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Chapter 957: Only plucking other people’s hair

"This little boy is quite honest."

Song Zimo didn't expect that he would secretly tell the doctor the truth.

"If a period of bone resorption suppression treatment is not performed before surgery, can surgery be performed directly?"

Xiao Wu asked.

"No, normal bone resorption and bone formation are in a dynamic balance. Now bone resorption is greater than bone formation, which is why such a large area of ​​bone disappears. If preoperative treatment to inhibit bone resorption is not performed to restore the balance, or in a short period of time

It is an overcorrection, even if the femoral prosthesis is implanted, it will be useless. Soon due to bone absorption and osteoporosis, the prosthesis will lose its fixed point and become loose and slip." Yang Ping explained.

Scientific laws are objective and independent of human will.

''But this patient doesn't want to be discharged from the hospital and wants to have surgery as soon as possible." Zhao Wenbo just learned the details of Zhang Lin's conversation with the patient's family.

Yang Ping shook his head: "When we formulate any medical plan, we must be independent. We must not be interfered by the outside world or be led by the patient's family. We can explain, but we must not be accommodating. We must not violate medical principles because of some subjective interference.


Zhang Lin is very confident about this matter: "Don't worry, I will communicate with them again and let the patient be discharged from the hospital first. When the bone resorption is suppressed and the bone density reaches the surgical standard, we will perform surgery on him. Dong Guanghan is anxious to give him the surgery."

I know the reason why my son had the surgery, and he wants to take advantage of it, and a salesperson from a donation platform is already in contact with him."

"That's right! I saw a salesperson who has been in contact with him." A trainee provided information.

Zhang Lin said disdainfully: "Yesterday he asked me to get a diagnosis certificate and told him to write clearly on the diagnosis certificate that he needed immediate surgery. I didn't want to write it. I guess he was using the diagnosis certificate to raise money. How could he do that if he has a house and a car?"

I really can’t understand this kind of thing. How can a person who owns a house and a car not even want to pay for his child’s medical insurance, saying that he is cheating him out of money? How can such a person have a house and a car, I can’t understand.”

Song Zimo sighed and said: "The news from the Municipal People's Hospital is that this family member is not only stingy, but also a scoundrel. It is said that the mother-in-law and father-in-law came to stay at home for a few days, and he also asked to share the water, electricity and living expenses equally. His wife really couldn't bear it.

I divorced him, and now my children are with him. My wife also pays a monthly living allowance for the children. You should be careful when dealing with him. He likes to pull people's hair. The last time his son fractured, he obviously fell while playing in the community.

The child next to him was at least ten meters away from him, and he himself admitted that he had fallen. When he finally adjusted the surveillance system, he insisted that the child next to him was responsible. It was useless for the other party to call the police. He kept stalking him in various ways, and finally the other party had no choice but to call the police.

He paid a sum of money to settle the matter, but that's not all. He then started to make trouble with the property management company, threatening his life or death. He said that the property management company was also responsible, and in the end he wanted some money. This is a dishonest professional."

"His son's last fracture surgery, excluding medical expenses, netted him tens of thousands." Song Zimo added.

"Damn it, how could Dean Chen introduce a patient like this? Isn't this going to cause us trouble?" Zhang Lin cursed.

Yang Ping was not angry: "Dean Chen is also kind-hearted. The child's illness must be cured. As you can see, the child is still very honest."

As a doctor, Yang Ping has seen a lot of all kinds of things. He has a basic principle of doing his duty well. That is, his father often told him that he should do his duty as a man.

Duty has two meanings: one is to do what you should do well, and the other is not to cross the line too much and do things you shouldn't do.

For example, as a doctor, your job is to cure the patient's disease as much as possible. As for the patient's financial problems, Yang Ping can only rely on the relief foundation he established to provide relief to those who meet the conditions for assistance, and there is nothing he can do for those who do not.

There used to be many publicity examples in the medical industry. For example, there was a doctor who often secretly paid hospitalization fees to patients who had no money, causing financial difficulties for his family. He even gave tens of thousands of yuan spent on treating his own children to a patient to pay hospitalization fees.

In the end, my child had no money for medical treatment and the treatment was delayed.

There is also a doctor who is sitting in the outpatient clinic, and his father is in the emergency room not far away. He is not sure whether he is alive or dead. The doctors and nurses have notified him several times to go and see him. He said that the patient is important, so he insists on seeing all the patients before going to rescue him.

father in.

Yang Ping feels that he is just an ordinary person and cannot be so noble. He will not give money to others when he urgently needs it. When the lives of his relatives are in danger, he will definitely give up his ordinary outpatient work.

