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Chapter 769 Headache

In fact, some things may seem perfect on the surface, but behind the scenes is something else.

Guan Ruyan is the future star of Nandu Medical University. His outstanding academic achievements are far ahead of his peers. He is tall and handsome, has excellent eloquence, and has a very good image and temperament. He has two CNS articles and 32 SCI articles. In fact, there are more than 32 articles, but there are still more.

The quality of the journals in which many articles were published was not very good, so he did not list them. All the articles listed were articles published in high-quality journals.

The young returnee doctor was once called the most handsome professor on the Internet. His entire growth experience could be written into an inspirational novel.

But the reality is so cruel, no one knows, this is just the surface, everything is packaged, and the story behind it is completely another version.

Principal Rao, including Principal Rao, had no idea that Guan Ruyan was just a fake with a golden reputation. He had always thought that Guan Ruyan was a young talent. That's why Principal Rao seemed to be in such a difficult position during this competition for outstanding youth quotas.

If Principal Rao knew the real Guan Ruyan, he would definitely allocate the quota to Yang Ping directly without any embarrassment about this matter.

However, I have to say that Guan Ruyan is a top talent.

His growth is inseparable from the help of women. It can be said that he has utilized the value of women to the extreme. He has stepped on one woman after another to complete his gorgeous rise in life.

When Professor Guan first entered the university as an undergraduate, he already had a girlfriend. This girl was his high school classmate, and the two had a touching love story.

The two began to fall in love in high school, and both had very good grades in high school. Unfortunately, both of them came from poor family backgrounds, and both faced a dilemma - even if they were admitted to college, they would not be able to afford the tuition fees, so they had to study early.

Go out to work to relieve the pressure on your family.

So in order to support Guan Ruyan's college education, this high school girl gave up going to college after graduating from high school and started working part-time. She used the money she earned from working to support Guan Ruyan's college education.

The girls lived frugally, but never treated Guan Ruyan badly. They bought Guan Ruyan good clothes, good shoes, and the best mobile phone, and supported Guan Ruyan in his future studies for graduate school and Ph.D.

Guan Ruyan is also very impressive. He is not only tall and handsome, but also has excellent eloquence, good academic performance, and strong mobility. He actively participates in student activities in school and is a cadre of the student union. He possesses all the elements of an outstanding college student.

This high school girlfriend was very pleased to see her boyfriend being so motivated. She made such sacrifices for love without any regrets. What an enviable true love.

At that time, the two young men began to plan the future of their lives. Guan Ruyan swore before the flowers and under the moon that if he did not marry this girl in the future, he would definitely make her the happiest woman in the world.

It was at that time that the girl dedicated everything to Guan Ruyan, including her own body.

But then things changed and Guan Ruyan met another girl - the second noble person in his life.

The second noble person was the daughter of the director of a hospital in a certain area. This girl met Guan Ruyan at a campus event. Guan Ruyan's talent and appearance deeply attracted the simple girl who had no experience in the world.

After dating for a while, the girl fell in love with Guan Ruyan. After dating for many times, the girl fell in love with Guan Ruyan so much that she would not marry him unless she had him. At this time, Guan Ruyan was indeed a man who knew the current affairs. After assessing the situation, he

Without hesitation, he dumped his high school girlfriend who was studying with him and got together with the dean's daughter. He also swore before and after the flowers that this was his true love and he would not marry anyone other than the dean's daughter.

At that time, my high school girlfriend was pregnant and hoped to keep Guan Ruyan's heart through the baby in her belly.

But whether it is a man or a woman, they will definitely become indifferent and ruthless after a change of heart. Guan Ruyan doesn't care about the child in her belly at all, he only cares about his own future.

This innocent high school girlfriend really loves Guan Ruyan, otherwise why would she give up her life to fulfill Guan Ruyan. In order to match Guan Ruyan, she went to adult college, learned English, enrolled in interior designer training classes, and obtained various certificates.

Through hard work, she has become a designer and a decent white-collar worker. She is planning a bright future. She wants to earn money for Guan Ruyan to study for a master's degree and a doctorate.

But the reality is so cruel. Guan Ruyan gradually became cold to her, did not answer her calls, did not reply to her WeChat messages, and refused to meet her.

The reason is simple - the two of them are no longer suitable and have nothing in common.

How could the girl endure such a major breakup? With no choice but to abort the fetus alone, she lay in the hospital for two weeks because of excessive bleeding.

But Guan Ruyan never came to see her or made a phone call.

