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Chapter 1131 Baby kiss monthly ticket)

The next day, when I felt comfortable, I dressed up, much more solemnly than yesterday.

When Brother Jiu saw her, he also knew what was wrong with her. This little get-together was like a beauty show, and he took great care of her.

Not counting yesterday, yesterday I met two pregnant women who were about to give birth. Shu Shu didn't dress up much, just normal clothes for going out. Today she is much more refined.

Shushu wears a doloma shirt on the inside, an autumn leaf yellow fragrant cloud gauze jacket on the outside, amber flowers on the head, and amber rice beads tassels on the inch-high flag shoes at the feet.

Brother Jiu said: "These clothes look familiar..."

They are clothes from last year, but the material is dyed with a special process, so it has not faded, but has shrunk. There is now an inch and a half of extra trim, and it looks like new clothes.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he couldn't help but become confused and said, "Do you like this dress so much? It's too short and you have to add a piece to wear it."

Shu Shu compared the cuffs and collar and said, "Doesn't it look good? Three edgings?"

Brother Jiu took a closer look and said, "It's not ugly at all."

Nowadays, there are not so many laces on clothes, but only one.

Shu Shu said: "There will be more and more edges. In the future, we may not have eighteen edges..."

She's not just talking nonsense, it's just what's going to be popular in the future, that's it.

She just saw the shrunken clothes and thought of this craftsmanship, so she asked Xiao Chun to figure out the trim in advance. It looked pretty good.

Today, I went to the Princess Villa to pay farewell to Princess Kejing.

The day after the Holy Emperor's visit to the north, it was also the day for Princess Kejing to leave Beijing.

San Fujin had discussed it with everyone a few days ago and made an appointment to go there together today. This time there will only be women.

It is also a courtesy exchange. Everyone has accepted the gifts from Princess Kejing, and it is inevitable to prepare Cheng Yi.

After breakfast, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu came out.

The carriage is ready.

Not only was the carriage parked at the entrance of the Ninth Prince's Mansion, but also at the entrance of Babeizi's Mansion and the Tenth Prince's Mansion.

Today I went to bid farewell, and the Eighth and Tenth Fortunes were naturally included.

Seeing this, Shu Shu didn't rush to get in the car.

She didn't get on the carriage until Babeizi Mansion's carriage moved and passed by.

When she passed the entrance of the Tenth Prince's Mansion, her carriage was stopped.

It turned out that Shi Fujin didn't get into his own car and wanted to get into Shu Shu's car, so Shu Shu just followed her.

The total distance is less than two miles.

The tenth elder brother was also at the gate of the prince's mansion. When he saw Shi Fujin getting on the carriage, he got on the horse and chased the ninth elder brother.

The carriage curtain was lowered, and Shi Fujin's face, which was originally cheerful, twisted.

Seeing her like this, Shu Shu asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Does weight loss eliminate minor worries?

She knew that Shi Fujin had been adjusting his diet recently, and from the looks of it, it seemed to have some effect. His previous double chin had become smaller.

Shi Fujin glanced at Shu Shu, sighed, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, the emperor is going on a northern tour, why don't you order Master Shi to accompany you?"

This year, the route of the holy drive's northern tour was in the direction outside the mouth. Even if it did not reach Abahai, it was still not far away.

After a few days of hard work, we will be able to make the round trip quickly.


Shu Shu said.

Shi Fujin nodded, his eyes red.

Shu Shu didn't know how to feel relieved.

Not only the tenth elder brother, but also the ninth elder brother, Kangxi rarely brought his entourage with him.

There is also an even more pitiable twelfth brother, who is already sixteen and has not left the capital yet.

Now the six-year-old sixteenth brother and the eight-year-old fifteenth brother are about to start retinue.

"In October, won't Taiji be here? I can see you then. If you really feel uncomfortable, just discuss it with your tenth brother to see if there are any other ways."

Shu Shu advised.

It would be too eye-catching to directly return to Ning. As the tenth prince, unless there is an imperial order, it is not appropriate to go to the Abahai tribe.

