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Chapter 948 Pig barking in the middle of the night

Mr. Cullen recovered quickly and can now walk in the hospital garden. The ward of the Institute of Surgery was relatively tight, so he decided to move to the Overseas Chinese Building to continue living there for a while.

Mannstein has almost sorted out Yang Ping's scientific research materials and will soon submit them to the Swedish Nobel Committee. The Prize in Physiology or Medicine is judged by the Royal Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Many professors from this hospital are closely related to Mannstein.

They are all very good friends.

The evaluation of the Nobel Prize follows the principle of fairness, justice and openness. However, where there are people, there are human factors. It is just a question of more and less. This is unavoidable. The medical achievements of Ilizalov of the Soviet Union could definitely win the Nobel.

Prize, but was not awarded the Nobel Prize due to other reasons.

In Maninstein's view, the big guys on the review committee are used to seeing the world, and they may be surprised by Maninstein's recommendation this time. The spatial guidance gene is indeed amazing, and the more in-depth research, the more advanced the theory becomes.

It’s just that Maninstein is worried about whether those big guys can understand the advanced aspects of this achievement.

But it doesn't matter. With Maninstein's recommendation, even if the big guys don't understand it for a while, they will nod and say okay, okay.

The Nobel Prize represents a huge amount of points for Yang Ping. Points are the most important resource in the system space, so Yang Ping is full of expectations for the Nobel Prize. Manstein strongly recommended it. If there is no artificial bias on the part of the judges, winning the Nobel Prize will be a problem.

Not big.

Maninstein regularly reports the progress to Yang Ping on WeChat, so Yang Ping doesn’t have to worry too much about this matter. Only by leaving professional matters to professionals can he get twice the result with half the effort.

The scientific research results of spatial guidance genes were used to apply for the Nobel Prize. Yang Ping's scientific research is still continuing. Basic scientific research is extremely difficult work, so scientific researchers must be able to endure loneliness.

The recent laboratory equipment lockup incident had a huge impact on the progress of scientific research, but the difficulty is temporary and will have to be faced sooner or later.

Nowadays, the domestic software in the laboratory is running more and more smoothly, and there are few bugs. These engineers are very attentive and do things down-to-earth. In terms of convenience, these domestic software are actually easier to use than imported ones. It is just because there is too little accumulation and stability.

Not enough, some basic things must be accumulated.

Yang Ping took the time to go to the three laboratories for a walk. Anyway, the distance between the upstairs and the downstairs was enough. He walked around a few times when he had time. At present, everything is running well and there are no major problems. The difficulties caused by the machine lock have also been overcome.

, you no longer have to worry about locking your phone.

After inspecting the laboratory, Yang Ping came to the operating room and did not see Song Zimo, so he asked Xiao Wu: "Where is Song Zimo?"

Xiaowu was suturing skin with his graduate student: "I just had to go out for something. I will be the surgeon for the next operation."

"I left in a hurry just now," one of the graduate students added.

"I heard that Tang Fei is a little dizzy."

The information from Intelligence Director Zhang Lin was more specific. It turned out that Tang Fei was very dizzy and might have called Song Zimo, who went over to see what was going on.

Tang Fei is a doctor in sports medicine. She is often seconded by the sports medicine center to help. Not long ago, she was seconded again. She was a little dizzy during the operation. Two female interns helped her to the lounge to rest for a while. The head nurse was worried that she was suffering from low blood pressure.

Blood sugar, poured a glass of sugar water for Tang Fei.

After just resting for a while and not drinking sugar water, Tang Fei returned to normal. She called Song Zimo to explain the situation, and Song Zimo hurried over immediately.

After confirming that Tang Fei had no problem, Song Zimo returned to the surgical institute. It was not the first time that Tang Fei felt dizzy like this, so Song Zimo thought about taking her for a check-up.

The following surgery is a scoliosis correction surgery. The surgery is the latest minimally invasive surgery---implanting a precise epiphyseal organizer and using precise epiphyseal tissue technology to correct the spine.

The animal experimental data of precise epiphyseal tissue technology some time ago are very good. This experiment is based on Yang Ping's large amount of basic data on precise interference with epiphyseal development. With these basic data, Song Zimo and August can develop micro-blockers.

These arresters are used for epiphyseal growth control.

Because the results of animal experiments are good, clinical trials can now be entered in batches. In China and Germany, with Sanbo Hospital and Harlaching Hospital as clinical centers, the first phase of clinical trials has begun. The research and development of drugs and medical devices is an extremely cautious process.

, and medical devices are still much more relaxed than drugs, so medical devices are progressing faster than drug research and development.

Several surgeries performed by Song Zimo at the European Spine Surgery Conference were the first patients in the world to use this technology. At present, it seems that the postoperative orthopedic effect is very good. The X-rays for regular review are lined up.

You can almost see the progress of the correction. The correction is very fast and the error range is completely within the doctor's control.