The girl thought about going to school to cause trouble and make a fight to the death, but then she thought about it and let it go. The fate was over. From now on, they broke up and each went his own way.

Guan Ruyan's vision was extremely vicious. His second girlfriend brought Guan Ruyan huge profits. The dean's father was also very energetic. For the future of his daughter and son-in-law, he spent a lot of effort to help them get recommended places for direct promotion.

Master's degree candidate.

However, the dean was unlucky and was dismissed due to financial problems. At this time, Guan Ruyan was already secretly looking for his next target.

It's still the same rule of life - those who know the current affairs are heroes, and a dean who has fallen from power is worthless.

But Guan Ruyan didn't kick his college girlfriend away right away because the next target hadn't appeared yet, and his college girlfriend's good financial foundation could be used as an ATM for the time being.

Soon when he was a master's student, Guan Handsome had a God-given opportunity. He met Ding Xinyu, the daughter of the principal of Shangding. Similarly, Guan Ruyan relied on his magic power to make Ding Xinyu devoted to him and pursued him crazily.

In fact, Guan Ruyan didn't meet Ding Xinyu by chance. When he was looking for his next target, he had already set his sights on it. All chance encounters were carefully planned by him.

I have to admit that this man is a highly intelligent hunter.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At that time, President Ding was not the president, but the director of the Science and Technology Department of Nandu Medical University. However, Guan Ruyan keenly realized that Professor Ding’s resources far exceeded that of the director of a regional tertiary hospital.

, not to mention, the director of this tertiary hospital has been invalidated.

So he decisively broke up with his undergraduate girlfriend and accepted Ding Xinyu's advances.

His undergraduate girlfriend suffered a double blow from family changes and love betrayal one after another. She committed suicide several times and finally became mentally unstable and had to drop out of school.

Guan Ruyan is also a consistent "iron-blooded man". He broke up with her very decisively and completely, and had a heart of stone that no one could compare to. Similarly, when her undergraduate girlfriend was hospitalized, he never even took a look at her.

Not even a phone call or a few words of comfort.

After falling in love with Ding Xinyu, Guan Ruyan not only tried his best to please Ding Xinyu and let Ding Xinyu enjoy the most beautiful love in the world, but also behaved more like a son in front of Professor Ding, racking his brains to please Professor Ding.

To express his sincerity, he and Ding Xinyu obtained a marriage certificate during their master's degree.

At that time, Principal Ding did not agree with this matter, but it was a done deal. Principal Ding saw that Guan Ruyan was a talented person with high IQ and EQ. He was young and promising, and he was also a malleable talent. So Professor Ding regarded Guan Ruyan as his son and carefully cultivated him.

He has a bright future. He used a trick to obtain a government-sponsored quota to send him to study abroad. In order to ensure that his study abroad went smoothly, he was specially assigned a study companion while studying abroad. It was really painstaking.

The name of this schoolmate is Lu Xiaolu. He is a truly gifted young talent. He is the recipient of Professor Ding's private charity support. He has supported him from high school to university, and then helped Lu Xiaolu study abroad for graduate school.

In order to thank Principal Ding, Lu Xiaolu fully accepted Principal Ding's arrangement and contributed all his achievements to Guan Ruyan. After returning to China, he has been Guan Ruyan's assistant. Almost all of Guan Ruyan's papers were written by Lu Xiaolu, and he wrote the project bid.

He also did the experiments on his behalf.

Of course, the first author of all papers is Guan Ruyan. Apart from Guan Ruyan himself, only Principal Ding, Lu Xiaolu and Ding Xinyu know about this.

As Guan Ruyan's assistant, it was natural for Lu Xiaolu to undertake the task of experimenting, so for many years, no one found out.

Guan Ruyan may have felt that he was really good, and was a little arrogant, so he got carried away and wrote a separate paper for submission. Perhaps because of his outstanding academic performance in the past, top domestic journals directly accepted his article, and this article almost made a joke.

Principal Rao couldn't believe that this essay was written by Guan Ruyan. It's not that Guan Ruyan couldn't write papers. He could definitely write papers, and he could write them well, but he was far from the academic level of two CNS papers and 32 SCI papers.


Compared with the previous papers, this paper that he wrote so proudly was not written by the same person. The secret was almost exposed. Fortunately, in the end, Lu Xiaolu admitted that it was his student who had published it privately under Guan Ruyan's name without Guan Ruyan's permission.

, the matter was finally settled, and Lu Xiaolu was punished.

Of course, everyone will accept this result. After all, it is impossible for such a high-level young talent to write such a low-level paper.

