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Chapter 899 A smoky blood vessel

The European Spine Surgery Annual Meeting ended with a lot of surprises. This annual meeting brought everyone a lot of surprises and a lot of suspense.

No previous annual meeting would have made everyone so reluctant to leave. Even after it came to an end, everyone was still reluctant to leave.

The first patient in Europe to use precise epiphyseal block technology to treat scoliosis can successfully correct it.

Because this child's scoliosis was too severe, and the precision epiphyseal block surgery was too minimally invasive and too simple, more than 6,000 spine surgeons had to doubt its effectiveness.

The entire operation is very easy. Under the supervision of the C-arm machine or navigation system, mung bean-sized blockers are implanted into the vertebrae at several predetermined points. The child is jumping around the next day after the operation.

Will this work?

All participating doctors could see from the first demonstration operation that Song Zimo's surgical skills were extremely high, surpassing almost all the doctors present.

This is just an assistant, so what is Professor Yang's surgical level? This became a suspense of the conference.

These doctors only know that Yang Ping once created a miracle: publishing 13 CNS papers within a few months.

But I have never seen him perform surgery. How high is his surgical level? Many people want to see Yang Ping perform the surgery with their own eyes.

The second suspense of the conference is whether the paper published by Yang Ping is true?

Yang Ping's paper published on a medical website mentioned that not only has the spatial guidance gene been discovered, but a complete muscle has been cultivated using the spatial guidance gene.

If this is true, this will be a super heavyweight scientific research achievement. For the first time, humans will be able to clone organs in vitro without relying on embryonic technology.

With these questions, everyone reluctantly ended the meeting.

After the European Spine Surgery Annual Meeting, Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang really had a mission, which was to conduct an inspection of European medicine accompanied by August. The inspection objects included hospitals, medical universities and medical laboratories, so as to broaden their horizons and learn from each other's strengths.


Among them, Professor Mannstein issued a grand invitation to Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang, inviting them to visit his laboratory and hoping to establish close academic cooperation with Sanbo Hospital.

Of course, Professor Maninstein has not yet said that he wants to replicate Yang Ping's experiment and wants to be Yang Ping's Nobel Prize recommender. I am afraid that the only person who can be considered a genius by Maninstein is Yang Ping.

Geniuses only have a common language with geniuses, so Maninstein wanted to become friends with Yang Ping.

Closure makes people regress, while opening up makes people progress. Yang Ping still attaches great importance to this point. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot rest on his laurels and build things behind closed doors.

It was rare to go out, so Yang Ping asked Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang to stay in Europe for a few more days to communicate more with their colleagues and broaden their horizons.

At the same time, this opportunity was also used to cultivate Zhang Lin's independent consciousness and ability. Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang were their superior doctors. If Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang were in the department, Xiaowu Zhang Lin would never be able to become psychologically independent.

After hearing the news, Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu were very happy. They could continue to be senior doctors for a few more days and perform more operations. After all, it felt very satisfying to be senior doctors.

Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu usually take care of themselves and do not miss the key moments. Although they can only perform three or four surgeries a day, they can finally perform the surgeries. Although they are not perfect, they are still qualified and reassuring.

They can't perform extremely difficult surgeries for the time being, but they can handle most surgeries safely, and they can barely support the department.

It is a pity that Zhang Lin Xiaowu can only perform surgeries with two people on stage at the same time. Otherwise, if they were to perform surgeries separately, they could do six to eight surgeries a day, which would be much more efficient.

Fortunately, there are not many emergency surgeries at the Institute of Surgery, and most of them are elective surgeries, so they can be done slowly.

From the situation of Zhang Lin Xiaowu's surgery, Yang Ping felt that his training method for team doctors was correct and could ensure that everyone developed well and reached a certain height.

A team cannot be supported by just one or two people. Each team member must be able to develop freely and exert his or her best abilities.

With the help of Dean Sun, Bao Yulou finally met Yang Ping, who was still busy with his son's surgery.

Yang Ping had agreed to perform surgery on Bao Junhao, but the specific time of the surgery had not been determined. This time Bao Yulou came just for this matter. Originally, he did not need to show up in person every time, but the matter was special and in order to express sufficient sincerity,

No matter how busy Bao Yulou is, he always comes to Sanbo Hospital in person.

Today, Zhang Lin Xiaowu's operation was a little faster and ended after seven o'clock. Yang Ping had just come out of the operating room after the operation and met Bao Yulou, who was accompanied by Dean Sun. He did not bring an entourage, and was followed by Mrs. Bao and Bao Yulou.

