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Chapter 773 Paper can’t contain the fire after all

After all, paper cannot cover the fire!

Real academic experts stare at the top journals in their profession almost every day. As soon as a new journal comes out, they start reading it to capture the information they want. Only in this way can they follow the world's cutting-edge research and keep their knowledge and content from falling behind others.


This top-notch journal has always been one of the main reading materials on Professor Su's bookshelf.

Nowadays, many international journals are printed and mailed in the country of sale. Coupled with the development of the logistics industry, once a new issue of a journal is released, it can be delivered to readers in a few days.

Because "Science" contained Yang Ping's article, Professor Su paid special attention to this issue of "Science". He took down the "Science" that still smelled of ink from the bookshelf, and the title of Yang Ping's paper was printed on the cover.

, a paper on skin augmentation technology.

He found Yang Ping's paper and read it carefully. After reading it, he sincerely appreciated the huge medical value contained in the paper.

The young talent who was able to publish 4 articles in "Science" is his son-in-law. Professor Su, who has always loved talents, has been too excited to sleep these days. His old father, who is over eighty years old, is also very happy about this all day long.


"Cell", "Nature" and "Science" were placed close to each other. After reading "Science", Professor Su naturally took down the latest issue of "Cell" and "Nature", took them into his hands and browsed through the catalog, thoroughly


There are 5 articles in "Cell" and 4 articles in "Nature", all of which have cover articles. They are all written by the same author - Yang Ping, his son-in-law Yang Ping.

9 CNS articles, plus the previous 4 articles, a total of 13 articles were published in a short period of time. This kind of blowout is simply the strongest volcanic eruption on the earth's surface.

How is this going?

Professor Su's hands were trembling a little. No matter how knowledgeable Professor Su was, he had never seen such a thing before. It had happened before in history, but he had never thought of it.

Is this guy a normal human being?

He calmed down and wanted to call Yang Ping, thinking that he should have surgery at this time, but he stopped, as if Yang Ping was very unfamiliar at this time.

Professor Su thought for a while and dialed his daughter's phone number. After dialing, he didn't know what to say.

"Dad?" Xiao Su asked on the phone.

Professor Su coughed a few times: "I was just reading the latest issue of "cell", "nature", and "science". Did Xiao Yang publish 9 more articles? Why didn't you tell me?"

Professor Su's tone contained blame for the juniors.

Xiao Su said in a nonchalant tone: "I'm not worried that you and grandpa can't stand the excitement. Fortunately for you, grandpa is old and can't get too excited."

"Nonsense, of course you have to tell me in time for such a big deal---"

After saying this, Professor Su's heart was pounding with excitement. For an academic expert, this matter was much more exciting than seeing a sudden increase of billions in deposits in his account.

"Dad, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that my heart is beating hard. Don't worry, I'm just happy. Remember, don't tell your grandparents. This matter is kept secret. Your grandpa got up at three o'clock to do Tai Chi now because he was too excited about it." Professor Su warned.


Immediately, Professor Su immediately dialed Su Nanchen's phone number: "This issue of "Cell" and "Nature" must be hidden. Don't take it back to your grandpa. If asked, just make up a reason."

Professor Su and his wife usually live in a community near the hospital, and go back to their villa on Shuangsha Island on Saturdays and Sundays. Professor Su’s parents usually stay at the villa on Shuangsha Island.

"what happened?"

Su Nanchen also subscribes to many medical journals at home, so the study room at home can be called a small library. There is no shortage of heavyweight journals at home and abroad. Su Buping usually does not miss an issue of the top neurosurgery journals, and he does not miss an issue of the three top comprehensive journals.

, he also has to browse through it, and will study it carefully if he encounters someone who is interested.

For a scholarly family, reading is a tradition.

"Take a look at "cell" and "nature" for yourself. Your good brother Yang Ping has caused a shocking incident again." Professor Su hung up the phone.

"What's wrong with you?" Mrs. Su saw Professor Su leaning on the back of his chair with his eyes closed, as if he had encountered some problem.

Professor Su waved his hand: "Are there any sleeping pills at home? Give me two tonight."

"What happened?" Mrs. Su had never seen Professor Su so lost.

Professor Su slowly opened his eyes and pointed to the journal on the desk: "Read it for yourself, our good son-in-law--"


Except for Xiao Su, Yang Ping did not tell anyone about the nine papers that followed Yang Ping's paper.

But journals are always meant for people to read. There are so many doctors in Sanbo Hospital, and everyone is a loyal reader of these journals.

