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Chapter 0096 Who is the blood donor?

The front and back are fixed simultaneously, with posterior pedicle screws and anterior steel plates.

After irrigation, drainage was inserted, steel wires were inserted into the sternum and fixed, and each incision was sutured in layers.

This piece of wood must have had a sharp bevel at the time. After it was taken out, there was no obvious defect in the skin, it was just squeezed open.

It was quick but not rushed, and the operation ended naturally.

"Blood pressure, 90/55mmHg——"

Blood pressure starts to rise!

"Hemoglobin 68g/L"

Every two hundred milliliters of blood can increase hemoglobin by approximately 6g, which is theoretical data. Considering loss, increasing hemoglobin by 4-5g is achievable.

Hemoglobin is 68g/L. Although this value is very low, as long as there is no more bleeding, the fortune will be recovered. For acute blood loss, if the hemoglobin is higher than 70g/L, blood transfusion is not needed.

Spinal cord transection is a medical problem in the world, and he will have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

The operation takes about forty minutes.

"Ding dong, the mission is completed, the reward is 12,000 points, and comes with a super cultivation Dafa series treasure box."

The mechanical female voice matches the subtitles in the upper right corner of the field of view.

"You bastard!"

When the sterile drape was opened, someone cursed, it was Zhang Lin.

"Director Zhang, the patient with ruptured liver and spleen has arrived. Director Dong has arranged for you to perform the surgery." Someone came to the operating room and called Director Zhang, speaking urgently.

The operation was over here, and Director Zhang and Director Li were fine. They began to take off their clothes and gloves, and found that their backs were covered in sweat, cold and clammy.

Director Zhang rushed to treat a patient with a ruptured liver and spleen. Director Li also had a patient with multiple rib fractures and lung contusion. A deputy chief physician in the department was doing the treatment and he wanted to rush to the stage.

The entire operating room was running at high speed, all elective surgeries were stopped, and the potential was being squeezed wildly.

The subsequent seven patients all arrived in the operating room, except for lung contusion in the thoracic surgery department and liver and spleen rupture in the general surgery department.

In the Department of Orthopedics, a patient suffered a serious crush injury to his calf and had his limbs amputated; a patient with a pelvic fracture, combined with bladder and urethra injury, and unstable blood pressure, was being treated by Director Miao, with the assistance of Director Wang Hansheng from Sanbo; a patient with a burst fracture of the thoracic vertebrae and paraplegia was treated by another deputy chief physician from the Department of Orthopedics

Dr. Chen Xiaoqiao, director of Sanbo, was doing surgery on a patient with severe perineal laceration and leakage of the intestines and uterus. Brain surgery was performed on a patient with intracranial and intracranial trauma, bleeding, brain contusion, and brain herniation. He died after ineffective rescue efforts.

Carts came and went, blood, liquids, medicines, gauze, and instruments were sent to various operating rooms, and nurses rushed forward.

The vice president of operations and the director of the medical department wore visiting clothes and shuttled around the operating rooms, responsible for coordination.

"The heartbeat and breathing of the thoracic surgeon have stopped, and the heart is being compressed in the chest. Hurry!"

"General surgery, we don't have enough blood, we need a thousand more!"

“Obstetrics and gynecology need collaboration with general surgery!”

The fire here was put out, and it started burning again there.

"Director Miao's pelvic surgery, let's go see if you need our help?" Director Tian said to Yang Ping.

Dr. Tao took them to another operating room, where Director Miao was fighting hard.

"How about it, Director Miao, do you want some help?" Director Tian asked.

Director Miao is looking at the images on the C-arm machine. He is doing a pelvic external fixator. The injured patient's blood pressure is very unstable and he is afraid that he will not be able to support himself while walking on the operating table.

Yang Ping looked at the film on the reading light and found that the fracture was mainly due to an anterior ring fracture, and the bleeding should be controlled with an external fixator.

"I will fix it with an external fixator first to keep the pelvic ring stable. If the blood pressure cannot be maintained, let the interventional department perform vascular embolization. Do you think it is appropriate?" Director Miao asked Director Tian for his opinion. At the critical moment, someone discussed it.

happy things.

Director Miao is still experienced and the process is very reasonable.

"Okay, how about the rectum and urethra?" Director Tian asked.

"The rectum is fine, the bladder is ruptured, and the urethra is severed. Let's do a cystostomy first, wait until the blood pressure stabilizes, and then perform a second-stage urethral anastomosis." Wang Hansheng was on the stage, assisting Director Miao in dealing with the damage to the bladder and urethra.

This kind of patient should be able to be stabilized. There is nothing to see if the amputation is done. As long as it is amputated in time and does not cause acute renal failure, the patient will be stable.

Tianyuan, Chen Xiaoqiao's patient, wanted to go see him. He asked Yang Ping to go with him. Yang Ping had just become a master in handling chest and abdominal trauma, so he asked him to go and rest assured.

In the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department, the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department is accompanying me.

I don’t know what the mechanism of the injury was. The entire perineal pelvic floor was severely torn, there was a lot of bleeding, and the intestines and uterus leaked out.

At the lithotomy position of the patient, Chen Xiaoqiao was leading the obstetrician and gynecologist wearing high-heeled shoes, with the assistance of the director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Shipo Hospital.

"How's it going? Do you need any support?" Tian Yuan asked.

Chen Xiaoqiao sat on the stool and focused on the operation. While doing it, he said: "Let the general surgeon send someone to take a look. The rectum and colon are also broken."

"Call General Surgery!" Director Tian called Dr. Tao.

Just then, the director of the medical department came over for inspection: "I've already called, and I'll be there soon."

