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Chapter 165 Sandbox and Preparation

The rain in June is like a rapid drumbeat, prompting the busy work in the farmland. The corn has grown one foot, the beans are stretching their soft branches, and the pumpkins are sprouting new shoots and slowly extending on the ground. Sufficient rain is nourishing the crops.

The root system and the warm sunshine give the plants the power to grow. So, when the scorching sun in July first appeared in the sky after the rain, the earth was already a scene of lush everything.

The hot sun shone on both sides of the Leman River. The Mexica warriors walked out of the narrow houses and happily prayed for the blessing of the sun god. They took out their clothes and cotton blankets that had been damp for a long time and hung them in every corner of the camp.

, let the sun steam them dry. Different levels of clothing were red, yellow, black and white, and the simple wooden castle suddenly turned into a colorful street. The quartermasters also took out the soaked corn tortillas and miscellaneous grains and spread them in the open space in the center of the wooden castle to minimize

Due to the loss of food during the rainy season, the wooden fort became the village's grain commune again.

Outside the empty wooden fort, there was an additional fence. Under the strict guard of the warriors, the gunpowder craftsmen accompanying the army set up wooden sheds to dry the damp gunpowder in the shade. The faint volcanic smell drifted away with the wind.

, when the green grass swayed, many grass snakes avoided and stayed away.

In the spacious wooden house in the center of the wooden castle, Shulot sat with his legs crossed and was carefully looking at the sand table in front of him. This was the result of several days of hard work.

The sand table is not large in size, one meter long and one meter wide. A "river" of fine sand runs from east to west and divides into a "lake" in the southwest. Between the river and lake, there is a "fortress" made of clay and inlaid with wood.

Xiaomen, there is a shallow river to the east, which is the river mouth fortress.

The young commander thought about it, and first carved out a camp on the flat land to the east of the "fortress", and then filled in the moat on the east side. He gestured at the distance from the top of the fortress wall to the river, and frowned. Then, he made a move on the south side of the fortress.

Another camp was created in the open space, and after thinking for a moment, two more strongholds were placed further south as a defense.

Shulot turned his attention to the west again, looking at the small wooden "water gate" and the narrow river and lake channel. He once again used his memory to correct the positions of the lower river channel and the western wall of the fortress. Then, he placed

I got on a wooden boat and gestured the distance from the wall to the boat, thinking silently.

After a while, he simulated the movement of the boat. The wooden boat started to move forward slowly after entering the shooting range, until it came to the water gate. He calculated a time in his mind, and then put in another small boat, at the head of the city.

With his support, he protected Minato and fought against the first boat. The young commander calculated for a moment again and frowned deeply.

At this time, the guard's loud greeting and the same plain reply came from outside the wooden house.

"The heroic Holy Eagle Warrior Captain, Tels greets you!"

"Tels, there is no need to be polite. The sun god's light illuminates us at the same time! I have something to report to His Highness."

The wooden door opened with a creak, and the sunlight from outside the door poured in, illuminating the slightly dim room. A tall figure wearing leather armor and an animal helmet walked in.

Shulot raised his head and waved to Tels who was looking at him with a naive smile. The young Holy City warrior bowed his head seriously and saluted, and closed the wooden door again. The boy who was once was already His Highness, and now he is guarding the door for His Highness.


Then, the young commander looked at the heavily armed Bertard with a smile.

"Bertard, the weather is so hot, take off this outfit quickly!"

The warrior commander nodded and took off his beast helmet, revealing his cut-off head and tattooed face, as majestic as a beast. Then, he took off his leather armor, revealing that the robe underneath was completely soaked with sweat.

"Your Highness, in the past two days, I have taken a team of Jaguar noble warriors to the northern city of Otopan to conduct reconnaissance. The Otomi people's spring plowing has basically been completed, and they seem to be gathering troops and starting to mobilize militia."

Shulot pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"The Otomi people had to be on guard, and the warriors had to be on strict alert. In this way, two envoys were sent again to condemn the Otomi people for their breach of trust. They accepted the food from the alliance and promised a peace treaty, but they just made a show of it.

.They didn't really go south before the spring plowing and plunder the villages of the Tarascans! Let's see how they responded.

At the same time, the city-state of Otopan is individually invited to join the conquest of the Tarascans. In addition to land, feathers, fine clothes, gold, silver, gems, and slave goods can be promised to them, and even food trade can be discussed.

Let me think about it, during the last peace talks, the army commander of Otopan City should be Giowa? Let the envoy pay a visit to him in my personal name. In addition, the old priest Ort does not know whether he is in Guamare or Oto

Pan, if he is in the mountain city of Otopan, you can also go and find out what he has to say."

Bertard nodded and obeyed. He thought for a moment before speaking.

"Your Highness, I will arrange for envoys when I get back. It's just that the Otomi people are like weeds in the wind, swaying. They always make false promises to deal with the alliance. I'm afraid it will be difficult to reach a real agreement. Even if an agreement is reached, the army cannot relax its vigilance at all.

.They are like coyotes lurking and waiting, ready to pounce and bite you in a fatal position.”

The young commander laughed loudly.

"Bertard, you are right. After the spring plowing is completed, it is unbelievable that the Otomi people have the ability to mobilize for war. I just have to wait for two weeks, hold on to the wooden castle, and wait for the return of the fleet returning eastward.