For example, Wen Ru from the Department of Pathology is more active in reading journals than the average person on Douyin. He reads journals whenever he has nothing to do.

He was the first to know about this. At that time, Wen Ruzheng thought that the fake journal he was holding was a fake journal. How could there be such a fierce person who published articles, publishing several articles at a time?

After verification, Wen Ruzheng, who usually doesn't like to post on WeChat Moments, immediately posted the incident in various groups in the hospital, and the news immediately aroused various discussions.

"The great god shows his power again and breaks out 9 CNS articles at once---" Wen Ru was preparing a shocking topic.

Of course, everyone's first reaction was that Wen Ruzheng had some wrong nerve and deliberately posted randomly while the heat was hot. Some people thought that Wen Ruzheng's phone was infected with a virus and thought that the post in the group was a virus. There were also some bold enough to directly click on Wen Ruzheng's article.


4 articles are already unacceptable to CNS. Now we are talking about 9 articles, a total of 13 articles. How is this possible?

Not many people believed such news suddenly. Everyone felt baffled and didn't know what Wen Ruzheng meant.

"Wen Ruzheng! What do you mean?"

"What are you posting? Is it true or false?"

"I guarantee this with the three-good student certificates I have received since I was a child. This matter is absolutely true and has been verified. Those who don't believe it can verify it themselves." Wen Ruzheng was unhurried.

Director Zhou of the Science and Education Department, after seeing this news, felt that Wen Ruzheng should not make up boring rumors at this time. He was going to issue a notice to refute the rumors. As the director of the Science and Technology Department, he must be cautious. Before issuing the rumor refutation notice, Director Zhou made a special statement.

Check and verify.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

The news is true, there are really 9 articles, 9 genuine articles. His name is Yang Ping, and his unit is Sanbo Hospital, Nandu, China. As one of the three oldest doctors of Sanbo Hospital, Director Zhou is very familiar with scientific research and documentation.

What he is best at is scientific research.

At that time, the troika of Sanbo Hospital—Dean Xia’s management, Director Han’s clinical practice, and Director Zhou’s scientific research—had been driving Sanbo Hospital for more than ten years. Therefore, in Sanbo Hospital, Director Zhou

He is a master and veteran in scientific research.

After the verification, Director Zhou realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately printed out some verified evidence materials, bound them into a book, packed up his things, and rushed to Dean Xia's office. On the way, he called Director Han and Zhao.

The call from the director, Dean Sun, was extremely urgent, asking them to gather in Dean Xia's office because they had important matters to discuss.

Director Zhou's office is in the same administrative building as the dean's office, on the same floor, so they are not very far apart.

But Director Zhou's legs felt like lead, and he was very unsteady when walking. He felt a bit like a stroke, and his legs were not working properly. Old Zhou rushed to Dean Xia's office with excitement, and Dean Xia was walking back and forth.

Think about the hospital’s major policies.

Seeing the stumbling Director Zhou, Dean Xia asked:

"Lao Zhou, why is this matter so urgent? I have to go to the provincial office later. To make a long story short."

Without saying a word, Director Zhou shook the printed materials twice and placed them on Dean Xia's desk: "Old Xia, take a look for yourself, there are 9 papers in CNS's top journals, 5 in "Cell" and "Nature"

4 articles, all with cover articles, what is this? Anyway, my heart can’t stand it now, it keeps beating, I can’t do it like this, it will cause trouble.”

"What's going on? Are you so excited?" Dean Xia picked up the printed information and looked at it.

My dear!

There is no such thing as this. This directly pushes the scientific research strength of Sanbo Hospital to the top in the world. 9 articles, 9 articles again!

However, as the dean, Dean Xia was more prudent than Director Zhou. He immediately stabilized his position and asked worriedly:

"Lao Zhou, is there any misunderstanding?"

Director Zhou shook his head: "It has been verified and it is absolutely true. How could there be a misunderstanding? There are two Sanbo hospitals in Nandu? There are two Yangping hospitals in Sanbo hospital?"

After hearing this, Dean Xia felt dizzy. He held his desk and said, "Let me sit down and relax. Why didn't you listen to what he said? You didn't say a word."

At this time, Director Han, Director Sun and Director Zhao also rushed to the dean's office. They saw the strange expressions of Director Xia and Director Zhou and had no idea what medicine they were selling in their gourds.

"Old Han, Old Zhao, Old Sun, you are here just in time. Take a look for yourself. If you have a weak heart, you should take the risk yourself." Dean Xia pointed to a stack of printed materials on his desk.

