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Chapter 1,136 The second 'discovery' of land, rebellion!

"On September 20, the depth of the sea was measured, and it was still in the deep sea. The crew complained a little, but they were calmed down by the outstanding commander of the expeditionary force... The wind was very weak on this sea of ​​water and grass. There was almost no wind during the day, and at night

A gentle breeze started… Traveling 7 or 8 leagues day and night was recorded as 5 leagues…”

"On September 21st, the damn breeze continued! In one day and night, we only traveled 13 leagues, recorded as 11 leagues... We saw a big whale, and the sailors' morale recovered a little... These huge sea beasts should not

It will be too far from the land...Yes! The land is just ahead!..."

"On September 22, we sailed west-northwest, and finally sailed out of the damn sea of ​​water and grass! The wind finally picked up, and it was an excellent east-north wind... We traveled 30 leagues day and night, recorded as 27 leagues...

The outstanding commander of the expeditionary force told the sailors! It is impossible for the ship to go back against the east-north wind. We have only one way, and that is to keep heading west!"

"On September 23, we sailed northwest and turned due west, sailing 22 leagues day and night, recorded as 19. We encountered unprecedented big waves! The big waves fell from the sky and almost made everyone wet! ... The sailors were very commotion,

The few idiots who could speak stopped talking...Merda! The outstanding commander of the expeditionary force could only stand up and tell the sailors that this is also the guidance of the Lord, and it is also the test given by the Lord!

Like the huge waves that Moses broke when he left Egypt in the Bible!…”

The voyage of the three Castilian ships, sailing on the endless sea, seems to never see the end. The sunset at dusk falls into the western sea, facing the tilted bow of the sailing ship, like a choice.

The giant beasts that humans want to eat also remind people of the final moments of the gods dying.

Sailing on this empty and lonely sea, the morale of the crew gradually fell to the bottom. The ship was very quiet, even a little lifeless. Under such suffering without seeing land, even the three captains, representatives of the royal family who had always insisted on sailing,

Some of their beliefs have been shaken.

And among the entire fleet, the only one who maintained a high degree of confidence, constantly shouting various good omens, and preaching that land was just around the corner... was the stubborn Columbus, a serious man who stayed in the captain's cabin and kept writing diaries.


"On September 24th, we sailed 15 grids day and night, recorded as 12 grids... The sailors saw many water birds. The outstanding commander of the expeditionary force told them that these water birds never leave the land too far... The land is right in front of them!..."

"On September 25, the commander of the expeditionary force, Captain Ohiramatsu of the Peace Tower, discussed the charts of this area. The commander of the expeditionary force believed that there should be islands in this area! After all, we saw both whales and so many birds...

Captain Ohiramatsu was persuaded by the commander of the expeditionary force and agreed. He is not so stupid after all..."

"In the evening, Dapingsong suddenly boarded the poop of the Pinta and shouted ecstatically, saying that he had seen land, just 25 miles to the west!...Cazzo! This damn guy really stared at the Queen's promise

The reward for discovering land is 10,000 Maravidi per year! He wants to compete with the outstanding commander of the expeditionary force for the honor of being the first to discover land!...Vaffanculo! I wish him to fall into the sea from the poop and drown, I

I will pee in memory to pay homage to him!…”

"Dapingsong led the sailors of the Pinta and sang "Hymn to the Lord" together! This treacherous guy wanted to fulfill the honor of being the first to discover land!... The sailors on the flagship also sang the hymn.

, the sailors of the Ninian also followed... Everyone said they saw land! What a bunch of idiots!... I also said I saw it at the time, but it got dark quickly, but I actually didn't see it clearly... Outstanding

The commander of the expeditionary force immediately ordered to stop the ship and wait for dawn the next day..."

"On this day, we sailed 22 leagues day and night, but I only announced 13 leagues... These idiots are afraid of sailing too far and unable to return, so I will follow their wishes and tell them less!..."

Thinking of the excitement and ecstasy of that day, Columbus put down his quill, fell into a daze, and finally sighed long and cursed fiercely.

"Vaffanculo! A fool with eyes on a goat's ass! He'd be as sexy as a shark if he fell into the sea..."

After the fleet stopped on the 25th, everyone celebrated ecstatically all night long, singing and bathing in the sea. Everyone was very happy, and Columbus himself was even happier than everyone else!

As a result, at dawn the next day, everyone discovered that the so-called land was nothing but clouds on the horizon. However, several captains did not want to believe it and sailed westward for another day before confirming that there was really no land.

"Merda! Nothing, nothing! This idiot Ohiramatsu made the fleet happy for a day in vain... With each passing day, the morale of the sailors has dropped even lower, it's all that blind idiot!..."