, bringing a large number of reinforcements to the Holy City.

Once Annatri's navy returns and cuts off both sides of the Leman River, it will be difficult for the Tarascans to move north to attack. And when the new legion arrives, the Alliance will have an advantage in military strength, and the autumn harvest is just around the corner. At this time,

, you can use a large army to threaten the Otomi people’s autumn harvest and force them to use practical actions to prove their sincerity in peace with the alliance!”

Bertard smiled knowingly, and the tattoos on both sides trembled, with a hint of solemnity. Then, he looked at the window facing the south and continued.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The Tarasco Navy in the south is dispatched very frequently. Their scouts have repeatedly appeared around the three wooden forts, and they often make provocative and attacking gestures.

The warriors in the wooden castle are very high-spirited and a little unbearable."

Shulot thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"After the rumors of the sun god's blessing spread, the warriors were inspired and eager to fight. This fighting spirit cannot be suppressed, but can only be guided. The current strategy is to stick to the main position and not take the initiative to go south...

In this way, several different 100-man squads were sent out every day to fight with Tarasco's scouts. There was no need to capture prisoners in the scout battle, and the battle merit only depended on the heads they brought back! Then, all squads participating in the battle were evaluated and rewarded.

The team at the front will be given the honorary title of being good at fighting!

Well, this is to give the samurai some psychological sustenance, maybe I should improve the rules of the stadium and allow everyone to have some daily entertainment activities."

Having said this, the young commander took out a pen and paper and wrote down the four words "basketball" and "football". He thought for a while and added "corner" and "tug of war", plus the existing spear throwing and archery skills.

And fighting martial arts, it’s the Mexica Heptathlon.

Bertard nodded and accepted the order. He looked at the sand table on the ground, and his admiration flashed through him again. Sometimes, he would sincerely thank the Sun God for giving the Mexica people such a divine king with infinite wisdom.

No way, the invention is all-encompassing.

"Your Highness, the fortress at the mouth of the river has a water gate on the west, and the west wall controls the mouth of the river, blocking the navy from going south. This fortress cannot be besieged. It can receive a steady stream of military support and food supplies from the shores of Lake Quiceo.


Looking at the sand table, the warrior commander slowly analyzed. He was waiting for His Highness's vision and strategy.

Shulot nodded in agreement.

"That's true! The river mouth fortress can only be attacked by force, not besieged. To attack by force, attack quickly, the faster the better. The fortress here is crisscrossed by rivers, the soil is soft, and the groundwater is rich. The army cannot dig tunnels or use gunpowder to blow up walls. Of course, we can't

There are no miners who are good at digging.”

Faced with new concepts of warfare, Bertard seemed to have some enlightenment. He was always by His Highness' side, able to continuously learn and progress, keep up with the young man's thinking, and make timely suggestions.

"Dig tunnels, blast walls with gunpowder... Your Highness, the senior miners of Tarasco will dig underground copper mines, and Ezpan is a senior miner. When the army penetrates deep into the Patzcuaro Lake area, they can recruit civilians and gather senior

The elderly miners have perfected His Highness’s authentic fighting methods.”

After hearing the suggestion, Shulot laughed and his thoughts briefly drifted away. Then, he continued to return to the topic.

"Before a strong attack, there are three necessary preparations. The first is to look for opportunities to severely damage the main force of Tarasco Navy and destroy as many enemy ships as possible."

Having said this, the young commander paused and his thoughts became clearer. He did not elaborate for the time being and continued to speak.

"The second is to concentrate our forces, establish enough advantages, and achieve a breakthrough as soon as possible. The autumn harvest is a key node, and it cannot be delayed until after the autumn harvest to give the enemy a chance to gather on a large scale. Well, I will send an envoy to Northern General Ocelot again

, asking for reinforcements. The troops from the capital must also be transported as soon as possible. The fleet takes a month to go back and forth, and can transport tens of thousands of warriors and three months of food and grass for ten thousand people. I need to carefully plan the transportation plan."

Shulot made a plan in his mind, wrote down the word "transportation" on the paper, and then smiled slightly.

"The third is to prepare equipment and build suitable siege equipment. Bertard, how are the three equipments I ordered before made?"

The samurai commander thought for a moment, recalled what he saw at the craftsman's office before the patrol, and nodded slowly.

"Your Highness, we have been researching a light trebuchet that is easy to move for nearly a month. The trial production has just been completed. We haven't had time to test the load and range of the ammunition. The light shield vehicle to cover the archers is relatively simple and can be put into the battlefield now. As for the construction, it is required after the reconnaissance.

The craftsmen have only restored part of the seven-meter wooden water gate, and the subsequent processing will take a long time."

Hearing this, Shulot laughed with satisfaction.

"Very good! The light trebuchet throws paper fireballs wrapped with gunpowder, and the load and range requirements are not high. The light shield vehicle can be as simple as possible, the key is mass production. Minato does not need to be completely restored, I just want to test how effective it can be


Having said this, the young commander stood up. He patted the warrior commander on the shoulder affectionately and laughed loudly.

"The sun is shining brightly today, which is a rare auspicious day. Come with me to see these powerful weapons for siege!"

This chapter has been completed!
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