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Chapter 960 Rose with thorns

The success of Nandu Medical University Digital Man is inseparable from the key data provided by Yang Ping, and these key data were obtained by Yang Ping from the system space.

System space is just a tool, and Yang Ping is working hard to squeeze the maximum value out of this tool all the time.

In Yang Ping's mind, since the system can come and go inexplicably, even if there is a system, it should adhere to the principle of independence and self-reliance and transform everything provided by the system into its own knowledge and abilities.

In addition to reading and studying all the books, papers and medical records in the system as much as possible, Yang Ping also tried his best to replicate a platform similar to the system in reality. Although this platform is not as good as the system now, it can at least play a role similar to the system.


The virtual world established by computers is undoubtedly the best way to replicate the system, and digital humans are the core technology of this platform. With digital humans, we will continue to iterate in the future, and combined with artificial intelligence, we can build virtual operating rooms in the future and simulate some

Medical experiments can conduct artificial intelligence diagnosis of some diseases.

Yang Ping believes that the highest level of using the system is to realize that the system is of little use one day.

The digital human of Nandu Medical University is just the beginning. In the future, relying on digital human, supercomputer, artificial intelligence, etc., a super platform similar to its own system can be established. This "system" can be used by all doctors.

The success of Digital Man is just a representative of the accumulation of hard work, and Nandu Medical University will have more heavyweight scientific research successes to follow.

Over the years, Principal Rao has worked hard to carry out a series of reforms to Nandu Medical University, create a good academic environment, introduce a large number of outstanding young talents, and return the entire school to the essence of education and academics. At this time, Yang Ping met

This kind of genius-level figure acts as a locomotive, and the academic ability of the entire school is naturally activated.

During his years as president, President Rao has never regarded himself as an administrative official, but as a professor in a management position. He believes that he is not an official and is equal to other professors, but has a different division of labor. This kind of

The positioning has eliminated the administrative atmosphere in the entire school, even if some school leaders have a bureaucratic style and have to hide it with their tail between their legs in the general environment.

In the morning, Yang Ping was still wearing a short-sleeved white coat and stood by the office window to breathe.

It is said that the weather in the south is only summer and winter. Summer is indeed summer, but winter is not winter.

In other cities, the weather has obviously turned cooler, so people wear thickened jackets and long johns, but this does not exist here. People still wear short-sleeves everywhere, which is obviously disrespectful to late autumn.

From the window, you can see the garden of the hospital. There are many people in the garden. Patients in patient uniforms are doing morning exercises, and some family members are resting nearby.

Xiao Su was approaching her due date, and a bed had been reserved at the Overseas Chinese Building. For safety reasons, the obstetrician recommended that she be admitted to the hospital a few days in advance. Now that caesarean sections are popular, Xiao Su decided to give birth naturally, which is better for both the mother and the child.

It is a test that is even more unforgettable.

There is good news from Maninstein. He has recommended Yang Ping's theory of space-oriented genes to the Nobel Prize jury. Some big shots are not very interested in Yang Ping's academic achievements, which makes Maninstein very angry.

, unceremoniously criticized those ignorant experts and professors.

When Yang Ping saw Maninstein using the word "怼", he knew that Maninstein had grown up. Of course, he meant that he had grown up in using Chinese.

Woodhead is still working hard for Level 4, and fate is always playing tricks on him. Every time he takes the exam, he is always one or two points behind, and he misses the place for further study. Woodhead plans to visit China for a short-term academic exchange, but he has no patience.

You must come and see how far spine surgery has developed here.

Because I learned from the news in the group that from Young's osteotomy to spinal external fixator technology, we have now entered the precise epiphyseal block technology. The once high-risk surgery has now become safe and simple. It only needs to be performed on the spine of children or adolescents.

Some soybean-sized epiphyseal arresters are implanted in the spine, and the spine can actually correct itself during growth and development.

The details of this blocker technology are too advanced to be displayed. Until now, Woodhead has not figured out the principle behind it and how it achieves precise blocking.

Woodhead is also using epiphyseal block technology to treat scoliosis, but it is only limited to simple less severe scoliosis and cannot be applied to complex and severe scoliosis because epiphyseal block cannot be controlled.

Not to mention precisely controllable.

The business volume of Robert's clinic in the United States is now growing by leaps and bounds, especially after it was renamed Brother Luo Clinic. The strong symbolism and some signature surgeries that only he can perform well in the United States have made Robert's status in North American sports medicine flourish.

