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Chapter 1,349 Great Thinker, Theologian, and Painter Hulot

The long winds of November howled, bringing cold omens to the Opata tribes in the mountains. And a "jackdaw" came unexpectedly, and its black "feathers" brought not only death but also the new life of integration.

, it’s just destined to be bloody.

Further south, nearly 10,000 Yaqi tribesmen all converted to their main god. The most powerful Yome tribe was completely renamed the Kingdom's "Firestone Town". The priests redistributed the tribe's property and won over the hearts of the tribesmen at the bottom.

It not only brought the belief in the Lord God, but also brought new development and order! Just like the newly dug "toilet and compost pit", which restricted the daily life of the tribal people and strictly ordered the tribal people to squat in the pit to discharge fertilizer...

At this time, the first batch of three sand ships loaded with red bricks had arrived from Leijin Town. The construction of the planned magnificent Huoshi Town Temple has begun from the side hall. In order to keep the gods and keep warm in winter, whether it is the real temple in the tribe

Whether believers or false believers, they all work very hard. And this process of recruiting tribal manpower, building temple houses, and ensuring believers survive the winter is the process of the kingdom formally establishing a ruling order in Flint Town! After all, a new order always exists

Only by bringing benefits and hope to more people can we overturn everything in the past and truly stabilize it.

"Lord God bless you! We will bring a new order! Just like what the gods said in the revelation, bring light and sun, bring prosperity and warmth, bring development and future!..."

Further south from Xiwan Parish, the land of Northern Tekos in Dahu County has gradually become peaceful after the continuous crusade and pacification of the Monkey Legion. Along the lower reaches of the Leman River for four to five hundred miles, there are about 100,000 Tekos.

The tribes have established a direct-administered village stronghold, and arranged for the warriors of the kingdom to be enfeoffed. In the more remote mountains, there are the remaining more than 100,000 Tekos flag troops who have surrendered. While they nominally surrendered and paid tribute,

, and also maintain varying degrees of autonomy.

Bringing these mountain tribes under direct jurisdiction is destined to be a long process. The first ones to go deep are always the priests of the main god, like the root system of the sacred tree, gradually extending into the long remaining veins of the Guamare Mountains. And among the tribes

Before the establishment of the temple and the complete formation of the order of faith, the kingdom could only use the trade bazaar as the node, the intimidation of force as the "basis of order", tribal transactions as the "tax collection method", and the regulation of tribal disputes as the "ruling authority"

.Simply put, it is "jisi".

"Blessed by the Lord God! The rule of the kingdom is like a river. The place where the river is connected is the direct territory that we can control first. It needs to be managed patiently! Because the scope that the capital can directly manage is always related to the time of communication. Communication

The longer it takes, the harder it is to respond in time, and local autonomy must be carried out... This is also the reason why roads are important. It can reduce communication time, expand the scope of direct jurisdiction, and weaken the basis of autonomy of each tribe. In addition to roads,

There are also four-legged beast-riding horses and horse-drawn vehicles that can run twice as fast as running, which also doubles the territory that can be managed..."

"In all forms of governance, the power of 'force' is always limited, just like the brave jaguar, which cannot pounce on the flying birds in the treetops. The treetops and mountain peaks belong to the ferocious flying eagle, just like 'trade'

It is all-pervasive. And the even more all-pervasive power is the sun in the sky, the sunshine that shines on the earth and the ocean, and the 'faith' of the Lord God!..."

In Hushi City, the monkey Kuruka sat cross-legged under a kapok tree, concentrating on the vellum booklet in his hand. This is a book from Shulot, also called "The King's Guidance". Every once in a while,

There will be similar booklets sent to the kingdom from the southern expedition armies, and then handed over to the army commanders in various places.

"In the specific jurisdiction of the tribe, in addition to the 'tyranny' of force and intimidation, there is also the 'royal way' of establishing a new order. As for the role of religion, it is 'morality' and 'law'. The teachings and laws are used to restrain the superiors and subordinates, and to

The fear and hope of the soul can pacify the hearts of believers, and can calm people down like anesthetic knife water, which facilitates the initial establishment of the rule..."

"However, faith that is divorced from reality cannot really last long. The priests of the Lord God must bring about real changes! ... For the newly conquered vast territory, a new order of the kingdom must be established. And the essence of this new order is

The redistribution of tortillas. This process is destined to be driven by the management of a few people, the support of a group of people, the neutrality of a group of people, and the opposition of the last group of people. We must always be vigilant and distinguish between allies, neutrality and enemies..."

"For a new order, the more people support it, the more stable it will be, but the harder it will be to achieve! And if a new group of 'profitable and supportive' groups cannot be cultivated, the rule of the kingdom will be on the water.

Duckweed has no foundation and will scatter in the wind..."

