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Chapter 657 Suit Thug

Qiu: [The confidence in his eyes is as if he is invincible. I like men like this.]

[I heard that he is less than thirty years old.]

[Moreover, he is really handsome. The more he looks at him, the more attractive he is. His temperament is very elegant and stable. He has a great height and figure. He is smart, elegant, healthy, highly educated, a surgeon, and has won the Golden Knife Award.

, fulfilled all my fantasies about my boyfriend.]

[If you advise me to break off the relationship immediately, if you don’t want to break off the relationship with me, please remain silent. I finally met my prince. You have to cheer for me, encourage me, and help me.]


Xiehe established a team for Yang Ping, and Qiu Ruo, as a device nurse, was also a member of the team.

Song Yun established the team's WeChat group to facilitate everyone's communication. Qiu Ruo looked through the group members for a long time and wanted to add Yang Ping's WeChat, but she tried hard to restrain herself.

She is a scheming girl and will not be so straightforward and crude.

"Qiu Ruo, you can also go and listen to the academic exchange meeting held by the Department of Orthopedics today and learn from it." Nurse Xin ordered Qiu Ruo.

Qiu Ruo is smart, hard-working and loves the nursing profession. The head nurse thinks highly of her and dotes on her very much. Qiu Ruo is also preparing to study for a doctorate in nursing from Union Medical College. It can be said that her future is bright. If she continues like this, she has the potential to be the director of the nursing department.
The orthopedic conference room is already full. According to the original meeting schedule, the time now should still be surgery demonstration.

Because the operation ended early, the meeting schedule had to be changed. Director Hu used the remaining time to communicate with everyone about this demonstration operation.

Qiu Ruo had long known that Ming Dynasty's Twin Cities Spine Surgery Center in the United States had sent several professors to attend the meeting, among which Professor Cheney was a world-class expert on spinal tumors.

As a device nurse, you will benefit a lot from attending such academic conferences.

Although the conference room was full of people, most of them were men and there were only a few women.

Under the principle of ladies first, there will be many boys giving up their seats, so it is not difficult for Qiu Ruo to find an empty seat.

Moreover, the nurses in the operating room all know the doctors and will be polite to them.

Especially the beauty in the operating room---Qiu Ruo.

The patient returned to the ward safely. Yang Ping, Song Yun, and Kong Weiquan returned to the ward together. After seeing the post-operative patients, they all came to the conference room.

Professor Liang waved to Yang Ping to sit next to him. At this time, a seat was already vacant between Professor Lu and Professor Liang.

"This is Professor Lu Donglai, director of the medical department of our hospital!" Professor Liang introduced.

Yang Ping quickly shook hands with him. He had never met Professor Lu before, and this was the first time.

"Excellent talent!" Professor Lu praised.

"Professor Lu wins the prize!" Yang Ping responded politely, and then sat down between Professor Liang and Professor Lu.

Although Yang Ping does not have social phobia, he does not like social interaction and avoids it as much as possible. Many times social interaction is meaningless.

"Xiao Yang, do you want to communicate with the Americans? There is still time, the Americans will not leave until night." Professor Liang respected Yang Ping's opinion.

That Cheney is probably holding back a lot of anger. If there is an exchange of words, there will be a heated exchange of words.

"No problem!"

How could Yang Ping have stage fright and dislike socializing, but he does not dislike academic exchanges.

After hearing Yang Ping's affirmative answer, Professor Liang immediately informed Director Hu.

At this time, the number of participants at the venue not only did not decrease, but increased.

Everyone has just finished lunch and is full of energy.

Under the instructions of Director Hu, Song Yun walked to the podium and said to everyone: "We have just finished the operation, and everyone has also seen the new Chinese-style total spondylotomy. Why is it named Chinese-style resection? The main difference is between Europe, America and Japan.

Our technical route is a completely different technical route, unique, and this technology is superior to other existing methods in terms of surgical efficiency and surgical quality. If you have any questions about this surgery, you can ask Professor Yang Ping, the surgeon.

Please invite Professor Yang Ping!"

Young Professor Yang walked to the podium with steady steps, scanning the audience with his eyes, ready to accept questions from challengers.

Professor Cheney was the first to stand up, and Song Yun handed the microphone to him. Of course, he did not speak Chinese and could only communicate in English.