If it weren't for Yang Ping who showed up halfway this time, Guan Ruyan would have easily won the spot for outstanding youths and continued his meteoric rise.


For Guan Ruyan, the quota of outstanding young people is extremely important. It is a key part of his promotion.

But for Yang Ping, it was actually dispensable. He just didn't want to indifferent to the old man's enthusiasm.

There are special funds to pay for scientific research. I don't need these things at all. It would be better if I could leave the funds for outstanding students to those who need them.

Even the reason why the four "Science" articles caused waves for Yang Ping was not that "Science" was so powerful, but that it could help Yang Ping accumulate a large number of points. System points were the focus of Yang Ping's attention.

Papers are just a sideshow, surgery is the main theme of life.

Yang Ping continued his rounds and performed surgeries as usual. The three operating rooms opened in parallel every day, with Yang Ping, Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang performing the surgeries respectively.

Comprehensive surgery is already small in scale, but Yang Ping has no intention of expanding it.

Three operating rooms are enough. The position of general surgery is to handle surgeries that others cannot handle, rather than competing with others to perform all surgeries. It is large and comprehensive. Yang Ping is not interested in expanding and occupying space.

His goal is to build comprehensive surgery into a department that combines clinical practice and scientific research, a research-oriented department.

Anyway, these papers are like a depth bomb, bringing huge waves to the people around Yang Ping. Everyone has not yet recovered from the impact of the papers.

Xiao Su has also been extremely excited these days. Her husband burst out three "science" articles without saying a word. Xiao Su admires Yang Ping infinitely. He feels that Yang Ping is a god descended from heaven and is the most powerful man in the world.

She knew Yang Ping was powerful, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful.

One "Science" article can make Yang Ping's mobile phone hot. Now with four "Science" articles, Yang Ping's mobile phone is on the verge of exploding at any time.

The conversation lasted an hour on the phone with Professor Xiehe Liang. The old professor kept talking and was as excited as a child. He rambled on and on, becoming more and more excited. Finally, he said: "The battery of the phone is about to run out. If you have any difficulties, please feel free to ask."

, don’t be bored in your heart.”

301 Professor Qin rarely makes phone calls, but this time he called and hung up after half an hour.

The group of young people from Xiehe, represented by Song Yun; Wen Rentao from the Sixth Academy of Magic City, and former classmates ---

Many people called to congratulate them. They never expected that Yang Ping would post so many "science" papers at once. Yang Ping's former classmates were still worried about their thesis titles. Yang Ping was already a chief physician, professor, and doctoral supervisor. Some classmates even made appointments with Yang Ping in advance.

Ph.D. student.

My good friend Ning Qi, the beautiful CEO and a businessman, somehow knew about Yang Ping's paper, so she also joined in the fun. Not only did she not hang up on the phone, but she also showed up at Xia Yuan as the largest donor of the Sanbo Fund.

Accompanied by the chief, I walked around Sanbo just to have a legitimate chance to see Yang Ping and shake hands.

Boss Cheng had already set up a banquet in his private restaurant. He said that the brothers wanted to have a good gathering, so he invited Huang Jiacai and Su Nanchen to join him.

The uncle and brother-in-law have already roped in, and Yang Ping can't refuse, otherwise he would be too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Director Cai of Licheng Hospital drank a few glasses of wine and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. He said excitedly: "There are a few S-level people in the club. Do you want to accompany Professor Yang to relax?"

Boss Cheng almost slapped them in the face, but Dean Cai shuddered and said, "Those guys are really good at playing. I heard that they have participated in the tennis competition of the National Games. Do you want Professor Yang to go there and play?"

"Professor Yang is so busy, how can he have time to play tennis?" Boss Cheng said sternly.

Even if you react quickly, your mouth will make Boss Cheng scold Dean Cai in his heart.

Dean Cai broke out in a cold sweat, almost slapping his own mouth.

The bakery opened by Yu Shuilian in the hospital advertised that in order to celebrate the publication of Professor Yang's paper, it would be free for one week.

Dean Xia could no longer keep a low profile, so he put up a banner in the hospital, and the hospital's official website even had a special festive section to celebrate the publication of three "Science" articles at once, which was probably the first time in history and in the world.

Now that the three chapters are like this, Yang Ping doesn't dare to think about whether the next nine chapters will cause any big trouble. He doesn't know whether the hearts of Dean Xia and Director Han can bear it. After all, they are old.

Skull hurts!

Yang Ping was sitting in his office, leaning back on his chair to rest. There was a bottle of Fengyoujing on the table.

This chapter has been completed!
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