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Chapter 771 Old Friend’s Steak

Although Jeff did not understand what the paper was about, Maninstein strongly recommended it, and his intuition told him that these articles must be pioneering works.

For this kind of thing, he didn't want to share this honor with Maninstein, and Maninstein already had enough honors, and he didn't care if he had a little less.

Bryn Bull had a sharp vision at that time. The two-page article on the double helix structure model of DNA became the most famous article in the history of Nature, and Blumble became famous in history.

It wasn't that Bramble didn't review manuscripts back then, but that his review method was different and he had his own way of making judgments.

The paper on the DNA double helix structure model was recommended by Bragg, director of the Cavendish Physics Laboratory. Bragg is a Nobel Prize winner. This alone is enough to prove the value of the paper, and Bramble's direct judgment, this paper

Although what he was talking about was a hypothesis, it would usher in an era, so he did not hesitate to publish this short "hypothesis" article as soon as possible.

Now Maninstein flew across the English Channel from Germany just for these four articles. Dr. Jeff seemed to understand the concept of "subtle anatomy" in the articles, but this did not affect him from using his power as editor to expedite publication.

This is the case with "Nature", the editor's brain determines everything!

With a history of more than 150 years, this review method of "Nature" has been tried and tested repeatedly, and articles that shocked the world and opened up the era frequently broke out.


After solving "Nature", Maninstein did not stop and immediately set off across the Atlantic to Massachusetts, USA. He would not let go of any of Yang Ping's articles and must have all his papers published.

At this time, Maninstein did not know the specific contents of Yang Ping's five papers published in the journal "Cell". He only knew that he had submitted five articles to "Cell".

Maninstein was full of energy. He hugged his leather briefcase and slept on the plane. Once he arrived in Massachusetts, the editor-in-chief of "Cell", Reuben Kyle, personally drove to pick him up.

Ruben Kehl, geneticist, PhD from Harvard University, academician of the American Academy of Sciences, he is an outstanding editor-in-chief.

Maninstein has won the Nobel Prize twice. He is a scholar who is respected by everyone in the academic world. Almost all editors-in-chief of top medical journals know Maninstein, and in the journal "Cell", Maninstein

The two results that won Stan the Nobel Prize were published here.

In terms of personal relationships, among the three editors-in-chief of CNS, Reuben Kyle of "Cell" had the deepest friendship with Maninstein.

The plane was delayed and it was already late at night when it landed. Ruben Kyle waited at the airport for two hours.

Reuben Kyle knew on the phone that Maninstein was in an emergency, but he didn't know what it was. It must be a breakthrough in the head transplant operation, which might involve some ethical issues. It was not convenient to chat on the phone to avoid falling into the truth, so he

Came in a hurry to meet.

If this is true, it means that Maninstein has made a breakthrough in nerve repair, then he is very likely to break history and win the third Nobel Prize in medicine, which will be a miracle in history.

At the exit of the airport, Ruben Kyle finally saw his old friend Mannstein. He opened his arms and hugged him warmly.

"My old friend, you should take your time and stop being in such a hurry."

"No, some things can wait until next year, but some things cannot wait until tomorrow. There is no need to go back to your headquarters. Let's sit down somewhere and let me eat something and drink some coffee first." Maninstein's stomach was already growling.

"The old place? You know, it's very quiet there and it's easy to talk."

Seeing Maninstein's beaming expression, Ruben Kyle could almost conclude that he had made a breakthrough in nerve repair. This was really a great news.

Two old friends got in the car, and Reuben Kyle drove into the suburbs and came to a relatively remote cafe. This was owned by Reuben Kyle's friend. He parked the car and took Maninstein directly to a single room on the second floor.

, every time they came to the United States, Maninstein and Ruben Kehl would reminisce here.

The two sat down and hot coffee was served, followed by steak, sausage and bread.

Reuben Kyle said excitedly: "Old friend, let me guess what happened. Your expression has betrayed you. Did your experiment make progress? A huge breakthrough in neural repair? In that case, the head replacement experiment is just around the corner.

Experiments using monkeys will surely be successful soon. Let’s use monkeys for the time being, but there will still be a lot of ethical pressure.”

