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Chapter 76 Personnel Changes

 Set off at six in the morning and arrived at the hospital at ten in the morning.

Director Miao filled the trunk of Song Zimo's car with all Shipo's specialties and several jars of wine.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, everyone rushed to the operating room. Director Han and Xiao Wu Zhang Linzhen were doing surgery for acetabular fracture.

In order to earn points, I bought a systematic pelvic surgery training and got ten days of surgery. According to the agreement with Song Zimo, all the surgeries for the next ten days will be Song Zimo's, and Yang Ping will have a holiday.

Director Han's operation was left to Song Zimo. Song Zimo was very skilled in pelvic and acetabular surgery. Of course, it was worse than Tianyuan, after all, his experience was there.

"You do the rest of the surgery. I'll leave first. If you have any problems, call Tian Yuan." Director Han took off his surgical gown and gloves, patted his butt and left.

It was enough for Song Zimo to lead Zhang Lin Xiaowu. Seeing that Yang Ping had nothing to help, he returned to the locker room to rest.

After entering the system space, I had more than 20,000 points. Because I purchased pelvic surgery training, they were almost cleared, leaving only a few hundred points. I scanned the things in the mall and found nothing worth a few hundred points.

The category of sports medicine has been opened, but it is still gray. Judging from experience, it should be orthopedic trauma and there is still unfinished training, and the barrels are not fully inserted.

This is strange. Aren't all orthopedic trauma departments lit up? Yang Ping checked the skill tree and found that all orthopedic trauma departments were indeed lit up, but there is another branch on the main trunk, which is parallel to the orthopedic trauma department and is for multiple trauma. To complete this training,

Only then can you enter sports medicine.

Multiple trauma surgeries are generally multidisciplinary surgeries, not all performed by orthopedic surgeons. The system regards this as part of trauma orthopedics. It seems that the system requirements are very high.

In the short term, it will be difficult to earn points through daily work. You can only get more points by waiting for the system to issue tasks or completing the side tasks of replanting one hundred severed fingers.

The side mission, one hundred cases of severed finger replantation, has been completed more than 80%. Once you complete this mission and get 50,000 points, you will have plenty of money.

It would take more than ten more to complete the side mission. Yang Ping planned to talk to Song Zimo and get the severed finger to be replanted, but he gave up. He couldn't keep his word, so let's wait.

The phased task is to help Sanbo Hospital establish the strongest trauma orthopedics department in G city. I don’t know what the evaluation criteria for this strongest orthopedics department are, but the progress of the task has actually been completed by 60%.

There was nothing I could buy in the system for the time being, and I couldn't even read and study for a few hours. I had to complete dozens of cases of human anatomy, and the system space was exhausted.

Yang Ping walked around the operating room again, but did not see Xiao Su. A nurse saw him and said with a smile: "Dr. Yang, are you looking for Xiao Su? She is in the operating room of the ophthalmology department and is taking interns."

Then he laughed.

Yang Ping pretended not to hear the laughter and waited until the nurse left before going to the ophthalmology operating room. The two operating rooms of the ophthalmology department are relatively remote, and one operating room has no surgery scheduled today.

Xiao Su was explaining commonly used surgical instruments in ophthalmology to interns inside. Yang Ping didn't want to disturb her, so he just looked through the small window on the door. Su Yixuan saw Yang Ping poking his head, said hello with gestures, and continued to explain.

When I met Director Tian at the sink, Director Tian said: "Sit in the ward director's office before get off work. The boss has something to say." People sometimes call the department director or tutor the boss.

"Yeah!" Yang Ping agreed, probably because he knew about Shipo's surgery.

"Why didn't you go to the surgery and left it all to Song Zimo? Did you throw up some time ago?" Tian Yuan saw that he was so idle, and Song Zimo was working hard.

"He said we would take turns and give me the ten days off," Yang Ping said.

"You guys are a bit interesting, but I don't understand. How are you preparing the data for your project? If you want my help, just say something." Tianyuan wiped his hands.

Tian Yuan is a master of project management in the department. This year, he worked on a national-level project, evaluated the master's degree supervisor, and is preparing to lead the master's degree.

"I can't help but trouble you." Yang Ping said.

Tian Yuan finished disinfecting his hands and went for surgery. Director Han originally planned to perform several surgeries in his group, but he would do it himself when he came back.

Have a surgical meal at noon and lie down on a bench for a while.

In the afternoon, I met Xiao Su and her intern again. She said to Yang Ping: "I sent you a document. Please check WeChat when you have time."

Another document, Yang Ping secretly laughed, this document is not that document, the bottle of chili sauce is still locked in the cabinet, and he is reluctant to eat it.

Yang Ping went to the locker room, took out his phone and took a look. This time it was a real document. Su Yixuan was going to give a lecture to the interns on the understanding and use of basic orthopedic surgical instruments. She made a ppt and asked Yang Ping to help check and modify it. Waiting for it tomorrow.


I need to stay up all night today to do this beautifully, Yang Ping thought.

After the operation, Tian Yuan, Song Zimo, and Yang Ping went to Director Han's office. Tian Yuan closed the door. Director Han poured everyone a cup of tea and said: "I'll keep you here for a small meeting today. I have something to discuss with you."

Just a moment."

Director Han sat down, tapped his fingers on the table, and paused: "The Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics is going to recruit a new professor to be the director of the department."

The new director of the department? What about Director Han? Everyone was surprised at the same time. The news was a bit sudden.

