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Chapter 373 Talented Scholars of the Eight Banners (first update)

 Danbo is the Palace of Virtue, in the east room.

The game has been set.

The Queen Mother is sitting in the middle, with three blessings on her left hand, four blessings on her right, and five blessings on the opposite side.

Sanfujin made a mistake in the morning and felt guilty. Now the whole place is full of approval and her voice is filling the whole room.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm missing two tubes, I came just in time..."

"This 10,000-character sentence looks like an eyesore, so I slapped it!"

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege were originally sitting next to the Queen Mother, reading cards.

The Queen Mother was afraid that they would be suffocated, so she ordered Jiu Gege: "Don't just sit here, take your Sister-in-law Jiu out for a walk..."

Jiu Gege agreed and brought Shu Shu out.

It's exactly what Shu Shu wants.

Jiu Gege took her directly out of the wine shop to the Virtue Palace. A few feet to the northwest, there were three elegant rooms in Xiao V's small room. The plaque read "The Place of Accumulation of Fragrance".

"This is my residence. Sister-in-law Jiu comes in to have tea..."

Jiu Gege said, leading Shu Shu in.

There was already a palace maid nearby who was bowing and listening to the order, and she said in a giggling tone: "Make a pot of tea."

The palace maid responded and went.

My sister-in-law entered the west room directly and saw a bookcase on one side.

Under the bookcase is a large desk with the Four Treasures of the Study on it.

There is a kang in the south, and there are several on it.

There is a bookmarked "Drinking Water Ci" on the table.

When Shu Shu saw it, she smiled and said, "Ninth sister also likes Nalan Ci?"

Jiu Ge raised his eyebrows and said: "I have been reading this book since I was ten years old, especially this book "Drinking Water Ci", which is a collection of more than a hundred poems. Every time I re-read it, I gain something. I just feel that [

The teeth are fragrant and every word is pearly."

Having said that, you looked at Gege with a bit of expectation: "Does Fourth Sister-in-law hate Ethan?"

You should know that Princess: One day after the wedding, the dowry was brought into the palace, and several big fortunes also went there to meet her.

There are only four boxes of books, calligraphy and paintings.

At that time, no one outside the palace murmured that the dowry given by Dong E's family was genuine, but that it was all vain and as thick as Si Shushu's dowry.

Only Si Fujin knew how valuable these four boxes of books, calligraphy and paintings were.

When my sister-in-law asked her, what could Gege say?

The best way to break up the relationship is to make the sister-in-law have no common interests.

But a lie requires no fewer lies to cover it up.

Even if you have no intentions towards Sifujin, if you want to get close to Yiqi, you will still force yourself.

If so, the next step is not to write poems or comment on poems, but you will still show your cowardice, and it will be difficult for you to be looked down upon by Si Yu Yi.

You can just say calmly: "/80% disgusted, Ethan A naturally goes to carvings, and it is readable and catchy, but there is little truth in it. It's just that you are a layman, and you usually read outside

I still focus on practicality, and read less history books and medical books..."

"It is wise to read history. For example, "Historical Records" lacks famous sayings and aphorisms, such as: "One death and one life are all friendships. One poor and one rich are all friendships. One noble and one lowly are friendships."

...There is also a sentence in "The Biography of Huo Zhi", 'The bustle in the sky is all for benefit; the hustle and bustle in the sky is all for benefit'..."

"Medical books are not mainly based on herbal medicine, but sometimes miscellaneous books. You: My uncle and my cousin are in strong health, and Nie and Ama are also getting older, which makes you afraid of separation and always feeling anxious... Although

Swallowing the jujube wholeheartedly will help you feel more at ease..."

As a supporter of Yu Yiteng, Si Yuyi naturally hopes that Gege will be like him, a person who hates Yi Sang'a.

So when you heard Ge Ge say the first sentence, you were not disappointed.

But when you heard it, you backed away.

The fourth sister-in-law is indeed a talented man, but her words and deeds are full of profound knowledge.

Just like the New Year dishes that were later sent to Ningshou Palace, I heard that most of them were recipes that were reconstructed from ancient books.

