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Chapter 244: Fengguo, Land Acres and County System

"The river mouth fortress in the north, the Talsas River in the south, the mountains of Sitacuaro in the east, and the mountains of Sacap State in the west... This vast land is my fiefdom!"

Shulot laughed, showing his white teeth. The young king's smile was full of elegance, with a hint of solemn majesty in it. He stretched out his fingers and groped along the edges of the album, listing the mountains, rivers, and villages.

Each city and town was remembered one by one, and compared with the memories along the Western Expedition.

"The country runs from north to south, with two rivers sandwiched between two lakes; from east to west, from mountains to mountains. The climate here is a tropical grassland with distinct dry and wet conditions, and the terrain is a fairly flat mountain plateau. There are mountains and rivers crisscrossing the country.

During the period, the plateau sunk in the hinterland, forming a series of natural lakes. Rivers gathered around the lakes, forming a lake area. The land in the lake area is rich, just like the Bashu Basin; the river terrain is clear, similar to the Guanzhong Plain."

The young king browses the map, extracts information, and uses the memory of later generations to understand and integrate it.

Governance of a feudal country requires specific data as support, and governance must not be slapping your head and thinking blindly. Although various figures estimated based on information from sample surveys in various places are not accurate, they can play a vital guiding role.

Shulot looked down at his feudal kingdom and first estimated the specific area.

"At this time, the feudal kingdom in the lake in my hands is about the land of the Three Kingdoms. It is roughly 100 kilometers from east to west, and more than 150 kilometers from north to south. It covers an area of ​​15,000 square kilometers, which is about one-tenth the size of Henan."

Hulot's fingers groped on the map. He touched the lake marked in blue, and also measured the plain marked in green around the lake. The land in these places is fertile, the terrain is flat, and most of them have been cultivated into farmland.

“This land is the essence of the Kingdom of Tarasco, with the most prosperous Lake Patzcuaro area in the center, the once densely populated Lake Quiceo area in the north, and the north bank of the Talsas River with developed commerce in the south.

In this era, the population was always concentrated around water sources, relying on rivers and lakes. In this 15,000 square kilometers of land, there were once a million people, accounting for 60% of the population of the Kingdom of Tarasco."

Thinking of this, the young king looked at the map carefully again. He recalled all the gathered information and roughly estimated the farmland area of ​​the feudal country.

"In this fully developed elite area, the area of ​​cultivated land that has been burned and reclaimed accounts for about 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire feudal country, or 0.4-0.5 million square kilometers."

"At this time, the young man is not tall enough and his stride length is slightly smaller. One step on each side is one step, and the length of one step is about 1.3 meters. One acre is 240 steps long and 1 step wide, which is 1.3*1.3*240...

Well, 405 square meters. So, 10,000 square kilometers is about 25 million acres, slightly less. The number of acres of cultivated land in our country is between 10 and 12 million acres!"

Shulot paused for a moment and quickly calculated with the charcoal pen in his hand. Kuruka watched from the side, secretly learning the strange numbers that His Highness often used. After a while, the young king calculated the acres of land in the feudal country. He looked at the numbers on the tip of the pen

, refreshed, and continued to estimate.

"In most areas of the feudal state, milpa agriculture is adopted, slash-and-burn cultivation, wide-spaced sowing, and mixed crop cultivation. There is no deep plowing of the soil, and fertilization is extremely limited. Except for the fertile soil within a few miles of the lake, most of the farmland is

It needs to be burned and left fallow...then the land that can actually be cultivated in each farming season is about...more than 5 million acres!"

After thinking about this, Shulot thought for a moment. He has always been very attentive to the cultivation of the fields. He is used to going to the fields to inspect the fields in person, and often summons old farmers to ask questions.

At this time, the farming density was low, and the breeding of corn had not reached the peak of later generations. Including beans and pumpkins, the yield per acre of Milpa was about 80 kilograms of corn, beans, and 100-200 kilograms of pumpkins. Because of the calories in corn

Slightly lower, the calories of pumpkin are even lower. The output of every 4 acres of land can fully sustain the needs of an adult male for one year. For this unit, Shulot refers to the data from the Neon Warring States Period and sets it to one.

"Stone". One stone here is about 320-350 kilograms of staple food, plus 400-800 kilograms of miscellaneous grains. The main miscellaneous grains are pumpkins and sweet potatoes, which are used to fill the stomach and prepare for shortages.

"My feudal kingdom has more than 5 million acres of farmland. If there is sufficient labor force to cultivate it, and with the current level of science and technology, the annual output will be approximately 1.3 million shi, supporting a population of more than 1 million. This number is consistent with previous population estimates.

If it matches, it should be credible. In other words, well, I am also a famous person worth millions of stones!"

This idea appeared inexplicably in the young king's mind. He couldn't help but smile. This time he put a lot of effort into planning, redefined the land system, divided it into steps, acres, and stones. Then based on these data, he organized an army

Tun, Mintun, naturally has lofty goals, and what they want to do is to establish the foundation of the feudal country!

