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Chapter 1,284 The King’s Letter

"Witness the Lord God! In addition to iron armor, forged iron weapons must also be produced as soon as possible! Iron spearheads are the easiest to forge and can be mass-produced. The production of copper spears will gradually decrease until they are completely replaced... As for more complex spearheads

Iron weapons, more detailed iron forging skills..."

"The Institute of Divine Enlightenment will set a heavy reward specifically for 'wrought iron'! Any technological breakthrough will receive financial rewards. And outstanding technological progress will be like the previous paper-making bleaching, paint-making paint, pozzolan cement, and

Recently, the Xihai craftsmen who smelted iron and built ships have been awarded the title of Master Craftsman! ... But this time, there will be five master craftsman awards to encourage craftsmen to explore!..."

"Ah! Five new master craftsmen? Five military nobles?..."

"Praise the Lord God! There is such a great reward?!..."

As the director of the Divine Enlightenment, Talea, announced the reward, a burst of surprise discussion suddenly erupted in the craftsman camp, and the voices were full of unstoppable desire.

The status and treatment of master craftsmen are equivalent to those of the kingdom's military nobles. The rating is very strict and the number of places is very limited. But this time, the Divine Inspiration Institute offered five noble titles to reward the research and development of "wrought iron", which shows that the kingdom attaches great importance to it.


If it were placed in the Ming Dynasty across the sea, this would be equivalent to giving out five places to be awarded the title of "Ji Ren" or even "Jinshi", to reward outstanding craftsmen... This is simply contrary to Tiangang and a sign of the country's demise! The entire scholar-bureaucrat class will criticize them verbally and in writing.

, there will even be hundreds of officials who will die to remonstrate to stop this extremely dangerous "evil government" that destroys the power monopoly of scholar-bureaucrats and threatens the distribution of power! How much of a threat does this "evil government" pose to the "ethical principles - distribution of power"

, even more than the Great Rites Controversy that is about to engulf the Ming Dynasty...

In fact, with the current military and theocratic system of the Lake Kingdom, priests can rule the country, military merit conferences can confer knights, and craftsmen can also be knighted... If these fall into the eyes of the Ming dynasty scholar-bureaucrats, it will mean that Buddhism and Taoism are interfering in politics, warriors are domineering, and scholars, civilians, and industry are upside down.

, are completely "evil businessmen", "violent Qin", and "barbarians"! Such "barbarians" from the East China Sea have reversed the order and do not respect kings. Except for the gold, silver, jade, spices and wood they produce, the rest are very good.

Absolutely useless!…

On the contrary, the eunuch group of the Ming Dynasty will naturally be closer. After all, lowly craftsmen can be knighted, so what does it mean to be knighted by the emperor's "snake girls"? What's more, the snake girls took gold and silver,

You need to really do something, otherwise your reputation will be ruined. But the scholar-bureaucrats took the gold and silver, but they didn’t really need to do anything. They had the right to speak in public opinion, so they naturally had thousands of ways to protect their reputation...

"Director, a messenger has arrived! From the land in the clouds, he is the king's messenger, bringing a message to you..."

"Huh?!... Let's all disperse. Everyone, go back to your place, and hurry up and complete the task at hand! The Lord God bless the kingdom! The Lord God bless Your Majesty!..."

Hearing this, Talea was stunned for a moment, and then gave a final instruction to the technocrats and craftsmen around her. Everyone also saluted and prayed from the bottom of their hearts.

"The Lord God bless the kingdom and bless your majesty!..."

When the courier arrived in a hurry and walked into the side hall where the meeting was held, he saw only a cold woman wearing a mask sitting at the table. He did not dare to look at it more, but he just showed courtesy and took out the personal letter from his pocket.

"The king's letter, directed by Talea..."

"Any other message?..."

"The inconvenience in the camp has no message."

"Well...go down!..."

The messenger bowed and left. Talea held Hulot's letter and sat quietly for a while. Then, she took a deep breath and opened the letter.

"Talaiya, my closest follower, and my most reassuring partner! When I am not around, only in your hands can I feel at ease..."

Seeing this beginning, Talaya paused and took a deep breath before continuing to read. She looked carefully at each line of familiar handwriting, pausing especially at important places, as if she heard her lover's words in her ears.

's instructions.

"The kingdom's West Sea route has been opened, it has established contact with the powerful West Sea tribe, and even acquired some West Sea craftsmen... This makes me particularly gratified, especially excited, and I feel the blessing of the gods! ... Regarding the developed technology of the West Sea tribe, we must focus on it.