The biggest concern with this technology is that the correction will be out of control, resulting in new deformities, which is not worth the gain, but currently there is no such situation.

As for the side effects of device materials on the human body, the materials used in the micro epiphyseal organizer are mature medical materials and are very safe.

If it is a new material, because the side effects of the material on the human body are uncertain, the safety testing process of the implanted material is sometimes more troublesome than the device itself.

The first batch of clinical trial patients from Sanbo Hospital have arrived. The youngest of these children is only 3 years old, and the oldest is only 12 years old. This method cannot treat scoliosis at too old an age, because too old will not have much room for growth and development.

Natural orthopedic effects are not good. Pre-puberty or just beginning puberty is best, and middle adolescence is also possible. However, the effect in late adolescence is definitely poor for some serious patients, because the technology itself uses growth and development to perform correction, and there is no room for growth and development to achieve correction.


There are five children in the first batch. They have been admitted to the hospital and have undergone various examinations. Their parents have signed various informed consent forms. Clinical trials, whether they are drugs or devices, have certain risks. This is for sure.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! All medical expenses for clinical trial volunteers are free, and they can receive an experimental subsidy, so many parents of children in poor areas are willing to let their children participate in this clinical trial.

This is an opportunity to get free treatment.

Song Zimo returned to the operating room of the Institute of Surgery. Xiao Wu was performing spinal surgery to implant an epiphyseal blocker on an 8-year-old patient. This surgery is very simple, simpler and safer than vertebral body plasty.

Yang Ping returned to the office, and Dr. Li Min was taking a form to ask Song Zimo to sign. However, Song Zimo was on the operating table, and Yang Ping signed it for him personally. In fact, these signatures were signed by the department director Yang Ping, but it was usually Song Zimo.

Do it for you.

Li Min is now rotating in various departments of Sanbo Hospital and has to undergo training in all basic surgical operations. There are not many opportunities to be exposed to these basic operations in the surgical institute, such as appendectomy, cholecystectomy, etc. These operations are very common in the surgical institute.

You can't even touch the Institute of Surgery. All the patients in the Institute of Surgery have difficult, complex, and difficult diseases and surgeries. Li Min has the foundation that Yang Ping laid for him in the early stage, and he has extremely skilled anatomical knowledge, basic surgical skills, and various

The theoretical knowledge of surgery improves very quickly when put into practice.

Yang Ping asked him to go around each subject and say hello to the directors of each subject. These directors would naturally pay more attention to Li Min. After all, Yang Ping's face cannot be refuted. Maybe there will be many uses in the future, at least

In the future, when you encounter problems on the operating table, you won't be so nervous. You can call Yang Ping for help at critical moments.

I often walk by the river, and my shoes don't get wet. In the medical field, no one dares to make big claims. Before there was a sealing knife, anything could happen to me.

Yang Ping looked at WeChat and saw a lot of WeChat messages from Luo Jin. This guy is now playing football in Europe. A routine physical examination revealed an intracranial tumor. This guy has been in trouble since childhood, including nasopharyngeal cancer, car accidents, and serious injuries to his knee joints.

The strong man made it through every time, and now he is active on the green fields of Europe.

But this time, the situation may not be optimistic. Yang Ping looked at the images and pictures he sent, and found that it was a tumor on the brain stem again, and the location was equally tricky. It was more dangerous and serious than Karen's tumor because it had spread over a wide area.

Medicine is not omnipotent, doctors are not gods, and no medicine or surgery can transcend objective limitations.

Luo Jin's surgery is difficult to perform. If he doesn't do it, he will have to wait for death. If he does the surgery, he will be disabled and leave severe motor dysfunction, because the tumor's invasion of the central nervous system is very obvious. No matter what method is used, surgery or various ion knives

, cannot avoid the disability, and can survive, but it is not impossible to return to the game again.

[Surgery is recommended. The goal of surgery is to survive, but the motor function will be severely damaged and you will no longer be able to play football.]

Yang Ping sent his opinions.

The other party sent a WeChat message after a period of silence.

【Thank you, I understand.】

[Be mentally prepared to retire, arrange the time, and have surgery as soon as possible. Of course, nothing is absolute, and a miracle may happen and you can return to the game.]

Yang Ping encouraged and comforted Luo Jin.

[What is the probability of impaired motor function after surgery?]

【99% probability!】

Medicine as a technology is objective, and Yang Ping must remain objective.

【I'll think about it, thank you Professor Yang.】

Luo Jin is currently in the golden age of sports, and his performance in playing football in Europe is great. It must be very sad for something like this to happen at this time, but Luo Jin has experienced many blows, and his ability to withstand pressure is stronger than ordinary people.

Yang Ping only needs to tell him the prediction objectively, and Luo Jin will make the best choice by himself.

