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Chapter 938 The world is really complicated

The weather is very good today and the sun is shining brightly. Yang Ping came to work early in the morning.

The work of a doctor is the same every day, including ward rounds and surgeries, which is a fixed job every day.

Before the morning shift meeting ended, Xu Zhiliang announced stammeringly that he was getting married, invited everyone to a wedding banquet, and then distributed invitations.

The person I got married to was a female graduate student introduced by others. They talked for a while and both parties were very satisfied.

The girl is a civil servant, her family is well off, and her parents are also retired civil servants. The girl felt very good after meeting Xu Zhiliang and didn't care at all about his stuttering or slovenliness. Not only was the girl satisfied, but the other person's parents were also very satisfied with Xu Zhiliang.

Xu Zhiliang is already married, but Fatty Liang is still in a relationship. It is said that he and the flight attendant had another quarrel and are now having a cold war. The reason is that Fatty Liang doesn't have much time to accompany the flight attendant for shopping and traveling, so the flight attendant is not happy.

The anesthesiologist is also a doctor. He spends all day in the operating room watching over the patients on the operating table. He really doesn’t have much time to go shopping and travel with his girlfriend.

The entire group of doctors, the higher the level of the hospital, the less time they have for themselves. They spend most of the year on work, and there always seems to be an endless supply of patients.

Sometimes Fatty Liang finally waits for the weekend and has to attend various study meetings, so he has no time to travel and go shopping.

The effect of a hero saving a beauty doesn't last very long. It's impossible for the stewardess to get sick and have an operation every now and then and let Fatty Liang save the beauty. In the end, their love will be realized in shopping, traveling, eating, drinking and having fun.

If you can understand the nature of the doctor's profession, it will be difficult to maintain true love.

Xu Zhiliang's girlfriend was able to confront Xu Zhiliang because she probably understood Xu Zhiliang. This girlfriend was very well-behaved and did not complain about Xu Zhiliang's busy work. On weekends, Xu Zhiliang had to teach interns, so this girlfriend came to the department to accompany him.

Yes, people are quite happy.

After finishing their shift, everyone rushed to the operating room. The day's surgeries were so full that Fatty Liang didn't have time to spend time with his stewardess girlfriend. There were many surgery patients waiting for him to anesthetize him.

Tang Shun came to Yang Ping to report on the current work situation of the "Medicine" journal. Tang Shun was responsible for several people. Yang Ping gave him almost all the work other than clinical work, including three experiments, "Medicine" journal, etc.

, these tasks are very heavy and there are many messy things.

The "Medicine" Editorial Department and Institute of Surgery building has a fixed office location, occupying one floor. The eight floors are not fully occupied yet, and there is plenty of room for expansion.

Of course, a signboard will be added at the entrance on the first floor, and the editorial team Tang Shun is also well established. Tang Shun has found an experienced editor-in-chief who has worked in several top international journals and is also a

A doctorate graduate from a prestigious medical school.

Judging from the data of "Medicine" during this period, the idea of ​​"Medicine" journals is completely correct. Electronic journals are the mainstay, paper journals are supplementary, and paper journals are just to increase stable storage carriers.

According to the idea of ​​running a journal, there is no concept of a journal for papers published on the Internet. You can apply for publication at any time. The editorial department of "Medicine" will regularly collect weekly papers and make them into paper journals to provide paper journals if needed.

Readers of quality journals should mail it in.

Because the review team is composed of top figures in the medical field such as Manstein, and the subjects of published articles are mostly top doctors in the world, the platform is highly recommended by the editors-in-chief of several top journals such as "Science", "Nature" and "Cell", plus

Yang Ping's 13 CNS articles caused a sensation in the medical community, and his theory of spatially guided genes was published in "Medicine". Therefore, "Medicine" was at its peak as soon as it was published and became a top journal.

Moreover, "Medicine" has no concept of scheduling and layout, and can have unlimited capacity, which can ensure that papers are published in a timely manner. The paper journals printed every week are sometimes thick and sometimes thin, because the number of papers every week is different.

Although "Medicine" is a Chinese journal, a large number of private academic organizations in Europe, the United States and Japan have spontaneously translated the papers of "Medicine". Currently, "Medicine" has been translated into more than a dozen languages, which makes "Medicine" worthy of its name.

international journals.

Huang Jiacai is in charge of the business side, Boss Cheng is in charge of the hospital, Tang Shun is in charge of the laboratory, and Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang are in charge of the clinical department. There are suitable leaders in several major departments. The entire large team has been established. Yang Ping now only needs to work with peace of mind.

Scientific research and surgery, and now Yang Ping’s main focus is on scientific research, because scientific research results have the greatest contribution to the world.

