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Chapter 1,239 The Incident in Xihe

"Little crow! Witness the ancestors! The clan leader has sworn the blood oath of his ancestors, how could he harm you?"

"Eldest nephew, I, Brother Peng, swear! Not only do our Feather Clan have no enmity with you, we are also the northern and southern branches of the same ancestor... We are just passing through, just here to ask for a living! When we leave, this village will return to its original state.

Here it is, it won’t hurt you at all! Many friends are better than many enemies... Come on, let’s eat something hot together and sing a song from our hometown!…”


The vast darkness of night buries the fighting during the day. The country songs on the seaside suddenly stopped, but the songs in the villages still drifted far away. On the approaching boat, the little crow Sitwewe looked hesitantly, looking at the torch standing in the shallow water,

There was also the sincere face of Peng Bage under the torch. He remembered this "uncle" who was very brave and brave during the daytime war. He was a rare clan warrior, and he didn't look like he had too many tricks...

"Ahem!...Brother Peng...Uncle?...Uncle Feather, do you really want to return the village to me? When exactly?..."

"Blessed by the three gods! We dare not stay here for a few days at most... Not only the villages at the mouth of the river, but also the goods in the warehouse will be returned to you as they are! Oh, we will also treat the injured prisoners of Prepecha

There are more than a dozen of them, and they will all be handed over to you when the time comes!… For more details, come over and talk to the clan leader in person!…”


Hearing these words, Little Crow Sitwewe was greatly moved. If the Feather Clan just grabbed some food and left without setting fire to the village and destroying the goods... then the losses to his Xihe Village could be minimized, and he

Diuzhai's guilt will be reduced to a minimum, and he can even cover up the past! In this way, he can give a justifiable explanation to the kingdom's merchant fleet, the kingdom's priests, and the kingdom's navigation system...

What's more, the Feather Clan really has no motive to harm him. And Prince Feather pointed at Xihe and swore a blood oath with the honor of his ancestors and his descendants! If they can really establish a communication channel with the other party, maybe they can recruit Feather to surrender in the future.

, make great contributions to the kingdom, and advance to the next level...

The little crow pondered over the sad folk songs for a long time, just like a crow that is greedy for corn and refuses to leave. After a while, he finally wiped his eyes with his sleeve and looked at Brother Peng.

With a sincere face, he let out a long sigh of emotion.

"Hey! Uncle, although this is the first time I have met you, I believe that you are a trustworthy warrior and a real man! ... Anyway, for the sake of my ancestors, I will go with you! ... Uncle,

My little crow’s life is in your hands!…”

"Ah! Don't worry, eldest nephew! As long as I, Brother Peng, am alive, I will protect you!..."

Peng Bage was so moved that he held a torch in one hand and supported the little crow who jumped out of the boat with the other hand, and took him back to Xihe Village where the clan was entrenched. The heart of the little crow Sitwewei was beating wildly, and with ambitious expectations,

After walking through piles of lit bonfires and the camp of two thousand feathered warriors. In the lingering low lamentation, he finally walked outside the warehouse in the center of the village and saw the Feathered Prince with his back turned to him, and a bunch of

Already lit firewood.

"Chief! Little Crow is here!...Huh? Uncle, where is the dinner you prepared? Why is there only a pile of dry firewood, unbaked pancakes and meat?..."

"a ha ha ha!…"

Feather Peng Guali turned his back to the two of them and suddenly let out a hoarse and wild laugh, just like a scavenging crow. He just laughed and turned around. He did not look at his nephew Peng Bage, but stared at the little boy fiercely.

The crow's face shouted happily.

"Ahaha! Little birdie, despite all your efforts to escape, you finally fell into my hands!...Ahaha! You unexpectedly attacked me, and you have to pay the price!...I have said long ago that I must cut it off today.

Use your head as a rubber ball!…”


At this moment, seeing Feather laughing wildly, the little crow Sitwewe stood there in shock as if struck by lightning, even his voice stuttered and trembled.

"You! Feather?!... You!... You are actually... lying to me?!..."