Luo Jin has been a free spokesperson for the Sports Medicine Center of Sanbo Hospital. He recently sent a lot of photos to the Publicity Department of Sanbo Hospital for use in producing promotional materials. The Sports Medicine Center was developing rapidly, but with Luo Jin’s help, the impact

The power is further expanded.

After get off work in the afternoon, Yang Ping called the doctors from the department to study Luo Jin's condition. By the way, he asked Song Zimo about Tang Fei. Song Zimo said that it was just a temporary dizziness and there should be no problem, but for safety reasons, he would make arrangements. Tang Fei went to do some tests.

After discussing Luo Jin's condition, everyone was in awe. Luo Jin has been through many hardships since he was a child. I don't know if he can get through it this time. In fact, as long as he gives up playing football, with Professor Yang's surgery success rate, Luo Jin can definitely do it.


After the meeting, everyone had a snack in the department, because after dinner everyone had to go to the animal experiment building to perform simulated surgeries.

The demand for pigs in the Animal Experiment Building is increasing. The Animal Experiment Department of Nandu Medical University is living a very prosperous life relying on this big customer. In order to take good care of this big customer, they opened an office in Sanbo Hospital to expand the team members.


It is not enough to do this. You must also be able to make animal models of various diseases. For example, to perform mando surgery, you must be able to make animal models that simulate diseases. This is the most technically difficult. The Animal Department of Nandu Medical University is also following the market development direction.

, actively improve the production methods of innovative animal models.

Using animal models to train surgeries is actually the most effective, but it costs money. Dean Xia is willing to spend this money, so at Sanbo Hospital, it has become normal to use pigs to practice surgeries.

The animal experiment building was originally only used by doctors from the Institute of Surgery, but now an additional floor has been opened for use by surgeons from the entire Sanbo Hospital.

In fact, this kind of investment is not just a matter of a few pigs, but the various supporting measures are a big investment, such as the daily management and maintenance of the experimental building, the supervision of pig feeding, various equipment specially used for surgical training, etc.

These all cost money.

But Dr. Xia is a generous person and is willing to invest. In order to improve everyone's surgical level, this investment is nothing.

Dean Xia even decided to build a pig ward and pig ICU in this building so that the pigs after surgery can easily observe changes in their condition instead of finishing the surgery.

This chapter is not finished yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After learning mando surgery from Yang Ping, Director He of the Thoracic Surgery Department became eager to try it. Sometimes the environment has a great impact on people. Director He took a group of

Help the doctor who is busy performing mando surgery on pigs.

In the past, some departments were not very active, but with the development of the sports medicine center, general surgery, and thoracic surgery have followed suit, most of the departments in the entire hospital, except for a few stubborn ones, have decided to join the rush of department development.


The Department of Haifu Dao was originally a marginal department and was almost eliminated. Duan Xiaoming just relied on a few brushes he learned from Yang Ping to make a name for himself. Now Duan Xiaoming is not only busy with the department's business, but also visits acupuncture points everywhere, and even uses

In the form of technology investment, we invested in a number of Haifu knife centers. Many of these centers were about to be unable to operate. With Duan Xiaoming's help, they immediately began to make profits.

Duan Guangtou is a living example of how he can treat uterine fibroids with one trick.

In the past, there were many complications when using Haifu Knife to treat uterine fibroids, but now in Director Duan’s hands, these complications do not exist at all. He has mastered the essence of the technology. His surgical results are good and there are few complications, so he is "Friends of Women's Friends".

"The famous name is well deserved.

Yang Ping and Song Zimo walked around the animal experiment building several times. He himself did not expect that this animal laboratory for simulated surgeries would play such a great role in stimulating the entire hospital's passion for pursuing technology.

Yang Ping saw that Director Liu and Director Li of the Organ Transplantation Center were sweating profusely picking pigs. In order to reduce the number of pigs in the laboratory, the staff now send pigs by appointment in advance. Otherwise, it would be so big

A large number of pigs are raised here, and the entire building is a real pig farm. When the weather is hot, no matter how good the odor removal system is, it will be useless.

The two directors of the organ transplant center now want to challenge heart transplantation and lung transplantation. They want to use pigs to practice their skills. There are many hospitals that perform liver transplantation and kidney transplantation, but there are relatively few hospitals that perform heart transplantation and lung transplantation. It seems that the two

The director also began to exert his efforts.

The neurosurgery department has also begun to work on brain stem tumors, and they have also begun to send people to the surgical institute from time to time to study. It seems that the strategy of starting from point to point is beginning to show results.

The most active ones are the hospital's large number of doctors in their thirties, who already have certain experience and are full of desire and passion for upgrading technology. These people sometimes use their spare time to practice surgery on pigs until late at night.

If Dean Xia hadn't had the foresight to do good soundproofing here, otherwise the hospital would have been filled with pig noises in the middle of the night, which is terrifying to think about.

This chapter has been completed!
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