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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Six The Most Raging River

The poisonous smoke from iron smelting drifted away in the wind, bringing the first "industrial atmosphere" on the west coast. Following the south wind three hundred miles north, passing the towering Shenqi tree, there were tens of thousands of Tolova tribes

.For the sake of the salt marsh at the boundary of the tribal hunting grounds, tens of thousands of Tolowa people were completely divided into two small tribal alliances, with the Redwood Tribe and the Leaf Grass Tribe as the core, and they continued to fight and kill each other frequently. And due to

The emergence of the kingdom's fleet and the intentional influx of metal weapons have caused the scale of this tribal alliance war to become increasingly intensified!

The kingdom's passing fleet would bring metal weapons, shiny gems, and crops grown every six months. But the kingdom's fleet took away not only the products from the mountains, but also two large

Prisoners of warriors in tribal wars. In more than two years, 400 captured warriors capable of fighting have been transported northward and replenished in the kingdom's Beigang. The person who leads this strategy is sitting in Beigang.

The ambitious Kejie officiant!

"Witness the Lord God! In the entire developed west coast, apart from the core Xishan Port, the second most prosperous one will definitely be Beigang, which I am personally in charge of! Beigang is the downstream of a thousand-mile river. Starting from here, no matter the downstream

The alliance of tribes at the mouth of the river, the Calaboa tribes upstream, and even the mountain safari tribes further upstream, will all be affected by the kingdom, and will eventually surrender to the embrace of the Lord God!..."

Three Kingdom longships, loaded with salt and coal, as well as sixty newly exchanged Tolova prisoners, slowly docked at the Kingdom's North Port on the south bank of the river.

The long Columbia River originates from the mountains in the far east, flows for more than 4,000 miles, and feeds countless tribes along the river, before finally merging into the Pacific Ocean here, and its mouth is several miles wide. This is a real river.

The raging river is the mother river in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of tribes along the river. It is the incarnation of the running and surging river god. And the Kingdom of Beigang at the mouth of the river is the starting point of belief in the entire raging river and the original source.

Divine fire!

At this moment, Chief Priest Kejie personally stood by the port, lit a pot of blue holy fire, and personally performed a sacred blood oath for every captured soldier who disembarked from the ship.

"Blessed by the Lord God! Carve the emblem of the Lord God and recite the name of the Lord God! From now on, you will be the holy warrior of the Lord God Huitziloppo, a glorious glue man who has returned to the ancestral clan!"

Priest Kejie sang loudly, and most of the kneeling captives looked in awe, not daring to look at the blue flames. They just lowered their heads and repeated the familiar name of the main god. Because, when they passed through Coos Bay, they had already

It was taught once by the kingdom priest there...

These young captives boarded a ship from two large fighting tribes and traveled north for more than 400 miles. They stopped for a few days at the kingdom's Southport on the edge of Coos Bay. The priest of Southport, Keshu, was an expert at growing corn, and the naturalized ones were

The Coos people who can farm patiently. Therefore, with only the population of Nangang in the early 1,000s, he cultivated 6,000 acres of corn fields, and had the largest corn storage on the entire west coast! And Nangang in Coos Bay,

It was also called "Corn Port" by the samurai.

Not long ago, the fleet docked at the "Corn Port". Priest Keshu specially gave everyone in the transport fleet, including the escorting kingdom warriors and Tolova prisoners, several delicious corn cakes, and gave them to the warriors.

They all prepared some extra dry food. Under the temptation of these rare "hometown delicacies", the kingdom's warriors turned a blind eye and acquiesced to allow the tree priest to cut off a quarter of the beard in the name of spreading the faith of the Lord God.

One, that is, more than twenty prisoners who were soldiers...

"Huh, praise the Lord God! We have finally converted! With the addition of these warrior captives, we can continue to expand to both sides of the river and seize more tribal populations from the expansion of the Calaboa tribes!..."

The holy fire was blazing, and the spring sun was shining brightly. Under the bright sun, Priest Kejie was covered in sweat. He took off the heavy ritual robe and put on the light rattan clothes of the northern tribe, looking more and more like a local chieftain.

"O merciful Lord God! That guy who reaches out in Keshu will amputate a quarter of the warriors every time... Well, for the sake of the tortillas he provides to the fleet, even as a higher-status officiant, I will

I can only acquiesce to his approach!"

