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Chapter 792 Racing with Death

Yang Ping's two operations were completed, and Professor Zhong and Professor Chu's first operation was still anastomosing blood vessels.

Professor Xu went to the other two operating rooms and came back. After thinking about it, he said to Yang Ping: "You will be the chief surgeon then, and I will be your assistant. I will tell them that if thoracoscopy can also be performed, then

The trauma is smaller and the postoperative recovery is faster.”

Now it seems that Yang Ping is superior to him in terms of surgical skills and speed, and those who are capable come first. Director Xu understands this.

He decided to make a personal trip to 301 after the meeting, meet with Dean Liu and Political Commissar Qiao, and recommend Yang Ping as the surgeon.

The conference room was already bustling with activity. Everyone had no intention of watching the surgeries performed by the other two experts. They were all reminiscing about Yang Ping's surgeries. Even the graduate students who had just entered the clinic did not forget to comment.

"Too fast!"

"It's still video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery."

"No wonder I was able to publish 13 CNS articles and perform such beautiful surgeries."

"It can be done faster than Professor Xu."

"Yes, Professor Xu is the best in Asia, and Yang Shen is probably the best in the world."

These graduate students, some with master's degrees and some with doctoral degrees, huddled together to discuss Yang Ping's surgery. They had never been to Europe and the United States, so they didn't know what the level was like abroad, so they could only speculate like this.

At this time, a doctor who had been working for many years said: "I have been to the Cleveland Medical Center in the United States. The coronary artery bypass grafting there is not of this level. There should be no doubt that Yang Shen ranks first."

"Yes, the surgery just used is also Professor Xu's innovative surgery. It can be done faster than Professor Xu, and it is still done with a thoracoscope. Professor Xu can only do it through thoracotomy."

"I heard that he used to practice orthopedics, but recently switched to cardiac surgery."

"Instead of changing careers, their hospital has opened a special general surgery department for him. As long as he is interested, he can perform any surgery. I have a classmate who works in the First Affiliated Nandu City and is very familiar with Yang Shen. They say that Yang Shen's scientific research funds are all provided by the society.

If you donate, you don’t need to apply for scientific research funds at all.”

"Comprehensive surgery? Can any kind of surgery be performed?"

"Yes, I heard from my classmate that he has two great men under him, who are equivalent to his apprentices. Now they are doing the best surgeries in the country. They probably do better cardiac bypasses than Professor Zhong and Professor Chu."

"Wow, even your subordinates are so awesome?"

"Not to mention his subordinates, the director of their department's laboratory is a Ph.D. student from the University of Tokyo, a world leader in stem cell research."

"You mean Tang Shun, right?"

"you know?"

"I don't know. There was a senior fellow at Capital Medical University who studied in Japan last time. He said he knew Tang Shun and that he had many Japanese girlfriends, such as royal ladies, lolita, etc., all kinds of versions. He is a great person."


"I have so many girlfriends who know each other, and we all know that he is dating such girlfriends at the same time, but these girls get along very well. I heard that they will have a dinner at the end of the year, haha, I don't know if it is true. I heard that girlfriend No. 1 is a female professor from Dongda University.


"Holy shit---"

While chatting, the direction of the chat was a little off, but an associate professor promptly corrected it:

"The 13 papers published this time are expected to be given directly to academicians?"

"Definitely. When there were no papers like this before, I heard that we had obtained outstanding achievements. Now there are 13 papers. It is not an exaggeration to give them directly to academicians."

"The surgery is so powerful. If you put it in any hospital, you should be a great director."

"If I studied with him for a few years, wouldn't it be great?"

"Take his Ph.D. exam, right. Aren't you going to take the Ph.D. exam next year? Just take his Ph.D. exam."

"Do you have any acquaintances who know him? Can you help with the matchmaking process?"

The experts are now chatting freely, and no one is watching the subsequent surgery. The winner has been decided, and there is nothing to watch. It is no longer a matter of who is the preparatory surgeon, but Yang Ping is the surgeon. There is no doubt about this.

After receiving a call, Director Zhou Min said: "Professor Xin, Director Xu asked us to go to his office together, saying that we have something to discuss."

Professor Xin knew that he was probably recommending Yang Ping to be the chief surgeon, but there was nothing else he could do.

At this time, a young doctor came over. This was arranged by Professor Xu to lead the way and take everyone to another office to discuss things.

Under Professor Xu's recommendation, it was logical that the old academician's surgery would be performed by Yang Ping.

When Dean Liu and Political Commissar Qiao heard the news, they were quite surprised. How could this young man be so good at everything, even heart surgery?

Academician Meng Lao has been recalling the unfinished half of the picture, but he can't remember it.

There was going to be an operation the next day, but the old academician refused to do it. Dean Liu and Political Commissar Qiao were so anxious that they had no choice but to take turns doing ideological work, but the old academician refused to listen. While his mind was still clear, he must come up with something.

