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Chapter 585 Three Kingdoms Killing


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Li Jun's head moved, and the ICU director said: "He should be awake soon, but even if he wakes up, it would be better to give him sedation."

The doctor in charge of the bed saw that Li Jun had a tendency to wake up, checked his vagina and various reflexes, and then patted Li Jun: "Your cousin is guarding outside, so you can rest assured. Don't be afraid, it will get better."
Li Jun's head moved more and more violently, his hands began to grab randomly, his feet kicked randomly, and he began to become restless.

"Restrain him and don't let him pull out all the tubes."

The ICU director himself went up to hold Li Jun down and called the nurse to put on the restraint belt.

Okay, why are you so restless?

Robert and Takahashi had good ability to act according to the situation. Each of them controlled Li Jun's upper limbs.

Another ICU doctor and Song Zimo helped control the lower limbs, and the nurse took out the restraint belt and began to restrain Li Jun.

"Calm down, give me some more calm! Be more agile!" the ICU director shouted.

The doctor took medicine from the emergency cart nearby and prepared to strengthen the sedation.

Yang Ping stopped them and said: "Don't be too busy to calm down now. Let his cousin come in and have a chat with him."

A doctor immediately went out and called Qin Xiaowei, who happened to be waiting in the family waiting area. The doctor took him to put on an isolation gown, a mask and a hat, and entered the ICU ward.

"Li Jun is a little restless, tell him a few words." Yang Ping ordered Qin Xiaowei.

Qin Xiaowei watched Li Jun's limbs being controlled, and his body was still twisting and turning, as if he was in great pain, and his heart felt like a knife.

Everyone made some room, and Qin Xiaowei touched Li Jun's hair and whispered in his ear: "Ajun, I'm Brother Xiaowei. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. I've always been here."

Qin Xiaowei's words were like a powerful sedative. Li Jun twisted a few times, then stopped being restless and struggling, and everyone tried to let go.

Li Jun did not move erratically, and the heart rate on the screen slowly dropped back to normal.

"Arjun, you heard about me. I have been here all the time. I will definitely get better. You must listen to the doctor."

Tan Xiaowei grabbed Li Jun's hand, and Li Jun held on to Tan Xiaowei like a life-saving straw and wouldn't let go.

In the ICU ward, family members can only come in for a short visit under special circumstances and must not stay in the ward.

"Arjun, be obedient. I'm not allowed to stay in the ward here. I'm right outside. I'll be there if you need anything. I'm always here. Don't be afraid. You know? It will definitely get better. There is a doctor and I am here."

"Qin Xiaowei stroked Li Jun's head, like soothing a mad lion.

Gradually, Li Jun let go of Tan Xiaowei's hand, and Tan Xiaowei stood up, feeling very sad.

"Don't worry, he is a little restless. Excessive sedation is not good for recovery, so I asked you to come in and meet him." Yang Ping explained to him.

Sometimes, psychological comfort for patients is also very important.

When the doctor in charge saw that the situation had stabilized, he couldn't let Tan Xiaowei stay for a long time and took him out of the ward.

Qin Xiaowei walked out of the ICU ward with three turns.

"The arteriovenous fistula in his left upper arm has been occluded, and a thrombosis of more than ten centimeters has formed. There is no way to dissolve and remove the thrombus, and the upper limb access is basically exhausted. I temporarily placed a catheter in his right femoral vein to meet his short-term hemodialysis needs.

, solve the immediate problem first, and in a few days, I will perform arteriovenous fistula formation on his left lower limb."

The ICU director is also very skilled in basic techniques such as hemodialysis.

Li Jun can only perform hemodialysis at the bedside during this period of time. The ICU has a dedicated bedside hemodialysis machine, which is very convenient.

The ICU director was saying that a patient in another ward was in trouble and needed rescue, so he immediately went to direct the rescue.

This is the norm in the ICU, where all patients are critically ill and their lives are in danger at any time.

That’s why ICU is known as the place with the highest death rate in the world.

Yang Ping looked at the monitoring data again and checked his child hole. He didn't know when he could go offline.

After coming out of the ICU, Qin Xiaowei was eating in the family waiting area. He was a little embarrassed when someone saw him eating, so he put it away immediately.

"Thank you Professor Yang! I paid 300,000 yuan to go in. I can still pay it in a few days."

Qin Xiaowei bowed, very humbly.

Yang Ping comforted him and asked him to take care of himself.

