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Chapter 780 The old academician’s worries

The operation of the 10 pigs was very smooth, and even the pig with a pacemaker was already jumping around.

No obvious abnormalities were found in the daily inspection indicators of these pigs, indicating that there must be no problem with the surgery.

This technique is only an innovation in approach and tools, and the basic theory has not changed. Therefore, whether it is safe or not can still be roughly predicted.

Professor Cao and Director Xin have not been idle these days. They spend every day in the "pig pen" on the first floor of the spare building, observing the doctors and students of the General Surgery Department collecting pig data. Sometimes they even do color ultrasound in person.

Apply for a hands-on and see for yourself the state of the heart under color Doppler ultrasound.

Director Xiang of the Cardiac Surgery Department of Sanbo Hospital also wanted to follow Director Gao's path and took time out to come to the "pig pen" every day to help collect postoperative data. He just had to put down his dignity like Director Gao did. Like the students, he still couldn't do it at first.

Later, after thinking deeply, I bit the bullet and regarded myself as a student. No matter what, there is no face to lose. If you can climb the pyramid in the professional field in the future, you will naturally have face.

Doctors and masters from Sanbo Hospital also come to visit from time to time to watch the excitement and experience the academic atmosphere.

First-come-first-served, Professor Su directly sent three doctors to Sanbo Hospital to study with Yang Ping at the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu Medical University, and ordered these doctors to master the new technology.

Therefore, the "pig pen" on the first floor of the spare building has become a hot spot for academic tourism, and these ten pigs have become stars.

The postoperative observation was almost complete, and Yang Ping was ready to operate on Teng Xinmei.

However, 14-year-olds are considered minors, and the application of new technologies is generally limited to adults over 18 years old. In order to apply the new technologies to Teng Xinmei, Yang Ping must apply for ethical approval.

Song Zimo drafted an ethics application and submitted it to the hospital ethics committee for review and approval. Of course, at Sanbo Hospital, given Yang Ping's current status, if there were no special problems, the application would definitely be approved.

Regarding the cost issue, Li Guodong also talked to Teng Shaokui. The surgery can be scheduled soon, and Teng Shaokui will find a way. If it is really difficult and belongs to the extremely poor, the village can provide proof. Li Guodong will use the proof materials to help apply for assistance.


However, according to Teng Shaokui's own explanation, the situation does not belong to the extremely poor households, and I am afraid that there is little hope of applying for the rescue fund.

When this fund was first established, the review was relatively loose, and many people took advantage of the loopholes.

For example, there is a patient who drives a Mercedes-Benz and owns two apartments in the provincial capital. Somehow, he actually obtained a complete set of supporting documents and successfully applied for the relief fund of Sanbo Hospital.

After Dean Xia discovered this problem, he immediately conducted a back-check on the funds released by the rescue fund, and found that this was not an isolated case, but that there were many cases of such loopholes being taken advantage of.

Some people actually make money by taking advantage of the fact that extremely poor people are hospitalized in Sanbo Hospital. These people seem to be a professional team and are familiar with the road. They apply for Sanbo's relief fund and make various donations. Moreover, the patients are confused and it is best not to have any

What money did you get?

Those who really need assistance have difficulty applying for funds due to various reasons, such as low cultural level and not knowing how to apply for materials.

So Dean Xia got angry and re-modified the application process and tightened the distribution of funds.

In a situation like Teng Shaokui's situation now, if the foundation sends people to his village to investigate, he has a newly built house and has not purchased the rural insurance himself, so he cannot be included in the scope of extremely poor households at all.

After the meal, Boss Li didn’t call the next day.

Teng Shaokui didn't feel comfortable asking, knowing that what was said at the wine table should not be taken seriously, but he was still very grateful to Boss Li and lent him two thousand on the spot. People who can lend money are benefactors, and they also have their own difficulties.

Teng Shaokui could only find another way, otherwise he would fight with his wife and take out a loan for the house.

So Teng Shaokui began to contact the credit union in the village to inquire about the loan operation process. He hoped to get the money as soon as possible.


The power of the 13 CNS articles exceeds imagination. In the domestic and international medical circles, and even in the academic circles of the entire world, the huge impact is like the explosion of the largest nuclear bomb.

This kind of thing has never happened in history. Even an immortal genius who holds more than ten CNS articles relies on years of accumulation. Therefore, in the entire academic world, Yang Ping can no longer be called a genius. He directly

He was pushed to a pedestal and treated as a god-like man.

