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Chapter 834 13 CNS Courage

For such a major surgery, Director Fang attached great importance to Yisuke's identity. In order to obtain more study materials, Director Fang began to contact his fellow students.

It involves extracorporeal resection of tumors in eight organs. Not to mention that Director Fang has never seen it, which doctor in the world has seen it? I'm afraid they have never seen it.

If general surgery is to be subdivided, it can actually be divided into many departments, such as hepatobiliary surgery, pancreatic surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, thyroid surgery, breast surgery, etc. This is how the First Affiliated Hospital of Nandu is divided. Sanbo Hospital was established not long ago.

Orthopedics is the leading department, so general surgery has not developed so rapidly. For the time being, there is only one major general surgery department.

In the past few years, Dr. Xia has tried to develop various disciplines based on their point of view. He is very knowledgeable about general surgery. General surgery has cutting-edge machines like the Da Vinci robot. General surgery has all kinds of brand-new endoscopes.

This kind of weird knife is also available in general surgery.

We have everything we need, but just piling up hardware is of no use. In a place like Nandu Province where there are many powerful people, it is not possible to just develop. There are many obstacles to development.

Several affiliated hospitals of the Nandu Department dominate one area, overwhelming other hospitals; the Provincial People's Hospital is also not a vegetarian, it is very strong, especially the cardiovascular department has become more and more powerful in recent years; generally speaking, all provinces

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nandu Province is relatively weak, but Nandu Province is different. The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also super strong. Not only are several affiliated hospitals of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine divided into one party, but the provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Department is also a strange existence. It is actually the strongest Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in the country.

As for municipal hospitals, no matter how hard they struggle, they can only live in the second tier. They have no ability to share the food with the above three powerful parties, and they usually just pick up scraps.

It is very difficult to survive in the cracks of such traditional forces. Sanbo Hospital has been able to develop to this day in ten years. It is actually very good. I don’t know how many newly built hospitals have been suffocated in the cracks of various powerful forces.

Director Fang sent Nie Shun'e's CT and PET-CT to his senior brother. Director Fang's senior brother, Professor Shi Guosheng, is the director of pancreatic surgery at the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Nandu Medical University.

Nandu Medical University Cancer Hospital is ranked second in the country in the field of cancer. The first place is the Tumor Hospital affiliated to Union Medical College, and the third place is Shanghai Fudan Cancer Hospital. These three are known as the top three in the country in the field of cancer. This ranking seems to have not changed for many years.


Director Fang and his senior fellow are both Ph.D. graduates from Nandu Medical University. They were both under the same mentor when they were Ph.D.

In fact, medicine is very regional. For example, in Nandu Province, most hospital department directors and key personnel graduated from Nandu Medical University.

The hospitals in the capital must be dominated by medical graduates from Fudan and Jiaotong University, while in the west, no one can compete with West China.

These medical schools are like gangs in ancient times. They have their own sphere of influence. If you want to find a job as a medical student, you should go to a medical university somewhere.

After studying Director Fang’s CT and PET-CT pictures, Professor Shi couldn’t help but wonder:

"Pancreatic cancer involves eight organs. How dare you remove it from the body?"

Ex vivo resection and extracorporeal resection are the same thing, just different names.

After graduating from Nandu Medical University with a doctorate, Professor Shi went to the Anderson Cancer Center in the United States for further study. A few years later, he came back and was re-employed. Now he is a powerful figure and a nationally renowned expert in pancreatic tumor surgery.

Professor Shi frowned at the images. Autologous liver transplantation alone is the Mount Everest of hepatobiliary surgery. It is much more difficult than allogeneic liver transplantation. Ex vivo resection of liver cancer and autologous liver transplantation are not available in many hospitals across the country. Now

Eight organs are involved. Are you kidding me when you talk about ex vivo resection and autologous transplantation?

"Are you sure that the surgical method is ex vivo resection and autologous transplantation?" Professor Shi did not believe it.

"That's right, ex vivo resection plus autologous transplantation, indocyanine green fluorescence staining, the surgery has been scheduled." Director Fang was very sure, he was still the first to help.


Scholars also have tempers. In recent years, the academic world has been impetuous, and all kinds of ghosts and ghosts have emerged in an endless stream. Some people have no bottom line. For example, a surgery that can be solved for 20,000 yuan is piled on all kinds of so-called high-tech, and in the end the surgery becomes dozens of dollars.

Thousands of people, the purpose is to pile up a paper, and there are some people who do not care about the life and death of patients for so-called academic innovation. They don’t care whether some new methods are suitable or not. Let’s talk about it first.

What kind of surgery is it to remove these eight organs outside the body?

"Who is the best surgeon in your hospital?" Professor Shi was obviously angry.

I originally wanted to communicate and learn with my senior, but I didn't expect that my senior would react so strongly.

"Professor Yang Ping." Director Fang replied.