Junhao, when he saw Yang Ping coming out of the operating room, Bao Yulou immediately came up to shake hands with Yang Ping.

"Hello, Professor Yang, why bother bothering you when you are so busy?" Bao Yulou behaved very humbly, not like a big boss at all.

"It's okay, just tell me, what's going on?" Yang Ping said straightforwardly.

Bao Yulou showed a slightly embarrassed look on his face: "Professor Yang, I specially brought my family here to thank you this time. I am very grateful to Professor Yang for taking time out of his busy schedule to arrange the surgery for Junhao. I don't know what Professor Yang is doing."

Whenever it is convenient, Junhao and I will follow Professor Yang's arrangements."

Oh, Yang Ping remembered that he had forgotten to agree to Bao Yulou’s surgery, so nothing happened after agreeing.

This made Bao Yulou very anxious. He was afraid of long nights and many dreams. With the help of Dean Sun, he came to find out the specific operation time.

"Professor Yang is very busy during this period, but he will try his best to find time. Don't worry." Dean Sun spoke to Bao Yulou on the side.

Yang Ping thought for a while and said: "Next week, come to the hospital next Monday, do the surgery on Tuesday, come early on Monday, go to the department on time at 8:30, find the doctor on duty to write a hospitalization bill, be sure to have an empty stomach and not eat breakfast


The specific time for his son's surgery was finally determined, which made Bao Yulou very happy. His son had no future, and Bao Yulou knew that a simple matter had become complicated for his son and his weird wife.

But a son is still a son, even if he is as stupid as a pig, he is still his son.

Bao Junhao doesn't do anything, he doesn't know how to do anything, he is only a little interested in football, so he has no choice. Bao Yulou tried his best to make him a football player, but now his knee joint is injured and he can no longer play football. If he wants to return to the game

, we can only ask Professor Yang to perform the surgery.

Fortunately, after a series of operations such as apologies and donations, Bao Yulou finally expressed his sincerity, and Yang Ping finally agreed to perform surgery on Bao Junhao.

At present, there are not many doctors in the world who can perform surgery on Bao Junhao, and the only one who can do it best is Yang Ping. Several other doctors who can do this kind of surgery are Yang Ping's students. If they hadn't done it in the United States,

When that farce happened, I really didn’t know about it.

Mrs. Bao and Junhao Bao were very polite and courteous. They were no longer as arrogant as before. They leaned forward slightly, bowed, and smiled on their faces: "Thank you, Professor Yang! I am very grateful."

This was what Bao Yulou had warned repeatedly in advance, and this matter must not cause any further complications.


This kid, Bao Junhao, gathers with a bunch of friends all day long to have a good time and drink. Sometimes it is distressing to have endless money. This is the case with Bao Junhao.

He had just come out of Sanbo Hospital and disappeared without a trace without even saying hello to his father. At this time, his friends were waiting for him in a villa and they had agreed to have a party tonight.

"Brother Hao, from the look of you, you don't seem to be very happy lately."

Said Wu Kequan, a good brother who hangs out with Bao Junhao all day long.

This guy is also a bastard who never does anything serious.

"Of course I'm not happy. I'm like a grandson during this period. In order to have an operation, my old man made donations and wrote letters of apology. He also forced my mother and I to apologize to that bastard in front of him every time.

I have to be respectful when I say anything, saying it is to express my sincerity, I can't wait to rush up and kick him."

Bao Junhao poured a glass of wine and took a sip, feeling that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"No wonder, why are you always so depressed these days?"

The good brother poured wine for Bao Junhao.

"Who is he? So awesome? Let Brother Hao serve you like a grandson. I'll go and meet you." The good brother was also aggrieved.

Bao Junhao sighed and said: "Doctor Yang Ping from Sanbo Hospital, this guy is very good. He just knows a few operations. What's so great about him?"

The more Bao Junhao talked, the angrier he became.

My good brother saw this and thought he was just an ordinary doctor.

"How about I find some people for you to teach him a lesson and vent your anger? There are actually people like this who dare to be disrespectful to Brother Hao." The good brother was also very aggrieved.

Bao Junhao thought about it. During this period, he had been scolded by the old man a lot and was forced to apologize. His resentment had been building up in his heart for a long time. After being reminded by his friend, Bao Junhao felt that this place must be restored. Otherwise, what will happen to the brothers in the future?

Stand in front of you.