Various rumors are flying around him, including some anti-intellectual rumors.

Some say that no matter what method is used to test, Yang Ping's IQ is a perfect score, which is already off the charts; others say that his IQ is over 600, Einstein's IQ is only 150, and Tao Zhexuan's IQ is 230. This high value of 600 is not

Know how it came about.

The biggest reaction has been in the United States. The educational community has begun to reflect on why Yang Ping is not in the United States? We must reflect on our entire education system.

The scientific and technological community has begun to hold people accountable, as to why Yang Ping is still in China and why such talents have not been introduced to the United States. What on earth are these universities and scientific research organizations doing and receiving so much funding every year?

Even a certain U.S. congressman began to criticize the U.S. system, asking whether it was the U.S. system's problems that caused cutting-edge talents to lag behind China's.

Some people have begun to question the talent selection system in the United States. From elementary schools, middle schools to universities, they have criticized the entire education system in the United States, especially primary and secondary education. Critics think that it is a piece of shit and the most

That sucks. For example: the serious split in the teaching quality between private and public primary and secondary schools. This huge gap leads to serious unfairness in education; the university admission recommendation system leads to inbreeding; the low quality of universal education leads to talent

Shrinking; a large number of outstanding talents have entered the financial industry, there is a shortage of quality teachers in primary and secondary schools, and basic education has been abandoned.

Internet users on various websites in the United States also engaged in heated debates, and even caused various verbal conflicts due to the debates.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! [I tell you very seriously and responsibly that China’s college entrance examination is the fairest in the world. Everything depends on the college entrance examination results. There is no need for so-called letters of recommendation, even if the candidates’ father gives them

Even though I have donated hundreds of millions to a top university, I still can’t get a formal admission notice, so I can only take the exam honestly.]

[Don’t compare with others. Their students are punished even for smoking and are considered misbehavior. However, our drugs have successfully opened up the primary and secondary school markets.]

[Our various media are really blind. They make up nonsense based on their own imagination. Don’t believe it. I have been to China. I tell you, I have been to China. Just because I have been to China, I can

Say it loudly, those so-called media are all blind, deaf and liars, and will not accept any brainless rebuttal. I can tell you---China's highways are all over the country, urban buses are also extremely developed, and travel is very convenient;

You can go out for a late-night snack at two o'clock without worrying about being robbed; you don't have to worry about hearing gunshots suddenly, and you don't have to worry about someone pointing a gun at you and asking you to take out the money in your bag; there are almost no homeless people on the street, and even more

It’s impossible to see needles everywhere and all kinds of drug addicts.】

[Oh my God, are you telling the truth? What our teachers said is different. What the TV and newspapers said are different. They are completely different. They say that Chinese people cannot afford to go to school or eat eggs. It is rare in a year.

Eat some meat.]

[Don’t be surprised, because these people on the TV station relied on their father’s recommendation letters to enter college. In order to make themselves look really knowledgeable, they have to work hard to make up all kinds of lies.]

[Yes, Chinese people rarely eat meat once a year because they are tired of it. They want to lose weight and maintain body fat. If they want, they can eat meat for three meals a day. 】

[Grades 1-9 are free in China, and grades 10-12 are charged, but the tuition is very low. If you don’t have money to pay tuition in college, you can apply for a loan. Don’t worry, even if you take a loan from college, you can pay it off soon after graduation, because college tuition is not high.

It's not as expensive as ours. I wonder if you can do some research. The teaching quality of China's public schools is better than that of private schools. It's not like our public schools, which are terrible. They don't care about you at all. They are just coping. The level of Chinese primary school students can beat our public schools in an instant.

Some of the 7th-9th grade students in the school are even better than the 10th-12th grade students in our public schools. How can they compare?]

[In China, as long as poor people work hard, they have the opportunity to go to top universities. Here, don’t think about it, because you can’t go to private schools and you can’t get recommendation letters.]

[No wonder, they have such a god-like person who posted 13 CNS articles in a row.]

【Not continuous, but concentrated.】

[Stop talking, I’ve had enough of you guys, I’m now announcing that I will crowdfund a ticket to China.]


The office of President Rao of Nandu Medical University.

The hurricane of Yang Ping's thesis was bound to hit Nandu Medical University. President Rao looked at several journals on the table and sat opposite Academician Xiang with a serious expression.

"Let's nominate academicians directly. I'm afraid there won't be anyone with such academic achievements." Academician Xiang said slowly, holding a tea cup.

