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Chapter 610 He only knows Chinese

 What a talent it is to have such achievements under the age of thirty.

Luo Yinde thought that Professor Yang looked so young because of his beauty skills, but he didn't expect that his real age was also in his twenties.

The petrochemical professors had mixed feelings. A young man under thirty years old, August's mentor, had solved a problem that he had not solved for more than ten years, and his mood was not much better.

"Is there anything else?"

August looked at these sculpture-like colleagues and asked, Professor Yang is still waiting for him over there.

"Are you sure his age is twenty-eight? Sorry, we shouldn't ask such private questions." Professor William's eyes were empty.

August nodded: "Yes, very confirmed."

"Okay! It's okay, why don't you go and do your work?"

Professor William waved his hand stiffly, indicating that August could go out.

Auguste left the conference room with doubts. A group of professors were sitting upright, just because of this question? Just to ask Professor Yang's age, which does not seem to be in line with the style of everyone here.

Yang Ping was still beside the little Duke's bedside. He checked the negative pressure drainage placed before and after, and found that the tube was unobstructed, and the bloody fluid drawn out was not very much, only a few milliliters, indicating that there was not much bleeding.

The cancellous bone surface of the osteotomy should be compressed and fixed more thoroughly, so there should be less bleeding on the cancellous bone surface. Because of this kind of surgery, the most common source of bleeding is the osteotomy surface.

"The First Minister of the Ming Dynasty"

The ecmo machine is running well. In a few days, you can try to reduce the blood flowing through the ecmo. Slowly, you can try to go offline.

"Professor, take a break?"

August said respectfully.

Yang Ping came to Halaching Orthopedic Hospital as soon as he got off the plane and didn't rest for a moment. However, it was better to rest on the plane. Moreover, this kind of surgery may be daunting to others and requires a lot of mental and physical energy.

But for Yang Ping, it's not a big deal, so it doesn't consume much mental and physical energy.

"It's okay. When the brace is finished, bring it to me for a look." Yang Ping was not very sleepy.

"After the brace is made, I will have them deliver it to you so you can see it in person. Don't worry, let's go to the office first."

August still persuaded Yang Ping to rest in his office and drink some tea. He prepared some tea leaves and tea sets, which were all brought from China.

The old Duke was tired, and the housekeeper advised him to sit down and rest. He saw that Professor Yang kept standing and did not sit down.

He is very grateful to the Chinese professor and would like to find a time to talk to him about the Duke Fund. The Duke Fund will continuously support Professor Yang’s scientific research.

However, the surgery has just been completed at this time, which is obviously not the right time. It will make people feel that the surgery is extremely utilitarian, so we should discuss it later. Anyway, August will keep in touch with the Chinese professor.

"Thank you, I appreciate it very much!"

The old Duke bowed again to express his thanks, and Yang Ping bowed slightly to show his return.

"If there are no accidents and everything goes well, he should be able to stand up and walk in three months. Of course, a rehabilitation doctor will also need to help him with gait training, lower limb muscle strength training, and low back muscle training five weeks after the operation.

In the future, we should pay attention to the problem of spinal cord blood vessel embolism. This possibility is very small, but we must pay attention. As for the problem of osteotomy without fusion, the probability is very small. Even if it occurs, there is still a solution in the second stage. For heart problems, I gave an artificial

As long as he follows the progress table of the thoracic expansion progress, he will definitely be able to get through the dangerous period. With the current state of his heart, after passing the dangerous period, it will be no problem for him to persist for another two or three years. However, it is better to find a way to complete this kind of heart function as soon as possible.

Get a heart transplant."

Yang Ping told August and also told the old Duke.

"Gotenberg's disease should be due to a mutation in a certain gene. This crestal spiral deformity is different from other deformities we know. Dr. Ao, you can do some research when you have time to clarify it."

Yang Ping spoke all in Chinese, and only August and Marcus could understand it.

After Auguste listened, he translated it to the old Duke and others.

The old Duke nodded frequently. Although he could not understand Chinese, he felt that Chinese was the most beautiful language in the world, because Chinese speakers solved the biggest problem in his life.

"Can he get married and have children in the future?"

After the old Duke finished asking, he felt that it was inappropriate to ask this question at this time and seemed a bit impatient, but he could not take it back.

Yang Ping thought for a while: "Of course it is possible, but it is best to have sex after heart replacement, because the current heart function is too poor and may not be able to support male orgasm. Even if it can, it is very dangerous."