Learn and acquire to achieve technological breakthroughs in the kingdom and technological leaps in the world..."

"The Shenqi Institute is responsible for technological progress and production transformation... The study of Xihai technology should focus on shipbuilding, iron smelting, gunpowder for the military industry, and livestock, farming, and vehicles for people's livelihood... As I have told you many times

In that way, the improvement of productivity level and transportation efficiency are the foundation of all politics, military and economy!..."

"Right now, we have obtained mature iron smelting technology from the West Sea and used it as a new direction... Then, it is time to officially allow private bronze workshops to be established and allow the kingdom's bronze skills to spread outwards! Different bronzes,

The optimal ratio of copper to tin and the effect of adding lead will no longer be strictly sealed secrets, but will become the cornerstone of improving world productivity..."

"It's time to spread the technology of bronze smelting and production from the sacred place in Gyeonggi to all states and even the world! The kingdom should lift the ban on copper mining, allow and encourage private mining, and liberalize the casting of folk bronzes... In this blend of things

In this great era, only by improving productivity and improving the production level of each department as much as possible can we protect the future of the Jiaoren departments and resist the continuous invasion of evil spirits!…"

Seeing this, Talaya pursed her lips and looked forward blankly. Uncontrollable emotions gradually appeared in her cold eyes. In front of her, a man with astonishing courage, broad mind, and heroic appearance seemed to appear.

That man never had the limitations of tribe or region, and always treated everyone equally. He regarded the future of the world as his own future, and regarded all the people in the world as his own people!…

"Xulot...my king..."

Talea was silent for a long time before continuing to look.

"Shipbuilding, iron smelting and gunpowder in the West Sea... Shipbuilding shortens the long communication time, iron smelting improves the kingdom's production capacity, and gunpowder is a transcendent military weapon... When the iron smelting technology is mature enough, gunpowder weapons will be used in addition to artillery.

A branch that changed the times was born, the matchlock gun!..."

"I don't know the specific design of the matchlock gun. But according to the fragments Shenqi saw, it should roughly look like this, with a long barrel, a gun handle and a matchlock... And its use has different stages. The initial stage

It relies on terrain and buildings to defend the city. When enough shooting holes and cross shooting channels are set up in the city... and when the matchlock gun is mature enough, it can be combined with the spear formation to form a larger square formation. As for the

In the more distant future, there will be a line formation composed purely of musketeers..."

Talea opened her eyes wide and looked at the "matchlock", the "grand square", the "line formation" that was clearly painted with care, but still somewhat abstract... After a while, she smiled softly,

The corners of the mouth under the mask were brightly raised.

"My king...when you come back, shall I teach you how to draw?..."

There was no answer in the side hall, only the king's instructions, which continued to dance on the paper. Those instructions turned into words, pictures, and lights pointing to the future, transcending distant time and space, and fell into Talea's heart.

Clarify the way forward.

"Talaiya, the exploration of the Western Sea has achieved results, and investment needs to be increased. However, the cost of navigation is too high, and the rewards are too far away. The powerful nobles in various states are actually unwilling... This requires divine inspiration.

As a hub, it dispatches and distributes materials, subsidizes the expenditures of various states...stimulates navigation and exploration, and accelerates the coastal colonization of the northern continent!..."

"Talaiya, my most trusted partner. Only you can understand the meaning of all this. And only you who control the Divine Apocalypse can arrange all of this! ... You must firmly control the Divine Aspiration, this

The core of the 'military-industrial complex'! Apart from you, it is difficult for me to find someone who takes the overall situation into consideration, can be trusted, and knows my heart..."

"I have also noticed the surging undercurrents in the capital and the kingdom... In this letter, there is also a formal king's order, which can be disclosed to the commander of the Orosh Army, Sage Jatiri... I will officially let go of the gods.

The force restriction of Qisuo allows you to form a guard armed with the Qisuo! Remember the matchlock gun and the grand phalanx I mentioned before. It is a transcendent weapon that can enable skilled militiamen and even armed craftsman apprentices.

We, defeat the elite heavily armored warriors!..."

"Witness the Lord God! As long as I am alive, the undercurrent in the capital will always be an undercurrent and will not turn into a storm. And if I am gone and a chaotic storm comes... you need to cooperate with Orosh and Jatiri to firmly

Seize the military-industrial system of Shenqisuo and master an armed force to protect the system to reintegrate the kingdom!..."

Seeing this last instruction, Talea's heart trembled, and her palms suddenly clenched! After a long time, she sighed quietly and prayed devoutly.

“May the Lord God bless you!…my king…”

This chapter has been completed!
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