"Ah haha! How can I say it's a lie? Since I said I wanted to treat you to a meal, of course I will eat it! ...But the main dish... Come here! Lift him up for me and put him on the fire! Today

Tonight, we eat roasted crow!…”

"Ah! Ah!!...O Lord God! O Ancestor!!..."

Two feathered warriors rushed to the left and right, lifted the frightened little crow directly, and leaned it against the burning fire. Someone else slowly set up a few long branches to prepare for the next grill.

The little crow was trembling in disbelief, and his feet were struggling to flap in the air. He felt the heat of the approaching flames, and his heart was full of infinite regret, panic, and grief. In such a violent emotion, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and he roared,

Fengli cursed at the laughing Feather.

"Damn it! Shameless! Old thief!... Peng Guali, you old feather thief!... You actually harmed me and violated the sacred blood oath of cutting your face!... Ancestor! The entire Feather clan will perish because of your breach of oath!


"And you, Brother Peng! You are a thick-faced parrot! I even called you uncle, but I thought you were a real warrior! ... Merciful Lord God! The three ancient gods! All the gods will despise you.

, let the Feather Clan become extinct!!…”

Faced with the sudden change, his nephew Peng Bage was shocked and stood motionless. It was not until he was scolded by the little crow that he was shocked and realized. He quickly ran to the fire, stopped and prepared to "roast the crow"

"The guards asked their uncle anxiously.

"Uncle! You can't do this! You...you made a blood oath by cutting your face and said you would not harm the little crow!...You...you asked me to sincerely invite the little crow here, saying that you want to turn enemies into friends, so what?

Can you roast the other party?!... Ancestor! By doing this, you are treating your sacred oath as fart, and you are trying to cut off the descendants of our Feather clan!...Uncle, you are confused! I will never let you do this!...


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Hey! Myna, you are still too young to know how dangerous this little birdie is! My uncle did this just to protect himself in advance for the clan, but he can't

You didn’t break your oath!…”

Feather Peng Guali shook his head and sighed, looking like an old man who was too young. He pointed at the little crow that was being held up with one hand, raised the torch with the other, and shouted angrily.

"Witness the three gods! This evil-hearted little birdie has long since broken his oath and wants to harm our Feather Clan! He sent messenger boats to the south and north to invite the Chief Monkey's Spear Army and Lei

The warrior legion of Jin Town and the Torpan tribe came together to attack us! They attacked from three directions and wanted to kill the entire Feather clan! This vicious-hearted man didn't even want to survive.


"Ah! What? My eldest nephew? You...you actually sent people to send troops to destroy us?..."

"Ah! Feather old thief, you fart!...No! You old madman, hysterical crazy bird!...No! Don't roast me!..."

Nephew Peng Bage once again stood there blankly. The two feathered warriors continued to move forward, holding the little crow high and raising it to the grill on the fire. But the grill was obviously not well set up. Before the people could place it securely, the grill broke.

He couldn't let go at all. And the burning fire kept licking the little crow's feet, making him feel aggrieved and frightened, and kept fluttering on the fire.

"Feather Crazy Bird! Quick, put me down!... Lord God! I never wanted to harm you, let alone the Feather Clan!..."

"Ancestor! You suspicious bastard! How can there be any reinforcements? How can there be any sneak attack? It's all your own crazy dream! ...Yes! I sent two small boats to alert Yushan Village in the north, and

Sanhe Port in the south. But Yushan Village only has two hundred kingdom warriors and three to four hundred tribal warriors. With the little manpower of Little Crocodile, it’s too late to guard against you, so how could they come south to attack you? As for Sanhe Port, it’s even further away! God

The Monkey Chief doesn’t even know where he is, and he doesn’t have the time to go to this vast northern continent to chase you group of wandering birdmen!…”

"Ha! This little birdie is about to die, and he still wants to lie to me!... Get out of the way! Let me, Mr. Feather, roast this guy who can't do any trivial things well! I said, I want to eat roasted crow...

I always do what I say!…”

Hearing this, Feather Pengguali's eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but his face still showed a ferocious look. He stepped forward, pushed the guard who was unable to set up the grill at first, and actually did it himself

Holding the torch, he approached the little crow.

"Ah! Feather, you crazy bird! I didn't lie to you, let alone betray my oath!...You old madman! Take away the torch! My hair, my hair is on fire!..."