After Maninstein devoured his food, he shook his head and said, "Not so fast. I came to the United States for other reasons."

As he spoke, he took out a card from the briefcase he carried with him and handed it to Ruben Kyle: "This Chinese name has five papers submitted to your journal. I want you to publish them as soon as possible, at all costs, as soon as possible! You understand me.

the meaning of."

Academic matters sometimes require a race against time. If someone studies the same topic at the same time and makes the same progress, the one who publishes the paper first will be recorded in history, and the one who publishes later will naturally be buried. This is a cruel reality.

Reuben Kyle took the card, which had the Chinese pinyin of Yang Ping written on it, as well as the English name of Sanbo Hospital.

He thought for a while, frowned, and had some impressions of these articles. They had discussed them together not long ago. After several rounds of discussions, the articles were temporarily suppressed.

But Ruben Kehl was hesitating, feeling that the topic of the article was very novel. It could be said that the article was about to open up a new field and put forward ideas that had never been mentioned before.

Unfortunately, this issue is just a hypothesis, and there is currently no experimental data to support it.

Reuben Kyle was still deeply impressed by these articles, and said to Maninstein who was cutting steak:

"At the editorial board discussion, I have seen these five papers, which are different levels and aspects of the same topic. The general idea is that there is some kind of three-dimensional guide construction gene fragment in human cells. This fragment can guide the cells to carry out precise tasks.

Space construction. Because of the existence of three-dimensional space-oriented gene fragments, cells can build tissues and organs step by step, and finally form a complete human body."

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading! "The article shows that human genetic information not only contains the design drawings of the human body, but also contains guidance on how to turn the drawings into a 3D reality. From a fertilized egg to a human body, the division of

Cells rely on this gene as an architect to build a three-dimensional human body."

"This is just a hypothesis at the moment, but the author said that experimental data will be available to support it soon. How soon? We need data that can be published now, not predictions. I have to admit that this hypothesis is very imaginative, but it is so huge.

The hypothesis is difficult to convince without experimental support.”

Maninstein listened carefully all the time. After finishing a piece of steak, he said:

“What about the opinions of the expert reviewers?”

Ruben Kehl shook his head: "The expert reviewers unanimously believed that this was an unfounded imagination and recommended that it not be published. The opinions of our editorial board are consistent with this. Moreover, the author of the article has made no previous achievements in this field. The experiment of the work

The room is also not well-known. After several discussions, we still felt that it should not be published, but I personally feel that we need to think about it before rejecting it."

Maninstein pressed the call bell button on the table, called the waiter, and asked them to bring three more steaks. Two steaks obviously could not satisfy his hungry stomach.

After the waiter left, Maninstein said:

"The fact that you are still hesitating and not rejecting the manuscript directly shows that you are a smart person, which is more worthy of the honor you have received so far."

He paused and continued: "If it is convenient, I propose to go back to your headquarters later. I have to take a good look at these articles."

Reuben Kyle agreed: "Of course it is convenient, the door of "cell" is open to Maninstein at any time."

Maninstein ate five pieces of steak before he felt hungry, so the two of them drove to the headquarters of "Cell", Reuben Kyle's office.

It was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the whole building was dark, with only Ruben Kyle's office lighting up.

Ruben Kehl turned on his computer, called up the paper, handed his chair to Maninstein, made two more cups of coffee, and sat aside to wait.

Even with the blessing of coffee, Ruben Kyle still couldn't help but yawn, his eyelids were heavy and unruly, and he fell asleep from time to time.

But Maninstein was on the contrary. He was full of energy and his eyes were bright. It was as if it was not early morning at all, but he had just woken up after a full sleep and had just taken a shower. He stared at the computer and slowly read the paper.

After reading it carefully several times, Maninstein sat up straight and wanted to say something to his old friend, but Ruben Kehl was already fast asleep.

"Ruben Kehl!" cried Maninstein.

Reuben Kyle woke up from his sleep and panicked: "Damn, where am I?"

Maninstein handed over a tissue. Reuben Kyle wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, cleared his mind and said, "Sorry, did I just fall asleep? Didn't I say anything?"

