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Chapter 676 In Vitro Skin Multiplication Technology

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"One day, I will make this pennant culture popular in North America." Robert is always confident.

August kept thinking about these pennants, always feeling weird, but couldn't find anything wrong for the moment, so he put aside the problem for the time being and sent the pennant template to his assistant, Dr. Marcus.<


"Make a flag according to this, exactly the same, and hang it in my consulting room!" August ordered Marcus.

As for the method recommended by Robert, which is to bind the banner to the priority of medical consultation, August has not yet decided whether it is so radical.

"Professor doesn't seem interested in the surgery invited by Lagneffer Company. Should we try to persuade him?" August arranged his personal affairs and began to focus on more important things.

This time, the surgery organized by Lanefei Company has already been informed by some people in the industry that an extremely advanced skin extracorporeal doubling technology will be used. This technology is the result of Mannstein, but this genius is now focusing on spinal cord damage.

In the field of repair, there was no longer any interest in this kind of skin doubling in vitro, so another team funded by Lanefei took over the project and continued to study this result, achieving great success.

After plastic surgery master Yin Wan obtained this new result from Lanefei, he made technical improvements from the perspective of plastic surgery, which can control the thickness and color difference of the skin, achieving mature applications in the field of plastic surgery.

This technology solves the need for skin in certain surgical operations. It takes a small piece of skin from the human body and puts it in a special culture medium outside the body. The skin can grow around and expand continuously, and the area can expand to dozens of times.

Times, or even more than a hundred times.

In the past, when patients with burns or skin defects were undergoing autologous skin transplantation, skin from other parts of the patient's own body was taken, which was the idea of ​​tearing down the east wall to mend the west wall. The demand for skin was small, so it could still be dealt with, but if the demand for skin was

Very large, such as patients with large-area burns and scars all over their bodies, for which traditional methods are ineffective.

The new method can provide almost unlimited access to autologous skin, making surgery easier.

"I must advise you. This is a great opportunity. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the professor to expand his career and network. With the support of Lanefei, the professor can move sideways in the European and American medical academia. Now Laneffer has no idea about the professor's true identity."

Level, if you know the true level, it will be provided by the master, and you will definitely not just send an invitation letter to explore the way." Robert also had this intention.

August cautiously inquired at the door of Yang Ping's office. Seeing that Yang Ping was free, he waved to Robert, and the two of them rushed into Yang Ping's office.

"Is something wrong?" Yang Ping looked at the two smiling people.

August motioned for Robert to speak because he was more eloquent.

Robert coughed twice: "Professor, we are here to give you some advice. We recommend that you still participate in the surgery invited by Lanefey. We have confirmed internally that this surgery will treat the patient's extensive scars and use the most advanced in vitro skin doubling technology.

A small area of ​​healthy skin from the patient is cut out and placed in an artificial cultivation environment outside the body for multiplication and cultivation, so that the area of ​​the skin continues to increase to dozens or even a hundred times, and then transplanted to the patient to replace the original skin.

Scars, this involves some stem cell technology. I think you should check it out, professor. Of course, understanding this technology is not the most important. What is more important is that you can gain access to Laneffer’s connections, which will be of great help to your future scientific research.

, this company has signed contracts with several Nobel Prize winners.”…

Yang Ping also knows about the in vitro skin doubling technology.

There are also teams in my country doing research, such as the burn department team at Changhai Hospital in Shanghai. They can use small pieces of patients' skin to expand a thin and transparent layer of epidermal cells in vitro.

The patient's autologous epidermal cells can be cultured in vitro for 2-3 weeks, and the number of cells can be rapidly expanded 4,000-fold, providing a continuous source of skin for patients. However, the skin expanded by this team is a transparent autologous epidermal cell membrane, not

The complete thickness of the skin can be used to repair burn wounds, but it cannot be used in plastic surgery for the time being.

If Lanefei's technology is to cultivate full-thickness skin grafts or medium-thickness skin grafts including epidermis and dermis, it will definitely be a leap forward.

"Regarding this technology, I have read Professor Maninstein's paper. At that time, the technology was in the experimental stage and did not meet the conditions for clinical application. I have never seen relevant papers published subsequently. Could it be that Laneffer has now made a breakthrough and can be applied to it?

Clinical?" Yang Ping is more interested in this technology. He is interested in any new technology. He is a pure technology enthusiast who is curious about new technologies.

"Yes, the team funded by Lannife has made a breakthrough and can be used in clinical applications. It is just because the cost is too expensive. The cost per square centimeter is almost 600,000 US dollars. It is too expensive and cannot be popularized. It can only be temporarily given to these wealthy people.

People have priority." August immediately added.

"This kind of thing is very common in the medical field. For example, the longevity injections that have become popular among the rich in recent years, each injection ranges from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. They are actually stem cell injection treatments in the laboratory." Robert continued.

"David Rockefeller, the third generation descendant of the American Rockefeller family, was the world's first successful heart transplant patient. He lived to be 102 years old and spent 2 billion US dollars to successfully replace 6 hearts in his life." Austria

Gust continued.

Yang Ping's fingers tapped lightly on the desk surface, rhythmically, but without sound.

He refused this operation because he was disgusted with the dark history of Lanefei. It was once criticized for being involved in organ smuggling, although they later clarified that they had nothing to do with organ smuggling.

If this surgery is indeed as described in the invitation letter, and it is just a plastic surgery for a patient with burns and post-traumatic sequelae, and does not involve organ transplantation, and if it is true that the in vitro skin doubling technology has reached the stage of clinical application, Yang Ping will still be a little interested.

At least it shows that this company is quite outstanding in medical research. It is better to know more about cutting-edge scientific research results than to know less.

In the field of skin transplantation, before breakthroughs have been made in stem cell cultivation or skin printing technology, this in vitro skin expansion technology can be said to be the most advanced and mature technology in the world.

Even Manstein is interested in this company, which shows that it still has something unique.

Besides, Ruixing is currently making very slow progress in biological 3D printers. This cutting-edge technology requires profound accumulation and cannot be surpassed in a short time.

Yang Ping's own field of expertise is medicine, and he is not good at anything other than medicine, so he can't be of much help to Ruixing's 3D printer.

If we can make use of this power of Lanefei, Ruixing's research progress may be accelerated.

"So, I should go for this surgery?" Yang Ping felt it was necessary to meet this mysterious company and legendary figures such as Yin Wan.

"Of course, not only should you go, but you should also take us with you." Robert said.

"Why?" Yang Ping felt that Robert seemed very excited.

"You need an assistant who is familiar with Laneffer." Robert immediately explained the reason.

"No, two!" August corrected.

ps: I apologize again. I had to stop updating because I was too busy with work some time ago. Now that the situation has improved, I have started to resume updating! Thank you everyone!

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