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Chapter 687 The Super Weapon of Plastic Surgery

"You can control the presence or density of hair follicles, and you can also control the thickness of the dermis or epidermis."

Yang Ping's answer was just like answering an ordinary question casually.

Dr. Yin Wan put down the skin graft in his hand and took a deep breath. He was not sure whether this was true.

If it is true, then Professor Maninstein's formula cannot do this anyway, so now Professor Yang's formula is a brand new induction formula, and it is a more advanced formula.

The presence and density of hair follicles can be controlled, and the thickness of the dermis or epidermis can be controlled. For a plastic surgeon, this is simply a powerful nuclear weapon.

If you only consider covering the wound and do not consider the plastic surgery effect, regardless of the presence and density of hair follicles, or the thickness of the dermis and epidermis, just one layer of skin can solve the problem. But if you consider the plastic surgery effect, the wear resistance of the skin after transplantation

, and the skin’s ability to sweat, these characteristics are very important.

"Is this true?"

The question Dr. Yin Wan raised in front of everyone was a bit naive.

"If you are interested, you can follow the progress of our experiments. Many things will surprise you." Yang Ping smiled lightly. Except for Yin Wan, a master who often uses high-end skin grafting surgery, no one can see the sparse hair follicles on this piece of skin.

The density is controlled by the formula.

Even Tang Shun couldn't tell because he was not a surgeon and he lacked basic knowledge of skin grafts.

Tang Shun was also exposed to this formula for the first time, although the experimental information Yang Ping gave him stated how to change the formula to control the thickness of the dermis or epidermis, and how to control the distribution of hair follicles.

But he didn't believe that this kind of thing could be easily achieved, let alone that this effect could be achieved with a single experiment.

To successfully expand the skin graft, if we study it from scratch, even if everything goes well and we have Maninstein's ability, it will take three to five years. If we want to control the thickness of the dermis and epidermis and the distribution of hair follicles, it will take another three to five years.

Everything goes well, it takes so much time.

What's more, whether the experiment is successful is still full of variables, and many laboratories ultimately fail.

So Tang Shun couldn't help but wonder if Yang Ping was looking at him questioningly, whether this was true or not.

In response to Tang Shun's question, Yang Ping nodded in affirmation: "Formula adjustments can lead to countless new formulas. The differences in their ingredients and changes in the proportions of ingredients will affect the effect of skin graft cultivation. This is a complex and magical process.

You can slowly verify the process."

This technology is just a small experiment on Yang Ping's project. In the future, it will grow muscles, and then he will grow various organs.

Cultivating muscles is much more difficult than cultivating skin grafts, not on the same level, because muscles require far more accessory structures such as blood vessels and nerves than any other organ.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Tang Shun was filled with the desire to explore. He wanted to complete this experiment and see what magical things happened.

Yin Wanbo was having a hard time adapting at this time. Everything was like a dream. Just now he was worried about whether he could see Yang Ping, but now Yang Ping was standing in front of him.

Moreover, such important scientific research results were displayed in front of him without any concealment when they met for the first time.

At this time, Yin Wan felt that Yang Ping seemed to be living in a higher world.

All ordinary things in this world are rare treasures in the ordinary world.

For example, the piece of skin in front of you is something that Yin Wan desires, but in the hands of Professor Yang, it is like a piece of cabbage. Even ordinary students can visit it, and a strange foreigner who presumptuously asks to see it can easily touch it.

"I don't know what Dr. Yin Wan wants from me. I'm going to have an operation right away." Yang Ping also arranged the operation. He had no intention of leaving time for Yin Wan.

This time, Yin Wan was a little confused. It was so easy to meet Yang Ping, but now Yang Ping didn't leave any time for him, that is, he had no intention of talking about it, even if he knew that he was Yin Wan.

Yin Wan was surprised and disappointed, and his mood was very complicated.

"Oh Professor Yang, can I use your technology for skin grafting in the future?"

The current communication method has become a bit difficult for Yin Wan to cope with. He has no choice but to speak out the most important things directly, for fear that he will not be able to speak in the future.

"Of course you can. Just contact Dr. Tang. The technology is for use. This is Dr. Tang, the director of the laboratory. He is now in charge of the project." Yang Ping answered easily and introduced Tang Shun to Yin Wan.


Technology is valuable only when it is widely used and brings benefits to people.

If this technology is used by Yin Wan, it will soon be promoted to the whole world.

An international plastic surgery master like Yin Wan, who often spends tens of millions in surgical fees, was also shocked by Yang Ping's generosity.

But he doesn't know that it's not that Yang Ping is generous, but that Yang Ping's mentality is completely different from that of ordinary people. Many things are already very ordinary in his eyes, just like Yin Wan's arrival, which is already very ordinary in his heart.<


"Hello, I'm Tang Shun!" Tang Shun stretched out his hand to Yin Wan.

A call came from the general surgical operating room and the patient had already started anesthesia.

Yang Ping said hello to Dr. Yin Wan and left in a hurry with Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang.

Dr. Yin Wan was left in a mess, but it felt good. Everything was so relaxed and casual. We met quickly and then left after saying hello.

Yin Wan's assistant obviously felt unhappy about being ignored. This was Dr. Yin Wan, a famous plastic surgeon whose commission for surgery could exceed 100 million.

For example, the current cost of surgery for this Italian "princess" is more than 100 million US dollars.

The assistant thought there would be a grand exchange during the meeting, but in just a few minutes, Professor Yang had to leave for surgery.