Large families in Europe actually attach great importance to fertility and hope to have more children and more branches. In the past, many of them liked to marry close relatives in order to prevent the blood from being diluted.

Yang Ping didn't know if there were incest marriages in the Duke's family, but this kind of spiral ridge must be caused by a genetic problem. It is very difficult for ordinary disease-causing factors to shape such a standard spiral ridge.

"Thank you!"

Hearing that you can get married and have children, the old Duke's expectations for his son have increased.

After observing for almost half an hour and confirming that there was nothing wrong with the little Duke, Yang Ping followed August back to the office.

There are only two people in the office, Yang Ping and August.

I don’t know when August made a tea set, a purple clay teapot and teacups, and a special mahogany coffee table. They were all presentable. He washed the cups, arranged the cups, and poured the tea. August’s techniques were very skillful, as if he were a master.

An old tea friend for many years.

"West Lake Longjing, Yixing's purple clay teapot, I wonder what it will be like when soaked in German mineral water. Professor, would you like to try it?"

Auguste looked sophisticated, just like a Chinese host who treats his friends with tea, holding a cup of tea in front of Yang Ping with both hands.

Yang Ping took a sip and it was not bad. In fact, Yang Ping's tea drinking level is not that high. He is just used to drinking tea and has no interest in other things such as coffee.

It is impossible to reach the state of discerning tea with eyes closed.

“It tastes pretty good!”

Yang Ping put down the teacup.

August added tea to Yang Ping and said: "The old Duke intends to let the Duke Fund cooperate with you. You must not be polite. Moreover, he once promised that if any doctor can cure his son's disease, he can give ten

100 million euros were given to this doctor as a scientific research fund, but unfortunately no one can get it."

"Has the Duke's Fund funded many projects?"

Yang Ping was a little interested in this fund. He heard from August that it had funded many projects in Europe and the United States, many of which gave birth to the Nobel Prize.

“In Germany, apart from the government-funded Max Planck Society, the private Duke Fund provides the greatest funding for scientific research. The Max Planck Society is an academic organization funded by the German government, and its funding targets are limited to Germany, while the Duke Fund’s funding targets are all over the world.

August introduced the basic status of this fund.

Yang Ping is very familiar with the Max Planck Society, whose full name is the Max Planck Society. It is one of the top three scientific research giants in the world.

The top three scientific research giants in the world, the first two are the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Harvard University.

The Max Planck Society in Germany was founded in 1948. Its predecessor was the Royal Wilhelm Society of Germany. It is the largest scientific research institution engaged in basic scientific research in Germany. It is also the largest, most prestigious and most effective autonomous scientific organization funded by the government in the world.
The Max Planck Society has a total of 86 research institutes and 20,000 staff, half of whom are foreigners. Its research fields involve physics, engineering technology, biomedicine, basic science and many other research fields, and it has always been committed to the international frontier.

and cutting-edge basic research work.

The scientific research institutions affiliated to the society have produced more than 30 Nobel Prize winners.

Yang Ping was not familiar with the Duke Fund, or he just heard about it from August.

"The Duke Fund was established relatively late, and the fields it funds are currently mainly medicine, so it is impossible to be as powerful as the Max Planck Society with an official background. However, in the field of medicine, only the Rockefeller Foundation in the United States can rival it. The medicine funded by the Duke Fund

Many of the studies are relatively radical, so they are very low-key. For example, Maninstein studied the connection after spinal cord nerve severing. Do you know why he prepared for it?" August was afraid that Yang Ping would disdain this fund, so he tried his best to

Go into detail.

"Why prepare?"

Yang Ping didn’t even try to guess.

August took a sip of tea and said: "He is preparing for a head transplant operation. Maninstein's lifelong wish is to successfully perform a head transplant operation. Of course, there are precedents for this kind of surgery, whether on animals or humans.

But all failed in the end, because the operation can connect the blood vessels of the head and the body, but cannot connect the spinal cord and nerves. Therefore, the animals after the operation can survive with blood circulation, but cannot control the body, which is equivalent to a patient with extremely high paraplegia.

The body is completely paralyzed from the neck down, including the ventilator and myocardium, so the animal after the head transplant relies on machines to maintain circulation and breathing, and will not survive for long."

This crazy guy really doesn’t take the usual path.