When we were together, your mother-in-law asked you to learn from the fourth sister-in-law, and the fourth sister-in-law smiled and agreed, but there was still something in her heart: a small wish.

I always feel that the two are of the same age, but I am slightly older. Although I have experienced less things, I have read fewer books and my knowledge is inferior to others.

Now I find that there is no sky in the sky, and there is no one in the world.

Si Fujin sincerely praised: "Sister-in-law Si, who is knowledgeable about the past and knows the present, you are as good as you are."

Gege smiled and said: "It's not just half-knowing and fooling people, it's better than having my sister show off and be smart."

Just as the palace maid brought down the tea tray, Si Yuyi personally served the tea to Princess.

Gege sat back and took it easy, holding the tea cup and looking at Sifujin with a smile.

Si Yuyi looked up at herself and said, "What is Sisao looking at?"

Gege smiled and said: "I'm thinking about when to congratulate my sister..."

Si Fu Jin Xiafei glanced at Ge Ge, and Xiao V Xiao Fangfang said: "Sister-in-law Si is still a bride, but she can still make fun of people!"

Gege said: "I haven't met my sister, but when I think of this person, I don't have much resemblance to my sister..."


Sifujin was not at all curious.

Gege said: "She is your seventh brother's fiancée. She is a member of the clan general's family. She is also a supporter of Yisang'a. She is a very fond of reading."

Si Fujin thought for a moment and said, "Is he the Crown Princess's nephew, Qing Ru Yu Yi?"

Princess didn't think anything of it and said, "Sister, do you know sister Qingru?"

Si Fujin said with regret: "I have heard of his name for a long time, and I have always been destined to meet him."

Gege thought about Qingru's background. Apart from being the nephew of the Crown Princess, there was nothing outstanding about her.

It's really worth it - I mean, it's not just the famous teacher Si Banner Ruixian.

Gege spoke frankly, which made Sifujin feel more restrained. He said with a smile: "The year after next, Madam Ruixian wanted to accept a disciple, so you also asked someone to send the poem manuscript to her, and gathered up the number of disciples.

People choose Qingru Yu Yi first."

After hearing this, Gege had strange thoughts in her heart.

Ruixian's family doesn't have many sons.

It seems that none of them are married.

The eldest son is the new guard this year. Why does Gege know so vaguely? It’s because Ruixian didn’t intend to take Qingru as his daughter-in-law.

At that time, the people in the Dutong Mansion were very relaxed, thinking that they were not talking about the eldest son.

The son of a poor boy from elementary school, his talent seems to be even better than Zhuliang's.

When I came here, I found out that Ruixian wanted to say that the person she loved the most was her youngest son, who was one year older than Qingru. That's why she didn't hesitate to formally propose marriage and asked the Dutong government to intercept Hu.

Otherwise, it's really easy to say.

Mrs. Ruixian's youngest son is not known as a child prodigy either, and he has a promising future.

Yu Yi was so fond of mentioning Ruixian's eldest son that he mentioned his youngest son and said: "I haven't heard of it for a long time. It is said that in the next few years, he will read through the Seven Books and Seven Classics. If he is pressured by outsiders, he must read it!

Eighty-seven years of trying..."

Sifu Jin was surprised and said: "Does it mean that it is extremely difficult to pass the exam?"

Gege said: "You are an ordinary person, I guess you are a combination of your parents' dexterity..."

The control power of genes.

Ruixian is talented, her husband Nalan Ci is a retired scholar from elementary school, and Guai Zai is a younger man who has children outside the family who have become talented.

Si Fujin nodded and said: "My wife must have no way to teach her son..."

Regret arose in Gege's heart.

The Yiergen Jueluo family is a minor surname, but the most prominent families are all in Beryllium Yellow Banner.

Apart from the Zhenghuang Banner, there are not many branches that have no worldly titles, but Nalan Ci is a side branch and has no worldly titles.

There must be no reason why Nalan Ci chose to take the imperial examination.

In this way, Nalan Ci writer was within the scope of Kangxi's choice of son-in-law.