By the way, change the source app, version.】

This kind of neglect is unbearable for Yin Wan's assistant. He usually follows Yin Wan out, and is always greeted by everyone wherever he goes. It feels very uncomfortable to be treated like a passerby.

"Dr. Yin Wan?" The assistant didn't know what to do for a moment. He had never experienced such a scene.

Stay and continue discussing skin grafts with these students, or leave? The assistant was a little confused and felt humiliated.

Dr. Yin Wan disagreed and waved his hand: "I like it here!"

When the assistant heard what Dr. Yin Wan said, he stopped speaking. He was just an assistant and could not overwhelm the guest.

"Dr. Tang? Let's sit down and talk when it's convenient?" Dr. Yin Wan has already sorted out the mess.

Professor Yang only said that he could use it, but he didn’t say how to use it for him?

To further clarify the direction of the matter, we must communicate with the laboratory director.

Tang Shun's mind turned. Didn't Professor Yang say that? As the director of the laboratory, he has full autonomy, so there is still a lot of room for maneuver.

"His surgery commission exceeds 100 million, what do you think?"

Robert stayed in Tang Shun's ear and reminded him kindly.

"In short, you must never look down on others." August reminded the same kindly on the other side.

Teacher Tang immediately understood: "Dr. Yin Wan, don't worry, you first fully understand our technology, and then we can sit down and talk."

Professor Yang leaves, and everyone can continue to visit this piece of skin.

Among the crowd, Dr. Yin Wan had long noticed Teacher Sun, a man with scars all over his body. Due to professional habits, he just glanced at Teacher Sun's facial scars, and Dr. Yin Wan began to mentally outline this person's condition and surgical plan.


"Dr. Tang, I would like to ask, does that gentleman need plastic surgery?" Dr. Yin Wan asked Tang Shun, his eyes resting on Teacher Sun, who was curiously looking at other equipment in the laboratory.

"Yes, this is Professor Yang's patient, and the source material of this skin graft was taken from him." Tang Shun felt that this was not a secret, and this person had been confirmed by Robert and August. Indeed,

It’s Yin Wan.

"Professor Yang plans to use this piece of skin to perform plastic surgery on him?"

Yin Wan curiously asked if Professor Yang could perform plastic surgery. If so, he would definitely try his best to stay and try to see this surgery.

When we first met, Professor Yang was so easy-going. If he asked to observe this operation, he would probably not refuse.

"Yes, this piece of skin will be used on his body soon." Tang Shun sat down and invited Yin Wan to sit down as well.

Yin Wan withdrew his gaze from Teacher Sun and sat down.

Others continued to discuss the skin graft. Robert and August also rushed to the operating room to help. Tang Shun and Yin Wan sat down to continue chatting. Teacher Tang intended to develop Yin Wan as a client of his laboratory.

This is the real Yin Wan. Robert and August also reminded him just now that he is a big customer. Teacher Tang always likes big customers.

"Professor Yang is also interested in plastic surgery?"

Yin Wan feels that there is too much crossover, and plastic surgery is not the same system as other surgeries.

Tang Shun shook his head: "Professor Yang's main business is not here, and he has no interest in plastic surgery, but this patient is special and happens to meet Professor Yang's in vitro skin amplification technology."

If necessary, Yin Wan is willing to perform surgery on this patient for free, as a gift for making friends with Professor Yang.

Of course, Yin Wan will not propose it rashly now, as it would appear hasty and reckless.

Making friends needs to be done slowly.

If he could make friends like Professor Yang and obtain Professor Yang's in vitro skin amplification technology, Yin Wan would be equivalent to mastering a super weapon in plastic surgery.

Of course, what Yin Wan is doing now is no longer for money. His money is enough for him to squander for several lifetimes.

For people like Yin Wan, the paranoid pursuit of technology is the biggest motivation for work.

Director Chi of the Burns Department has been pretending to observe the laboratory, and he is looking for opportunities to contact this elder in the plastic surgery industry.

As a brother specialty of plastic surgery, Director Chi of the Burns Department had also heard more or less the legend about this Russian plastic surgery master, but he did not expect that he would be able to meet this elder face to face right here and now.

Even though it seems that no one doubts Yin Wan's true identity, Director Chi still doubts whether this person is Yin Wan.

After all, when a legendary figure suddenly appears in front of you, you always feel a little unbelievable.

Just like one day in a small noodle shop, there is a big star sitting opposite, which always makes people doubt the authenticity of this star.

Faced with this situation, Director Chi didn't know what to do. He decided to ask Director Gao of the Sports Medicine Center how to deal with this kind of thing.

ps: During this period, Corey’s brothers fell ill one after another, and some brothers were transferred to support the emergency department, fever clinic, respiratory department and other front-line anti-epidemic departments. Most of the brothers who were able to go to work were still sick, and the department was seriously understaffed.

Therefore, I have been very busy at work, day and night, and my bed has been notified to start accepting respiratory patients, so I am even busier now, and updates can only be intermittently. I hope that after being busy, spring will bloom.<


Dear brothers, here is a reminder: For those who are sheep, or after the sheep recover, remember not to stay up late, do not exercise strenuously, do not have sex for at least one month after recovery, and just have a good rest, so as to avoid viral pneumonia to the greatest extent.

and viral myocarditis. If you have persistent fever or cough, it is best to do a chest CT to find out whether there is pneumonia; if you have symptoms of chest tightness, palpitation, and general weakness, go to the hospital to check troponin and cardiac enzyme spectrum.

In short, strategically despise the enemy, and tactically pay attention to the enemy.


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