"Because this kind of experiment is ethically controversial and too difficult, it is difficult to obtain huge fund support. However, the Duke's Fund is very fond of this type of imaginative medical topic and is extremely generous. It has provided a total of 500 million euros to Manchester.


Five hundred million euros, this is a huge amount of funding.

"The projects supported by the fund also include the field of stem cell cultured organs, artificial hearts, nano-medical robots, precision tumor treatment, etc., many of which have achieved results." August is very familiar with this fund, and when it comes to these projects, he can pick them up at his fingertips.

If this is the case, the value of this fund is very large and cannot be measured in one billion euros. Yang Ping listened and calculated.

Yang Ping is currently working on the subject of organ cloning. The information collected so far are all published papers. Many cutting-edge research have not yet reached the stage of publishing articles, so naturally there are no relevant papers.

If you can examine all the projects funded by the Duke's Fund and gain an in-depth understanding, I'm afraid it will be very beneficial to your own project.

Because research is the fastest when you stand on the shoulders of giants. This can avoid reinventing the wheel and unnecessary trial and error.

In short, the more information you have, the clearer the research direction of the topic will be.

Yang Ping tapped his fingers lightly on the coffee table and thought about it.

"I am very interested in this fund, not only the scientific research fund of one billion euros, but also in the projects it funds, such as research in the field of stem cells." Yang Ping said his thoughts bluntly.

August nodded: "If the professor is interested, just say a word, and I will mention it to the old Duke afterwards and arrange for you to inspect the projects you are interested in. How about it? The old Duke will definitely help unconditionally."

"Just do it like this. I can't inspect every project. If possible, you can make a list of the projects he funded, and I will select some for inspection. If possible, it is best to introduce the progress of the project."

Yang Ping knows that some scientific research institutions have sensitive topics that are not necessarily related to others and cannot be inspected.

Relationships are applicable everywhere in the world, but they are expressed in different forms and occupy different weights.

August poured another cup of tea for Yang Ping: "That's it. I'll make the arrangements."

If the professor can agree to cooperate with the Duke's Fund, August himself may be able to get some light and collaborate with the professor on some projects.

It will be very difficult for a genius like the professor to enter his inner circle. Fortunately, I am getting closer to this step.

August continued to drink tea with Yang Ping.

The elders in the conference room seemed to have dismissed the meeting. They heard that Professor Yang and August were drinking tea in the office, so Professor Luo Yinde came to inquire to see if Professor Yang was free to chat with everyone. Chat.

August's office was very spacious and the door was open. Professor Luo Yinde had just approached the door and heard from a distance that the two people inside were drinking tea and chatting, speaking in Chinese that they could not understand. Luo Yinde suddenly became confused. He returned to the meeting room knowingly and with the feeling that no one was allowed in.

"How was it?"

Professor Rimbaud asked, and everyone was waiting for Luo Yinde's reply.

"It's not very convenient. Let's talk about it during lunch." Luo Yinde envied August for being able to communicate fluently in Chinese.

Not just the little Duke’s surgery,

As for the spinal column external fixator, everyone has many questions and wants to communicate face-to-face with Professor Yang.

Because I don’t know how long Professor Yang will stay here. He might fly back to China after lunch. We don’t want to miss the opportunity.

And some people are curious and want to take a closer look at this amazing man. He is less than thirty years old and has such a superb level. He is not only powerful in surgery, but also in scientific research.

"Is he busy?"

Professor Rimbaud asked.

Professor Luo Yinde stretched out his hand to straighten his blond hair: "He was chatting with August, using Chinese."

Professor Rimbaud suddenly felt sour.

"Professor Yang doesn't know English?"

Professor Rimbaud always likes to ask questions.

"Probably he only speaks Chinese. You see, he only spoke Chinese the whole time." Luo Yinde guessed.

"How come August knows Chinese?"

Professor Rimbaud was very surprised. In his impression, Auguste never said that he knew Chinese. He only knew that he was very good in English, Spanish and French.

Who knows, Luo Yinde is a little upset now.

Such a genius stood in front of him, stepped forward to say a few words, and asked August to act as a translator.

At this time, Marcus came to the conference room and arranged lunch for all the elders.

"Marcus, does Professor Yang know English?"

Professor Luo Yinde grabbed Marcus and asked him fiercely.

Marcus thought for a while: "According to August, Professor Yang only knows Chinese."

"Then how did he write his English paper?" Luo Yinde refused to give up.

Marcus shook his head: "I don't know, maybe someone specially translated for him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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