Shu Shu thought of the Fourth and Fifth Fujin, and said: "When the Holy Master comes out of the capital, the younger brothers and sisters will follow the tenth brother to Tanzhe Temple and worship in various ways. I don't think there will be one next year. Then I will write a letter to the county prince Fujin."

, ask her to come to Beijing to accompany the childbirth."

Shi Fujin listened and touched his belly, which was a small circle of soft flesh.

She said with a little more determination: "Well, I will listen to my sister-in-law."

While talking, the carriage stopped and arrived at the Princess Courtyard.

Princess Kejing was taking Eighth Fujin to greet them at the door. When she saw Shushu and Tenth Fujin getting out of the car, she came over to greet them.

"You two sisters are really like sisters. You are only a few steps away and yet you still talk and get close..."

Princess Kejing joked.

Shi Fujin had already wiped away his tears, and smiled like a spring flower. He hugged Shu Shu's arm and said, "In my heart, Sister-in-law Jiu is just like my biological sister."

Princess Kejing nodded and said: "That's good, it's more harmonious. We Manchus have an old custom of 'regarding sister-in-law as sister'. There are some old-fashioned families outside, and the sisters are still called sisters. Like you call sister-in-law nine, outside

There is someone called Ninth Sister..."

After hearing this, Shi Fujin's eyes widened and he was a little confused, and said: "Then Sister-in-law Ninth has become Sister Ninth. What is the name of Ninth Sister?"

Princess Kejing said: "The Manchu girl is Jin Gui. She has never left home and is three generations older. She is my aunt..."

Bafujin was listening and glanced at Shu Shu.

Fortunately, customs have changed now, and many old rules no longer need to be observed. Otherwise, if she were to match the Dong E sisters, both of them would be annoyed to death.

At this moment, Sanfujin's carriage also arrived.

Seeing everyone standing at the door, she smiled and said, "Why are they all at the door?"

Since she was the leader, everyone followed Princess Kejing forward.

Seeing that everyone had seen it before, Shi Fujin remembered Princess Kejing's teachings and said with a smile: "Third Sister..."

It took Sanfujin a while to react, and he pointed at himself and said, "Are you calling me?"

Shi Fujin pointed at Shu Shu and said: "This is the ninth sister..."

As she said that, she pointed at Ba Fujin again, her voice was a little softer, and said: "This is the eighth sister..."

A few people chatted and laughed, entered the Princess Villa, and sat directly in the living room.

San Fujin smiled and said, "Why did you remember this title? That's what my sisters-in-law call me. It sounds so old-fashioned."

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "It's just the first time I know this rule. It's fun."

Sanfujin landed on Shu Shu's clothes again and said, "The material of this clothes looks familiar, but the appearance of the clothes is new..."

Shu Shu pointed to the teeth on the cuffs and said, "It's an old piece of clothing made of fine material. It shrunk, so I just added the teeth."

San Fujin said in confusion: "This is too frugal. Isn't it because we are still short of materials for clothes?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "If there is no need to waste money, just save money!"

San Fujin sighed: "No wonder you two have become rich. You can really save money. The manpower at Brother Jiu's place has been reduced by half. You can only wear one piece of clothing for two years..."

Shu Shu smiled and did not answer.

Not to mention two years, she still plans to buy some clothes for three or five years.

Otherwise, it would be a pity to wear the same clothes as guests.

For some people who have embroidery skills, a set of clothes only costs dozens of taels of silver, which is almost the same as a dress, so they must keep it.

Today is an early farewell ceremony for Princess Kejing, and everyone brought a farewell gift.

Let’s start with Sanfujin.

Sanfujin said: "It's useless to prepare anything else. Foreign goods are in fashion in the capital now, so I'll prepare some. Princess, take them back and reward them."

Many of them were received during the half-month period of the Dragon Boat Festival when Third Brother, acting as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, picked out many good ones and put them together into a decent gift list.

It’s not just this one time, if there are comings and goings in the future, you won’t suffer.

"There is also a set of Western gilt-treasure-embedded small boxes, prepared for my niece..."

Sanfujin comes from everyone's background, and when he is comprehensive, he is also like a spring breeze.

Princess Kejing said: "Third sister-in-law, please take the time to ask your niece to come over and pay her respects to you."

