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Chapter 589 Professor Sus Abacus

Mrs. Su occasionally comes to the operating room to supervise the work. The nurses in the operating room are under the leadership of the Nursing Department, while the anesthesiologists are under the management of the Medical Department.

Therefore, the nurses in the operating room, including the head nurse, are all her subordinates.

Today, Mrs. Su was a little self-serving, taking the opportunity of supervising work to come to the operating room to see her daughter and son-in-law.

After all, it is not that easy to see your daughter and son-in-law working in the same hospital.

Especially her precious daughter, who did not want to stay with Fuyi when she graduated. She went to Sanbo Hospital, and now she is undergoing surgery with Fuyi. What is her status as a device nurse? Mrs. Su is very curious, will she be like this?

Was he as good as he was when he was young?

"Professor Yang---"

Yang Ping and Su Nanchen were chatting with their heads down on the other side. They didn't see Mrs. Su coming in. Mrs. Su took the initiative to say hello.

When he heard someone calling him, Yang Ping immediately looked up. Even though he was wearing a mask and a hat, he recognized at a glance that it was his mother-in-law.

Suddenly I remembered that this is the territory of my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Welcome to our attached one to guide the work. We have some shortcomings in our operating room, so please forgive me."

Mrs. Su greeted me warmly as the director of the nursing department.

"Director Chen, you're welcome. We're also here to study at Affiliated One."

Yang Ping is also a professor of flying knives in the foreign college.

Su Nanchen stood aside and said nothing. Work is work.

At this time, Dean Su, accompanied by Professor Zou, came to the operating room, where the family gathered together.

"Director Chen is here too!"

Professor Su saw Mrs. Su's tall figure.

"Hello, Dean Su!"

There were too many people and it was a bit crowded, so the director of the nursing department made way for the dean.

The dean nodded slightly as a greeting.

Everyone in the operating room straightened up and said hello to the clinical director: "Hello, Director Su!"

Professor Su nodded slightly: "Hello everyone!"

Then he extended his hand to Yang Ping: "Professor Yang, thank you for your hard work!"

Yang Ping shook hands politely: "Thank you, Dean Su, for the promotion! Thank you Fuyi for giving me this opportunity."

Dean Su shook hands with Yang Ping's team members one by one and expressed his gratitude. No one could tell that this was a big family.

When he saw August, Dean Su was slightly startled. Then he looked at Takahashi and Robert and seemed to understand what was going on.

Professor Su is not familiar with Robert.

But Professor Su not only knew August, but was also very familiar with him.

Could it be that August also came here to learn spinal external fixator technology from Yang Ping?

It is not impossible. As an expert in spine surgery, Professor Su is very aware of the value of Yang Ping's new technology, which is a world-leading surgical innovation.

Therefore, with Dean Su's intelligence, there won't be any unnecessary questions at this time.

No matter who these three people are, they are here with Yang Ping today, and they are members of Yang Ping's team, so there is no need to do extra processing.

In the first operation, the patient was a 14-year-old male adolescent with scoliosis with a Cobb angle of 83 degrees.

The patient has been anesthetized and has begun to position himself, because this is the first time for Auxiliary to undergo this kind of surgery.

Their doctors and nurses only knew about the surgery from the manual "Technical Guidelines for Spinal External Fixator Treatment of Scoliosis", so Yang Ping decided to adjust the position himself.

This is why we brought these three talented international trainees here today. They are usually involved in lifting and positioning patients in the department. They are well versed in this and are qualified for this job.

Song Zimo went to wash his hands, and before leaving, he told the three giants: "Move quickly!"

Auguste, Robert and Takahashi took the order and began to position themselves. The three of them worked together skillfully and without the intervention of others, they steadily turned the patient over from the supine position to the prone position.

Takahashi fixed the patient's head with both hands and used slight traction to protect the cervical spine.

August inserted his hands into the patient's bilateral iliac spines, used his pelvis as a fulcrum, and lifted the patient's body off the operating bed.

This fourteen-year-old teenager's height and weight are no different from those of an adult.

Usually, without two doctors working together, it is difficult to easily lift the patient off the operating table.

But the Germans have good physiques, and one person can easily lift the patient.

Robert took the opportunity to start stuffing the positioning pad under the patient's body.

The beautiful prone position arrangement was successfully completed.

August came to Yang Ping respectfully: "Professor, the posture has been set, can you see if it's up to standard?"

The German boss’s fluent Chinese made Professor Zou speechless.

Professor Zou had been with his tutor for a year. He never knew that his tutor could speak Chinese so fluently. He had never seen him speak a single Chinese character before.

Moreover, his mentor, a great European spine surgeon, actually does the work of positioning.

This kind of work is usually done by lower-level doctors. Is it possible that the European masters are so easy-going and friendly to the people?

But is that low profile in front of Yang Ping a cultural difference?

Anyone with normal judgment can see that it is a sign of respect for Yang Ping.