For example, for the treatment of gastric ulcers, various surgical methods were used in the past. No matter how good the surgery was, the effect was only the same.

Later, Helicobacter pylori was discovered, and the pathogenesis of gastric ulcers was updated. Treatments also changed naturally. In the past, the effects of various major surgeries were not good, but now only a few courses of drugs can completely cure it. This is the significance of theoretical innovation and salvation.

All gastric ulcer patients in the world.

Another example is the invention of the hepatitis B vaccine, which has prevented the infectious disease from spreading wantonly and protected the health of people around the world.

Therefore, Yang Ping is currently focusing on both clinical and scientific research, but the center is gradually shifting to scientific research. Of course, clinical and scientific research must eventually be integrated. Scientific research topics originate from clinical practice, and scientific research results must ultimately be applied in clinical practice.

After Tang Shun left, Nurse Cai hurried over. She originally wanted to call Yang Ping, but saw that Yang Ping's office door was open and knew that he hadn't gone to the operating room yet, so she immediately came over to find Yang Ping.

The results of Xia Shu's father's full-body examination have come out. Xia Shu has just arrived and is not very familiar with Sanbo Hospital. Nurse Cai has been busy with this matter, helping to greet various departments, so that the results will come out faster. Xia Shu's father even went to check

, Nurse Cai personally pushed her there in a wheelchair.

Before Xia Shu could recover from his grief, the head nurse had already brought the test results of Xia Shu's father to Yang Ping, hoping that Yang Ping would help him figure out how to deal with it.

Judging from all the test results, this is the early stage of gastric cancer and has not yet metastasized. It can be removed directly through surgery and then lymph node dissection should be performed. There should be no problems after the operation.

"Transfer him to our department and I will perform surgery on him."

Yang Ping said after reading it.

The head nurse immediately went to discuss with Xia Shu. Yang Ping looked at the nurse walking quickly and asked: "Is your ankle joint healed?"

The head nurse was stunned for a moment before saying: "Okay!"

Yang Ping nodded: "That's fine. It's okay. I just asked."


In a manor in the United States.

The family elders of the BG consortium gathered around a simple round table, with a thick piece of information in front of each of them, some of which had just been obtained not long ago.

As more and more information is collected and newer, Yang Ping's portrait becomes clearer and clearer.

Professor Yang Ping's medical skills are unpredictable. The well-known Duke family in Europe is not inferior to the BG Consortium in terms of financial resources and influence. Their family's influence is spread all over Europe and North America. Even the North American branch is not inferior to the BG Consortium at all.

The little Duke Gordon of this family was terminally ill, and the family was unable to do anything with all the medical resources in the world. Finally, Yang Ping was invited to perform the surgery. The little Duke recovered and is now living well and has made extraordinary academic achievements.

From then on, this powerful family established a deep friendship with Yang Ping and became one of the sources of Yang Ping's scientific research funds.

A rich man from Sicily, Italy, and a powerful figure in the European and American underground world, it is said that his daughter's surgery will be performed by a world-class plastic surgery expert. The top expert claimed that the surgery will be remotely guided by Professor Yang.

NASA's space station had a critical incident, and the entire elite medical scientists in the United States were helpless. Massimo, the intervention genius, was helpless. It was Yang Ping who used his god-like technology to resolve the crisis and save the lives of the astronauts.

Fujiwara Tanio, a member of the Fujiwara family in Japan, has given up treatment. It was Yang Ping who used surgery to bring him back from the brink of death. He is currently living well.

Yang Ping proposed the space-guided gene theory. Currently, there are only a few scientists who can truly understand this theory. This theory is the closest technology to cloning organs. If further success is achieved, hearts, livers, and kidneys can be cloned in the future. At that time, humans

Organ replacement is like replacing car parts. You can replace an eighty-year-old person with a twenty-year-old heart without any need for rejection treatment. What a wonderful thing it is.

Moreover, it can be seen from the latest information that this person is extremely sensitive to the direction of scientific research. If others are allowed to lead the scientific research on cloning organs, even if they use ready-made theories for decades, they will not be able to achieve any results, and he may not be able to achieve anything in the foreseeable future.

achieve the goal within.

Li Gaoyang was summoned here urgently, but the elders gathered around the round table. None of them spoke, they just closed their eyes and rested their minds. It had been half an hour now, and none of these elders had the intention to speak.

What should we do? We have to show the way. There are some things that Gao Yang doesn’t dare to make the decision for, after all, it involves risks.

"What should we do? Do we need to completely solve this hidden danger?"

Li Gaoyang couldn't bear it anymore and asked in a low voice.

