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Chapter 952 Primary school students’ topics

Xiao Wu continued to write medical records. For a young doctor, there are always endless medical records to write and endless medicines to replace. However, no matter what, Xiao Wu always had a tight chest in his heart.

One after another, there were more and more doctors in the office. Everyone took a break from their busy work and began to chat about Ou Lianfeng. They chatted while writing medical records without delaying business at all.

Doctors and nurses sympathized with Ou Lianfeng's experience. Several young doctors suggested donating money, hiring lawyers, and asking the media to help Ou Lianfeng fight for compensation and get his own justice.

A situation like Ou Lianfeng's is a logical knot that cannot be solved at all. If Sanbo Hospital had not been willing to do a chest opening and lung examination for him, Ou Lianfeng would have had no chance of getting a diagnosis of pneumoconiosis. Without a diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, what would he have done?

Fight for compensation.

Now Sanbo Hospital is willing to open his chest for a lung examination, which means that after surgery, it can give him a pathological diagnosis based on the removed lung tissue. Perhaps this is a turning point in things.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu felt a little better.

While everyone was having a heated discussion, Zhang Lin suddenly came in and said, "Have you finished writing your medical records? The medical insurance will randomly check the medical records tomorrow."

Check medical records?

Everyone immediately stopped talking, and the keyboard typing in the office became louder and more intensive. Everyone began to rush for medical records, for fear that their money would be deducted if the medical records were not up to standard.

"Colleagues from the Medical Insurance Office will come over later, and we will have a small meeting to learn and discuss the knowledge of medical insurance DRG/DIP payment."

The DRG/DIP payment policy has been implemented for so long. We still have a lot of work to do in clinical work. We do not have a deep understanding of the policy, and we do not know how to choose diagnoses and scores. As a result, we suffer a loss in this regard. It often happens that patients who are cured end up being left behind.

The hospital was still losing money, so colleagues from the Medical Insurance Office were very anxious and began to give lectures in various departments to explain to clinicians the knowledge about DRG/DIP payment. Don’t get the money you deserve because you don’t know how to choose the diagnostic score.

Worth it but lost in vain

Yang Ping went to Huaqiao Building alone for ward rounds. Karen from Sweden is now living in Huaqiao Building. He could have been discharged now, but he decided to stay in Sanbo Hospital for safety reasons. After all, the operation was a heart surgery, but

A difficult and high-risk major surgery.

Huaqiao Building currently has three wards, the Department of Internal Medicine, the Department of Surgery and the Department of Orthopedics. Director Tian of the Department of Orthopedics is also very proud of himself now.

Following the example, Director Tian learned from the two big guys from the Overseas Chinese Building. It was a skill that was better than the old. Using the platform of the Overseas Chinese Building, Director Tian made friends with a large number of high-energy people.

This outstanding Dr. Huaxi did not neglect his academic studies, but also gained a lot in the social circle, becoming an all-rounder who was proficient in both academics and people.

Director Tian's brother used to work in the provincial capital, but now he has become a Land Rover contractor with Director Tian.

Director Tian's hometown concept is still relatively strong. Not only did his brother follow him to realize the goal of getting rich first, getting rich first and then getting rich later, but his brother also brought out the young people in the village and organized an engineering team. Everyone made a lot of money. It can be said that

, Director Tian has single-handedly driven the entire village in his hometown to become rich.

In a place like Overseas Chinese Building, what is needed is not academic ability, but the ability to be worldly. Director Tian not only did not delay academics, but was able to use the spirit of scientific research to learn all kinds of worldly skills. He can be regarded as an expert in this field and achieved successful transformation.


Mr. Cullen is recovering well now. Because of this operation, he has developed special feelings for China, and his son also used this time to conduct inspections in many places in China. This has further changed the entire Cullen family's view of China.


Some of the information they had obtained before was seriously biased. The real China was so vibrant and full of hope, so he decided to increase investment in China, increase cooperation with Anning's group, and invest huge sums of money into the world.

The largest and most dynamic market.

After seeing Karen, Yang Ping was very relieved about his condition. There was no need to come every day in the future, just send Song Zimo or Xu Zhiliang to take a look. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Ping came to the Orthopedics Department to see his old superior, Director Tian.


When I first came to Sanbo Hospital, I received a lot of help from Director Tian. I remember that Song Zimo and I followed Director Tian to the "Flying Knife" of Shipo Hospital for technical support. We even saved that bastard Wang Ge at that time. When I think of Wang Ge,

Yang Ping just wanted to curse.

Thinking of Wang Ge, Yang Ping thought of Director Zhu again, but now Director Zhu is living a good life. As an executive of an insurance company under the Anning Group, his annual salary has exceeded 10 million. He has been living in Singapore with his wife and children for a long time. Although he is no longer a doctor,

This road, but the other road can also be considered a golden road.