But I thought, the operation hasn't been done yet, let's wait until it's done. Bao Junhao doesn't want to be a cripple. He's a bit stupid, but he's not stupid enough to figure it out clearly.

"Don't worry, let's wait until the operation is over. Who will blame him after the operation? Then help me find a few people to repair him properly. Don't make the matter too big, but don't repair it too lightly and it will be useless.

Give him a hand." Bao Junhao said viciously.

The good brother immediately agreed: "I will take care of this matter. I will repair it to the extent you want. I will make sure that he remembers it for the rest of his life. Our Brother Hao is not someone to be trifled with."

"Well, my old man is so fucking useless. He has so much money in his hands that he looks like a grandson, so making money is useless." Bao Junhao had to shake his head when he talked about his father.


Professor Deng Jianliang from the outpatient clinic called Yang Ping and asked if Yang Ping was off work.

Yang Ming said he hadn't gotten off work yet and was in the department ward.

Professor Deng Jianliang said: "There is a patient with moyamoya disease in the emergency department. She is a two-year-old girl. I am going to admit her to the hospital."

The patient went to the emergency department, and the emergency department requested a neurosurgery consultation. Because the patient was young, the neurosurgery consultant was not sure, so he had to ask Professor Deng Jianliang for help.

Because the child was relatively young, the operation was difficult, and the patient needed emergency surgery, Professor Deng thought it would be safer to communicate with Yang Ping in advance.

"Take it! Emergency surgery!" Yang Ping answered without thinking.

For a two-year-old patient with moyamoya disease, surgery for moyamoya disease is indeed more difficult at this age.

Moyamoya disease is a rare cerebrovascular disease, also known as abnormal vascular network disease of the brain base or spontaneous basilar artery ring occlusion.

Both children and adults can suffer from the disease. In children, the disease is mostly ischemic, while in adults, it is mostly hemorrhagic.

Due to blood vessel stenosis or occlusion, the upstream blood vessels will expand due to excessive resistance, which can easily lead to blood vessel rupture and bleeding. The downstream blood vessels are prone to blockage due to insufficient blood supply.

Now the main symptom of this child is sudden left limb weakness. The child's home is near the hospital, so as soon as he was discovered, he was immediately sent to the emergency department of Sanbo Hospital.

Yang Ping informed Zhang Lin that Xiao Wu was preparing for emergency surgery. There were very few emergency surgeries at the Institute of Surgery, so everyone was very excited when they heard about emergency surgery. Xiao Wu and Zhang Lin immediately ran to the emergency department to see the patient.

Yang Ping called up the cerebral angiography pictures of the child from the computer.

Cerebral angiography pictures show a typical smoke-like vascular network.

Smoke-like blood vessels are malformed vascular networks. These are caused by stenosis or occlusion of the intracranial starting segment of the internal carotid artery, which causes malformation of the blood vessels connected to it at the base of the skull, forming an abnormal vascular network.

To be more specific, it is characterized by the slow thickening of the arterial intima at the end of the internal carotid artery, the anterior cerebral artery, and the beginning of the middle cerebral artery, the gradual narrowing of the arterial lumen to the point of occlusion, and the compensatory expansion of the perforating arteries at the base of the brain.

The imaging pictures are fully consistent with the characteristics of moyamoya disease, and there is no problem in diagnosis.

The treatment of moyamoya disease is divided into direct vascular reconstruction and indirect vascular reconstruction.

This case is only two years old, and the blood vessels are very thin. Generally, indirect vascular reconstruction is chosen, which requires stripping off the superficial temporal artery and attaching it to the subdural brain surface and the dura mater.

This achieves indirect revascularization and improves intracranial ischemia.

If the vascular anastomosis is solid, direct vascular reconstruction is not impossible.

Yang Ping asked Zhang Lin Xiaowu to arrange the surgery first, and then went to the cafeteria to finish his dinner quickly.

These two guys, Zhang Lin and Xiaowu, are very smart. The first thing they do after the surgery every afternoon is eat.

In this way, you don’t have to panic if you have surgery later. Even if you don’t have surgery, you can save time to go to a trainer to train basic skills.

Try not to go to the operating table hungry. This is Yang Ping's style and has been learned by every doctor in the department.

Even if you really don’t have time to eat, you can just take the time to eat a piece of compressed biscuits while changing clothes in the locker room. There are whole boxes of compressed biscuits left in the locker room to eat casually, just for emergency surgery when you don’t have time to eat.

Doctors maintaining good condition will help ensure the quality of surgery.

This chapter has been completed!
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