"Witness the Lord God! The source of tortillas is always limited. Either develop production and create more tortillas to distribute to certain groups. Or, the wealth of the old upper class must be re-cut and distributed to the middle and lower classes. As for

The last way is to engage in external war, take over the tortillas from other tribes and distribute them among your own tribe to satisfy the superiors and subordinates..."

"As for the specific management of a place, it is like cooking a small fish. The flames cannot be too violent, nor can there be no flames. Orders are issued and cannot be changed overnight. It is not easy to establish a trust, let alone overturn it easily... Remember, eagerly in the mountains and forests

If you run, you will easily get lost and cannot reach the real goal. If you encounter a bear or a tiger, a fight will inevitably happen... In short, after planting the seeds, the warriors are responsible for weeding, and the priests are responsible for cultivating the seedlings. This can change everything.

The power, only time, and the alternation of generations can make seeds grow into towering trees!…”

Kuruca read the book patiently, his eyes flashing from time to time, like a spirited ape. There are no specific orders and instructions in these books of Shulot, only the thoughts summarized by the king and the philosophy of governing the country.

, just like the silent spring rain that moistens things, nourishing the big trees all over the kingdom. As for Kuruka, one of the big trees, he already has enough practical experience, but what he lacks is this kind of tempered experience.

Theory, to the final point, thus rising to a new height!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In fact, a small part of these books were copied and flowed into the Mexican Union. Some pious little nobles regarded the books as "prophet"

"Sutras", they are enthusiastically pursued. Regardless of whether they can understand it or how much they can understand, they must collect it and pass it on to future generations.

Perhaps the greatest value of a time traveler is to become a thinker and write books with peace of mind. Spread the extremely precious "ideological knowledge", completely change the history of the times, and point out the real direction of progress! Of course,

The prerequisite for doing this is that he must be able to protect himself from being backlashed by the times and being neatly tied to the stake and burned to death by the old forces whose interests have been harmed...

"Lord God! His Highness writes a new book every three months. This is really... It is really a revelation of wisdom and divinity!... Well, it seems that His Highness is very free and safe, so that he can write with peace of mind.

There are so many things. And reading these books is really inspiring, one sentence is as powerful as a hundred others!…”

The monkey Kuruka watched for a long time before he reluctantly put down the book and stood up. He climbed up to the ancient lake stone temple Techitlan, and the towering Eagle Mountain sacred mountain Quatpetl was towering behind him.

And his eyes looked southeast, beyond the Guamare Mountains, across the Leman River, across the Texcoco Lake area in his hometown, and until the land in the clouds of the southern expedition!

There, batches of grain were carried by tens of thousands of civilians, supporting the alliance armies on the middle and east roads. The fields in the valley of Shenshi City had been harvested, and the 20,000 regiments on the east road front had just received sufficient supplies.

food supplies, the siege of Yunshan City has become increasingly tight. Further south, at the mouth of the valley in contact with the Zapotec Oaxaca Valley, a battle of thousands of people has just come to an end, with dark red blood staining the entire area.

At the mouth of the valley, the newly fortified view of the Mexican Union Army was like the terror coming from the northern plateau, weighing heavily on the hearts of the Oaxaca tribes!

In the alliance's main camp in the north outside the city, the ancient royal flag of the bloody sun and the white bones of evil spirits was also fluttering in the howling mountain wind. Avitt smiled lightly, picked up a bloody head, and looked at it carefully

For a long time, the head's unwilling face was engraved with blue bat wings, but it was an Oaxaca god who was rarely conquered by the alliance.

"Well, the head of the god of Oaxaca-Silver Tip City is a rare sacrifice to the gods! ... In this autumn battle, the four thousand vanguards of the Zapotec tribes were killed by the alliance's two thousand armored warriors.

They defeated them head-on, killed half of them, beheaded their divine leader, and captured four to five hundred sacrificial prisoners!… I don’t know if there are any other Zapotec tribes in the south after this battle.

Do you have the courage to send a large-scale support to the north again?..."

"Haha! Such trophies must be seen and appreciated by my good son-in-law Shulot, the chief priest of the army and the great prophet! Then the message will be sent to all the battalions and asked by Shulot to hold a large-scale sacrifice to cheer up

Samurai’s military spirit!…”

Avitt smiled, held his head in one hand, and led two guards to the Black Wolf King's tent next door. But when he stepped into the tent, his eyes moved and his steps stopped.

I saw a huge piece of vellum unfolded on the rosewood desk. And Shulot, wearing a white robe, was leaning over the desk with his head bowed, holding a thin brush, dipped in red and gold paint, and concentrated on the light yellow vellum

On the painting is an abstract and strange bird, with the long-beaked head of a hummingbird, the wings of a mountain eagle, the body of a viper, and the claws of a jaguar. It is so magical that it is difficult to describe!

At this moment, the golden-red divine bird is perched on the kapok sacred tree in the clouds, like the incarnation of the sun!

This chapter has been completed!
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