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Chapter 930: Throw away the boss

Too profound to display!

Every time I mention the professor’s optimization method, the professor always responds like this.

Tang Shun was full of curiosity about the professor's optimization method. The effect was so good that he could always pick out the most correct path among the numerous experimental routes and easily reach the other side of success.

Tang Shun even believes that compared to the professor's space-oriented gene theory, the professor's optimization method is truly a unique super scientific research achievement. If the space-oriented gene theory is a "fish", then the professor's optimization method is a "fishing".

Tang Shun thought about it carefully and found that the optimization method was indeed too profound. There are only a few people in the world who truly fully understand the professor's space-oriented gene theory. The more profound optimization method must be understood by no one except the professor.

Mathematics is more abstract than medicine, that's for sure. It makes sense that the professor doesn't want to say it now. It would be in vain if he said it. It would be better not to say it.

It's just like when I was in middle school, my deskmate always liked to ask the final question of Chemistry Olympiad. Tang Shun would explain it to him for a long time, but the other person would still come up blank. In this situation, it would be a complete waste of youth to talk nonsense.

If your IQ is not in place, it will be in vain to talk about it.

To understand the optimization method, mathematics is a necessary foundation, and it is not an ordinary mathematics level. It must at least reach a professional doctorate level. Otherwise, how can it be possible to understand the professor's optimization method? Tang Shun decided to start studying mathematics.

In fact, Yang Ping is really studying the optimization method, but it has not been successful yet.

The system space currently has a large amount of trial and error experience. In addition to becoming the basis for judging future experimental routes, these experiences should be fully utilized to establish a systematic optimal theory.

Now I have a system by my side. If one day the system disappears and I have to try and make mistakes one by one in reality, then I will not return to my original shape.

The system is just a tool, but Yang Ping still has a clear understanding.

He is the master of the system, not its slave, so Yang Ping plans to use the system's large amount of trial and error data to conduct research and study how to truly optimize these massive experimental routes to achieve the effect of reducing the number of experiments and shortening the experimental time.

Since the great mathematician Mr. Hua Luogeng has proposed the optimization method, which shows that this idea is mathematically feasible, can we further improve the theory of this optimization method and create a better optimization method?

If you can succeed, if you don't have a system one day, the gap won't be too big. At least you will have the powerful tool of optimization in your hand.

If we say that the mother machine is the foundation of industry, it is the machine tool for manufacturing machine tools, and it is the foundation of industry.

Then the optimization method studied by Yang Ping is the "mother machine" of scientific research, the method that generates scientific research methods, and the foundation of scientific research.

Not only does he study optimization methods, Yang Ping also studies a lot of system basic theories about scientific research, which is the "mother machine" of scientific research. Of course, Yang Ping has not developed these methods yet, and he is still relying on system advantages to continue trial and error.

When I was thinking about these issues, Director Zhou from the Science and Education Department sent a WeChat message saying that Nandu Medical University held an academic exchange meeting for young people. This is an academic meeting within the Nandu Department and aims to promote exchanges among young people. President Rao hopes that

Everyone signed up enthusiastically and named Yang Ping, hoping that Yang Ping would participate and stimulate the enthusiasm of young talents from Nandu Department.

Openness makes people progress, while isolation makes people regress. This is a good thing. Yang Ping felt that he should participate and immediately replied to Director Zhou for approval.

In fact, in addition to performing surgeries every day, there are also many other tasks, such as understanding the progress of the laboratory, getting familiar with the new members of the laboratory, etc. Everything needs to be done by yourself.

There was Li Yingtong's personal information on Yang Ping's desk. It was now the third copy, and this one was thicker. Yang Ping took it out and flipped through it slowly.

This information is very detailed, ranging from where she studied in kindergarten, who was her teacher in elementary school, what were the content of several award-winning essays in middle school, whether she had a boyfriend in college, why she went abroad after graduating from college, to whether a certain fund in the United States supported her going abroad, etc.

, countless details are clear.

A person's change is definitely not a sudden change, there must be a mental process. This material completely analyzes Li Yingtong's mental process.

Putting aside other things for the time being, I have to admit that this is a rare talent. Yang Ping really wants her to return to China to play and see how she performs. It is always okay to give it a try. Anyway, there is no loss.

While he was busy, Dean Xia called again. Bao Yulou hoped to see Yang Ping and apologize in person. His son would be severely punished by law for doing such a thing. As Bao Junhao's father, he

He also has responsibility. He must bow and apologize to Professor Yang in person so that he can feel better.