People always have a natural affinity for truth, goodness and beauty, so Yang Ping admires Qin Xiaowei a little more for his affectionate and righteous nature.


August arrived at Sanbo Hospital on time.

Relying on his proficiency in Chinese, he asked for directions along the way and reported to the Medical Education Office.

Director Zhou was stunned by the Germans' fluent Chinese. The world is changing so fast, and I didn't expect that I would be left behind even before I retired.

Why do today’s foreigners speak better Chinese than themselves?

This is the case for Takahashi and Robert who have already registered and started their formal further studies.

Originally, Director Zhou wanted to prepare a Chinese and English bilingual training doctor form, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

August was sitting in the medical office, pointing at the form for training as a doctor, reading each word in a low voice, then signing his name, and holding a smaller photo with his hands.

The clerk took the photo and went out. After a few minutes, the training doctor's badge was made, and then he received his white coat.

"Are you from Munich, Germany?"

Director Zhou is very curious.

August nodded: "Yes, Oktoberfest! Bayern!"

"Oh---I understand!"

Director Zhou himself imitated foreigners' plain Chinese.

But August’s Chinese is very standard, not the unfamiliar flat tone at all.

It’s as if Director Zhou is a foreigner and August is Chinese.


The director of the Medical Education Office’s eyes shone brightly.

"I often hang out with Bayern players and I'm their friend!" August said.

Director Zhou probed: "Then you can get their signed jerseys?"

"It's a trivial matter, and it won't be a problem if you take a beating."

For August, it was simply too easy.

Auguste did not write down his various titles in his training materials. He was not Director Zhou or a director from orthopedics, so he did not know how low his rank was in Europe.

"That's it, Dr. Ao, we'll have time to chat later." Director Zhou was very proud.

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The director of the medical education department is quite interesting, and there are also international trainees. I’m afraid there are not many hospitals in China that can do this.

Under the leadership of the director of the Medical Education Office, August found the dormitory, which was a three-person dormitory. The other two members were Robert and Takahashi.

The clerk knocked on the door of the dormitory. The person who opened the door was Takahashi. Robert was taking a shower. The two of them had just returned from training on the basketball court.

When he saw Takahashi, the classic image of the Japanese immediately emerged in August's mind, and he subconsciously took a half step back, feeling disgusted.

The dormitory building is one of several buildings in Sanbo Hospital, just behind the sports field. It was originally built to solve everyone's housing problem when the hospital was built.

However, as the hospital has developed to this day, all the early employees have bought commercial housing in nearby buildings, and this building has become a dormitory. Young employees of the hospital, if they have not yet purchased a house, can apply for a dormitory in the hospital. The rent is half of the market price, which is very cost-effective. And the room types range from two bedrooms and one living room to four bedrooms and one living room.

Dormitories for all students of Sanbo Hospital including trainees, interns, regular trainees, and graduate students are also set up here. Dormitories for trainees are usually three-person dormitories.

The clerk explained a few words and left.

The three of them often chatted on the forum, but this was the first time they met August.

"Takahashi, University of Tokyo!"

Takahashi stretched out his hand.

August felt disgusted with Takahashi's hands, so he used a Chinese-style fist-holding ceremony:

"Orthopedic Hospital Munich Haraching August."

At this time, Robert finished taking a shower, came out of the bathroom, saw August, and knew that the Germans had arrived.

"We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away, Robert Jr. from the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York."

Robert is very literate and tries to use idioms and poems every time he speaks to make him appear different from others.

"That's your room!"

Robert pointed to the room.

So far, the three giants in the orthopedic field in Europe, America and Japan have gathered in the dormitory of Sanbo Hospital.


At seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Ping goes to work.

As soon as I entered the office, I saw a magical scene.

Robert, Takahashi and August, with advanced student badges hanging on their chests, stood almost at attention in front of Zhang Lin, accepting Zhang Lin's instructions.

"No matter which hospital you come from, no matter what level you were in before, when you come here, you have only one status---a visiting student! I am Zhang Lin, the teaching secretary of the undergraduate department. You can call me Teacher Zhang. If you have any questions during the training period,

, you can come to me, I hope you---."

Every time a new trainee arrives, the famous sayings of the former king will be read out.

Ward rounds after shifts, the old routine.

Cui Shukai has not yet been discharged from the hospital. His father has gone back to work, and his mother stays here with him.

The rehabilitation training of the low back muscles has ended, and he is completely like a normal child.