The other half of the drawing.

Doctors and nurses are also very anxious. Now that the indicators are barely up to standard, it is the best time for surgery. Once the blood vessels are completely blocked again, emergency surgery will be necessary. The conditions were not as good as now, and the success rate of the surgery is also uncertain.


Dr. Liu Zhida has always been at his mentor's bedside. Apart from doctors and nurses, the old academician now only lets Dr. Liu Zhida stay with him.

Because the old academician felt that if he remembered half of the drawing, he would need to draw it and give it to Dr. Liu Zhida at any time.

"Teacher, let's do the drawing after the operation, okay?" Dr. Liu advised.

Mr. Meng shook his head arduously. He was worried that he would never have the chance to draw again after the operation, so as long as he had some time, he must come up with the drawings. At this time, he had already put his own life and death aside.


Dr. Liu understood what the teacher was thinking, so he didn't say anything else to avoid disturbing the teacher's mind.

The old academician thought he remembered the drawing several times, and the doctors and nurses helped him up, but the old academician racked his brains and still couldn't think of the second half.

Throughout the whole day, the old academician was recalling the last half of the drawings. He even asked the doctor to give him a refreshing injection, such as hormone drugs, so that he could think clearly at night.

Of course, Director Nan cannot rely on him. Once taking hormonal refreshing drugs, they can indeed refresh the brain and refresh the mind, but at the same time, they will also accelerate the deterioration of the condition.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But in order to coax Mr. Meng, Director Nan had to ask the nurse to prepare a set of energy mixture, lying that it was the best injection to refresh the mind.

The Department of Cardiac Surgery has made it clear that the old academician’s surgery will be scheduled for tomorrow. While the surgery is scheduled, he will continue to do ideological work at that time. This can only be done temporarily. Dean Liu instructed that we must seize the opportunity and perform surgery in time, and we must not miss the opportunity.


Everyone is preparing to do ideological work again the next morning, hoping to convince the old academician.

In this way, the old academician's condition is relatively stable for the time being.

At midnight, suddenly, the old academician struggled to get up, and the doctors, nurses, and Dr. Liu Zhida who were keeping watch all gathered around him.

"Thinking---getting up,----thinking---getting up---here it comes!"

The old academician was very excited, but he was still out of breath when talking, intermittently.

"Paper---pen---" the old academician said tremblingly, urging Dr. Liu Zhida to get paper and pen quickly.

Liu Zhida immediately took out the file board and pen from his bag and sent them to the old academician. The file board contained the drawings that he had not finished last time. Dr. Liu helped the old academician hold the drawing pencil firmly because he was too excited.

I didn't get it right a few times.

The nurse turned on the bedside table lamp and adjusted the light. The old academician leaned on the bedside pillow, put on an oxygen mask, adjusted his breathing, and began to draw one stroke at a time. Then he continued the half of the drawing from last time, maybe out of excitement.

The old academician's face seemed brighter than ever before.

The pen tip trembled and moved very slowly, but still persisted.

The doctors and nurses supported the old academician, and Dr. Liu stabilized the drawing board. The old academician gasped, drew for a while, and paused for a while.

Time passed minute by minute, and the old academician kept painting with difficulty. One hour, two hours passed like this.

While drawing, the old academician stopped again, gasping for air, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans oozed from his forehead.

"Teacher Meng?" The doctor on duty who was watching the night felt something was wrong.

It was obvious that the old academician seemed to be in pain, his breathing was deeper and more rapid than before, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his expression was very painful.

"Untie your clothes!" the old academician said with difficulty.

The doctor on duty realized something was wrong - angina?

"Teacher Meng, what's wrong with you?" the nurse asked.

The old academician gritted his teeth and shook his head. He was strong and fine. He continued to draw. It was obvious that his hands were shaking more violently, and there was more sweat on his forehead. His tightly closed lips were also trembling.

While the doctor on duty assisted the old academician, he immediately turned to look at the electrocardiogram waveform on the monitor screen. Sure enough, there was obvious ischemia in the myocardium.

Angina pectoris---The coronary artery opened with a stent is blocked again.

"Quickly --- notify Director Nan, acute myocardial infarction!"

The doctor on duty shouted.

"Don't move!"

The old academician gritted his teeth and said four words, and then continued drawing, completely ignoring the nervousness of the doctors and nurses.

After listening to the report of the doctor on duty, Director Nan Yingshu immediately realized that this was another blockage of the coronary blood vessels, because these blood vessels had hardened arteriosclerosis, and some gaps were barely opened by stents. This was only a temporary method, and it would eventually become blocked in a short time. Now it is.


Emergency consultation! Hurry!