"What kind of tricks are you doing? It's so mysterious."

Old Han picked up the information and glanced at the two people with strange expressions, as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

After reading the information, Old Han stood there and turned to stone as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. Then his hands trembled a few times. Next to him, Director Zhao also saw what was in the information.

"Old Han, can't you? Isn't this true?" Director Zhao asked tremblingly.

Director Han did not answer.

With a snap, Director Zhao slapped himself: "It's true!"

Director Han murmured: "In less than three months, there are a total of 13 CNS articles. Is this something done by humans?"

It is said that the record for the most Chinese articles in the history of CNS is 14, which is a number accumulated over many years.

There are some super-powerful people who have several CNS articles, and some of them are awesome, and they publish one article a year. How can they publish 13 articles in such a short time, several articles at once, and become the cover article of three major journals at the same time?


Moreover, articles like Yang Ping's are all about mechanism research. In the field of biomedicine, it is much easier to publish results on structural research than on mechanism research. Therefore, it is generally accepted that it is much easier to publish articles on structural research than on mechanism research.


The experts who do structural research can sometimes write a CNS in one or two years, but many people who do mechanism research cannot squeeze out a CNS in their lifetime.

All of Yang Ping's current papers are research on medical principles. In other words, if you put it on others, having one in a lifetime is considered a combination of intelligence, diligence and luck.

"How to do it? Invite a pair of lions to Sanbo for a few days to have fun?"

Dean Xia waved his hand, took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Forget it, they don't want to irritate us, for fear that our old bones can't stand it, so let's change the numbers on the banner and official website---

, let the hospital office make a call to the provincial department and ask me to cancel the meeting at the provincial department. I want to take it easy, because now I am not feeling well."


The general surgery clinic is very busy now, and the veteran experts headed by Zhang Zongshun are exhausted.

They are the slowest group of people in Sanbo Hospital. They haven't received any news yet, mainly because they are too busy and don't have time to check their phones, and many people don't care about the messy messages in the group.

Professor Zhang, who plays smoothly with his cell phone, is so busy right now that he has never touched his cell phone in his pocket.

Professor Cao Zhenshan, an old expert in cardiac surgery, was originally a professor of cardiac surgery at Fuwai Hospital, and was dragged to Sanbo Hospital by Professor Zhang Zongshun. Professor Cao went to the south to try to live for a few months, and found that it was good, so he decided to stay and use his remaining energy.

"Lao Zhang, this can't continue like this. You see, I've seen almost a hundred cases today. Eighty percent of them are not difficult cases and can be solved in ordinary outpatient clinics. This is a waste of medical resources. Our comprehensive surgery position is high-difficulty cases.

, look, all the colds are squeezed in here." Professor Cao complained.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Professor Zhang is also thinking about this issue: "Professor Yang and I are discussing this issue. Should we cancel outpatient registration and adopt a referral system. In the future, all our outpatients must be handled by

Referrals from other hospitals.”

After complaining for a while, Professor Cao said: "But there is a really difficult case today. A 14-year-old child has hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, which is very serious. He went to several hospitals in Nandu Province, and they all said that he wanted to be treated in Fuwai Hospital or Andu Hospital.

Zhen Hospital, the family members are from Nandu Province. They heard that our general surgery department is very good, so they came here to try their luck. I haven’t replied to the patient yet, so I told him to reply to them tomorrow morning. I wonder if Professor Yang can handle it?"

"Theoretically, there's no problem at all. As long as it's surgery, there's nothing Professor Yang can't handle. But I have to ask him personally, or you can ask directly in our comprehensive surgery WeChat group."

Professor Zhang personally thinks there is no problem.

Professor Cao's worry is not without reason. Treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy requires either medication or surgery. Medication is generally ineffective, and surgical treatment requires the heart to stop beating and perform surgery under extracorporeal circulation, which is invasive and difficult.

High, the surgical field of view is limited, and it is difficult for inexperienced doctors to achieve a precise balance between cutting more and less.

Moreover, this case is very serious and the risk is too high. Professor Cao believes that only Fuwai and Anzhen can do it, and other hospitals cannot do it at all.

"Why do these dolls have random hair?" Professor Zhang stared at WeChat on his phone.

"The great god showed his power again and broke out 9 CNS articles at once - now the news is full of headlines, making it shocking, but in fact the content is nothing." Professor Zhang complained.

This chapter has been completed!
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