"On September 26, 31 leagues were traveled day and night, and only 24 leagues were announced... The outstanding commander of the expeditionary force decided to reduce the record of some voyages, lest these cowards who talk about the return journey will be scared out of their courage..."

"On September 27th, we traveled 24 leagues day and night, and announced 20... The food on the ship was a little tight, and maybe there wouldn't be enough for the return trip, unless a group of people were thrown away... But the sailors didn't know about this. Draco

This guy Sa is not that stupid. He should have known it, but he didn’t say anything about it... When he encountered a group of tuna, he asked the sailors to quickly catch one to supplement some food!..."

"September 28th, another damn breeze! Sailing 14 leagues day and night, recorded 13... The fish schools are still around, and all three boats have started fishing. The harvest is not small, and it is estimated that it can save a day's food consumption..."

"On September 29th, we sailed due west, traveled 24 leagues day and night, and only recorded 21. The wind was still not strong enough... I saw a kind of frigate bird, which should not be too far from the land. It is very common in Cape Verde...

Lord bless! Land is just ahead!…”

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "On September 30, the wind weakened again! Cazzo! The day and night course was 14 leagues, recorded as 11... I saw several tropical grebes... This is what the Greeks believed

The Son of Apollo is a symbol that land is just around the corner! We are almost there!…”

"By the way! The sky is very clear tonight. The wise commander discovered that the night watch star deflects three degrees in a night, and the compass needle always deflects and resets slightly from dusk to dawn, also about three degrees... It's really strange!

How did this declination appear, and what was it affected by it?!..."

When he saw the record of magnetic declination, Columbus frowned and was puzzled. He always had a stubborn spirit, and whenever he discovered something, he would keep it in his head. However, with his limited accumulation of knowledge,

, but could not explain the discovered magnetic declination phenomenon at all, and could not even come up with a hypothesis, so we could only write it down in the diary first...

"On October 1st, we continued sailing due west for 25 leagues and recorded 20. There was heavy rain and everyone was soaked. The morale of the sailors seemed to be in danger..."

"On October 2, the wind picked up, and we traveled 39 leagues and recorded 30. The morale of the sailors was too low. The outstanding commander kept using 'God's guidance' to encourage these cowards who wanted to turn around... It should be possible

It has some effect, right?… I caught some more fish and saved a day’s rations…”

"On October 3rd, the wind was very good, sailing 47 leagues westward, announcing 40. The wise commander told the sailors not to think about those islands on the sea... The fleet sailed at full speed all the way, running so fast, they had already taken those islands

The islands are left behind. And in just a few more days of sailing, Sipangu Japan will be there!… God help us! A new sea route is just around the corner!…”

"In fact, we have traveled 777 leagues and sailed 4,300 kilometers... Even the record for the sailors is 3,500 kilometers... There is no doubt! Sipangu Japan is ahead! Maybe one day, maybe two days

, ten days at most...we will definitely discover Sipangu Island!..."

"October 4th, the wind was so strong, so good! The sail was ten knots full! ... 63 leagues westward day and night, only 46 recorded ... These cowards didn't believe me! Why do they still want to go back?!..."

"Go back, go back! These idiots, the new route is right in front of them, they have glory and wealth in their hands, but they still want to return!...Haha! They don't know yet, the fleet has traveled 4,600 kilometers! On board

It’s impossible to send everyone back with so much food, at least half of them will have to be thrown away!…”

"October 5th, the weather was so good, the wind was smooth! ... 57 leagues to the west day and night, only 45... O Lord! The fleet has sailed almost 5,000 kilometers. The outstanding commander was sitting in the cabin and could smell the smell of land.

The smell! And the smell of gold!…Yes! Sipangu, which is rich in gold…And the sound coming from the wind…Huh? Sound?!”

In the captain's cabin, the fanatical Columbus was stunned and listened for a while. His expression suddenly changed. He stretched out his hand, pulled out the captain's sword from his waist, and pushed open the wooden door of the captain's cabin. The noise on the ship instantly became clearer.

.Then, he strode out of the poop and saw the panicked guard chief Alana running barefoot.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! It's over! It's over!..."

"Merda! Alana, you're so scared!...Call me Commander!"

"Brother-in-law! It's over! It's really over!..."

However, this time, in the face of Columbus's scolding, the guard captain Alana did not calm down at all. With a look of fear on his face and trembling fingers, he pointed to the deck of the bow. There, in the bloody light of the setting sun, more than half of the sailors

, had gathered together, and even pulled out the daggers at their waists, shouting loudly.

"Return! Return! Kill Columbus and return!..."

"Brother-in-law! It's over!! The sailors gathered together...rebellion!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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