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Chapter 1,132 The end of reunification, a new era!

The Sun God lowered his eyes and let the night cover the mountains and sea. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes went from Xishan Port at 38 degrees north latitude to the capital city in the lake at 19 degrees north latitude. In the Jinshan Bay, there was a small temple of gold and stone.

The reflection flickered and disappeared, transforming into the magnificent Great Temple of Mexica on the shores of Lake Texcoco!

"The morning sun rises high, and the blood-red color is the attention of the gods! The supreme god, He sends the blood-red oracle to the world!..."

At the top of the seventy-meter-high temple, a sacred fire several meters high was lit, and the smell of burning sacrifices wafted around. Hundreds of thousands of people, densely packed, knelt down in all directions of the temple.

, devoutly waiting for the will from God.

"Ah! God has arrived!..."

The high priest Ugel raised his red-stained hands, sang enthusiastically, and danced around the sacred flame. After a full quarter of an hour of sacrificial dance, his whole body trembled suddenly and he knelt at the feet of the God King.

"God has arrived! He descended on the divine body of the God King, and announced to the world through the God King's mouth! ... The supreme Lord God! Please guide the Mexica people! ..."

"O Most High Lord God! I beg you for guidance!..."

The ear-splitting prayers rang out from the mouths of hundreds of alliance priests, and then descended layer by layer, turning into hundreds of thousands of fanatical voices!

"O supreme god! O supreme king of gods! Please!..."

Amidst the shouts that shook the world, God King Avit stood up from his throne, step by step, and walked up to the top of the altar. Then, he raised the topaz staff high and looked up at the rising sun. And as the

His actions caused the shouts of more than 200,000 people to fall silent for a moment. Everyone looked forward to the conversation with anticipation and nervousness, waiting for the conversation between the God King and the Lord God, and more importantly, for the sacred will that could guide the great alliance!

“The Lord God says! This year is a good year, and He will give us a good harvest!…”

God King Avit was dressed in divine attire, with an expressionless face, as solemn as a god. He stood at the highest point of the capital in the lake, above thousands of people, and read out the divine edict that decided the alliance word by word. And he counted.

Hundreds of alliance priests repeated the sacred will. They shouted loudly, and their shouts echoed across the vast lake and sky, falling into the ears of hundreds of thousands of people.

"The Lord God said! He has given four good years and given hundreds of thousands of newborn children! Abundance, prosperity and new life are the rewards for conquering the Tlaxcalans and sacrificing the descendants of the Cloud Serpent God!...


"However, our rewards have been exhausted! ... To obtain next year's harvest and to have more children come, we must offer new sacrifices to the Lord God! ... The Lord God wants new blood, the blood from the descendants of God!!


"The Supreme Lord God, He swallowed the cloud snake and gained greater power! His eyes are looking towards the land in the clouds in the south. He wants to eat the rain god of the people in the clouds!!..."

Hearing such a divine decree, the vast temple square fell silent. Two hundred thousand Mexica people held their breath, with devout desire on their faces, and their eyes gradually turned red, like a fire starting to light up. They listened to the supreme

The God-King here, in the name of the gods, promulgated the bloody edict. They are even more looking forward to a new divine war to confirm the dedication of their faith, bring back countless conquered wealth, and bring opportunities to change their destiny!

"The Lord God said! He wants a divine battle, and we must fight for God!!..."

Shulot was dressed in sacrificial robes and stood at the forefront of the alliance's great nobles. He pursed his lips and looked up at Avitt on the top of the pyramid, with a look of calm waiting on his face and a surging desire in his heart. As the alliance's minister of political affairs, he has already

Knowing the content of God's will, his waiting and desire are also different from everyone else...

"The Lord God said! The target of this divine war! They are the people of the clouds in the south, the Trapanic tribes, the Mixtec tribes, and even the Zapotec tribes!!..."


"Boom boom boom boom!..."

The sound of surprise and excitement resounded under the great temple, and was lost in the thunderous cannons. It was like the rising tide of the sea, submerging into the sky when the storm came! This sound contained too many shouts and contained too much.

There are so many emotions that people can't distinguish between them. All they feel is the blood-red restlessness and madness!

"The Lord God said! The divine war begins at this moment, at this moment! Conquer the tribes in Yunzhong from the south and fight to the death!..."

"The divine war begins and will continue until death!..."

After the roar of the artillery, God King Avit raised the staff again. This time, he pointed the staff south, as if to guide the direction of burning and devouring for the rising blood fire of Mexica!