Princess felt that it was a pity, but she still couldn't help but ask: "This is a year of many trials. I guess many talents will come out. What do you think, sister?"

The twin brothers of the Gege family do not want to follow the path of Four Flags and try again.

There is no quota for the Four Banners Township Examination.

The Shunzhi Dynasty was complicated. In the fourth year of Shunzhi, Manchuria was conquered, with 70 Han troops and 70 Mongolian troops. In the previous period, Manchuria was reduced to one-seventh Han army and one-seventh Mongolian army.

In the fourth year of Kangxi's reign, there was no reform. Manchu and Mongolian soldiers were designated as Manchu characters, and the Han army was classified as combined characters, with ten names each.

In the seventy-eighth year of Kangxi, the Han army was reduced by seven.

And before, the end is incremented.

Now there are 17 Manchu soldiers and 10 Han soldiers.

There are seventy-seven places to hold the Four Flags in eight years.

Those who are ranked below can indeed be called "talents".

Sifu Jin said: "The reason why I can rely on my talents is because I care about the merits of my ancestors. I am less ambitious than my fellow Siban disciples."

Otherwise, guarding the hard-core crops, directly filling the flag vacancy, or taking the pen post examination are all ways to become an official.

Princess has not yet decided to go back and send a message to Fusong, asking if there are any unworthy children who participated in the Four Flags Examination.

Only a son of a low-ranking prince or noble could fall in Kangxi's eyes.

Otherwise, just in terms of family status, Shun Anyan would be too short.

My sister-in-law said it very congenially, and she knew that time was slow.

By the time Bai Didu came over in person to deliver the message, it was not yet noon.

"The table has been set, just waiting for Shu Shu and Fujin to come over..."

Bai Jian said.

Ge Ge and Si Yu Yi hurriedly got up and followed Bai Chuan back to the wine shop as De Palace.

A round table was set up on the ground floor, and a table with dishes and dishes was set out below.

Seeing Yu Yi and Si Fujin return, Xiaojia followed the Queen Mother and took her seat.

Since Taiqian is the main seat, the right hand is Ba Shu Shu, Qi Shu Shu, Qi Shu Shu, and the left hand is Si Yu Yi and Ge Ge.

The Queen Mother looked at the dishes on the table and said to Gege: "I got those things for free, and I rewarded him. When I went back to Jiangnan, the imperial grandmother bought him flowers to wear..."

He giggled and said, "My granddaughter-in-law wants flowers. Just don't drag her along when the royal grandmother prays to God and worships Buddha. When the time comes, my granddaughter-in-law will use your light to kowtow to the Bodhisattva."


That was what Gege asked Bai Duidu later.

Regarding that southern tour, what Taiqian paid the least attention to was the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, but the ancient Buddhist temples in the south of the Yangtze River.

Gege feels that she is a materialist, but she is willing to pay less tributes.

It was to please the Queen Mother, mainly to cast a wide net.

What if it works!

You are a Buddhist, but you are also willing to give hairpins to others, and you also pay attention to cause and effect.

Tai Qian nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, okay, it all depends on him..."

The couple under the table had different thoughts.

What Bashu Shu still doesn’t despise is the line.


Just like your Ama, he knows how to run into camps!

She is obviously the eldest daughter-in-law, but she bypasses the sisters-in-law and sneaks into the Queen Mother's side!

Bashu Shu glanced at Qi Shushu.

Going up like that, would Qishushu be happy?

Going forward, it won’t be fun to watch.

Qi Shushu thought about kowtow.

You know what Gege believes.

But Yu Yi still planned to pray to gods and worship Buddha, but it was just because he had no desire in his heart.

I have no desire in my heart.

When the time comes, I will follow the Queen Mother to worship Buddha.

Qi Shushu felt regretful in her heart as she listened to talk about the southern tour.

Yes, it was just a little bit.

Even if the seventh elder brother is really accompanying him, you may not be able to go with him. If there is a mess in the mansion, you can leave as soon as possible. Besides, your son is still old...

I'm late. I finished writing very early, but when I checked the information, I went off track. I used to be on time.

[Finished in 0.0s]

This chapter has been completed!
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