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Chapter 1022: Time’s up (monthly ticket)

The next day was May 20th, the day when Brother Ninth hosted a banquet.

Early in the morning, Zhuangzi sent a slaughtered pig, a sheep, a cage of chickens, and a few live big black fish bought from the surrounding market.

The menu here at Wushuo has been finalized long ago, and the dining room has started preparing it early in the morning.

In addition to the dishes ordered by the brothers, Shu Shu also added a few more dishes.

Two dishes of braised lamb tripe and cumin lamb tendons are my favorites.

Two relatively bland dishes, cabbage with mandarin duck dumplings and cucumber and fungus scrambled eggs, were ordered for the fourth elder brother.

In addition, there is a cherry yam puree and a garlic eggplant paste, which are prepared for the ninth elder brother.

Shu Shu, on the other hand, put on a light rouge-colored gauze dress and took Walnut and Xiao Song to the North Garden, followed by Zhou Song, carrying a wooden bucket in his hand.

Walnut holds a jar of cherry jam in his hand, and Xiaosong holds a jar of beef fried sauce. If it's sweet, you can drink it directly with water, if it's salty, you can eat it with noodles or pastry.

The weather is hot now, so Her Majesty does not need to go to greet everyone every five or ten times.

Shu Shu went over now specifically to deliver fish to the Queen Mother.

Usually the dining room doesn’t have this.

After a while, I entered the North Garden and arrived at the Queen Mother's Palace.

The Queen Mother did not ask someone to bring the wooden barrel containing the black fish to the dining room immediately. Instead, she watched it for a while and asked Shu Shu: "How do you eat it? Eat the braised fish fillet, or the fish fillet in sour soup?"

Shu Shu said: "As long as it is a fish fillet, the bones can be picked out in advance, otherwise it will be bad if there are fish bones stuck in it. Last year, our father had fish bones stuck when he ate steamed fish and drank half a bottle of vinegar.

So soft..."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Monkey has an impatient temper, so we can no longer steam fish for him in the future. We can make fish fillets or fish balls for him."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Yes, we no longer have the dish of steamed fish in our house."

When Jiu Gege heard that Shu Shu was there, he also came over and asked with a smile: "I heard that your place was very lively in the early morning. Carloads of things were delivered there. What about the watermelons?"

Girls don’t want to eat in summer and like fruits.

Shu Shu said: "Daxing is far away, but we should arrive before noon. We sent someone there yesterday, but not many watermelons are ripe at the moment, but the first crop of cantaloupe. It's time to get it now. I'll send someone over at noon."


Jiu Gege responded with a smile, then paused and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, there will be a happy event here in the next few days. Concubine Hui's mother will come to recognize her daughter. Khan Ama has given instructions that the tenth sister will be raised by the concubine from now on."

Shu Shu said: "That is really a happy event. My sisters-in-law and I will come over to watch the ceremony."

The Queen Mother asked someone to make a bowl of yogurt-fried rice for Shu Shu, and also added milk chews and half a spoonful of frosting sugar.

Shu Shu ate and said: "I remember the time when I visited the North the year before last. Horqin's yogurt is more delicious..."

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "Horqin's yogurt is not available, but Horqin's milk is available. I will give you two packs in a while, and you can make milk tea directly."

Shu Shu responded with a smile.

The Queen Mother asked: "Will Lao Wu live here today?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, our master is serving wine in the evening. After drinking, where can we rush? Just stay here for one night and come back tomorrow morning."

The Queen Mother agreed: "Yes, yes, you can't ride a horse after drinking, and you will fall again; you will feel uncomfortable riding in a car, and you will feel nauseous."

Shu Shu remembered that the ninth elder brother asked the twelfth elder brother to pass the message, and couldn't help but smile, and said to the Queen Mother: "There is no one left for us. I don't know who followed this frugal life. Yesterday I called the twelfth elder brother.

When I go back, tell Fifth Brother that he should bring his own bedding today. What do you think he thinks? Yesterday, he also asked me to prepare two new beddings for Fifth Brother and Twelfth Brother to use..."

The Queen Mother said: "Brother Ninth is too old, so this is appropriate. We only stay for one night. There is no need to waste two new sets of bedding."

Jiu Gege said from the side: "Sister-in-law Jiu, brother Jiu, is this treat to celebrate the official's reinstatement?"

Shu Shu was stunned, looked at Jiu Gege and said: "Is this what the people below are saying?"

The news that Beifu Institute is hosting a banquet in the past few days has spread.

After all, they all live here. Sun Jin and Zhou Song went out to run errands to deliver invitations, and the servants of each elder brother's office knew about it.

The news spread and also reached the North Garden.

Jiu Gege nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm still thinking. If Brother Ninth really wants to treat you to this, you should stop him. Otherwise, Third Brother and Third Sister-in-law will be too embarrassed."

Shu Shu couldn't help but smile and said: "They are all making up stories outside. Jiuye and Sanbeile have no quarrel. Sanbeile is also a guest tonight. It was your ninth brother who organized a business last year and used the money of his brothers. Today,

It’s repayment and gratitude.”

Jiuge said: "I'll just say, it sounds awkward, it was originally just for this treat."

The Queen Mother was listening and said to Shu Shu: "That's right. There is no overnight feud between brothers. 'Ants who work together eat deer with horns, and magpies who work together catch tigers.' Only those who are useless can think about it."

Fighting in the nest."

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, Grandma Imperial. We are young and may not understand the other principles, but we do understand the principle of 'brothers, friends and brothers respect each other', and we respect our brothers."

