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Chapter 162 Another lunar eclipse meeting! Unpredictable days (

"It's the mark of Brother Heart Nightmare!"

World Boss Ouyang Ao looked at Krisna in surprise: "The unpredictable mark has disappeared!"

This mark is what they initiate every time they hold a lunar eclipse meeting. Mr. Nightmare and Unpredictability will pull everyone into the "meeting space" after receiving instructions.

This mark also has the function of talking to everyone, including Mr. Nightmare.

Of course, this is just what the Lunar Eclipse members think. In fact, they don't know that there is an unpredictable consciousness lurking in their consciousness, which can do more things at any time.

Ouyang Ao was already a green-level being at this time, and his perception of the source of symbols was even more acute. He immediately discovered that the "mark" of Big Brother Xinmai had disappeared.

Krisna didn't have such a keen sense of the source of symbols, so she frowned and asked:

"what does that mean?"

Ouyang Ao pursed his lips, the young man's face was full of worry:

"Of course it's not a good thing. It's probably because the teacher has died."

Krisna's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

However, she failed to question Ouyang Ao's guess. After all, it was a reasonable explanation.

Ouyang Ao asked himself: "Brother Xin Mao, Brother Xin Mao, Teacher Mu Zhi, can you hear me?"

The result was naturally no response.

Krisna also tried to connect with the unpredictable, but the result was the same, so she frowned and thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute."

After saying that, she turned around lightly, sat on Ouyang Ao's general manager's chair, reclined back and closed her eyes.

symbol scroll

When Krisna opened her eyes again, her eyes had no pupils.

As time passed, Krisna's body was shaking slightly.

"Dream divination?" Ouyang Ao nodded slowly and whispered to himself.

Ms. Prophecy is a person with the ability of prophecy. The ability itself is a type of divination, and she can use divination to determine the unpredictable whereabouts.

After a moment, Krisna opened her eyes again:

"Divination can't find any clues about Mr. Heart Nightmare, and no definite results can be obtained."

"There is no talismanic connection"

"The divination failed?" Ouyang Ao thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, the divination failed." Krisna sighed: "Unfortunately, the divination failure should also be a result, indicating that there are no clues about Mr. Xinmai's connection to the source of symbols. This is not a good sign."

Ouyang Ao frowned and slowly shook his head: "Failure is indeed a result, but I think this result is more optimistic."

"Oh?" Krisna was puzzled.

Ouyang Ao sighed slowly: "We can assume that Mr. Xin Ma has died."

"It is easy to understand that divination may fail. This may be because there is no connection with the source of symbols, or it may be interfered by the anti-divination ability, or even hindered by contractors or sources of symbols at a higher level."

"The moon demon should be at that level, so it will hinder your divination results."

"Yes." Krisna nodded: "Indeed, not to mention the level of the Moon Demon, even the divination proposition related to the source of the contract is difficult to succeed in divination."

"Yes." Ouyang Ao nodded affirmatively: "Brother Xinmai also belongs to that level now, and it is difficult to get corresponding results."

"If Brother Heart Nightmare is dead, the connection with the surrounding talisman sources will be interrupted, including the talisman sources related to the unpredictable and even Brother Heart Nightmare himself. What I mean is that the interference of those talisman sources that hinder the success of your divination will


Krisna's pupils shrank: "It makes sense."

Ouyang Ao continued: "So, if Brother Xinmai really falls, the result should not be failure."

"All the distracting factors have disappeared."

The two people looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Unpredictable is not dead?"

But this result still made the two people silent.

The question arises again, if the unpredictable people are not dead, then why did the unpredictable "marks" in their bodies disappear?

Krisna finally smiled bitterly and said: "My divination ability is too suspenseful."

"No firm conclusion can be drawn."

Ouyang Ao also sighed.

After staying for a moment, Ouyang Ao stood up and said, "I'll go to the northern provinces."

Krisna was stunned when she heard this.

There was a rare persistence on Ouyang Ao's face: "I have the ability to teleport through space, and a trip to the northern provinces is only a matter of time."

“It should be fine! If you only go there once”

Krisna's face turned cold: "No!"

"That's too dangerous, too dangerous!"

"The war in the Northern Province is at the level of high-level contractors. Even Mr. Nightmare is only the lowest-level being in this battle, not to mention the current opponent is the Moon Demon!"

