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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Five Kalpui, Bird of Spring

The rolling molten iron solidified into iron materials and was forged into the shapes of various tools and agricultural tools. The hammers, iron axes, iron plows, iron hoes, and iron sickles used for road construction were all loaded onto the fleet. Some of them were loaded onto the fleet.

The tools were transported back to the port of Zicao City and sent to the villages and flag teams who were responsible for road construction, land reclamation and farming. The other part continued upstream along the upper reaches of the lake, and then passed through the well-constructed Sanhe dirt road before being transported to Apa

The city of Apa on the plains.

"Praise the Lord God! Share the farm tools!..."

"Everyone stand still! The officiant is here to hand out farm tools to you in person!... Please behave yourself!..."

"Ah! Praise the Lord God! Praise the priest!..."

Seeing the wheelbarrow convoy carrying farm tools, there was a burst of noisy cheers outside the city. At this moment, hundreds of militiamen from hundreds of villages in Apa County, led by their respective village priests, gathered outside the city in accordance with the village flags. According to

According to the rules of the kingdom, these iron farm tools will never be transported to the city market, but will be distributed directly to the villages, used as public property of the village festival, and then lent to the young people in the village for use.

The village community system at the bottom of the kingdom actually originated from the traditional "Calpui" system in Mesoamerica, and was adjusted by some mysterious oriental power according to the teachings of the Qin Dynasty. "Calpui" is the Nahua people

Traditional clan commune. The ownership of all cultivated land in the village belongs to the "Karpui" clan commune, and each family only has the right to use it. As long as they are adults, men and women can receive a share of land from the commune permanently.

Farming was done until no more crops could be planted. In addition to cultivating their own allotments, each family also had to take turns cultivating the common land of the clan commune to support the priests and chiefs, and to store food for wars, famines, and tribute.

According to the ancient tradition of clan communes, private property in the entire village community is very limited. Even the village chief or chief cannot seize the land of the commune and use the collective barn in the village privately. This tradition is also being promulgated.

It has been strengthened in the religious law of the main god. The tribute collected by the kingdom is also based on the village or flag team, and will not be specific to a certain household. On the one hand, this saves a lot of taxation manpower and costs; on the other hand,

, each household in the village does not have much property to expropriate, unless they have made a fortune in battle. The basic composition of the entire kingdom is the villages where priests are stationed, the samurai fiefdoms surrounding the towns, and the third-level nobles with larger fiefdoms.


In the kingdom, three types of land distribution coexisted: village communes, military merit landlords, and feudal nobles. Village communes dominated the majority of the population, followed by military merit landlords. At least before the explosive growth of the kingdom's productivity and village population, this kind of land distribution coexisted.

The village commune system, which has evolved over a long period of time and been modified by Islamic law, will not be changed easily.

"Praise the Lord God! Get the farm tools and go back to prepare for spring plowing! The rainy season is coming, maintain the roads responsible for each village! There will be kingdom warriors to inspect!..."

"Yes! Praise the Lord God! Praise the chief priest of Apa City!..."

As the seat of a county, Apa City is an important transportation center, extending three marching roads with constant flow of people. One goes east, connecting to Atoyak Lake a hundred miles to the east. The other goes northeast, connecting the two northeastern provinces.

The Heishicheng coal and copper mining area is hundreds of miles away, and further east it connects to Gyeonggi in the Prepecha Lake area.

As for the last one, it first extends westward until the end of the Apa Plain, two hundred miles to the west, and the clay town on the edge of Olive Lake, and then bifurcates into two branches, leading to the Chapala Lake in the upper reaches of the north and the southwestern mountainous area.

Colima tribes. At present, the road leading to the Colima mountainous area has been repaired. The road construction workers recruited this year will go to the northwest to completely repair the road to Chapala Lake County.

These three main roads are located ten miles around Apa City. They are all three-level stone roads of the highest standard. They use large and small stones as the base material, slag and natural sand as fillers, and are bonded with volcanic ash cement. The stones are dragged and rolled by civilians.