Professor Shi was silent for a moment, Yang Ping, 13 CNS papers were groundbreaking, how could he not know. He had just completed the application for outstanding students this time, and now Nandu Medical University is making arrangements to help him participate in the academician evaluation.

If the candidate for academicianship is successful, this guy will become the youngest academician in history. Professor Shi is still struggling to become an academician.

"He also does hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery? Does he do oncology?"

Director Shi was very curious.

"He does everything, it depends on his mood." Director Fang replied.

Director Fang is also really candid and speaks without any embellishment.

Doing everything? It depends on my mood, oh my god, no, this guy is indeed a genius. He can produce 13 CNS articles in a few months. He is a genius among geniuses.

However, surgery is a practical subject, and you must proceed step by step. You must not be impatient. Is it because of the recent eagerness for academic performance that has led to this?

Being able to perform ex vivo resection of tumors involving two organs, the liver and pancreas, the national hand-wringing index is up to three, which is still very difficult. Professor Shi is one of them. However, this kind of ex vivo resection of eight organs is still a common cause of pancreatic cancer.

Who dares to do the transfer? Who can do it?

No matter who in the world sees this kind of case, they will definitely give up surgery.

"Where did Professor Yang go to further his studies in this field?"

Professor Shi asked, and he considered whether Yang Ping should go to one of the world's top hospitals for further study. He had seen multi-organ tumor resection and autologous transplantation, and he wanted to try something new when he came back.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "What kind of studies do we need to study? Professor Yang still needs to study. He has never studied further since he graduated, so he just works on it by himself." Fang

The director's words were very straightforward.

Professor Shi was confused. Can surgery be done behind closed doors? If you don’t learn, no matter how smart you are, you won’t be able to master surgery. Surgery is not just a sentence or a formula, it is composed of countless details. Every detail is the accumulation of experience.

You didn't go to study anywhere, and now you're doing this top-notch surgery all by yourself?

Professor Shi knew Yang Ping. He used to think that Yang Ping should have studied in some top hospital more or less. Because of his high talent, he could do good surgeries. Today, when he heard Director Fang say this, he started to beat his heart. This kid can actually do it everywhere.

Did not go.

"When will the surgery be performed? I'll go over and have a look." Professor Shi decided on the spot.

As a well-known professor in the country, Professor Shi is still very responsible, not to mention he is a great figure in the Nandu Medical University system. How could he let such a case go so easily? He must go and see what is going on.

Professor Shi repeatedly studied the images and pictures sent by Director Fang. The more he looked at them, the more something was wrong. After reading it, a chill ran down his spine and the hairs on his hair stood on end.

Not to mention anything else, tumors that invade the liver wrap around various channels in the porta hepatis. This step will stump many doctors. There are seven organs and countless steps lined up behind.

If all the organs are really cut out, there will be no way to replant them. There is no way to replant them!

Professor Shi could imagine that a bunch of messy organs were placed on the operating table, the patient with an empty abdomen was lying on the operating table, and the surgeon's desperate sweat was oozing from his forehead. In an instant, Professor Shi felt that the temperature of his room was dropping rapidly.


"I must go and have a look on the day of the operation. Please inform me in advance."

Professor Shi called again and reiterated that he not only wanted to see it, but also brought several doctors to see it.

It’s true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. I have been engaged in oncology surgery for 20 years and have performed more than 10,000 pancreatic cancer surgeries. I dare not even think about this kind of surgery. This kid actually dares to do it for real. This courage is really worthy of me.

13 CNS.


Itakura Takashi was elated in the office. He got the latest news that Nie Shun'e had been hospitalized and the operation was scheduled.

I didn't expect things to progress so fast. Wang Ge is really a talent. In fact, after much thought, Itakura Takashi realized that Yang Ping was quite important. If he hadn't performed surgery on Guo Jingyao, how could Anning Insurance have received such a good social response?

Originally, I wanted to bring down Zhu Cheng first and deal with Yang Ping at the same time, but I didn't expect that the plan to deal with Yang Ping would progress faster now.

"Mr. Wang said that this is an impossible operation, but Yang Ping has accepted the patient, decided to perform the surgery, and is preparing to use so-called ex vivo resection."

Tottori keeps in touch with Wang Ge and keeps abreast of the progress of things.

Itakura Takashi nodded slightly: "We carefully selected this case and spent a lot of energy on it. We have sent all the information to Professor Maeda from Juntendo. Professor Maeda said that if this case requires surgery, the only way is to use in vitro surgery.

Resection, but ex vivo resection is impossible for this kind of case. The final outcome will be a pile of organs on the operating table with no way to end it. Hahaha---"

Itakura's smile was ridiculous, unrestrained and arrogant.

Although he did not understand surgery, he could imagine how desperate and helpless the surgeon felt when he saw a pile of organs on the operating table but could not return them to the abdominal cavity.