Ouyang Ao punched the table hard, causing a muffled sound from the tabletop.

"I'm already at the green level! I'm already at the green level. I'm the leader of our Lunar Eclipse, and I have the highest contract level, no, I'm one of the best! Why can't I catch up with Big Brother Heartmare!"

"You don't even have the qualifications to go to the northern provinces to take a look and just watch?"

"I'm not willing to give in! If Brother Xinmai is really in trouble, then I really can't help at all?"

Krisna looked at the indignant boy and could not say anything this time.

Of course she can understand the mood of the world's boss.

Ouyang Ao's eyes were filled with angry red light: "No! I have to go there and go there myself."

“Even if it’s just to confirm it with your own eyes.”

Seeing that she could no longer stop the world boss, Krisna could only sigh helplessly.

Just then, the phone on the table rang again.

Ouyang Ao and Krisna's eyes were focused on the table at the same time

here we go again.

One piece after another, major news was delivered through the Ouyang family.

Ouyang Ao pointed at the phone and saw Krisna raised her chin slightly.

"Okay!" Ouyang Ao muttered and picked up the phone.

"Xiao Ao?"

"Why don't you go home?"

"I just said that, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Um" Hearing the voice of his father Ouyang Yao, the boss of the world quickly explained: "I'm going home now, I'm going back now"

Before Ouyang Ao finished hesitating, Ouyang Xingsheng's voice came again:

"Something big happened!"

"Unexpectedly, the Moon Demon was introduced into Pandora's No. 1 Secret Realm in the Northern Province - the Iron Mountain Secret Realm. It has already perished with the Moon Demon by triggering the tide of rune sources!"

"come back quickly!"

"What did you say?" Ouyang Ao thought he heard wrong until he looked at Krisna.

Krisna was close enough to hear the faint voice from the microphone.

At this time, Krisna's face was full of sadness and she nodded towards Ouyang Ao.


The phone fell from Ouyang Ao's hand and fell on the table.

In the microphone, Ouyang Xingsheng's urgent voice was still there:

"Xiao Ao, Xiao Ao, you come back first, Xiao Ao"

"Xiao Ao?"

【Everyone, are you still there?】

【Everyone, are you there?】

【I am the world!】

[Please respond if you hear it]

[Everyone should have received the news about something big happening during the lunar eclipse! Brother Heart Nightmare]

【Leaved us forever】

【Everyone, are you there?】

News of the world's boss was shouted over and over again in the Lunar Eclipse communication group.

Prophecy: [I am here, with the world boss.]

【anyone here?】

[Everyone, come out because Mr. Xin Mao is no longer here, and our previous meeting format cannot be used.]

【We have to use "communication" to contact each other again.】

【Are you there? Everyone!】

Charm: [in]

Charming: [This is really shocking and sad news.]

Charming:【I've heard about it.】

Charming: [The Federation has announced the posthumous title of Mr. Heart Nightmare as the "Gong of the Kingdom." Mr. Heart Nightmare saved the continent, saved the Federation, and saved hundreds of millions of ironmen in this world. I'm sorry, let me calm down.]


Knowledge: [Ms. Charming was rescued from the clutches of Tan Nankai by Heart Nightmare]

Charming: [Yes, yes! Without Mr. Nightmare, my current situation would be unimaginable. 】

[How could Mr. Heart Nightmare leave us?]


Knowledge: [Unpredictable mind, uh, wait, I said the wrong thing.]

World: [Don’t worry, Mr. Knowledge, I already know that Big Brother Xinmai is unpredictable.]

【Already knew it】

Knowledge: [Is this so? Um]

[Unexpected is a good person, which makes me sigh with regret. It turns out that I was recruited by Unexpected. Haha, I only found out today. 】

[Unpredictable is the Holy Son of Hesse and the Prince of the Southern Tribe. It turns out that he is the National Master Mo.]


In previous offline gatherings, Xuexue was the only one who did not attend because of his busy schedule.

It was only after the news broke out today that he found out that Mu Zhi was actually Mr. Nightmare of Lunar Eclipse.

Prophecy: [Yes, yes.]

[Mr. Xue Shi is now the chairman of the Cochin Lemu Company in the Southern Province. He was previously poached from the Academy of Natural Sciences by the Southern Tribe.]