It is solid and will not be easily damaged by the tropical rainy climate. The standard of the third-grade stone road is very high, but the width is only enough to allow ten people to walk parallel, which is the "two tracks" in Shulot's impression, which can accommodate two carriages.

A staggering distance. Although, there are no horses in Central America yet...

"Hey! The stone roads around the big city are really nice and easy to walk on. You don't have to worry about your feet at all... When you leave the suburbs, there are no such good roads!..."

Ten miles outside the city suburbs, the stone road disappeared and became the most common road standard in the kingdom, a second-grade three-joint dirt road. Several militiamen who had fought in the war and were wealthier hesitated for a while, took off the straw sandals hanging around their necks and put them on.

Most of the men and militiamen still walked barefoot.

The Sanhe Road starting from here is built with clay and loam as the base, bonded with hydrated lime, and natural sand as filler. There is a lot of precipitation in Apa County during the rainy season, and the Sanhe Road is easily affected and needs to be repaired every year.

Along the way, flag teams and civilians set out to maintain the sections of road they are responsible for. Sections close to the river must be paved with cinders, slag and gravel to prevent overgrown weeds.

"Phew! The sun is too bright today. Let's take a drink of water from the canal, take a rest, and then continue on our way back!..."

After walking for a while, the sun gradually got higher. The village priest stopped for a while and led the team to the canal near the road. Everyone drank some of the water from the river. Where the canal of earth and rocks extended, there was the Apa Plain.

The endless fields are waiting for spring plowing in two months!

The kingdom's large-scale infrastructure construction plan has been underway for three full years. Every year during the slack season, from November to March, hundreds of thousands of civilians, tribal flag troops, and fiefdom serfs are recruited to serve everywhere.

The corvee built roads, dug canals and built reservoirs, cleared wasteland and trees, and opened up new fields in the periphery. The entire southern hinterland of the kingdom, especially the Apa Plain, which is more than 3,000 square kilometers and half the area of ​​the Chengdu Plain, is undergoing such a large-scale

It is gradually developed from the labor of the people, and there is fish and rice...oh no, the rich appearance of the land of corn!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "God bless you! Get some rest and get on your way!..."

"Priest, what do you think they are doing over there? They seem to be applying that kind of stone fertilizer that I heard is very powerful!..."

Hearing the militiamen's exclamations, the village priest stopped and looked at a village not far to the north. The village was obviously much more elegant, with many wooden houses built and even a few brick houses. Even the owner in the center of the village

The sacrificial hall is much bigger than the one in their village! This village obviously made a fortune during the kingdom's conquests, so it is so grand and enviable by everyone...

If you look carefully, you can see that before spring plowing, some people in the village have started to plant black beans in the fields, and they have also spread a kind of white crushed "stone fertilizer". The village priest understood at a glance that this was transported back from the sea by the kingdom.

"Struvite fertilizer", ground up and sprinkled on the fields, can increase production for two or three years! The priest of this village has someone in Apa City... And the stone fertilizer base with this amazing effect, here

In villages, crops can be grown in two seasons. After all, it is already very warm at the end of February and beginning of March. In the past, I did not dare to plant crops in two seasons because the soil fertility could not keep up, and it was often necessary to cultivate and rotate crops. And if the soil fertility is insufficient

With sufficient fertilizer, the Chinampa floating fields on the water can even be cultivated all year round, producing four seasons of harvest a year!

"Priest, is that stone fertilizer?..."

"Yeah. It's struvite fertilizer."

"Ah! When will our village be able to use this kind of stone fertilizer?..."

"God bless you! This... it depends on the kingdom's fleet, when it will be able to transport more stone fertilizer... I will mention it to the chief priest after I pay the tribute after the autumn harvest... Hey!..."

Everyone looked enviously for a while, looking again and again at the flowing ditches, the fertilized fields, and the sprouting new seedlings. Then they continued to push the wheelbarrow, carrying the iron farm tools that the village was looking forward to, to their homes dozens of miles away.

Go. Although spring plowing has not started yet, with these farm tools, it seems that the harvest that can surpass last year's harvest is just around the corner! Of course, it would be even better if there was stone fertilizer, as good as a bird flying in spring~~

This chapter has been completed!
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