Director Nan lived next door. He immediately rushed to the ward and dialed the numbers of Dean Liu, Political Commissar Qiao, Director Zhou and others.

Dean Liu, Political Commissar Qiao, Director Zhou Min, Director Dai from outside 301, Director Zhang from 301, and directors An Zhen from Fuwai rushed to 301 Hospital immediately.

Yang Ping was also urgently notified from the guest house and rushed to the hospital for rescue.

Car after car parked in the parking lot of 301. As soon as the experts got out of the car, they all ran forward, some ran towards the ward, and some ran directly towards the operating room.

"Hurry up and arrange the operation and push it to the operating room." Director Nan made a decisive decision.

For this kind of acute myocardial infarction, rescue is very urgent. We are completely racing against death and we must race against time. Once a large area of ​​myocardium is ischemic and necrotic, there is nothing we can do.

The old academician waved his hand: "Not yet---finished---"

The severe pain in his chest made his clothes soaked through, but the old academician continued to complete the final drawing with his strong will.

In the ward late at night, with doctors and nurses standing around, the old academician was unmoved by the tense atmosphere. He continued painting calmly regardless of everything.

After finishing the last stroke, the old academician smiled and said: "It's done!"

This was the most complete sentence that the old academician said after he fell ill. After saying this, all the strength in his body disappeared instantly, and he suddenly leaned against the head of the bed and passed out.

Surgery, emergency surgery!

The entire operating room has entered the highest combat preparation, all doctors and nurses are in place, and President Liu and Political Commissar Qiao have also arrived.

Hurry up!

The old academician was quickly pushed to the operating room by a flat car.

Professor Yang Ping and Professor Xu had washed their hands, and Yang Ping still chose thoracoscopic bypass in order to save time.

Common sense suggests that open surgery is faster and safer, and thoracoscopic surgery is not suitable for emergencies.

But for Yang Ping, thoracotomy requires opening the chest, while thoracoscopic surgery can be completed by just poking a few holes, which is definitely faster.

Everyone moved very quickly, and the old academician was transferred to the operating table.

The anesthesiologist intubated, and Yang Ping and Director Xu disinfected and laid out the drape. Preoperative checks were also omitted. Yang Ping's sharp knife directly poked and made several small incisions.

Then the thoracoscope and instruments were inserted as quickly as possible. Director Xu was responsible for removing the great saphenous vein as a bridging blood vessel, and the two people performed the surgery at the same time.

In a hurry, Yang Ping found the coronary artery and cardiac vein, and then began to build it under the microscope. The first bridge was built to directly open the blood vessels and save the ischemic myocardium.

The second bridge, the third bridge --- build one bridge and open another bridge, build nine bridges in one breath, and save the dying myocardium as quickly as possible.

Good guy, each bridge takes a minute or two, and it is done under thoracoscopic surgery.

Looking at the electrocardiogram on the screen, Professor Xu breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of surgery was like a race against death, and everyone won.

Dean Liu and Director Qiao stood outside the door of the operating room, very anxious. From time to time they looked in the small window on the door of the operating room, but it was difficult to enter the operating room because there were too many people, which not only violated the principle of sterility, but also

And it will interfere with the rescue efforts of doctors and nurses.

The various sounds in the operating room, including the ticking of instruments, the sound of wheels, the shouts of doctors and nurses, and the flashing figures, made President Liu and Political Commissar Qiao extremely nervous.

I hope the rescue can be successful! I hope the rescue can be successful!

The atheist Political Commissar Qiao was also talking about it at this time.

Slowly, the noisy sounds inside became quieter, and finally disappeared and became quiet.

About half an hour later, the operating room opened.

Dean Liu and Political Commissar Qiao looked inside and saw that the surgeon and his assistant had stopped the operation and were standing beside the operating table.

Jiugenqiao was so fast. The operation was announced to be over shortly after it started. Dean Liu and Political Commissar Qiao felt their hearts tremble, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, as cold as ice.

Yang Ping was wearing a surgical gown and raised his hands in front of his chest.

"How's it going?" Dean Liu came in slowly with a dry voice.

Yang Ping nodded: "The operation was successful, the rescue was relatively timely, the coronary artery has been opened, the heart beats well, and the electrocardiogram is generally normal."

Dean Liu didn't say anything at this time. He put his hand on Yang Ping's shoulder and said with wet eyes: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Political Commissar Qiao looked at the waveforms on the monitoring equipment and felt very excited. This meant that the operation was successful.

"All the planned nine bridges have been built, and all have good blood flow, with no blood leakage." Director Xu added on the side, he was very excited.

"Close the chest?" Director Xu asked.

"Close!" Yang Ping agreed.

Director Xu suddenly discovered that there was no thoracotomy, so there was no way to close the chest. It was just a few small incisions on the chest wall that were sutured.

This chapter has been completed!
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