【It turns out that all this is unpredictable】

Knowledge: [Yes, yes, I was actually discovered by the unpredictable. 】

[When I arrived in Cochin, I felt that my talents could be brought into full play, and I felt like a fish in water. It was unpredictable that gave me the opportunity and the platform. It turned out to be unpredictable]

Superbody:【I am】

[I am in Jiuzhou City, in Mo Mansion, well, it is the unpredictable mansion. 】

Prophecy: [Why are you in Mo Mansion? 】

Super Body: [Um, this is a long story. Wasn’t it that I was rescued from the shadow organization’s lair by Mr. Nightmare or that guy? After that, I have been hiding in the jungle of Saigon Province and living alone in the wilderness. 】

[It’s the kind of apology for being hungry for nine meals in three days. I shouldn’t make jokes now. It’s not the time to be unpredictable. This guy is really admirable.]

[He found me later and asked me to stay by his side. Well, of course it was for my safety. Now that I think about it, I understand. Mu Zhi should have been promoted to blue level at that time. Yes, he had the ability to protect me.

Ability, able to confront the Shadow Fang head-on.】

【So, he left me by his side, well, I have been by his side.】

[There is also the undead little girl, no, it should be the undead lady, haha, we are all together during this time.]


Mr. Superbody paused at the right time: [He should have had a premonition of the outcome of his death. 】

[I mean, this war in the northern province was actually planned by Mu Zhi, and he had long understood that something unexpected might happen in this battle.]

World:【How to say this?】

Super Body:【Where to start?】

Super Body: [Unexpectedly, he had arranged for everyone who followed him before. The undead lady and a few people left. It was said that they would live in seclusion in the mountains. We will wait until this crisis is over. Well, there is still a cat, and there is another one who is unpredictable.

The secretary and the others all left Mo Mansion before the war started in the northern province.]

[This shows that Mo Zhi already knew what he was going to face and was not sure about the future, so he asked everyone to leave him]

Prophecy: [It's a pity that my level of predicting the future is too low. Otherwise, I should be able to help Mr. Nightmare.]

Knowledge: [If this is the case, it shows that there is no hesitation and no hesitation. 】

[He knew what a terrifying opponent he had to face, but even so, he still went there without any escaping. 】

Prophecy: [No, the Moon Demon’s rebirth is unpredictable. I’m pretty sure. I definitely didn’t expect the Moon Demon to be resurrected before.]

Knowledge: [So that’s it]

【That way, the process will be clear!】

[This battle that shook the entire continent was really planned by Mu Bozhi. He could have predicted the fate of the three great masters long ago, and during the battle, it is said that he used nuclear bombs to blow up the three great masters. 】

[Yes, he defeated the three great masters! But he failed to predict the rebirth of the Moon Demon. 】

[The Moon Demon is at the level of a god.]

[But even so, Mo Zhi still did not give up. He borrowed the talisman tide from Pandora's No. 1 Secret Realm, Iron Mountain Secret Realm, and perished with the Moon Demon. 】

[The prophecy lady is right, unpredictable, our Mr. Nightmare, the real leader of our previous Lunar Eclipse, saved the Rodinia continent! 】

【He is the hero of the whole continent!】

World:【Hey, yes.】

Knowledge: [Don’t like what the world boss wants to hear, our leader before the lunar eclipse, I mean the real leader is indeed Mr. Nightmare.]

World: [I didn’t think too much, you thought too much]

[Brother Xinmai is a respectable person. It’s already come to this time, how can I still care about anything? 】

Prophecy: [Mr. Super Body, you said that Mr. Heart Nightmare dismissed everyone, then why are you still in Mo Mansion? 】

Charming:【I also want to ask this.】

Chaosi: [Hey, I didn’t understand it at first, but I figured it out later. ]

[Unpredictable must have gone to the Shadow Organization, otherwise, Shadow Fang would not have such a detailed layout. 】

[Unpredictable must have laid a trap for Shadow Fang to get him into the game, and I was the bait to catch Shadow Fang.]

[After the battle, Mo Zhi left me in Mo Mansion. Later, the four chiefs of Shadow Fang were the four who defected from Pandora]

[Those four people came to Jiuzhou City to attack Mo Mansion, and were captured by Mo Zhi.]

This chapter has been completed!
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