Similarly, Dong Guanghan has a house, a car and money, but Yang Ping will not donate to him or give him free treatment. Of course, the child is honest and has no sin, so even if Dong Guanghan does not pay, Yang Ping will

Treat the child well, but he will definitely have to get back the medical expenses through legal means afterwards. This money should be paid by Dong Guanghan, not the hospital, nor the sympathetic netizens. Why should he condone his evil deeds?

At this time, Dong Guanghan was planning the details of raising funds with the salesperson at the ward and the donation platform. This was already the second time they had cooperated, so they cooperated very well.

It's nothing more than exaggerating the seriousness of the disease, and then making the patient's family look pitiful, selling sympathy.

"The photo of you holding the diagnosis report is not good. You need to take it again. You need to take off the watch on your wrist. Your expression is not sad enough. It is best to stay up late tonight and take it again tomorrow. This will make you look haggard. Your face is full of red light and cannot be drawn in the photo.

To inspire sympathy from others.”

The salesman and Dong Guanghan are working out the details.

Dong Zhikai next to him looked disgusted, and the nurse who was changing the medicine in the next bed also had a disgusted look on his face, but they didn't care at all.

"Well, I'll stay up late at night and shoot again tomorrow."

Dong Guanghan decided to play mahjong all night long.

After going to many hospitals, only Sanbo Hospital could cure his son's disease. Dong Guanghan could not refuse to treat his son, but he wanted to give full play to the economic value of this hospitalization and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

He has already thought about it, raising donations online is a channel, and the Municipal People's Hospital needs to get some compensation. If it doesn't open, it will last for three years. Back then, he started by exploiting migrant workers, and he did all kinds of extortion and default.

He plays the game smoothly, which is his special ability to settle down and make a fortune.

Who is Dong Guanghan? He doesn't pluck a hair, he only plucks other people's hair.

Zhang Lin saw the fee column displayed on the computer, but he hadn't paid yet. At that time, Dong Guanghan made an excuse to raise money, so he just paid 2,000 yuan and moved in. After moving in, he never paid a penny.

, his meaning is very obvious, after all, people have moved in, you have to check when it is time to check, and you have to treat when it is time to treat, otherwise you will be sued for not having money to treat the disease. The moral whip must be tightened.

Sometimes medical expenses are a big problem. For life-saving diagnosis and treatment, regardless of whether there is any cost, the hospital will go all out. This is a humanitarian requirement. But when the cost of non-life-saving diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, whether it is treatment or not

No cure.

Treatment, if the cost cannot be recovered, the doctor will eventually be charged, that is, the doctor will repay the money, because the hospital only covers the humanitarian life-saving costs, not the costs in this area. The hospital will not bear it. Which doctor makes the decision?

The doctors and departments bear the costs themselves. In the end, doctors bear most of the costs, and in some hospitals doctors bear all of them.

If it is not treated, it is easy to fall into moral condemnation, saying that doctors have no medical ethics and will not treat patients without money, which goes against the original intention of being a doctor. Once it is taken out of context by patients and their families and spread on the Internet, doctors will become a negative image for making money.


Some people say that it is a simple matter to treat first and pay for the expenses later, but the reality is very cruel. Most people may not evade the expenses. However, there are still some people who will evade the expenses. Some people really have no money and no medical insurance or commercial insurance.

There are also some people who have money but also evade fees. Anyway, they try not to pay if they can. The money is in their pockets and it is very troublesome to take it out.

There was once a place where this kind of policy of treating first and paying later was implemented. In the end, it could not continue to work and the policy was declared bankrupt because many patients did not come to pay after they were cured. As a result, the hospital quickly accumulated debt and was overwhelmed.

Aren't hospitals financed by financial funds? In fact, financial allocations are so pitiful that they can basically be said to be a drop in the bucket. Hospitals are essentially responsible for their own profits and losses. Doctors' salaries are earned by doctors, not financed. This is different from civil servants and other public institutions.

This is also the reason why hospitals are currently becoming more profit-oriented. If this problem is not solved, it is impossible to eliminate the phenomenon of profit-driven medical practices.

"Teacher Zhang, what should I do?"

Guipeisheng, who is following Zhang Lin, also has a headache. The last thing he wants to do is to press for payment. A good doctor feels like a moneylender when he presses for payment.

“Those who meet the conditions for assistance will apply for assistance, but what will happen to those who do not meet the conditions for assistance?”

Zhang Lin has no choice. If someone tells him that the patient's arrears will not affect the doctor's income, Zhang Lin will not say a word, but when the arrears are due, he will pay the money himself and he will have to support his family.

