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Chapter 1,269 I have evidence from the East! Unmistakable evidence!

"So! It's just a barbaric native island, not India!..."

Sebastian's questions were well-founded, one sentence after another, like a ferocious drummer, beating on Columbus's heart. Columbus blushed and wanted to refute loudly, but he didn't know where to start.

In the end, he could only grit his teeth and roar like an angry stubborn donkey.

"You're talking nonsense! Those natives have cotton threads and it's a hot tropics. I arrived in India!...As for the reason why those natives are ignorant...just...just because they are far away from the center of India, they are islanders on the Eastern Islands of India.

The borderline uncivilized natives are already!…”

"What's more, we continued sailing and arrived at the civilized Xipan Ancient Japan! We even met the navy of the ancient Xipan Kingdom and saw their galleys and bronze cannons! Many of the troops of the ancient Xipan people were wearing ancient clothes.

The Greek-style bronze armor, holding the golden spear, is a barbaric but civilized country!..."

"And if it hadn't been for the conflict with the ancient people of Xipan, we would have definitely reached the Eastern Continent farther west, reached the Khitan of milk and honey, and reached Seris of silk and porcelain! This is a real new route to the prosperous East.


“…the navy of ancient Japan… galleys and bronze cannons…”

Hearing this, Sebastian was at a loss for words and didn't know how to respond. The interrogating sailors also truthfully told the story of the conflict between the Castilian fleet and the native navy on the big island.

Although the navy of the natives sounds very backward, just like the city-states of the ancient Greek era... But they have cannons, metal weapons, and large numbers, and they indeed represent a powerful and civilized native kingdom. Like this

The native kingdom, just like the "Songhay Kingdom" and the "Mwene Congo" that Portugal encountered on the southern continent, needs to be treated with caution and respect.

"Aha! Columbus, the sailors on the ship told you that you sailed south from the 'Indian Islands' and then arrived at 'Sipan Ancient Japan'? During your exploration, Japan was south of India and at the northern latitude

Hot tropical temperatures of 20 to 22 degrees?…”

Navigation scholar Leonor once again stood up and took over Sebastian's questioning. Upon hearing this question, Columbus opened his mouth, obviously hesitating a few words, and finally could only say.

"The Lord has witnessed! That must be the ancient Japan of Sipan! As for the Indian Islands that we arrived before... it may be a very long strip, extending from the south to Japan in the north..."

"Haha! Long Indian Islands? Hahaha!..."

Leonor sneered and turned to salute King Joao who was looking up.

"Dear Your Majesty the King, we have finished asking. The real situation is clear at a glance! Columbus discovered some islands in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, encountered some barbaric natives, and also encountered a kingdom of natives... But according to the consensus of the court scholars

In my opinion, it is definitely not the East, let alone India or Sipangu!…”

"Well...thank you for your hard work..."

Joao II nodded slightly, his face still calm. The judgment of the court scholars was actually the same as his. After the initial shock and disbelief, through the interrogation records of the sailors over the past two days, he confirmed Columbus's claim to have discovered

A clear and clear judgment has been made on the "New Oriental Route".

"Columbus, what you arrived at is not the East. And the native island you discovered is neither India nor Sipangu... It is just a wild archipelago in the deep sea, which is still far, far away from the East... In the Atlantic Ocean, it may not be

Is there really any sea route that can reach Seris from the west!…Of course, if one day, you can really go 10,000 nautical miles west and encounter a large area of ​​land…that will indeed be a truly remarkable discovery!”

João II had a gloomy expression and said calmly. He didn't want to say anything more to Columbus, exposing Portugal's understanding of India, or even revealing the envoy who had secretly arrived in India. He was not prepared to make a big fuss about this person.

The "Genor Navigator" was punished too harshly. This made it appear that the other party really discovered some "Eastern Sea Route", which led to the persecution of the Kingdom of Portugal.

In fact, he was only going to lock Columbus up for a few days, send someone to give him a few warnings, and then let him go. At this moment, the Portuguese Kingdom, which was concentrating on opening up routes to India, was really not suitable to fight against the vicious Cass after fighting the Holy War.