"It's okay," Maninstein said.

"Wait for me, I have to wash my face."

Ruben Kyle got up at any time, took a towel from the office and went to the bathroom, rinsed his face, and then came out in high spirits: "Okay, now let's continue---"

Maninstein confirmed that there was no problem with his mental state and said:

"In fact, I have read the articles a long time ago, but I just need to make a final confirmation to know whether they are the ones I want. In fact, I think these articles are more suitable for publishing in Nature. The double helix structure of DNA back then was related to the

Similarly, it is also a hypothesis. The author is very confident that it will be consistent with the experimental data, but Bramble did not ignore it because of the hypothesis. He decided to publish it directly. "

"At this time, I am tired of traveling and traveling across the ocean. I just want to tell you a little secret. This young Chinese professor --- Yang Ping. "Science" has published 4 of his articles, and "Nature" will soon publish 4 of his articles.

Articles, if your five articles in "Cell" cannot be published in time, they are likely to be divided up by "Nature" and "Science". "Nature" and "Science" are already eyeing them, waiting for you to eat them."

"Nowadays, fewer and fewer papers published by your three major journals can contain Nobel Prizes. Of course, the existence of the journal has nothing to do with the Nobel Prize, but we have to be vigilant. Is there some invisible index that is starting to go downhill?"

Maninstein drank hot coffee to dispel the humidity from London.

"Don't tell me, this is the purpose of your trip?" Ruben Kyle couldn't believe it. This genius professor's trip to the United States was just for these articles.

Maninstein nodded in affirmation: "Yes, old friend, this is the only purpose of this trip!"

Ruben Kyle didn't believe it at all: "You came to visit me at the "cell" headquarters late at night just for this? It's so interesting."

Maninstein raised his head and leaned back on his chair: "Isn't this matter significant enough?"

"Is there really nothing else?" Ruben Kyle asked suspiciously.

Maninstein said lazily: "Honesty is the first quality, Maninstein has never lacked it. If you have to say that there are other purposes, then just add them reluctantly - for example, I miss you very much, for example, I want to

Eat steak from your friend's restaurant, for example, I want to experience "Cell" and work overtime late at night."

"Okay, old friend, I believe you, what else do you have to say to me?" Ruben Kyle shrugged helplessly.

Maninstein smiled and said: "Today's steak was indeed good, I like it! Thank you for me, my friend. Brother Reuben Kyle, as soon as you get to work tomorrow morning, you will start taking action and have all five articles published in "cell"

and don’t postpone it, in any case publish it in the latest issue.”

"You said publishing 5 articles at once? And asking the latest journal to re-layout these 5 articles?" Ruben Kyle asked.

Maninstein nodded: "That's exactly what I mean, but it's not enough. I should also select an article and publish it as a cover."

Ruben Kyle thought for a while and said: "Okay, I listen to you."

Maninstein put away his cowhide briefcase: "In the name of an old friend, I remind you again---I sincerely hope that you can seize this opportunity and do as I say. Not to mention being ahead, at least you will not fall behind others."

At this time, the energetic German guy let out a big yawn:

"The things I have to do have been done. I think I should buy the nearest flight back to Germany. I am still very busy and cannot stay too long."

"You want to leave now?"

Ruben Kyle knew that his old friend had a weird temper, but he didn't expect to leave just after sitting for a while.

"It's four o'clock in the morning now?"

Reuben Kyle reminds.

Maninstein stood up, carrying an old leather briefcase.

"I'll also tell you a secret. Sleeping on the plane is actually very comfortable and the sleep quality is excellent. I think I should publish a paper in your journal to study this matter when I have time."

"Okay, take me to the airport. I need to buy the nearest ticket. I can also sleep for a while at the airport while waiting for the plane. I advise you---it's best to start quickly. Lewis and Jeff are waiting for me to add food to them.

, but this is what I leave to you. No one can stretch their neck to grab it, not for anything else, just because your steak suits my taste best. When we come to Berlin, we will have two sips of dark beer."

Ruben Kyle thought his old friend was joking, but he didn't expect that he was really leaving now.

This chapter has been completed!
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