"Mr. Wang said that the trap he designed was unsolvable. I originally thought that Yang Ping would not accept it so easily. It was unexpected that he took over so readily. It is really stupid." Tottori smiled with satisfaction.

Itakura smiled evilly: "Greed is human nature. Men are greedy for women, businessmen are greedy for money, and scholars are greedy for academic achievements. In order to climb to the top of academics, young people will lose their own reason. In this way, a gambler's mentality will naturally arise. If you win,

If he wins, he will go down in the history of medicine, if he loses - he didn't consider the consequences of losing."

"If he loses, Mr. Wang will use overwhelming media power to bury him, make him infamous, leave the medical industry forever, and solve him once and for all." Tottori is full of confidence.

In the past, Itakura Takashi had no idea how to deal with An Ning Insurance. Since finding Wang Ge, things have changed almost overnight. They are moving towards the goal of victory every day and every moment.

Human power always has its limits, and anything beyond the limits of human power is impossible.

Juntendo's hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery is world-class, and Professor Maeda is the best among the best. Maeda represents the ultimate level of doctors. Is there anyone who can break through this limit? It's impossible.

If it was just an ordinary case, it would be a failure if it failed, but for the case targeted by Itakura and Wang Ge, once it fails, the consequences will not be decided by the doctor and the patient.

"That's fine. After Yang Ping is dealt with, we can concentrate on dealing with Zhu Cheng. Once these two people are dealt with, the good days of Tranquil Insurance will be over." Itakura Takashi has never been as confident as he is today.

"Pay the second amount of money as soon as possible and let Mr. Wang free his hands and feet to do something big."

Itakura Takashi was having a sweet dream. As long as he secured Tranquil Insurance, he would soon be reused by the headquarters with this achievement, and his life would be like a golden road, spreading out in front of him.


After Yang Ping completed the operation, he taught Dr. Li Min how to draw anatomical diagrams step by step in the afternoon. Anatomy is to a surgeon what a map is to a general who leads troops in war.

Yang Ping himself has dissected too many gross teachers in the system space. Now when he closes his eyes, he has a complete person in his mind. Inside and outside, from top to bottom, all the anatomy can be visualized in his mind using three-dimensional real human body images.

Presentation is the basis of image thinking.

It is impossible for Li Min to reach a very high level, but at least no matter whether it is systematic anatomy, local anatomy or various cross-sectional anatomy, whenever any part is mentioned, he must have a simple sketch in his mind.

If you don't have any images of anatomy in your mind, it will be difficult to learn it well.

Li Min was already familiar with the anatomy software. He drew anatomical sketches of various parts of the body in pencil. After each drawing, he showed it to Yang Ping, who helped him point out the errors and deficiencies.

Yang Ping didn't tell him anything in the past few days and just asked him to draw. This made Dr. Li Min very puzzled and felt that he was here to learn to draw.

Li Min has been drawing from morning to night. After finishing the painting, Yang Ping used a red pen to modify it and asked him to continue painting, and so on.

After coming here for several days, Yang Ping didn't let him go into surgery. He just took him to the operating room and looked at him under the stage. He said he was familiar with the environment. The training time was said to be three years. How could it be possible that he could satisfy the requirements in three years?

I am satisfied after one year, but the old dean’s body is probably complaining of back pain all day long.

Because the time is short, Dr. Li wants to make good use of every day, but Professor Yang's current focus is obviously to teach him to draw-draw anatomy diagrams. He has never learned to draw before, and he has no talent for drawing. Anyway, drawing

What came out was also a simple sketch, similar to the art class homework of elementary school students.

No matter what he does, Dr. Li will try his best to do it well anyway. He knows that Yang Ping must have his own reasons for this arrangement, so he will not ask.

Yang Ping asked Dr. Li to continue painting in the study room, and he went to inspect the rooms alone. Guo Jingyao was recovering very well now. He was happily planning his own real estate in the ward, and asked Yang Ping if he wanted to buy a sky villa, which is upstairs.

He wanted to give Yang Ping a set as a gift, along with several Filipino maids who had ten-year contracts.

Yang Ping would gladly accept a gift such as a fruit basket or a banner, but how could Yang Ping accept a gift as big as a house.

Nie Shun'e is very optimistic. It is rare for cancer patients to be so optimistic. She has been asking whether she can work as before after the operation. She plans to sell late-night snacks around the hospital after the operation. She found that the flow of people here is very busy.

There was nothing wrong with the other patients and they were all quiet. With two powerful assistants managing the department, Yang Ping really felt at ease.

After Nie Shun'e's surgery, Yang Ping has to go to Xiehe Union for a few days. That is his "branch". He goes to Xiehe every month to give lectures, rounds and operations. Song Yun and a group of young doctors are eagerly waiting for this monthly appointment.

a few days.

This chapter has been completed!
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