Let's just meet once, so as not to bother Dean Xia by always looking for connections and wanting to meet him. There are all kinds of phone calls from above to help with matchmaking. Dean Xia can't always answer these calls all day long.

Although Bao Yulou's son is fucked up, Bao Yulou is still good. At least he is humble. He has been thinking of ways to do some charity. No matter whether he is sincere or not, even if he pretends to be a good person, no one can pretend to use real money to do good deeds.

After receiving Yang Ping's affirmative reply, Bao Yulou was so excited that he shed tears. As long as Yang Ping accepted his apology, it meant that this incident would end with Bao Junhao being sentenced and jailed, and there would be no second phase.

Bao Yulou has to thank Professor He. It was Professor He's suggestion that made him sober. He has completely given up the idea of ​​"rescue".

It's just that his wife always refused to give up and always wanted to take some measures. However, in the face of major right and wrong, Bao Yulou did not tolerate her this time, so his wife had to give up in the end.

Bao Yulou invested in the establishment of a charity fund specifically for the education of young people who have made mistakes. He used it to repent for his poor education of his son and hope that there would be fewer lost young people in the society.

Although Bao Junhao is no longer a teenager, Bao Yulou believes that the root of the matter is that Bao Junhao went astray when he was a teenager. He fulfilled his father's responsibility and failed to pull him back to the right direction in time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After finishing this, Bao Yulou tried hard to apologize to Yang Ping, bowed deeply in front of him, and said he was sorry.


The Science and Technology Department of Nandu Medical University is very efficient, so it is better to choose a different date. The academic meeting will be held on Saturday.

Young people's academic exchange meeting is quite interesting.

Yang Ping, Song Zimo, Xu Zhiliang, and Tang Shun came to Nandu Medical University to participate in the academic meeting. Xia Shu, Wen Zhong, and Dr. Jin also came to experience it.

Although Dr. Jin is already in his early forties, he feels that he is still young and still has many opportunities, so he also comes with everyone. Anyway, the meeting does not check his ID card. Who knows that he is already in his early forties.

It is said to be an academic meeting, but in fact it would be more appropriate to call it a sorority party. Young talents still have a strong sense of time and are very punctual. By nine o'clock on Saturday, all participants were present before nine o'clock.

There were dozens of people who came. In addition to a few young professors from the main department, there were also some people from the affiliated hospital. Yang Ping knew several of them, including Su Nanchen and Lin Lan. They were Yang Ping’s brother and sister-in-law. Needless to say,

Guan Ruyan had met him once before. A few doctors from Nandu had dinner together, but the others were not very familiar with him.

"Brother Yang!"

Su Nanchen shook hands with Yang Ping.

Brother Yang?

Yang Ping was startled, this term was a bit confusing.

Su Nanchen also immediately realized his mistake. When he didn't know the relationship between Yang Ping and his sister before, Su Nanchen often called Yang brother that way to show respect for Yang Ping. Maybe it was too smooth at the time, although he changed it later.

Occasionally, there will be times when I accidentally call the wrong one.

"Professor Yang! Long time no see, long time admired!"

Su Nanchen immediately changed his tune and the two brothers shook hands.

I didn’t eat at the same table at your house last weekend, so why haven’t we seen each other for such a long time?

"Long time admired!" Yang Ping also followed suit and said polite words.

Several young doctors from Annex 1 immediately came over to shake hands with "Brother Yang". Yang Ping had met all of these people. When he went to Annex 1 for consultation for the first time, he received warm hospitality from Su Nanchen, who invited Yang Ping to dinner. These people were all present.

Among them is Lin Hao. Lin Hao was Su Yixuan's former suitor. When he was competing for the Golden Knife Award, he accidentally misappropriated Yang Ping's technology and claimed it as his own. However, Yang Ping did not pursue too many responsibilities from him and even helped him.

Talking, this prevented his future from being damaged. Now Lin Hao is convinced of Yang Ping. Yang Ping's talent is incomparable to him. He is silently happy for Su Yixuan in his heart that he can find such a good husband.

In terms of feelings, when it is not available, giving up is the best choice.

Now Lin Hao and a female doctor from Nandu Medical University have reached the point of discussing marriage. Taking a step back, the sky is really bright.

There are many affiliated hospitals of Nandu Medical University, as well as cancer hospitals, etc. Several people come to one hospital, which adds up to a large number of people. Doctors from other hospitals have few opportunities to meet Yang Ping, and most of them have heard of his name.

