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Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Shocking Discovery: The Natives Witchcraft Book!

The bright sun rose into the clouds in the sky. Three ships were moored on the blue sea. On the green shore was a village. In the small village, there were seventy or eighty corpses lying down. And the excited people

The howl echoed under the bright sun.

"Haha! There is a big basket of cotton thread here!..."

"Praise the Lord! This pearl is mine! Mine!…"

"Joder! In such a big room, there is only one basket of dry leaves?! Well, the smell of these leaves is so weird..."

"Co?o! I've been holding it in for so long, so happy! It's a pity to kill..."

"Merda, you bunch of idiots! Search carefully for me! Search out all the food and transport it to our ship! ... and these valuable trophies, they all belong to the flagship! Leave them all to me! ... I am the one

Your commander!..."

The sea breeze brought a touch of salty humidity and blood, and also brought the laughter and screams of the sailors. The royal butler Gutierrez stood on the bow of the flagship, watching the killings on the shore, and also watching the carnival of these low-class people.

There was no emotion on his face, just a slight frown and a critical look in his eyes, as if he was looking at an imperfect but eye-catching picture.

The background of this picture, the beautiful sky, coast and trees, is unforgettable light, vividness and vitality. But the center of the picture, the withered village, the smoke and the natives, is smeared with such thick ink shadows, cruel

and death!

“The Lord bless you! He sends you boundless blessings, saves the lost and presumptuous fools, and forgives the difficulties and mistakes in their journey!…”

The Castilians are pious, persevering, and even more cruel. During the eight hundred years of the movement to recover their lost territories, they relied on such perseverance and piety and cruelty to save millions of people.

The Moors were completely wiped out from the Iberian Peninsula. Under the guidance of the holy light, no matter what they did in the slaughter of pagans, they would be forgiven by the Lord and saved by the Virgin! And now,

They finally arrived in the "East", "India" and "Japan", which are full of pagans and full of wealth...

"Co?o! These yellow-skinned monkeys run so fast! Dozens of them even ran away during our surprise attack! ...Haha! But these natives who don't know how to fight and have almost no resistance are killed.

It’s so fun!…”

Roldan, the boatswain of the Ninia, smiled and wiped the blood-stained scimitar on a young corpse. Then, he saw the figure standing silently next to him, was startled, and added nervously


"Chachu, I didn't say anything about you! Although you also have yellow skin, you are one of Christ's people, and you are very good at fighting! So you are not... uh... a monkey..."

Cha Chu, the second boatswain of the Santa Maria, pursed his lips and looked gloomy. He held his sailor's dagger horizontally and looked at Roldan. Roldan immediately took two steps back and held the scimitar in front of him.

"Cha Chu! I really didn't scold you! ... Well, everything on these two corpses belongs to you! ... Look, this native has a spear and a bird carved on his forehead! I'll chop him down.

It was quite strenuous when..."

"Co?o! Bah! Roldan, you courageous white-skinned monkey! If you have the guts, challenge me to a duel!..."

Cha Chu gave a contemptuous "poof" and looked at the two native corpses, one large and one small. The big corpse was wearing simple leather armor and fell in front of the small corpse. A long piece of corpse fell from his hand.

Spear. Look at the tip of the spear. It is actually iron that is rare among the native tribes! And on the forehead of this corpse, there are familiar patterns engraved on it, a strange "circle and bird".

"Hey! This pattern, this round bird?... Why does it look so familiar?..."

"Ha! Chachu, you forgot! A few days ago, when we were fighting that big tribe of natives...the native spearmen wearing leather armor all had this pattern carved on their foreheads! I was wondering what this might be.

The sign of a native warrior!…”

Francisco Pinzon, the navigator of the Ninha, smiled and walked over from behind. He gave a slight signal to Roldan, who nodded lightly and walked aside to watch. Then, Francisco looked at the distance and shouted.

Columbus, who was in command and excited about the robbery, lowered his voice and stared at Boatswain Qiachu and asked.

"Qiachu, I heard...that soft-hearted fool of Bato...was actually thrown into the sea by Columbus?..."

"Well... that night, after we defeated the large tribe of natives... we were tired and hungry. As soon as we got on the boat, we were... alas!..."

"Co?o! Where is your captain Dracosa? Didn't he stand up for you?..."

"Dracosa? That cowardly monkey! Bah!..."

Hearing this, Chachu gritted his teeth and the look on his face became ferocious.

"Bullshit! He just stared, pursed his lips, and didn't dare to say a word! Bator is his, and he didn't dare to come forward!..."

"So... you actually let that mad dog Columbus take control of the entire flagship?!..."

"Damn! Do you think I am willing?! If not..."

Seeing Chachu's gloomy and irritable expression, Francisco Pinzon narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he patted Chachu on the shoulder and said softly.

"Chechu, that guy Columbus is greedier than a hyena, and won't let go of a drop of shit! He wants to grab every copper coin in his hands! You won't gain anything by following him!

…This island is so big, and there are so many tribes of natives! Instead of three ships gathering together, it would be better to…right?…”

"Haha, the Lord is witness! Chachu, you are a capable person, and you actually know it very well in your heart!... When the time comes, you might as well take your men and follow us! Whether it is the Niniya or the Pinta, it can

We are all in need of people..."

Francisco Pinzon whispered the conversation, then smiled and threw a bloody pearl to Chachu. Finally, he looked at the two corpses on the ground needlessly, and then he took Boatswain Roldan with him in silence.

The ground left.

"Co?o! The Ninya and the Peace Tower are looking for an opportunity to leave...Then I..."

Boatswain Qiachu's expression changed. He looked at Francisco's leaving back, and his mind was in turmoil. After a moment, he squatted down silently, peeled off the simple leather armor of the native warrior, and started groping carefully from behind.

"Damn it! Nothing, nothing! You obviously look decent, but how come you are so poor that you have nothing?...Uh?! Is this?..."

Qiachu touched it for a long time and suddenly touched something hard and soft. He frowned in confusion and tried to pull it out again, but the thing was still big and he couldn't pull it out.

"Hey! This strange feeling sticks to the leather armor and sticks to the chest...what kind of egg thing is it?..."

Qia Chu cursed, completely untied the rope on the back of the native leather armor, and turned over the poorly made leather. Then, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a roll of isinglass on the inside of the front chest of the leather armor.

The sticky "paper roll". And the paper roll was carefully sewn on the leather armor, and some leather padded the corners. It seemed like a paper breast shield, and it seemed like it was specially placed on the heart, something to ward off evil spirits.


"Joder! What the hell is this?! It's wet, tattered, sewn so finely, and glued so tightly... There are square and sinister carvings on it, could this be it?..."

Qiachu turned over it twice in confusion, looking at the "text" in the squares in the scroll, and seeing the engraved patterns, he quickly thought of something, with a look of deep horror on his face. After a few breaths, he fiercely grasped the words in his hand.

As soon as the ground shook, the "paper roll" that was finally taken off was thrown to the ground in a panic, as if it were some highly toxic poison!

"Co?o! Damn it!...Yes! This must be it!...This must be the witch's 'magic mark' and the native's 'witchcraft book'!..."

Amidst Cha Chu's horrified shouts and under the watchful eyes of the sailors gathered around him, an old and tattered "Ali Sutra" was opened and fell on the bloody and muddy ground, in front of the body of the Taino man, and gradually

dyed bright red…

This chapter has been completed!
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