If in the past, some people still said that he was just a guy who relied on the glory of his father's generation and was just a second-generation ancestor in the medical field, now no one dares to say this. His achievements in sports medicine are far beyond what his competitors can match.


Ou Lianfeng came to Sanbo Hospital again. This time he went for a physical examination and underwent a lung lavage operation in the Department of Respiratory Medicine. The effect of the lung lavage operation was not very good and it was only a temporary expedient. He would have to undergo a lung transplant in the future.

This time Ou Lianfeng brought some specialties from his hometown to express his gratitude to the doctors and nurses. He told Yang Ping that not only did he receive compensation, but some people in their local area had been severely punished by law for this matter. Not just one, but a group of people had been severely punished. He did not expect that

This matter was handled so quickly and was so satisfying.

Many workers like him have also become beneficiaries. In the past, they were struggling with poverty and life and death due to illness. This time they all received compensation. He thanked Yangping and Sanbo Hospital for their help.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! In fact, Yang Ping felt that he had not done anything, he just did a small thing that a doctor should do, and gave a diagnosis objectively and realistically. He did not expect that he could

It has brought so many benign benefits and saved so many people.

It seems that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This is not an empty saying. When a person's ability and status reach a certain level, his words and deeds may have an impact. This impact can be positive or negative.


Lung transplantation is currently the best in Zhejiang, especially the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University and Sanbo Hospital, which are still in their infancy. The Organ Transplantation Center currently intends to start lung transplantation, but it still needs technical support from the Institute of Surgery.

The Institute of Surgery is the birthplace of Sanbo Hospital's technology. Many technologies quickly spread to other departments. Sanbo Hospital has a very good foundation. Most of the clinicians are Ph.D. graduates from prestigious universities. This group of young people is what makes Sanbo take off.

Basically, if it weren't for these young talents, it would be difficult for Yang Ping to drive the entire hospital forward.

Daily work continued, there was still no progress in the scientific research project, and the points were almost exhausted. Without new points coming in, it would be difficult to continue the experiment. During this period, Yang Ping began to adjust his thinking and reiterated whether there was something wrong with his thinking.


K factor has a very good effect on tumor elimination in an in vitro experimental environment. However, once experimental subjects are used for experiments, this effect is minimal. This is because the internal environment of the human body is different from the experimental environment, and many drug research will also encounter problems.

When it comes to similar problems, the laboratory results are very good, but when it comes to humans, it's another matter.

Some drugs can be improved through various means to achieve their effects in the human body. Some drugs are ineffective no matter how they are improved, so they have to be abandoned.

The factors affecting K factor in the human body's internal environment include dynamic and static factors. Various influencing factors interact with each other and are intricate. The dynamic and complex nature of the human body is the reason why the development of medical disciplines is slower than that of other disciplines. The human body is really too complex.

, sometimes I calm down and study the history of medicine, and every step is taken with difficulty and caution, and some progress is even made with difficulty amidst doubts, persecution and suppression.

Yang Ping continues to modify the isomers of K factor, or use other molecules to match K factor, trying to improve it in all aspects as much as possible, in order to maximize its effect in the human body.

Leap-forward innovation is not that easy. Most of them require the efforts of several generations to achieve breakthroughs bit by bit. The whole process is a slow spiral.

The system space provides a large amount of resources and time, but cannot provide decision-making. Decision-making still relies on Yang Ping's brain. The system is just a powerful materialization tool.

After careful analysis, Yang Ping finally discovered that K factor, a powerful small protein molecule that can cause tumor cell apoptosis, does not exist in the human body itself. When it works in the human body, it is bound to attract the attention of the human body's protective mechanism.

The protection mechanism is smart, but at the same time it is not smart.

It discovered that foreign K factor can cause cell death, so it immediately aroused alarm, but it could not recognize that the mission of K factor was to destroy tumors, not normal cells. It believed that K factor would destroy normal cells in the human body, so it tried every means to eliminate them.

Blocking and interfering with the function of K factor not only reduces the combat capability of K factor, but also brings huge side effects to the human body, because to deal with such a powerful enemy, the human body needs to mobilize more defense resources. This kind of mobilization

Over time, it will cause imbalances in certain aspects, eventually showing obvious side effects.

This is why K factor works very well in an in vitro experimental environment, but its effect in the human body is greatly reduced or even minimal. The two environments are completely different.