"Professor Yang, I carefully watched the whole process of the new technique you just used. Several of the techniques were actually techniques we tried ten years ago. They were eliminated by us because they were too dangerous and impractical. But I didn't expect that

Professor Yang once again used it, such as subosseous dissection, which we used ten years ago to peel off the normal bone tissue around the diseased bone. However, because it is difficult to clearly determine the boundary between normal bone and diseased bone, it has no practical significance.

, directly resecting the entire vertebra does not require such a thankless separation technique. I would like to ask if Professor Yang has been to the United States for further study and has learned related American surgeries."

Americans are direct and don’t beat around the bush.

The meaning of his words is very clear. Your technology is not considered a new technology. It is just a technology that we have eliminated. You can pick it up and continue to use it.

This kind of American direct question made many people in the audience very uncomfortable. Professor Liang frowned. Cheney's character is indeed not very good.

Of course, a few people began to question: It turns out that Professor Yang’s technology was eliminated by Americans.

Yang Ping took his time, looked at the American professor in the audience, walked a few steps ahead, closed the distance with Cheney, and said in proficient English:

"Mr. Cheney, I really like your direct communication method. First of all, I have indeed been to the United States."

Cheney seemed to have captured very valuable information: "I think so, because it is very difficult to create a technique of your own."

Yang Ping ignored him and continued:

"However, I did not go to the United States to further my studies. I have never studied in the United States or any other country. I went to the United States mainly to teach and teach American doctors to perform surgeries. Therefore, I have developed deep friendships with many American doctors."<


Wu Zi from your Twin Cities Spine Center is one of my friends.

Of course, Yang Ping would not talk about such things casually.

"Secondly, you said that my new technology was eliminated by you ten years ago. This surprised me very much, because you mastered this technology ten years ago. Ten years ago, you were just in college. I am very curious, Professor Cheney.

,Ten years ago, you used subosseous dissection. What surgical instruments did you use for dissection?"

Cheney suddenly panicked. Any lie would be exposed as long as it involved details.

What tool to use?

Cheney was a top professor, and he knew that Yang Ping was deliberately testing his lie in public, and he would make a fool of himself if he answered incorrectly.

For example, answer: use a bone knife? Can a bone knife do it?

Or answer the question of laser scalpel? At that time, was laser scalpel used in this kind of surgery?

Cheney thought for a while before replying: "Laser knife!"

The answer is correct.

"Professor Cheney should know which company the laser knife is from? What energy level must be used to perform subosseous separation?" Yang Ping asked.

Tracking questions are the most terrible thing. If you can catch the first knife, you can't catch the second knife. No matter how many knifes you receive, there will always be one knife that you can't catch.

If you refuse to answer, you will admit to lying and talking nonsense.

If you say you have forgotten it, no one will believe it. Surgeon, you have used the laser knife and performed the surgery. You don’t know the brand? Don’t you know the energy level?

This is equivalent to saying that you often have artificial joint replacements, but you don’t know the brand of artificial joints you use.

Like you said you were a soldier, but you don’t know the model of gun you used?

Cheney never expected that Yang Ping would ask such questions. He considered at the time that as an American professor, Yang Ping would not question at will. Even if he had some doubts, he would do so out of respect or other reasons so as not to embarrass him.

But Yang Ping was not used to him, he didn't take him seriously at all, he just discussed the matter as it happened.

"Brand --- energy level -- it was ten years ago. I have forgotten that obsolete technology will not have much impression."

Cheney was sweating a little and answered vaguely. He didn't dare to say nonsense anymore. If he said something wrong, it would lead to jokes.

Such vagueness will at least not cause big problems.

In the past, no matter which hospital he was in, once he stopped there, he was the absolute authority.

If there are any new technologies in other hospitals, I can’t wait to ask him to help evaluate them, hoping to get approval.

How could I stand here in such a state of embarrassment and be questioned by others?

"Professor Cheney, I think you must have misremembered. If you really created such a good technology ten years ago, why did you choose to cut through the tumor to achieve pedicle surgery when faced with these problems with your current new technology?"

Osteotomy instead of using subosseous separation technology to achieve leak-free resection?" Yang Ping walked up to Cheney.

Cheney was a little afraid to look Yang Ping in the face: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding here, I may have remembered it wrong."

So happy!

Director Hu let out a breath of anger in his heart. Director Hu had long disliked this guy's arrogant attitude.

Qiu Ruo was sitting in the back, and when he saw Yang Ping confronting Cheney, so confident, so calm, and so composed, the dignified American professor had nothing to say in front of Yang Ping, and almost sat down on the chair. The admiration in his heart could not be expressed in words.