In fact, people like Director Zhu can succeed in anything they do. They have brains, knowledge, goals, perseverance, hard work, and strong adaptability. There is no way they will fail.

Director Tian's office is very luxurious, worthy of the position of Overseas Chinese Building. The tea sets placed in the middle are also of the best quality. It is said that the purple clay teapot is the best product in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, and every tea set and every tea leaf is of the best quality. There are many

It's not available on the market.

"Not only our Department of Orthopedics, but also the entire Huaqiao Building must be grateful to Professor Yang. If it weren't for Professor Yang's support, the Huaqiao Building would not be as lively as it is today. You see, everyone is queuing up to come here to see a doctor, and they are here for the Institute of Surgery.

A golden sign."

Director Tian said with a smile while pouring tea.

The rapid development of Huaqiao Building was something Yang Ping did not expect. Yang Ping only focused on the research of medical skills and had never thought about these problems. As medical skills improved, the number of patients in the hospital increased. This is a matter of course.

"This is the result of everyone's efforts, not my achievement alone."

Yang Ping said modestly.

In the Overseas Chinese Building, I was reminiscing with Director Tian. The two of them talked most about medical topics. Director Tian remained the same, he was still the scholar who was good at teaching, but he had learned to dance well.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It was getting late, Yang Ping said goodbye to Director Tian, ​​he took out his mobile phone, and found a new friend on WeChat, who claimed to be Lu Xiaolu from Nandu Medical University.

There is also a WeChat group for young talents at Nandu Medical University. Yang Ping and Lu Xiaolu are both in it. Lu Xiaolu probably added Yang Ping from this group. Yang Ping and Lu Xiaolu have had in-depth exchanges. This person must be a rare talent.


It’s just that Yang Ping is very curious as to why Lu Xiaolu has always been an unknown assistant in Nandu Medical University. It really shouldn’t be the case. Principal Rao loves talents so much, how could he bury a talent like Lu Xiaolu?

Yang Ping thought about it carefully. Lu Xiaolu had not produced any papers yet because all the important papers were second authors, and some were not even second authors. It was no wonder that Principal Rao did not discover him, but from Yang Ping

Based on his cognitive judgment, Lu Xiaolu should not have no heavyweight papers.

Could it be that I misjudged that he was just a boastful guy?

It is almost impossible to talk about something like science, because the things involved are all real knowledge. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and there is no nonsense.

No matter what, Yang Ping still added this friend.


At this time, Nandu Medical University.

Lu Xiaolu was busy in the laboratory when he was called to the office by Guan Ruyan. Their relationship was as close as brothers. They studied together and worked together. They had never had any conflicts over the years.

"Xiaolu, I have something to trouble you again."

Guan Ruyan handed a piece of information to Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu took it and browsed it carefully. He thought it was some new topic.

However, this information had nothing to do with their scientific research. It was about registration information for a national youth science and technology competition. Lu Xiaolu was very confused. He had no idea why Guan Ruyan gave him such information. Was he using it?


"Brother Guan, did you get the wrong one?" Lu Xiaolu handed the information back.

Guan Ru smiled and said: "That's right. This is Zhenming's registration information for the National Youth Science and Technology Competition. This award is very important, so I have to trouble you to take the time to help set up a project, write a paper, and then use it for the competition. Currently

Stem cells are quite popular, do you think we can’t help but establish a scientific research project on stem cells?”

Guan Zhenming is the son of Guan Ruyan and the grandson of Principal Ding. He is currently a fourth-grade primary school student.

"Stem cells? Elementary school students? Isn't it better to let others do this kind of thing? Let's get involved in the children's affairs, so---"

Lu Xiaolu felt it was a bit ridiculous that a teenager would compete in a stem cell research project. He probably didn’t even know what stem cells were. How could such obvious fraud be used on children?

"This is what Teacher Ding means, Xiaolu, in fact, you don't know that these science and technology competitions are all supported by children. Many of them are not done by children, but by parents. It's not how we do this. Anyone who thinks

Those who win awards are like this. You see, the scientific and technological achievements of the last champion are on the research of tumor genes. Who did you say it was not done by parents? It’s nothing. You just do what I say and produce world-class results.

With your research level, you can definitely win the championship if you work on a stem cell project." Guan Ru enlightened Lu Xiaolu with serious words.

"We also want to pave the way for Zhenming as soon as possible, but there is no way. Now that the involution is so serious, we must start from elementary school to accumulate some capital for him, so that he can be competitive in the future and not lose at the starting line."

Guan Ruyan added.

I heard that it was Principal Ding's intention. Lu Xiaolu couldn't say anything else. Principal Ding was very kind to him. The kindness was as great as a mountain. In fact, why he helped Guan Ruyan all these years was just to repay the kindness.

However, the fraud in this matter was so outrageous that Lu Xiaolu was still reluctant to do such a thing. He had been doing research and writing papers for Guan Ruyan for so many years. Originally, this was something he did against his will. He had been suffering from it, but when he thought about it,

After repaying Principal Ding's kindness, he couldn't bear it in his heart. Now he had to do a project and write a paper for a fourth-year elementary school student to win a national award. This was such a ridiculous thing. He couldn't do it no matter what.