San Fujin smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to that. Then we will have a good kiss and a sweet kiss."

Bafujin handed over the gift list without saying much. He just took it and couldn't help but look at the princess and said: "Can you write a letter to the fourth sister in the future?"

She prepared a lot of things, some of which were good items from the dowry, and some of which were bird's nests, donkey-hide gelatin and other good nourishing things for women.

The princess was very happy and nodded and said: "Of course you can. You are your own flesh and blood and not someone else. You don't need to ask someone to deliver the message. You can just go to the military department, which is more convenient."

Bafujin smiled and said, "Then I will write to Fourth Sister later."

The princess said: "Well, I'll wait, and I'd also like to hear more news from the capital."

Shu Shu sat opposite and glanced at Bafujin.

All letters passing through the Ministry of War must be kept on file.

I can't say whether the content of this letter will be reviewed or not.

Obviously Bafujin does not know this.

Princess Kejing had been married to Mongolia for four years. Although she knew this rule, she deliberately mentioned the Ministry of War and had no intention of privately teaching the Bafu Jin.

She is really a cautious and thoughtful princess.

When we arrived at Shushu's place, we prepared a variety of fine clothing materials, mostly of the grade of tribute, and two pieces of Kesi silk.

People rely on clothes.

Shu Shu was in the capital, so it was hard for her to show off her wealth. She received all these fine clothes and materials, but rarely wore them.

When a princess marries far away, it is the time when she needs to reveal her wealth, so as to frighten the princes and nobles of Khalkha and make them dare not look down on the princess.

This gift is not light, but Shu Shu mentioned it and wrote lightly, saying: "I didn't prepare anything, just some fashionable clothing materials. I can make the clothes myself or give them to others."

When he arrived at Shifujin, he smiled and said: "My gifts are heavier than those of Third Sister-in-law. They are also Western items, such as perfume, snuff bottles and so on. I want to carry them lightly."

Hearing the perfume, Princess Kejing's heart trembled and she looked at Bafujin.

Seeing Ba Fujin's face full of trust and closeness, Princess Kejing couldn't bear it.

But it was not easy to mention this in front of everyone right now, so she just smiled and said nothing else.

A banquet was prepared for the princess at noon, but the atmosphere was different from when the princess returned to court. There was a sense of separation, and everyone was no longer in the mood to joke.

A meal that was enjoyable to eat.

After being out for a long time, everyone has to go back.

Princess Kejing did not keep any guests and sent them out herself.

San Fujin looked at Princess Kejing's hand, took off a bracelet, handed it to Princess Kejing and said, "As I said before, blood relatives are not other people's. As long as the princess is willing to let her niece return to Beijing, the third master and I will treat her as our own daughters."


This was what the couple had agreed upon before she came to the banquet today.

They are all parents, and those who understand each other can understand that what Princess Kejing is most worried about right now is probably the marriage of her eldest daughter.

It is also common for princesses and daughters of clan daughters to marry back into the royal family or clan.

Such as Prince Fujin, the daughter of the princess married back to the royal family.

Nowadays, the third elder brother is memorizing words, and no one outside dares to add insult to injury, but there are many who keep a respectful distance. Princess Kejing is not a helper in times of need, but she is also a kind person.

The couple just wanted to reciprocate their kindness.

Here in Sanbeile Mansion, the second son happens to be of the same gender as Princess Kejing's eldest daughter. It would be good if they can get married. Mongolian Fujin has a generous dowry, which is much better than choosing to settle down in the Eight Banners.

Princess Kejing was startled, but she still accepted the bracelet.

The Manchus are not in the habit of "baby marriage", nor are they in the habit of making small betrothal arrangements.

Now that I have accepted the bracelet, it is not a done deal. It still depends on whether the two children can grow up and what their temperament will be like when they grow up, before deciding on the next step.

It's just that we know each other well, this is an alternative, and we are willing to get married.

Shu Shu was beside him, his expression unchanged, and he felt a little tangled in his heart.

This relationship is too close.

But nowadays, cousins ​​and aunts are the norm.

For the princess of Fu Meng, marrying her daughter back to the capital was also the best choice.

If she talks too much at this time, it would be too disappointing...

This chapter has been completed!
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