"Fight for the gods, conquer all the tribes in the clouds, and sacrifice all the descendants of the gods in the clouds!... Fight for gods! Conquer! Blood sacrifice!..."

"God's war! Conquest! Blood sacrifice!..."

"Roar! Attack the tribes in Yunzhong and go out for battle!!..."

"Roar! Go to war!!..."

The blazing flames finally rose from the boiling earth, burning across the Texcoco Lake and across the blue sky. Those fanatical shouts, like rushing thunder, roared together and shot towards the sleepy south!

Amid the shouts and attention of 200,000 people, a thousand jaguar warriors and four thousand royal warriors lined up in a neat long queue, wearing white gold and dark green armor, holding high bronze spears like forests and gold, and walked towards the south of the capital.

The long bridge!

They are the most elite standing warriors, the vanguard of the alliance's 100,000-strong army, and they are the rockets fired out! As for the targets of these rockets, they are not the solid city-states, but the farmland of the various tribes in the cloud...

"Blessed by the Lord God! The cruel war of conquest is about to begin again! The unification of the Central American world has finally come to an end!... Trapanic, Mixtec, and Zapotec, the three ancient tribes in the clouds

…These people in the clouds who have been inherited for thousands of years are the goals of the alliance to conquer!…”

Shulot's face was calm, and he stared at these pioneer warriors running south, as if he saw a river of blood flowing. That was the blood of the tribes in the cloud, which was about to flow freely in the midst of hunger and killing...

In the busy season of autumn harvest, these standing warriors are going out to make the harvest of the Yunzhong tribes disappear in the blood and fire! And there are more than 100,000 warriors and militia, and the even more turbulent alliance

The torrent will move south after the autumn harvest is completed!

"Blessed by the Lord God! The Mexica torrent of blood and fire is destined to overwhelm all the resisting southern city-states and conquer the Yunzhong tribes with two million people! This is the end of unification, and a new era is about to begin!


Shulot looked solemnly and looked at the distant sky. However, in the murmur, his sight gradually shifted, from the vast south of the mountains and forests to the east where the sea disappeared...

To the east, what is there to the east? To the east is the valley of the Tlaxcala people, the towering Yanfeng Mountain, and the extremely dangerous and difficult-to-attack Cloud Snake Mountain City. Further east is the seaside of the Totonac people.

, is a prosperous Jinwan City, a Hidden Snake City where food and grass are transported...

Continuing to the east is the coast of the central Maya, where is the Prairie City that is allied with the kingdom, and the City of the Golden Snake that has been reduced to ruins. Following the fighting track along the coast, extending all the way north, is the burning lowland Maya!

The black wolf army with its bronze spears stained with blood, and the howling Puton servant army, were chasing the defeated Tail Feather clan. The Canul clan, which occupied the western part of the Yucatan Peninsula, had already been defeated miserably in several battles in the spring.

They were forced to cede the territory of Salt Village and give up the marching channel along the seaside. At this moment, the army of the kingdom that believed in the main god had arrived at the northern coast of the lowland Maya, allowing all the Maya clan descendants along the coast to experience the experience for the first time.

To true terror and power!…

Further east from the lowland Maya, across the turbulent waves, is the paradise-like Long Island of Cuba. Hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of the Taino tribe are sleeping soundly in their final peace. These peaceful and friendly Taino tribes, and

They did not know the changes of the times, and they had never heard the thunder of blood and fire. The only thing that made them feel different was the belief of the longship tribe that was gradually spreading to the east of Long Island, and the three patrol boats that had been seen by many tribes.

The longships of trade. And the port where those three longships are anchored is the only trading town on Snake Island in Cuba, the "Iron Bay Town" established by the longship tribe!

And go further east, past the big island of Haiti, the Windward Islands, deep into the mighty North Atlantic, against the direction of the northeast trade wind...The endless blue sea is like the endless blue desert, burying the eternal silence.

and desolation. And after thousands of years of silence and desolation, this ancient desert finally saw the first traces of sea ships!

A carrack and two caravels both had three or four masts, flying the Castilian flag, like hedgehogs arching in the sea. Some of those masts were hung with triangular sails,

Some hung square sails to take advantage of different wind directions. At this moment, these sails were fully bulged, and the exploring ships were moving forward as fast as petrels...

Driven by the never-ending northeast trade wind, this exploration fleet from the Kingdom of Castile is maintaining a speed of more than six knots and sailing towards the deepest and most unknown depths of the sea! They

They don’t know whether the distant land exists or how far away it is. They also can’t imagine what kind of world and what kind of future is waiting at the end of the sea!…

This chapter has been completed!
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