It's like a boxer who is very good at beating a wooden man, but can't perform well in a real boxing ring because his opponent is no longer a wooden man, but a boxer with brains, able to dodge flexibly, and can attack.

Why can't K factor escape the attack of the body's protective mechanism, but tumor cells can?

K factor is just a small protein molecule and does not behave as a living organism. In order to avoid the body's protective mechanism, it is artificially modified by the experimenter every time and does not have the ability to self-modify. Tumor cells are cells, the basic unit of life.

, its modification is self-avoidance behavior.

Regarding the basic reasons for the failure of K-factor, Yang Ping has already understood it very clearly in theory. Next, he wants to think about how K-factor can really avoid the human body's protective mechanism and play its role in the human body.

If it is viruses and bacteria, they have the wisdom to survive on their own and can modify themselves to adapt to the harsh living environment. Can they rely on combining K factor with viruses and bacteria to form a composite individual? Yang

Think boldly.

Sometimes viruses and bacteria are smarter than humans in some aspects, and bacteria and viruses can easily do things that are difficult for humans to do.

Compared with the iteration speed of bacteria and viruses, the speed of manual modification is simply a turtle speed.

Following this line of thinking, Yang Ping continued to advance research.

After Li Yingtong reported to Sanbo Hospital, she wanted to go back to her hometown for a visit. She hadn’t been back to her hometown for many years. After her grandmother passed away, the old house had been moved around many times. She didn’t know who it was sold to, whether the house had been demolished, and whether the old house had been demolished.

Is the street still there?

But when Li Yingtong went back, the old street in the urban village was still there, and her grandmother's house was still there. The house was not shabby at all, it had obviously been repaired, and the old chair at the door was clean.

In the past, her grandmother always sat on this chair. Thinking of her kind grandmother, Li Yingtong wanted to cry.

The house was bought by Tang Shun. In order for Li Yingtong to regain her childhood memories, Tang Shun went through a lot of troubles to find the new owner of the house, bought the house, and hired a professional maintenance team to perform detailed maintenance on the house.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The new owner of the house is not one person, but several people. These people are scattered around the world, so in order to buy the house, Tang Shun spent a lot of thought, and

The agent contacted all the homeowners and worked on them one by one. Finally, they sent a representative to negotiate and then signed the contract.

"Welcome home!"

Li Yingtong received a WeChat message from Tang Shun, and Li Yingtong couldn't help crying anymore.

As expected, he is a master. This first wave caught the softest part of Li Yingtong's heart.

The office of the director of the Institute of Surgery of Sanbo Hospital at this time.

"Professor, you let her enter the laboratory even though you knew she had a problem. Isn't it too dangerous?" Song Zimo was very worried.

Because Manager Qiu received news from the superior department very early, Li Yingtong’s purpose of this trip was not pure, and he was very likely to steal Professor Yang’s scientific research results. At the same time, Manager Qiu received a thick piece of intelligence about Li Yingtong. This intelligence

It was also placed on Yang Ping's table.

"She is so good. We need such talents. Since others have come to our door, why don't we accept it." In fact, Yang Ping felt that no matter how hard she tried, she could not get rid of the core technology, which was in Yang Ping's brain.

"But she is a rose with thorns after all!" Song Zimo was still worried.

"But it is still a rose after all. What I want is a rose. Tang Shun will pull out all the thorns. You have to believe in Tang Shun's ability. You can doubt everything about him, but don't doubt his ability." Yang Ping remained firm.

''I heard that you gave Tang Shun a death order."

"That's right, I told Tang Shun - if I can't deal with Li Yingtong, I'll pack up and go back to Japan."

"This is a bit immoral."

"Isn't it necessary? Don't you think she is a good match for Tang Shun? She is outstanding professionally, both are among the best in the world, and they have a wide range of hobbies. I believe they have a lot in common. If--I'm just saying if--a couple

If we work together, we can cut through metal."

"Aren't you afraid that she will take Tang Shun in?"

"What a joke, the record of 16 consecutive wins can be broken so easily?"

"Would this move be too damaging?"

"It is a bit of a loss, but we are not an ordinary loss, but a loss with lofty ideals, all for the progress of human medicine."

"Professor! Why do I feel at this moment that this is not noble, but sinister?"

“Ahem, cough, cough—sometimes, it’s hard to distinguish between the noble and the sinister.”

This chapter has been completed!
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