"What about you? Director." Tian Yuan said immediately.

Director Han said: "I only stepped down as the director of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, but I will continue to serve as the director of the Department of General Orthopedics. Director Xia is far-sighted and wants to open up the high-end medical market, using orthopedics as a pilot, and opening a new orthopedics department in Huaqiao Building to provide comprehensive orthopedics services.

This surgery is not divided into sub-specialties and does not conflict with the departments here. It only accepts VIP patients there and has 30 beds. I would like to take the three of you there. Are you willing? There will definitely not be as many new patients as here.

It’s starting a business again, and it may be a lot harder for you.”

I thought that Director Han would no longer be the director of the Department of Orthopedics, which shocked everyone. In that case, the department would be shaken.

"Director, I'll go with you, there's no need to discuss this." Tian Yuan said firmly.

"Me too!"

"Me too!

Yang Ping and Song Zimo responded unanimously, with firm attitudes. All three of them were sincere and not superficial.

The three of them are all Director Han's favorite generals. Yang Ping is the latest to join Director Han's staff, but he has already gained respect. Director Han regards him as being as close as Tian Yuan and Song Zimo, otherwise he would not be summoned to a meeting together. Now we need to expand our territory.

, the three of them naturally had no choice but to consider the hardships.

It’s just that the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics has just made a name for itself, and it was handed over to others, which was a bit unwilling. Tian Yuan said: "No matter what the reason, we will follow you, but the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics has just gained some achievements, and now -"

"This is part of the hospital's grand strategy. Overseas Chinese Building has a separate orthopedics department, and I am the most suitable person to go there," explained Director Han.

"Where is the new guy from?" Tian Yuan asked.

"Tan Boyun, second-year associate student of Nandu Medical University!"

"This man has a very arrogant temper, a bit arrogant, and is at odds with the senior director above him." Director Tian is very familiar with him.

"It is true that his temperament is not very good, but he is indeed a talented person. The leaders above may have considered this before transferring him to Sanbo. We are short of people here, and I have been wondering who should be the director of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, and it is just right

This is the case, so I asked Dean Xia to agree." Director Han said.

If Director Han didn't agree, Dean Xia wouldn't agree with him either, and the whole thing would be over.

"He is more aggressive than Ouyang, Lao Bai, and Lao Ding. This is what I considered. Originally, I planned to let you Tian Yuan serve as the director of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, but after much consideration, the newly opened department in Huaqiao Building cannot be without you.

." Director Han said.

"Ouyang, Lao Bai, Lao Ding will have some ideas, right?" Tian Yuan is Director Han's confidant, so he can say whatever he wants.

"I have talked to each of them. At least on the surface there will be no problem. Let's get used to it slowly. They lack the spirit and are not suitable for attacking cities and territories, but this Tan Boyun can do it! His surgery was very beautiful, and he also

He has a talent for management, but he was very angry in the Second Annex, and was always suppressed by the chief director. This time when he comes here, he will definitely go to full speed, and compete with the Second Annex overtly and covertly. This is a good thing, but he is afraid of holding back.

I can't stand it. I have laid the foundation of orthopedic trauma, and the trauma emergency center is now running well. If he comes over and makes good use of this platform, he can put on a good show." Director Han drank tea.

"With his temper, will he often have conflicts with Ouyang and others?" Tian Yuan was still worried.

Director Han said: "Don't worry, if you let him be the second child, he will probably be uneasy; if you let him be the boss, there won't be any problems. He can control several people in Ouyang. To be honest, once he comes, the strength of our Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics will be greatly improved."


"He will also bring a student here. It is understandable that he wants to have a right-hand assistant when doing his work. I don't always want to take you with me. When I go to Japan, you and he will be the same visiting scholars, right?"

Director Han remembered.

"Not only when I went to Japan, but also to the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, the United States, he was in the same dormitory with me and lived in the same dormitory. Otherwise, how could I know him so well." Tian Yuan stood up and helped Director Han fill up the tea.

"If you two have any opinions, please tell me." Director Han asked Yang Ping and Song Zimo.

Song Zimo said: "I have no objection, I just want to follow you, boss."

Yang Ping said: "Of course I am willing to follow you, director."

Director Han smiled heartily: "That's good, let's bring Zhang Lin Xiaowu over. There are only so many people for the time being. We will recruit more people according to the number of patients in the future. The information will be kept confidential for the time being, and don't tell Zhang Lin Xiaowu."

Coming out of Director Han's office, Xiao Wu called: "Boss, are you busy after work? Come to the underground parking lot, quickly--"

Underground parking lot? What's going on? It's mysterious.

Yang Ping took the elevator to the underground parking lot, found Xiao Wu's car according to the parking location given by Xiao Wu.

"What's going on? It's so mysterious, like an illegal transaction." Yang Ping sat on the passenger seat and closed the door.

Xiaowu said: "It's nothing. I'm just on my way. I'll take you back with me. Why don't you go back?"

Yang Ping didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's just over the overpass. Why the hell do you drive to and from get off work? And you took me back, driving around, and you got home later than walking."

Xiaowu said: "Xiaoqing is afraid that I will work too hard, so he makes me drive to and from get off work. There is no way."

This dog food is spread!

Yang Ping wanted to slap him on the head.

***The author has something to say***

Thank you Qianqianjunzi and Hibisimumu for your reward! Today we start the third round of recommendations. We really need everyone’s recommendation votes and collections. We sincerely thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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