What kind of head-on conflict is happening in the Kingdom of Tilia? As for before, if the opponent was caught on the open sea, whether it was killing or secretly imprisoning, it was not a big deal. But now that the matter is so big, it is not suitable anymore...

"Columbus, you crashed the trestle in the port. The damaged Clark galleon has been seized by the Kingdom's navy... Well... leave a compensation to the port and the merchant ship you collided with, and you can be released from prison!...

Then, you can return to Castile and report back to Queen Isabella who appreciates you. Report back to the so-called east and the so-called new route you discovered..."

"But, the Lord is my witness! I need to remind you. According to the "Peace of Alcaçoise" witnessed by the Pope, although Castile has sovereignty over the Canary Islands and the right to explore the islands further west...but in the Atlantic Ocean'

Unknown rights and islands should be given priority to the Kingdom of Portugal rather than the Kingdom of Castile, unless the Kingdom of Portugal voluntarily gives up. Therefore, the so-called Indian islands you landed on and the so-called Eastern Territory you occupied actually violated the Papal Treaty.

It doesn’t count at all… As for your so-called identity as the Governor of the East, Queen Isabella’s promise doesn’t count either, it must be recognized by Portugal.”

John II's expression was still calm, and his calmness seemed to reveal contempt, just like when Columbus asked for an audience a long time ago. But after hearing the other person's last words, Columbus' head buzzed, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his heart was full of turmoil.

Very angry!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Merda! Minchia! Damn it! Damn the Portuguese, the damn King of Portugal!... At this point, why don't you believe me? Why still?

Do you look down on me? I have gone through untold hardships, gone through the test of the Lord, and come back from the east alive!…But you still deny my voyage, deny that I discovered a new route, and even deny the Queen’s vision for choosing me!…”

"Cuzzo! Che cazzone! Not only do you want to deny me the honor of arriving in the East, but in the end, with a single word, you want to deprive me of my power and wealth in the East, and deprive me of the governorship status given to me in the Queen's Exploration Contract?! Even, you

You want me to pay a sum of money to compensate for the maintenance costs of the port and merchant ships!... Damn it! Damn it! Damn King Joao, go to hell as soon as possible and get into the devil's asshole!..."

Columbus's heart surged with anger, and his face turned red and white. He had no money, and he owed a lot of debt to Jewish merchants! He discovered a new sea route to the west and reached the rich east, not some barbaric native islands.

...It was his wasted spiritual sustenance for the past twenty years, the only reputation he counted on, and the only capital he could rely on to turn around!

Therefore, no one can deny him or deny the new route he discovered! Even if he is allowed to die, he must insist and firmly believe that that is the rich East and the new route to the East!

"King João...I swear in the name of the Lord and as a noble, I have indeed arrived in Sipan ancient Japan! The Lord witnesses!..."

Columbus gritted his teeth, raised one hand, and swore to the Lord in heaven. However, seeing this scene, all the Portuguese scholars chuckled disdainfully, and some murmured.

"I swear again... He is really a liar..."

Joao II also shook his head slightly. He waved his hand and motioned for the guards to take Columbus back to the prison. Hearing the chuckles of the students, seeing Joao II's disregard, and the guards walking quickly, Columbus

Finally getting anxious! He could no longer suppress his desire to prove himself, and could no longer hide the most crucial secret, so he screamed loudly.

"The Lord is my witness! I have evidence, I have unmistakable evidence! Prove that it must be the East!"

"Oh? What evidence?"

"I found a native book from the native village of Sipangu! The only book! ... That book is the proof of the East! The words in that book are exactly what Marco Polo mentioned

, the never-before-seen square characters!…”

"Huh? A native book? Square text?...Hmm! A letter from the East brought back by little Perot!..."

Hearing this, João II's eyes widened instantly, and his expression changed. The calmness he had always had finally disappeared, and an unprecedented seriousness appeared on his face, and he was obviously thinking of something. Then, he

He took a deep breath, stared into Columbus's eyes, and asked sternly.

"Columbus, where did you hide the book? Take it out!…"

This chapter has been completed!
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