Principal Rao nodded: "I think so too, but I think we should wait a moment? It's a bit impossible to publish so many CNSs at once, and these dozen papers are distributed in four main topics. It's hard to publish so many papers at once."

The results are incredible.”

"Are you worried?---" Academician Xiang asked.

Principal Rao touched his chin, pondered for a moment and said: "Yes, according to common sense, no matter how talented you are, it will take time. To produce so many important scientific research results in such a short period of time. Mr. Xiang, to tell you the truth, I am worried about the experiment."

There is a possibility of fraud. Of course, I just discussed the matter and did not have any doubts or speculations about Yang Ping personally. I also wanted to protect young talents. There is no doubt that Xiao Yang is a genius, but this academic achievement is so extraordinary that I have to think more about it.

points, if there is really any fraud, it will definitely destroy him. If not, of course it would be better. Should we wait until the experiments in these papers have been widely repeated and tested? Don’t rush to nominate, if there is really nothing

If the problem can stand the test, sooner or later it should not be a problem, and he won't care."

Academician Xiang Lao put down his tea cup, thought about it and said: "You are right, let's wait and see what happens. A tree that is as beautiful as the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Yang Ping is so young and has achieved such results, it will inevitably cause some troubles. We will deal with some in the future.

We must be cautious in things, and we must definitely protect this kind of genius. He is the strongest in the field of science, but he is also the most vulnerable in other aspects. In our moderate environment, people like Yang Ping are aliens and need you and me.

Protect yourself well."

"In case, I'm just saying in case, if he falsifies these papers, we can't beat him to death with a stick. Punishment is punishment, but we must educate him well and guide him to the right path. We must not destroy him. I

Do you understand what I mean? He is a genius, a rare genius."

"Teacher Xiang, I understand your thoughts. If there is academic fraud, even if it is involved in some way, he will probably be dealt a devastating blow. If this happens, I will deal with it objectively. At the same time, I will try my best to help educate, cure diseases and save people."

"How is Xiaoguan doing? Have you talked to him, done some ideological work, and comforted him? Is there still a chance next year?" Academician Xiang is also more concerned about Guan Ruyan. In short, he is very concerned about all the young talents of Nandu Medical University.

"I've talked to him and he's in pretty good condition. There shouldn't be any big problems," said Principal Rao.

"Xiao Rao, I have something to say that I don't know whether to say or not. Just treat it as a private chat and don't take it seriously. I feel that Xiao Guan's state is very unstable. I had an in-depth interview with him once. Why do I feel so much

"His understanding of the problem is not as profound as that of his assistant Lu Xiaolu." Academician Xiang asked a little puzzled.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Lu Xiaolu? I have talked with him several times. He seems to be inferior to Guan Ruyan, and that kind of thing has happened before, using Guan Ruyan's name to publish papers."

"I just have a feeling, because several times, I went to their laboratory and had informal conversations with them privately. I think this Lu Xiaolu is a very insightful person."

"No, why do I feel that he is always obedient and a very well-behaved person."

"I just have this little feeling and I'm just mentioning it to you. I have no other meaning."

13 CNS papers swept through the medical circle like a hurricane. After a burst of excitement, President Rao and Academician Xiang inevitably put more thought and preparation into it than others.

"The first paper - the treatment of scoliosis with spinal external fixation, went very smoothly from animal experiments to clinical operations. There are now hundreds of clinical operations in China, and they are also being carried out abroad at the same time. There will definitely be no problems. There will be no problems later.

These 12 articles, three major topics, one of which is in cooperation with our Digital Medicine Laboratory, of which Professor He is the second author, I personally participated in this, there will be no problem---Xiao Rao, you said, these ten

A few papers won’t cause any trouble, right?”

Academician Xiang is very worried and must not go wrong. This young man is really a rare genius!

"Probably not, but publishing so many articles and producing so many results at once is completely contrary to common sense. It is difficult for people to believe in terms of time. I am just being overly considerate. Mr. Xiang, don't worry, nothing will happen. Even if

If there is a problem, it is also a local problem caused by the impatience of young people. I know how to deal with it and will not generalize." Principal Rao comforted Academician Xiang Lao.

Academician Xiang was relieved.

"If anything happens, no matter what happens, you must be the first to notify me."

Academician Xiang Lao explained before leaving.

Principal Rao promised: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Even if something happens, I said I won't generalize and will definitely inform you first."

This chapter has been completed!
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