If extreme measures are taken, Rolf has a thousand ways to do it. Moreover, Rolf's people are already close to Yangping. This is the best time before they are discovered.

The old man sitting in the chief seat is about seventy years old. He had a heart replacement operation last year, so his mental state is not very good. He still wants to live for another thirty years. David Rockefeller used six hearts to continue three years.

In ten years of life, he should be able to live to be 101 years old.

The chief elder had kept his eyes closed just now, but now he slowly opened his eyes: "It is limited to business wars only, and all extreme plans for personal safety are permanently cancelled."

In order for Li Gaoyang to hear it more clearly, the old man raised his voice and reiterated this sentence.

Did you hear it right? This is what the elder said?

Li Gaoyang was confused. The remaining elders, the youngest of whom was already sixty years old, opened their eyes when they heard the old man's words, as if they felt relieved.

"He is the wealth of all mankind. We shouldn't be so selfish." One of the old men said slowly.

Li Gaoyang was very surprised. How could the real controllers of the BG consortium and the elders of these families make such an unexpected decision? They were not like this before, but how could they be so kind at this moment?

How could we just give up like this? The current situation can only be solved by going to the extreme.

"I think---"

Li Gaoyang planned to state his point of view and resolve the matter thoroughly even if he took the risk, otherwise he would lose the opportunity in hesitation.

The chief old man raised his voice: "Don't think, let me say it again, Professor Yang is an outstanding scientist of mankind. We should protect him and let him make greater contributions. We will never allow any behavior that harms him. Business is business."

, but the common interests of mankind are the highest interests."

Li Gaoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You said these things to others, how could you say them to me? What's wrong with these old men? They all act like real gentlemen.

"All his scientific research results are public and can be used by people all over the world. There is no threat to this. Moreover, he respects the existing market mechanism very much and has never been a saboteur." said the youngest old man.

"Well, I think so too!"

Someone immediately agreed,

Why did the attitude of the elders change so quickly? Originally, Li Gaoyang thought that the newly obtained information could make the elders determined to achieve their goals at all costs, but now, their attitude has actually changed 180 degrees. This is an urgent summons for him.

The reason is to permanently cancel the plan?

Li Gaoyang felt that this meeting room was the most boring and weird meeting. It was not their style at all.

In this way, Li Gaoyang returned to his office in New York angrily, where Rolf was already waiting for him.

Everyone has been busy recently and has been running around for Yang Ping's affairs. After all, BG Company has encountered the biggest opponent in the world.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Rolfe, what's wrong with these old men? Why do they all look like gentlemen?"

Li Gaoyang told Rolf what happened during the meeting, hoping that Rolf could help analyze it. Li Gaoyang really didn't understand why these guys became so kind now and actually gave up all extreme means and limited all means to business competition.

within the range.

Rolf thought for a few minutes and smiled strangely: "When you reach their age, you will also make such a decision. Why did David Rockefeller need to have six hearts replaced? Not only them, but also the conglomerate families around the world.

Are you generous with your donations in the biomedical field? You will know the answer if you think about it for a moment.”

Li Gaoyang thought about it and suddenly realized: "Everyone has the desire to pursue immortality?"

"I dare not say that everyone has this pursuit. At least 99% of us elders desire immortality and want to live longer. You are now strongly recommending extreme measures. Isn't this cutting off their dreams?

?As an old friend, I advise you to take care of yourself, otherwise they will kick you out."

Rolf, an intelligence expert, obviously has a better understanding of human nature than Li Gaoyang.

"What's more, as long as he doesn't provoke conflicts, his threat to BG Company is far from life-and-death. His laboratory is undefended and all his scientific research results are made public for free. Even if these scientific research results are used, do you think BG Company will be worse than other companies?

?But if you touch Professor Yang, it will be a matter of life and death for them. Now in their hearts, Professor Yang is a god and no longer a human being." Rolf saw blood for a while.

Li Gaoyang still didn't understand: "Why did you change your mind now?"

Rolf straightened his white hair: "Because the information is clear now: the space-oriented gene theory can only be realized by Professor Yang in the shortest time. Even if BG Company gets all the data, whether it can be realized in a few decades still remains

Unknown, no one wants to wait for you, the unknown. In the eyes of all this kind of people, Professor Yang is already a god. Believe it or not, let alone extreme measures, even if you pull out a hair of Professor Yang, countless hidden forces in the world will make you

You will never recover, I can guarantee you."

Li Gaoyang took a deep breath. The world is really complicated, and human nature is really complicated. With Rolf's guidance, Li Gaoyang finally understood the truth.

This chapter has been completed!
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