Outstanding youth, participating academician, 13 CNS articles, Nobel Prize-level scientific research achievements, this kind of super genius is like a god wherever he is. In fact, so many people attended the meeting, most of them heard that Yang Ping would come, everyone

Come and see Yang Ping.

Guan Ruyan is a social cow. When he saw Yang Ping, he generously shook hands with Yang Ping. He seemed very humble. He couldn't hide but learned to achieve his goals through curves. This is what his father-in-law told him. Will this be a curve to achieve his goal of being a distinguished youth?

Well, it will only be one year later.

The style of the entire meeting was also very youthful. There was no roundabout pleasantries. Everyone went directly to the topic under the arrangement of the host. Everyone introduced their recent scientific research activities so that everyone could understand each other what they were doing.

Originally Yang Ping was the first to give a speech, but the host considered that Yang Ping would be the last to give the final speech, which would increase the level of the meeting, so Yang Ping was put at the end.

When it comes to scientific research projects, who would change them every two days if they have nothing to do? They think that scientific research projects are just like playing house. A project can be as short as a few years or as long as decades. Some projects last a lifetime, but in the end they never achieve anything.

What are the results? Therefore, when engaging in scientific research, one must be able to calm down.

If you give up early for the sake of fame and fortune, the risk will be too great and you cannot bear it.

The exception is scientific research fraud. Compared with real scientific research, the costs and risks of scientific research fraud are as light as a feather and as heavy as a mountain. Overseas, there are doctors who have faked more than 200 papers. Nima’s writing is as true as the real one. With two

With more than a hundred papers, this doctor became very prosperous and became a big star in the industry. He may have felt that it was too easy to falsify, but later he relaxed his nerves and failed to ensure the quality of the falsification, which suddenly exposed him.

Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang agreed that they could only go up to one person, and they could only go up to one person. Xu Zhiliang's stuttering symptoms are always the same until now. Except for the remission period during first aid, the rest of the time is the attack period. If he is allowed to take the stage, who will be here today?

Don't give a speech. From morning to night, everyone will watch him perform alone.

He didn't want to come at first, but Song Zimo forced him to go and listen to it in the audience. He didn't want to go on stage to talk. What are you afraid of?

I have been to the European Academic Society of Spine Surgery. What should I be afraid of at such a small meeting? In fact, Xu Zhiliang is not afraid of society. He just stutters and is inconvenient to speak.

Song Zimo's topic is the treatment of scoliosis with precise epiphyseal tissue technology. This topic is almost finished, but there is no way. He has been working on one topic for several years and one topic for several years. How can he be like a bug genius like a professor who carries out three topics at the same time?

, I still drink tea in the office every day when I have nothing to do.

Sometimes Song Zimo really wanted to study the tea leaves to see if there were any excitatory substances in it that were helpful for thinking. Three projects were carried out at the same time, and the three teams were as busy as electric fans, but he sat calmly and calmly.

I'm drinking tea on the chair in the office. Isn't this the time to check information on the Internet or stare at the data in the laboratory?

Every time Song Zimo asked Yang Ping why he always made scientific research so smooth.

Optimal method!

Can you teach me how to optimize?

Too profound to display!

Damn it, this is so emotionally hurtful. The subtext is, "Your IQ is not up to par, so what you say is in vain."

After everyone introduced their topics, the next step was free discussion.

Young people are young people, full of anger, and there are no mature middle-aged or older people to control the situation, so everyone's free debate is a bit heated.

This group of guys was originally just debating, but the debate became more and more explosive. Of course, everyone is a scholar. At most, they can speak faster and louder, and they won't curse and slam the table.

Guan Ruyan brought an assistant. The assistant said that he would come with him to see the world. Maybe there were too many talents in the meeting today. The assistant was very active and completely forgot that he was here to see the world, making it look like he was also the protagonist of the meeting.

After a free discussion, Yang Ping discovered that Guan Ruyan's assistant was actually more familiar with their subject than Guan Ruyan. Several sharp questions raised by Yang Ping that went straight to the core made Guan Ruyan a bit at a loss, but the assistant came over to answer them easily.

Nima, this assistant is really attentive, Guan Ruyan is really a "bureaucrat", doesn't he rarely go to the laboratory? He just throws away the experimental plan and doesn't care about anything.

Yang Ping himself is also the kind of person who abandons his boss, but he didn't abandon him to this extent. So, does Tang Shun know his space-oriented gene theory better than himself?

No, why is it weird?

This chapter has been completed!
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