The pathology report of the bone tissue obtained by Dong Zhikai's puncture has been released. Under the microscope, abundant sinusoidal capillary fibrous tissue proliferation can be seen, and lymphocyte infiltration or osteoclasts can also be seen. This is completely consistent with the diagnosis of idiopathic osteolysis.

Pathological signs are caused by the resorption and dissolution of bone tissue caused by the proliferation of capillary fibrous tissue.

Zhang Lin took the report sheet and went to the ward to communicate with Dong Guanghan about his condition. He happened to meet the salesman and Dong Guanghan discussing raising donations, and they did not shy away from it.

"Donate some wool! As long as you dare to ask for donations, I will expose you."

Zhang Lin had a rough voice.

The two of them were stunned. They had never met a doctor who spoke like this.

"How come you, a doctor, have no sympathy at all? If you don't donate money yourself, why don't you let others donate money?" Dong Guanghan said angrily, but he didn't dare to do anything to Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin couldn't tolerate him: "The watch I wear costs more than 10,000 yuan, a private car costs hundreds of thousands, and I have a house. With such economic conditions, I go to collect donations online and deceive the sympathy of well-wishers? I owe the money."

Please pay the fee as soon as possible and be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. The preoperative drug treatment does not require hospitalization and can be completed in the outpatient department. The surgery will be performed later when the bone quality meets the conditions."

"What do you mean, driving people away? We have just started raising funds online, and you want me to be discharged from the hospital now? How can we have money for treatment if we can't raise donations? Let's stay for another week, and wait until we raise money to be discharged. You have to

Give me some water, this doesn't look like hospitalization." Dong Guanghan immediately smiled again.

"Isn't this the first time you've done this? I heard that you solicited donations online for the last surgery. You don't have any money, so why are you always like this?" Zhang Lin didn't mince words.

Dong Guanghan said confidently: "My money does not need to be traded in stocks or invested, but it must be given to the hospital? You are not asked to pay, so what are you yelling about? Dogs are meddling in other people's business."

"It's a lie to solicit donations with your financial conditions." Zhang Lin was also polite.

"Liar? What you said is so disgusting. If you don't steal or rob, it's not illegal. You make money based on your ability. You call the police to arrest me. Do you want to see if the police arrest me?" Dong Guanghan didn't feel any sense of shame at all.

"Dr. Zhang, could you please hang some diaphragms for Xiaokai so that we can take pictures, make it appear that the condition is more serious, and facilitate fundraising." The salesman is very experienced and can always grasp the key points.

Zhang Lin was speechless.

"He doesn't need a hanging bottle now. We use medicine based on the condition, not just what you want."

The salesman had a smile on his face: "Help, if they can't raise the money they owe your hospital, won't they deduct the money from you in the end? It's not your money anyway, and it's not illegal for you to help. Hang the bottle

The sugar and salt water shouldn’t be too much.”

This salesman was quite proficient, and he looked like a veteran when it came to his words and actions. Zhang Lin stared at him.

"Be more moral and don't deceive other people's sympathy. I'm not joking. Don't do such shameless things again. I will really expose you." Zhang Lin left without saying anything.

, too lazy to care about these people.

"Doctor---doctor---I'm not asking you to pay, why are you so excited?" the salesman muttered.

This period of time was really uneventful. Yang Ping had just finished discussing Dong Zhikai's case when he heard Professor Cao calling from downstairs to say that Ou Lianfeng was here again.

Ou Lianfeng happily took the diagnosis report and went back to the factory to ask for compensation. The factory did not recognize the report at all and insisted that Sanbo Hospital did not have the qualifications to diagnose occupational diseases and the diagnosis did not count. This made Ou Lianfeng anxious and he was in trouble for this matter.

One knife, a chest opening and a lung test on the operating table were not recognized in the end, and the other party threatened to pursue the legal responsibility of Sanbo Hospital and the doctor.

Desperate, Ou Lianfeng had no choice but to return to Sanbo Hospital. He came to the Institute of Surgery to explain the situation to Yang Ping. This time he was in complete despair. His whole body was like a piece of wood and his eyes were empty. Now he was really in a desperate situation.

Yang Ping immediately reported the situation to Dean Xia, who said: Professor Yang, you don't need to worry about this matter. Let Ou Lianfeng come to me and I will help him solve it.

Dean Xia's reporter friend had informed Dean Xia of the situation in advance. The reporter followed Ou Lianfeng and was almost beaten with a stick. The factory did not admit that Ou Lianfeng was an employee at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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