This is the 176-degree C-shaped child on the forum.

During the ward rounds, August saw Cui Shukai in person and was in disbelief.

With a sense of surprise, the German checked Cui Shukai's spine, pressed each spinous process one by one, then compared whether the bilateral scapula and iliac spine were symmetrical, and asked Cui to bend down to see if he could touch his shoes.
Finally, I let out a long breath, feeling like an ignorant person who didn't even know that this kind of technology existed.

I stayed here for three months and learned from Yang Ping about scoliosis correction, traditional Yang’s osteotomy and external fixation techniques.

Mastering these two techniques, you can deal with all patients with scoliosis, suppress Milton in one fell swoop, and make that guy convinced and surrender.

The tug-of-war with the old British Milton for more than ten years once made August despair. The seesaw is always balanced, and even the president of the European Society of Spinal Surgery takes turns.

This time, we must be able to lift up Milton and let the British know what the gap is.

Several patients in the ward came back to have their ridge external fixation removed, and every correction was very successful and almost perfect.

You can’t be wrong if you see it with your own eyes.

August finally had a direct clinical understanding of ridge column external fixator technology.


In the afternoon, the department's surgery was completed ahead of schedule.

In the office, August met Yang Ping alone.

"Dear Professor Yang, hello! It is my honor to study with you. When we meet again, I will bring a small gift to Professor Yang."

What exactly are Germans’ little gifts?

There doesn’t seem to be any famous tea in Germany, right?

Yang Ping was puzzled.

"Professor Yang, I am entrusted by the Duke Fund to invite you to join. The Duke Fund is a low-key but powerful fund. It funds medical research around the world. If Professor Yang is interested, the door of the Duke Fund can be opened to you at any time."
August’s trip was not only for further study, but also with this mission.

The Duke Fund is not well-known in the outside world. It is a small branch of another hidden fund. The power behind this hidden fund is strong and can compete with the Rockefeller Fund.

"The Duke Fund's funding for projects usually starts at tens of millions of euros. My spinal cord injury research project is funded by the Duke Fund. If Professor Yang is willing, the spinal column external fixator project can be strongly promoted in Europe by joining the Duke Fund.

More importantly, some patients with poor financial conditions can receive free treatment, and the benefits don’t end there. The Duke Fund never claims ownership of scientific research results. That is, if he pays for it, the results are still yours. He is purely

A family charity foundation, in Germany, the world's best machine tools and workers will produce Professor Yang's new products, and poor children can enjoy Professor Yang's technology for free, which will benefit mankind."

If technology is really that magical, the Duke said no matter the cost.

No matter whether the Japanese or Americans can compete with their own chips, the Germans are very confident.

Yang Ping had never heard of the Duke Fund, but he somewhat believed in the honesty of the Germans.

Moreover, if you just want to obtain core technology, there is no need to go through such detours.

In fact, it is just a clinical trial base. As long as the conditions are suitable, it is not a problem to give each person one quota, and it is not a problem to give ten to eight.

But for August, he believed that there was only one spot, so he was determined to get it.

Germany's handiwork is indeed good.

"Thank you, Mr. August. Your suggestion is very good. If so, my spinal external fixator can go out into the world and be used by more people, but I have to consider it."

"Thank you for your trust. Don't worry. Professor Yang can go to Europe when he has time and conduct on-site inspections of several projects funded by the Duke Fund. You will understand that we must be the most reliable."

As long as Yang Ping didn't refuse on the spot, August felt that he had great hope.

The Japanese are very diligent, pushing the dressing cart back and forth in the corridor. His peripheral vision is staring at Yang Ping's office, which has been closed for half an hour.

Half an hour is enough to negotiate some kind of cooperation.

Americans don't seem to care, because as the world's leader in orthopedics, participating in this clinical trial has a more obvious advantage than anyone else.

Robert is confident that his relationship with Yang Ping is definitely no worse than Takahashi. In Yemen, we have gone through adversity together and formed a solid friendship amidst the rumbling sound of cannons.

In addition, in the crisis of the professor's royal company, he is the protagonist, and the others are at best followers.

If not the New York Hospital for Special Surgery, who else could have this spot?

It’s been forty-five minutes, no, an hour.

The door is open!

August came out of Yang Ping's office with a gloomy face, as if disappointed.

The cunning Japanese are just good at playing tricks. For real strategies and tactics, you have to look to me, August.

August returns to the doctor's office in Takahashi's peripheral vision.

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