"Ha! The burnt smell is so delicious! It will be even more delicious when roasted later... This little crow deserves it! He clearly contacted the Tolpan Department and Leijin Town... He is not talking about life and death right now, he is just holding back

He’s trying to hurt us!… Let’s see if I don’t roast him!…”

Feather Peng Guali squinted his eyes and slowly burned the little crow's long hair with a torch. He took a deep breath from time to time, looking like an old pervert and crazy. The little crow was so frightened that he was shaking all over, his eyes were red, and he was fighting for his life.

The warrior struggled in his hands. He could accept dying in honor of the Lord God, but he couldn't bear this terrible way of death. He couldn't even accept that he died inexplicably and unjustly under the imaginary murder of a madman!

"Ha!...Little Crow, this is what you will get for breaking your oath and lying to me!..."

"Bullshit, you're lying! Feather, you crazy bird! I can't wait to peck you to death!...Ah!! You're crazy yourself, but you come to harm me?!..."

"I asked the tribesmen to remind the Torpan tribe and let them be alert upstream to avoid being attacked by you! They are only one or two thousand tribesmen and are no match for you! ... As for Leijin Town, that is even more ridiculous! Lei Jin

Jinzhen is so far away from here. It takes twenty days to row a boat, more than a month to walk, and two months to go back and forth! The Songbird Priest only has 800 kingdom warriors and one or two thousand tribal warriors in his hands. He must always be on guard.

The Yuomei tribe will never go south! Only devils will sneak attack on you!..."

"Ouch! Lord God! I am going to die for you! Such an unbearable way to die... Please forgive me and lead my soul to the Kingdom of God!..."

"Well, the three gods have blessed you! ... Yushan Village has five to six hundred warriors. Tolpan tribe has one or two thousand tribesmen. Leijin tribe has more than two thousand warriors, but there are only 800 warriors... I see! I mean, in the lake

How is it possible for the kingdom to station so many warrior legions in the north... Haha! Such a vast northern continent, as long as you don’t stay along the coast where the fleet goes back and forth, the sky will be high and the clouds will be open, allowing feathers to fly freely!..."

Beside the fire, Feather Peng Guali squinted his cunning old eyes, held up a smoking torch, and stared at the little crow whose hair was burned short and who looked helpless. After squinting for a moment, he was convinced that he had found out

Everything is true, and I am sure that Little Crow has no more information. In this case...

"Uh! Ah! Uh! The man-eating night devil...ah! Get out of here, get away from me!!..."

After a moment's pause, Feather Pengguali suddenly dropped the torch in his hand, started dancing with trembling all over, and yelled randomly. In the eyes of everyone's astonished eyes, Old Feather took off his shirt and danced like a bird crazily.

Dance. Then, he stood up suddenly, slapped his thigh, and shouted as if he had regained consciousness.

"Ah! The ancestors saved me! Saved me from the night demon...The ancestors also gave me warnings and enlightenments! What the little crow just said is all the truth!...Three Gods! I was just killed by the wasteland

The Night Demon is deceived and has wronged the little crow!…”

"Ancestor! I, Old Feather, have heard about the night demons in the wasteland since I was a child, but I didn't expect that I would actually be possessed by the evil spirit here!...Quickly! Put down the little crow, put down the distinguished guests we invited!...Quickly! Let the clan

The girl inside, bring up all the prepared meals and serve them to our distinguished guests!…”

"Woo! Little Crow, my distant grandson, Uncle Feather was wrong! I almost broke my oath and almost harmed you and the clan! I deserve to die, I really deserve to die!..."

Feather Pengguali burst into tears, and in front of the frightened little crow, he slapped himself more than a dozen times, and even spat out a mouthful of red bloody phlegm. Then, the little crow was stunned, his pupils shrunk, and he

In a daze with his face ruined, Uncle Feather rushed forward, held his "good distant grandson" in his arms, held his head and cried bitterly...

"Good grandson! It was Uncle Feather who was wrong, and I will forgive you! Tonight, you can stay here properly...I asked the two most beautiful granddaughters in the family to sleep with you together!... From tomorrow on,

You are my grandson!"

This chapter has been completed!
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