted.

The Duke opened the newspaper on his face and looked confused: "Old man, what happened? I can hear the engine of your shabby car from a distance?"

"Your precious son can be saved."

August finally climbed onto the terrace, panting.

If you climb like this every day, you are guaranteed to wear out the cartilage of your knee joints prematurely.

"What did you say?"

The Duke froze on the classical lounge chair as if he had been struck by lightning.

The patient with the spiral spine was the Duke's youngest son.

This young man is a Ph.D. from the University of Göttingen. He is young and has very profound attainments in physics. However, due to spinal deformity, his heart and lungs are squeezed. Doctors predict that due to heart failure, this genius will not live past the age of thirty.

This inspiring young man like Hawking was born to the Duke's last wife.

The Duke loved his wife deeply, but she passed away in a car accident ten years ago. This made the Duke suffer for a long time and he never remarried.

For his son, he invested a lot of energy and money, seeking medical treatment everywhere on the surface of the planet. He also invested a lot of financial resources for doctors to study his son's condition, hoping to see his son recover in his lifetime.

However, breakthroughs in medical matters can never be achieved in a short time, and it is not easy to spend money.

At this time, the good news brought by August was like lightning hitting Mr. Duke.

The Duke woke up from the stiffness, rolled down from the couch, and climbed up from the ground with a swift movement that was befitting his age.

"Sit down quickly!"

August's breathing calmed down slightly: "I know a Chinese doctor. No, I am his friend. No, our relationship is stronger than friends. Recently, his new technology has made breakthroughs and has been applied clinically. You listen to me

Say, don’t be anxious.”

"Speak slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

"you listen to me---"

"Well, I'm listening, please speak up."

"Don't worry!"

"I'm not in a hurry, just tell me."

The count opened his mouth slightly and raised his ears.

"No matter how severe the spine is, using his surgical method, the spine will slowly straighten on its own after a few months with the help of the straightening device. This slow correction will also deform the spinal nerves and internal organs.

The adaptation process is very easy and complications rarely occur.”

August felt that his verbal description was not accurate enough. He glanced at the table in front of him and then spotted a silver spoon.

"Is it okay if I bend it?"

"No problem, just straighten the tableware from the Hohenzollern Dynasty Palace."

It's just a tableware, but now it's not a problem to bend the Duke.

Auguste's hand was very strong, bending the silver spoon, and then demonstrated the process of slowly straightening it.

"Our operation is to cut off the bent spoon and then re-glue it. The method used by this talented doctor is completely different from ours. It slowly straightens the spine. The spine is slowly straightened as if under magic.

Slowly straighten yourself.”

Auguste once again demonstrated how to bend and straighten the silver spoon. After repeated several times, the spoon actually broke.

The scene is a bit embarrassing---

Tableware from the Royal Palace of the Hohenzollern Dynasty ---

"If you straighten it like this, you won't break your spine, right?"

asked the Duke cautiously.

"Of course not. The operation will be a one-time straightening, and it will not be repeated over and over again. The whole process is a natural process, very gentle, just like grass sprouting, quietly. This is the application of Ilizalov technology in spinal orthopedics.

The genius application, even if I tell you, you won’t understand, it’s just like a sapling, slowly growing straight.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When August faced Mr. Duke, he didn’t know how to explain it clearly.

"Anyway, this new technology can correct your son's spine and save his life!"

Auguste was too lazy to chirp with him.

Mr. Duke was in tears because he could finally see his son recover in his lifetime and break the curse of not living past thirty.

Sometimes, he always thought about what would happen to his lonely son once he returned to God. Now he was finally saved.

"Old man, call me this doctor quickly. Send a special plane there. No matter how much it costs, August, my old friend, I leave this matter to you." The Duke almost jumped up.

August was responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of his son when he was a child, and he continues to this day.

"This technology is still in the clinical trial stage. We must legalize it in Germany, or send the little Duke to China. I think the former is better. The latter is restricted by law and their clinical trials will reject foreigners."

Auguste asked the Duke to calm down.

But Mr. Duke couldn't calm down: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's make it legal and we will invite your friends to Germany."

August shook his head: "This Chinese doctor is not easy to find. I decided to go to China to visit this doctor in person, just for this reason."

"Shall I go with you?" The Duke was so excited.

"No, it's better if I go alone."

August and Yang Ping only met once in Malaysia. When they arrived in China, it was still unknown whether Professor Yang recognized this friend.

It would be better to go and inquire first to avoid embarrassment.

The excited Mr. Duke had already taken out the medicine bottle and stuffed the pills into his mouth.

"Don't get excited, take your time!"

"I'm not excited!"

After taking the medicine, the Duke sat down, held his face in his hands, and began to cry loudly.


"It's okay, I'm happy!"

"I'll take care of the things at hand and then go to China. You wait for my good news."


The Duke held August's hand.

"No matter the cost, you understand?"

"I know!"

PS: The number of chapters is wrong, it’s 566, it doesn’t affect reading, thank you! For today’s two chapters, brothers, give me some encouragement by counting votes. I can’t stand encouragement the most. When I get excited, the coding speed will speed up in an unknown mechanism.

This chapter has been completed!
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