"Where's the blood? No, it's at least a thousand more." Chen Xiaoqiao looked up at the monitoring screen.

"Here we come!" As soon as he finished speaking, the nurse ran in pushing a pile of blood bags.

For a spinal burst fracture, a deputy chief physician from the Department of Orthopedics is performing posterior decompression and pedicle screw fixation.

They have no problem performing these surgeries. Unlike the thoracoabdominal penetrating injuries just now, they don't have enough experience and will bleed out if they are not careful.

I had multiple rib fractures, lung contusions, flail chest, and could no longer breathe. I had to undergo pulmonary lobectomy and reduction and fixation of the rib fractures during the thoracic surgery. My heartbeat suddenly stopped during the operation.

The vice president of operations came over quickly and asked Director Tian Yang Ping to go and have a look. Director Li had seen their thoracotomy operation to treat aortic rupture, which was at the level of those outside the city and An Zhen.

Director Tian Yang Ping quickly moved his position, while Director Li was holding his heart in his hand and pressing it.

"Sudden arrest, ventricular fibrillation, come on stage!" Director Li said quickly when he saw Director Tian Yang Ping coming over.

It was too late to wash their hands, so the two people immediately took the sterile gloves handed by the nurse, put on the gloves, surgical gowns, and a layer of sterile gloves.

Director Li stepped aside, and Director Tian took over to perform the compressions. After a while, the heart started to beat, but the tension was not enough: "Intracardiac injection of 1 ml of 0.1% epinephrine."

A syringe was handed over, containing 1 ml of 0.1% epinephrine, which was inserted into the heart and injected into the cavity.

I continued to press, and finally my pulse became strong, and my blood pressure went from undetectable to maintained at 90/60mmHg.

"Dopamine maintains blood pressure, 5% sodium bicarbonate is injected intravenously, and that's it -" Director Tian's hand came out of his chest, turned around, and changed positions back to back with Director Li.

"There is a contusion in the heart. Use some medicine to protect the myocardium. Check whether there is any bleeding at the injection point. If there is bleeding, apply pressure. If not, you can continue the operation."

Director Tian and Yang Ping took off their clothes and gloves, went around again and said hello. Other patients did not need to come on stage for the time being. Director Tian and Yang Ping decided to take a rest first. If there is anyone who needs help, they can come at any time.

Come to the lounge.

"This bastard is very lucky. When we perform surgery on him, we provide him with panda blood, and a volunteer will donate blood to him."

Zhang Lin was indignant.

"Can I have a cigarette?" Fatty Liang asked Zhang Lin.

"It's not his responsibility to get off the bus," Xiao Wu said.

"Smoke it, give me one. I'm so angry. We were almost cheated by him, and we even helped him perform surgery. We were sweating profusely." Zhang Lin was still angry.

Fatty Liang handed out a cigarette to Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu.

"One code equals another. You can curse, but people still need to be saved. Give me one too." Director Tian said, Director Tian never smokes.

"I just feel angry. Hasn't the person been saved? I didn't delay even a second when handing over the forceps during the operation." Zhang Lin started to smoke.

Yang Ping leaned back on the chair to rest: "Give me one."

"You don't smoke, don't you? It's a waste!" Zhang Lin said.

Fatty Liang took out a cigarette. Yang Ping took it out. Fatty Liang helped light it. Yang Ping took a puff and said, "Director Tian, ​​doesn't he smoke too?" The five of them puffed away in the lounge.

An anesthesiologist from Shipo Hospital came in to drink water. He had just performed anesthesia with Fatty Liang and listened to what they were talking about.

He sat down and said, "What a blessing. Not only did I meet you, but I heard that I also met a person with rich first aid experience at the scene and saved him. What's more, that person also donated blood. Some things in the world are just such coincidences."


Zhang Lin said: "You said someone saved him on the spot? And even donated blood to him?"

"Yeah, the emergency headquarters was looking for RH-negative type A blood, but they couldn't find it for a long time. When I asked for help in the group, there was one of them in the emergency department. Or was the person who sent him here a twin brother in his previous life?


Does he know first aid? Maybe he's a doctor. Thinking of a doctor, Director Tian felt nervous. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Director Zhu, whom he met by chance on the road. His car was right in front of the bus he was riding.

Is it him? Impossible, how could it be him? It can't be such a coincidence. This is too cruel and teasing him. A person who loves medicine is ruined. Although working in insurance is good now, it is not what he loves after all.

His heart suddenly felt like a stabbing knife, and he said to Yang Ping: "You are here, I will go down and take a look."

He has been here for several operations, he knows the aunt who guards the door, and he is also familiar with the hospital environment.

"Do you know where the blood donors are?" Director Tian asked the anesthesiologist.

The anesthesiologist is also a know-it-all in the hospital. He said: "Professor Tian, ​​let me ask you."

The anesthesiologist picked up the phone and called his brother in the emergency department. After asking for clarification, he said: "The emergency room is undergoing infusion. Eight hundred has been pumped and the fluid is being replenished."

"Professor Tian? Are you an acquaintance? What a coincidence? Should I tell the emergency department in advance?"

Director Tian thanked him.

He quickly changed his clothes, came to the emergency department, and identified himself to the nurse. The nurse immediately enthusiastically took him to the observation room.

I don't know why, but he feels very heavy and uncomfortable. I hope it's not what he expected. This is really cruel.

He stopped and said, "Which room is it in? I'll go there by myself, you go and do your work!"

The nurse pointed forward: "Ward No. 3!"

Director Tian thought for a moment and picked up the phone. He had Director Zhu's phone number. When the province sent him to Japan, Director Zhu also went with him, but he didn't keep in touch with her very often. He didn't know if he had changed his phone number.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

This chapter has been completed!
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