Moreover, the word "qualified" in the words is clearly asking Yang Ping: Are you satisfied with my posture?

Is this August?

Thinking about August's previous performance, Professor Zou thinks it was a mistake to admit the wrong person?

At the same time, Professor Su was also worried, but Professor Su didn't care about that for the time being.

Not only Professor Zou, but other professors from the Department of Spine Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital also knew August. They were already full of doubts about August's appearance, but now they have even more doubts.

Yang Ping pointed at the patient: "The positioning cushion should be slightly lower, and the spine should be kept as naturally curved as possible. I have said many times that this is different from traditional open surgery. You can't remember it?"


August called his two colleagues and continued to correct his posture.

After correcting his position, August came to Yang Ping again: "Professor, look again!"

Yang Ping nodded with satisfaction, August seemed very happy as a student was praised by the teacher.

The more I read, the less I understand, Professor Zou said in his heart.

Several other professors were also surprised. If they did not admit their mistake and this person was August, he would actually be respectful in front of Yang Ping.

What's going on?

Xiao Su washed his hands and went on stage and started to arrange the equipment. Song Zimo disinfected and Yang Ping went to wash his hands and prepare to go on stage.

When the operation begins, too many people cannot be left in the operating room. Everyone gradually moves to the demonstration classroom in the operating room to observe the operation.

"Professor Yang, thank you very much. We will retreat temporarily."

Professor Su said hello and, accompanied by Professor Zou, also left the operating room.

Mrs. Su wants to withdraw later. She wants to see how her daughter performs on the operating table.

Xiao Su's dexterous hands quickly sorted the instruments. Mrs. Su nodded slightly. It seemed that her genes had not been lost.

As for the idle staff, Su Nanchen and the Big Three were left behind.


Attached is a demonstration classroom of the operating room.

Professor Zou accompanied Dean Su and observed Dean Su's expression. Dean Su didn't mention anything about August. Professor Zou couldn't ask questions, so he could only meet August again afterwards.

Know exactly what happened.

Of the five surgeries, the first two did not use surgical robots, and the last three were completed using surgical robots.

Everyone has seen Yang Ping's surgery at the Golden Knife Awards.

So there were so many people here today. Apart from being afraid of Dean Su's majesty, most of them really wanted to see these operations.

The winner of the Golden Knife Award represents the top surgical level of young doctors across the country.

The demonstration classroom was packed with people, and every corner was filled with doctors and masters.

"Professor He has prepared the second batch of osteotomy data. Professor He's laboratory is too busy at once, so we can only do it in batches."

Professor Zou reported on the progress of clinical trials.

Because the data models for osteotomy are all provided by the Digital Medicine Laboratory of Nandu Medical University, including Peking Union Medical College, 301, and Modu Sixth Hospital, all of which provide data support.

Without the blessing of supercomputing, the laboratory has insufficient computing power and can only produce data in batches.

"Don't be in a hurry, let Professor He take your time."

There is no rush for clinical trials.

Regarding Yang Ping’s spinal external fixator, Professor Su has made many arrangements around this new technology. My son-in-law is still young and does not understand many things.

As the elder in the family, Professor Su naturally has to work hard for him.

When this topic was first proposed, Professor Su believed that it would be very difficult to succeed. Even if Yang Ping could succeed, it would take more than three years. This kind of original innovation is very difficult.

However, he did not expect that the entire experiment was completed in three months and was a success. This speed of scientific research made Professor Su jaw-dropping.

Therefore, many plans that did not exist before have to be put on the agenda now.

"Professor Yang's scientific research ability is a bit scary. He successfully completed the project in just a few months. I heard that the next step is to clone muscles."

Professor Zou is actually very high-level, and he becomes more and more confused about Dean Su's son-in-law.

The operation is continuing, and everyone is attentive and watching every step carefully.

Many professors who lead the group are eager to try it, hoping to do a few examples. Whoever does this new technology first will take the academic lead. Even if it is not the original creation, there will be followers.

If the first batch of articles is published, it will definitely be different. If you publish articles later after they are promoted, the academic value will be greatly reduced.

Professor Su is thinking about Yang Ping's next project and is going to help him apply for the Outstanding Youth Science Fund. Although the money is not a lot, being able to obtain the support of this fund will be a bridge to academicianship in the future.

Moreover, Professor Su is also considering helping Yang Ping apply for the National Science and Technology Progress Award for spinal external fixator technology. Young people don’t know much about this aspect and need someone to guide them in order to be promoted to academicians in the future. These things are very important.

Professor Su has experienced the selection of academicians, and he knows well that this son-in-law is talented. As long as he develops so steadily, it will be a matter of time before he is promoted to an academician.

Only by combining the talent of your son-in-law and your own connections can you avoid detours.

Therefore, Professor Su has a plan in mind for this son-in-law, and he is making calculations at any time.

This chapter has been completed!
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