"Brother Guan, you see our projects are very busy recently and I really can't spare the time. Do you think you can find someone else to do it?" Lu Xiaolu declined politely.

Guan Ruyan shook his head: "I don't worry about the others. As far as I know, the teams behind several contestants who are hopeful of winning the prize are very strong. We must show world-class standards so that we can be sure to win the prize. The laboratory projects

The big framework of things has been decided, let them do some details, and you can concentrate on this during this time."

But Lu Xiaolu really didn't want to do such a thing, it had already exceeded his bottom line.

"But --- how could a fourth-grade primary school student make research results on stem cells? With all due respect, he doesn't understand what the word "stem cells" means, let alone profound medical knowledge and complicated experimental processes.

This is obviously unreasonable, and others will know it is fake at a glance." Lu Xiaolu thought this was a joke.

But Guan Ruyan was very determined: "Don't worry, there will be no problem. Don't care what others think. As long as you can win an award, it's better than anything else. This award is very important and will be crucial for your future studies."

However, a primary school student’s project is to engage in stem cell research?


"Brother Guan, please don't rush this matter. I'm really busy recently. Let me think about it. I'm a little uncomfortable. Let's go out first."

Lu Xiaolu lowered his head, opened the door and left Guan Ruyan's office, leaving behind a messy Guan Ruyan. What's wrong with this kid? He usually does scientific research and never blinks an eye at any difficult subject. Today's task can be said to be not heavy. What's wrong with him?

It's a bit pushy and blocked.


The next day, Ou Lianfeng quickly completed the operation, and the postoperative lung tissue pathology report confirmed: stage three pneumoconiosis.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! So Xiao Wu, the doctor in charge, gave Ou Lianfeng a diagnosis of "stage three pneumoconiosis". Yang Ping signed his name where the department director signed, and then stamped it as Sanbo Hospital

Seal of the Hospital's Institute of Surgery.

When Ou Lianfeng got this diagnosis, he was very excited. In the past few years, he dragged his disabled body around everywhere. He was kicked out of the factory again and again, and was rejected by the doctors at the occupational disease prevention and treatment center. He went to major hospitals, not just for this job.


Looking at the word pneumoconiosis, he felt very heavy at this time, and the hand holding the diagnosis certificate was shaking. This was not only a diagnosis, but also a breath, a hope for the family, and a belated justice.


Ou Lianfeng spent the next few days in excitement. Because the surgery was a minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery, Ou Lianfeng's recovery was also very fast. He couldn't wait to be discharged from the hospital a few days later. Dean Xia arranged for a media group to go home with him.

, I hope that this time I can get compensation from the factory with the diagnostic certificate in hand, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Next, Ou Lianfeng still has a lot of things to do. He needs to undergo a lung washing operation, and then he has to wait for a lung transplant. Investigators from the Sanbo Hospital Relief Fund have also started investigation procedures to investigate Ou Lianfeng's true situation to determine whether he is eligible for rescue.


When Ou Lianfeng was hospitalized, the investigation staff had gone deep into his hometown to investigate his situation. Indeed, he met the conditions for rescue. The family was really bare, his wife was in poor health, and there were elderly people and children at home. Due to pneumoconiosis, Ou Lianfeng was now

It is completely impossible to go out to work.

The staff of the investigation team also investigated Ou Lianfeng's affairs, interviewed a large number of Ou Lianfeng's former workers, and also went to the factory and the occupational disease prevention and control center to conduct investigations. The entire incident was completely consistent with Ou Lianfeng's own description, and Ou Lianfeng did not lie in the slightest.

The people from the Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Center completely avoided the staff of the investigation team, refused to disclose the details, and even said that they had no knowledge. The factory said that there was no such worker as Ou Lianfeng in their factory, and directly stated that Ou Lianfeng had never worked for them at all.

However, interviews with Ou Lianfeng's workers can confirm that Ou Lianfeng worked in the factory for five years, but the factory unilaterally deleted all his records, including physical examination records over the years.

With the help of Dean Sun's friend, the staff contacted the hospital where Ou Lianfeng had been examined, and retrieved the physical examination reports over the years. They found that in fact, Ou Lianfeng's previous physical examination reports had detected pneumoconiosis, but it was not as severe as it is now. However, at that time, the factory verbally informed Ou Lianfeng that

It's okay, I haven't provided a physical examination report.

Later, Ou Lianfeng's pneumoconiosis became more and more serious, and he felt something was wrong, so he went to the hospital for a checkup and found out that he had pneumoconiosis.

The investigators reported this matter to Dean Xia. Dean Xia slapped his big hand on the desk, making the tea cup jump a few times: "This is unreasonable!"

This chapter has been completed!
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