Chief Priest Kejie has arranged many cronies in the fleet, so he naturally knows that Priest Keshu has been "secretly" cutting off beards. However, Beigang has expanded too fast, and there are not many fields planted, so the food output has been limited. These fields are also known as good

He mainly grows unpalatable grains, so he can't provide many warriors' favorite tortillas. In order to appease the kingdom's warriors who are rowing back and forth and working very hard, he can only choose this "greedy" behavior of cutting off people.

Reluctantly acquiescing.

After all, in this far north, the authority of the priests must rely on the support of warriors! When facing many tough hunting tribes, the priests can only rely on the bows and spears of warriors to speak, just like the upper reaches of the river, invading

Like the highly sexual Calaboa League.

The priests of each port actually have great autonomy and act boldly for the benefit of local colonization. As long as they can develop the ports and control more converted tribes, they will naturally be promoted to the priest level! In this close situation,

In the face of an infinite future, no one will give up and give up their bright future. They can only compromise with each other based on their strength...

"God bless you! Beigang, where I am personally in charge, already has two thousand tribes, firmly controlling a hundred miles of the lower reaches of the river. And the alliance of Hekou tribes allied with Beigang has a total of more than 30,000 people, and there are more than ten

The great chiefs of each tribe united together to fight with the rival tribes of Calaboa upstream! This long and cruel tribal melee had been going on for more than ten or twenty years before the kingdom arrived. And the Calaboa tribes

The tribe is rising and prospering day by day precisely by virtue of its powerful force that surpasses other tribes..."

The origins of the alliances among the tribes at the mouth of the river are indeed very complex. In addition to the Kingdom of Northport, which is dominated by the Clatsop people, they also include the Chinook, the Cathlamet, the Wahkiakum, etc.

. And the enemies of each tribe, tens of thousands of Calaboa tribes, mainly centered in the Portland River Valley, formed a rather tight tribal alliance, which is much more courageous to unite! Of course, the bravery of their stone safari clan is no match for them.

There are obviously not enough experienced warriors with bronze weapons in the kingdom. They can only rely on their superior numbers and familiar terrain to fight bad surprises in the forest, and pull the kingdom's warriors to the same level to fight in a melee...

Faced with this kind of flexible small-scale bad war, the Koje priests also had a headache. The kingdom's main warriors were too few and too precious to withstand piecemeal losses. And the Krathops as auxiliary soldiers were too docile.

They are all good at farming and fishing, but they perform poorly on the battlefield and are defeated in one blow.

Priest Koje thought about it until he discovered the Tolova people fighting in a melee, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He specially dispatched a fleet and did not hesitate to sell weapons, but also wanted to trade them from the Tolowa tribes.

Many small-scale fights, captured warriors with sufficient experience in mountain and forest warfare, serve as reliable auxiliaries for the kingdom's warriors...

The Koje priests kept fighting against the Calaboa tribe at all costs, not for the upper river valley occupied by Calaboa, nor for the hunting territory with lush water and grass. Beigang never lacked land, but it was very short of people to farm the land!

The main purpose of the Koje priests is to rescue the defeated large and small tribes in the upper reaches of the river from the population of Calaboa, and to continuously replenish them into the kingdom's North Port to rapidly increase the number of tribes. As for the longer-term plan,

The plan is to establish a stable leadership position in the Hekou Alliance, constantly promote the blessing of the "God of War", and plan for the long term...

"Blessed by the Lord God! In the process of this fighting, Beigang has fully proved the kingdom's military power, gradually becoming the largest force in the Hekou Alliance, and has the opportunity to become the leader of the alliance! And the Southern Lord God, who is good at fighting, has gradually become the leader of the Hekou Alliance.

, and became one of the important gods enshrined..."

"Witness the Lord God! I must plan for the long term and spread the glory of the Lord God at all costs!... If I can truly become the leader of the Hekou Alliance and lead all the more than 30,000 tribes in the Hekou Alliance to convert to the Lord God... then the majesty of the lower reaches of the river will

This land will become the starting point of the 'Coy' family! And the future priesthood of the West Coast will definitely have a place for us forever!..."

The sun sets in the west, and the Columbia River rolls with its roar. The water flows westward and enters the sea, scouring many future heroes. Everything is a joke~~

Note: The Easter egg chapter is a detailed map.

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