Qiu Ruo's friend, a nurse in another operating room, saw that something was obviously wrong with Qiu Ruo. Her pair of peach blossom eyes kept staring at the young professor on the stage, so she laughed at her:

"I see your eyes have never left him? Do you have a crush on him?"

"I don't look at the podium when I'm listening to the class, how can I look at you? Don't you stare at the podium when you're listening to the class?" Qiu Ruo was confident, but his eyes still didn't leave.

The nurse thought about it and had no choice but to shut up and admit defeat.

Regarding the research on spinal tumor surgery, Yang Ping and Cheney have studied the most deeply. Cheney, who refused to admit defeat, frequently asked questions, turning the entire venue into a battlefield between Yang Ping and Cheney. However, this was also what Professor Liang and Director Hu expected.


Cheney is a tough guy who can't be beaten to death. Every time he is criticized back, he always raises questions from another place.

"Professor Yang, your operation time is four hours. This is a very fast time, but this is based on the sacrifice of many steps. I don't understand why the quality of the operation should be reduced for the sake of the speed of the operation? The goal of the operation is the effect, and

Not speed."

"Mr. Cheney, in fact, I usually don't pay attention to the operation time. I just want to steadily complete the operation at a speed that I can control. This operation, I am relatively slow. Usually, I usually don't take more than four hours for this kind of operation."

, so the pursuit of speed does not exist. As for the omission of surgical steps you mentioned, you are using penetrating surgery as a reference. In fact, those steps are not omitted, but completely unnecessary. For example, you can perform subperiosteal separation without any need for surgery.

Posterior muscle perforators need to be treated."

Four hours was still shorter than the usual operation time. Cheney was once again pushed back and sat slumped in the chair.

Yang Ping not only wants to build confidence in everyone, but also correct everyone's mentality. Don't think that you are lagging behind others in everything. When something advanced comes out, you doubt whether it is inferior to others or whether it is a technology that others have eliminated.

We are not blindly arrogant, and we must never feel inferior.

"Professor Yang, is your judgment of the tumor boundary based on experience, or is it supported by theory? If it is the former, it is a bit too hasty?"

Cheney is very thick-skinned.

Yang Ping is not impatient: "We have complete theoretical support, but this new theory will be published in the form of a paper in the future, so we will not explain it here for the time being."

Cheney originally wanted to use this method to extract some valuable information, but it seemed impossible.

During the battle between Yang Ping and Cheney, Qiu Ruo stared at Yang Ping with her peach blossom eyes, never leaving her eyes for a moment.

A spine professor from the Twin Cities of Minnesota, USA, was always arrogant wherever he went, but now in front of this man, he was speechless after being refuted and sat back in his seat dejectedly.

Yang Ping's tone of voice is very gentle, but his lethality is huge.

This is the thug in a suit!

Domineering! Great love!

Qiu Ruo took out her mobile phone and sent another WeChat message to Xiao Su.

[Unexpectedly, Professor Yang is also a thug in a suit. He looks elegant and polite, but he is so rude when he criticizes people in academic meetings. He is so handsome! Men should be more domineering, not weak and easy to bully.]

[Can you please stop sending these WeChat messages to me? If you want to talk, just talk about something else.]

[Are you anxious? Isn’t he from your hospital? How about we compete? I lose to you in tennis, but in life, I’m afraid you can’t beat me.]


[Okay, don’t be angry. We are good sisters. I can understand your mood, but don’t pour cold water on me now, okay? One day you will meet your own prince. Just wait, I am not

I deliberately made you angry. He was just excited and told you his secret. I found that he must have a good feeling for me. I’m not sure if it was love at first sight, but it definitely felt good. You know what? I didn’t keep up during the operation.

Not only did he not reprimand me, but he also secretly slowed down to accommodate me, and helped me speak in front of the head nurse. It felt so warm.]

[Poor child, you are so devoted, just let you dream. I won’t wake you up. Let you wake up by yourself. It would be cruel to wake up a person who has a sweet dream.]

[Great things all start from dreams, and so does great love. I have said that good sisters should not pour cold water on me. I will only tell you one person now. If you don’t encourage me, who will encourage me?]

【Come on!】

You will die in front of me,

Forget it, we are all good sisters, it doesn’t matter if you die in front of me once.

【Thank you, I will definitely work hard!】

These are good sisters!

ps: This chapter has more than 4,000 words, which is pretty good. Writing about surgery every day would be boring, so it would be better to intersperse some life stories as a spice. Thank you everyone!

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