Because there were still things to do in the fifth institute today, Shu Shu chatted for a few words and then stood up to leave.

The Queen Mother did not leave her alone and asked Aunt Bai to pack fried rice and milk skins for her to take with her.

Jiu Gege personally sent it out and whispered: "Sister-in-law Jiu, do you think there are any shortcomings in my rules?"

Because of the ten-grid thing, the nine-grid object hurts its kind, so I'm a little sensitive.

Shu Shu squeezed her hand and said: "What are you talking about? You are a noble princess, and you were raised by the royal grandmother herself. You are the rules yourself, and you don't want to be bound by the rules. If you want to be sad again,

I feel sorry for you, but I feel sorry for the way Grandma Huang treated you..."

Jiu Gege was a little sad and said: "But Shi Gege is also a princess, and she is the same as me..."

Shu Shu said sternly: "You have read books and you should know what the Great Wall is. Khalkha is the northern border barrier like the Great Wall. The ten grids refer to the marriage to Khalkha Taiji, her and her children and grandchildren.

She will also become part of this barrier. The emperor appointed the high-ranking concubine to be her adoptive mother, not because of the strict rules, but out of compassion, hoping that she would follow the concubine and learn more of her calmness and tenacity."

Jiu Gege nodded and said with a bit of embarrassment: "I understand, I'm just overthinking."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Anyway, you have to know that those of us who are the prince Fujin are envious of you royal princesses..."

As my sister-in-law talked, she arrived at the gate of the West Garden.

Farewell to my sister-in-law.

When Shu Shu arrived at the door of Beiwu Institute, she looked back and saw that Jiu Gege was still standing, so she waved her hand.

When Jiugege saw this, he turned back.

The banquet was held in the front yard.

The tables are all revolving tables specially made by people.

There are two layers in total. The bottom layer is non-rotating and holds the dishes, cups, and dishes. The upper layer is rotatable for vegetables.

The dining table is now placed in the western room in the front yard, with a total of ten seats.

It was almost noon when Daxing Zhuangzi's carriage arrived.

In addition to half a cart of watermelons and half a cart of cantaloupe, there were also two baskets of green apricots.

Shu Shu tasted one and her mouth watered.

This is not something ordinary people can eat.

So she sent a basket to Nansansuo.

I plan to let my fifth elder brother take the remaining basket back tomorrow.

The watermelons were only delivered to Beiyuan and Changchunyuan. After all, the fourteenth elder brother named the watermelon juice, but it was hard to give him and the thirteenth elder brother special exceptions.

There are four baskets of cantaloupe, which are not very fragrant, but they are not officially on the market at this time, so you can still have a taste.

Shu Shu asked Walnut to take Xiaosong and delivered them to all places except Beitou and Naner.

Hechi Si Institute and Tuoyuan Bookstore Crown Princess Office also sent them.

The movement in the west garden caught the eyes of others, and someone went to report it to the prince.

The prince rubbed his temples, feeling a little irritated.

What does Jiu Age mean?

He wants to treat guests and sends out invitations everywhere. Everyone has a share, but only he is left behind. Is this deliberately embarrassing him?

You're not a big fool, you wouldn't be so stupid, right?!

Is this still holding a grudge?

But when Aktun was sick earlier, didn't he act like an uncle?

He thought for a while and went to the princess' place.

The Crown Princess has just ordered people to wash two cantaloupes, cut them into pieces, and give them to Third Brother and San Gege.


The third elder brother is already five years old, and he is still a bit naive.

Sangege is one year younger than her brother, and her speech is already very eloquent. She said: "It was a gift from Aunt Ninth, and the previous watermelon was also..."

The prince came in and frowned when he heard this sentence.

Previously, Mrs. Dong E asked people to send watermelons, but only one watermelon was sent.

The princess gave most of the money to San Gege and San Age, and left two pieces for Akedun and Hongxi. As the male master, she was ignored by her.

Unfortunately, he couldn't say this yet. If he did say it, it would seem like he was competing for food with his children.

Seeing that he had a bad look on his face, the princess stood up to greet him and signaled her nanny to carry Sangege and Sange down.

The prince glanced at the third elder brother angrily.

No matter how old you are, you still need someone to hold you.

The third brother was so frightened that he hid his head in the nanny's arms.

When the princess saw this, she felt sulky in her heart.

She knew why the prince disliked the third elder brother. It was because the third elder brother was raised by her, and his future status would be higher than that of the Aktun brothers. However, the qualifications of the third elder brother were too different from Hongxi's.

None of the tricks can compare.

Apart from weighing your qualifications and status, you don’t care about any flesh-and-blood feelings?

What about your own three characters?

The princess didn't dare to think about it.

The prince looked at her and said, "What's going on over there with Brother Jiu? Find a way to send someone over to ask."

There was a banquet going on at Beiwu Institute, and the Crown Princess also heard about it.

She looked at the Crown Prince and said: "These brothers are just getting together to find an excuse to eat and drink. Don't worry, I am at the edge of Changchun Garden, under the eyes of the Emperor. Even if you drink too much, you won't make a fuss...


The prince looked at the princess and felt that he was like a duck. Was he worried about his ninth elder brother getting drunk?

I was worried that he would be bewitched by the boss and drag his brothers to get close to the eldest brother...


The main room in Nantou.

The eldest brother looked at the clock and saw that it was the second quarter of Shen Zheng and it was time to set off. For this evening meal, he did not eat a few bites at noon...

This chapter has been completed!
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