In the absence of iron farm tools and large livestock, a farmer's farming ability is very limited. In China, where intensive farming is practiced, a strong farmer can only farm about 5 acres by manpower alone. Iron tools can reduce physical exertion.

, and plowing the soil deeply. Plowing cattle and horses can increase this number by at least 2-3 times.

Therefore, in the early Tang Dynasty, 20 acres of land were granted to one person, which was regarded as the limit of effective farming. With iron tools and cattle, the northern plains were harvested once a year, and one person cultivated 20 acres; the paddy fields in the south were harvested twice a year, and one person cultivated 10 acres.

In Shulot's feudal kingdom, the area of ​​one acre of land was roughly the same as that of the Chinese acre, but slightly smaller. The density of crops cultivated was only one-third to half of that of the Chinese farmers. The busy farming time was due to the variety of crops.

sex, extending about 2 times.

Calculated in this way, the maximum cultivated area for one young man is about 8-10 acres. A normal annual harvest is between 2-2.5 shi, which can support two young men, or one young man, and the rest as tribute

and saving for emergencies.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It is based on these data that Shulot worked out the details of military and civilian villages, roughly planned the future tax levels, and envisioned further reforms.


A military camp cultivates 10 acres per den, and harvests 2.5 shi, and the remaining grain is used by the army to go on an expedition. A civilian village cultivates 8 acres, and harvests 2 shi, half of which is self-supporting. The remaining three-fifths are tribute and two-fifths are village savings.

That is to say, the tax is about 30%. However, if a young and strong woman plows 6 acres, she will receive 1.5 shi, and if the old and weak plow 4 acres, she will receive 1 shi, they are all calculated according to this calculation. Taking into account the labor during the slack period, the future tax level of the feudal country will be,

It will be comparable to the Qin State after the reform and centralization of power.

"Encourage farming and build water conservancy; organize households into households and encourage childbirth; develop metal farm tools, and grant land according to military merit... On the land of the feudal state, ten people will be raised for every twenty shi, and every ten people will be given three ding. In wartime, three ding will be drawn.

One, 1.2 million stones will send 60,000 troops..."

Numerous thoughts flashed through the young king's mind and turned into a smile on his lips. Learning from Shang Yang's reforms and imitating the Qin Dynasty's farming and war system were his future political directions, but there were still details that needed to be sorted out. He continued

Look at the map and think about the population status of the feudal country.

"The northernmost part of the vassal state is bounded by the Leman River, with the River Mouth Fortress as the center, and dozens of miles to the southwest is Lake Quetseo. This is also where the Alliance Navy is anchored. Kuruca, you went to the River Mouth Fortress and saw

My father?"

Hearing this, Kuruca nodded and then replied in detail.

"Your Majesty, I went to see the deputy marshal. He is based at the mouth of the river and has repaired the fortress. The logistics arrangements are very appropriate. The wounded have also been treated, and some recovered warriors have begun to return to the legion. The surrounding defeated armies have been

After being incorporated and eliminated, the towns and villages maintained obedience and order, and the farmers completed spring plowing on time. However, the number of priests there was seriously insufficient. After the nobles were liquidated, the villages were mostly managed by the village elders themselves."

"The water around Quiceo Lake is abundant and the land is fertile. Within dozens of miles around the lake, there are many villages, which once had a population of two to three million people. There are millions of acres of cultivated farmland here, all of which have no

Tree roots, ripe ground without stones.”

Hearing this, Xiuluo nodded. He stood up and walked around the hall with his hands behind his back, lost in thought.

There were originally more than forty large villages and towns around the Quiceo Lake area in the north of the feudal kingdom, which were densely populated and rich in products. However, the north has experienced wars, several conquests by the kingdom, continuous army fighting, and the towns and villages have been the most damaged. Now, the Northeast

If the Akanbaro State is divided and becomes the fiefdom of Tepopolo, the entire north needs to be reorganized. Determining the division of the fiefdom is the first step of the New Deal.

The young king thought for a while and made a decision.

"Monkey, pick up a pen and take notes."

Kuruca nodded in agreement. He took out a thin brush, dipped it in ink, and began to write and draw crookedly.

"Reorganize the state and county system, divide the boundaries and population. South of the Leman River, north of the Huayamo Fortress, and the northern part of the state, one hundred and fifty miles from east to west and more than fifty miles from north to south, including the entire Quiceo Lake area.

Half of Sakapu State was set up as a 'county'. With the Hekou Fortress as the county government, it was called Hekou County. It has jurisdiction over more than 40 large villages with a population of 100,000 and 10,000 strong people. As soon as possible, all residents should be registered and established.



Kuruca picked up his pen and wrote, drawing a series of small figures and simplified radical characters. Then, confusion appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, what is a county? How is it different from a state?"

Shulot pondered for a moment and smiled slightly.

"Autonomy is a state, and direct jurisdiction is a county!"

Then, the young king's eyes traveled from the north to the south, focusing on the Patzcuaro Lake area and basin in the center of the feudal kingdom. Here is the most prosperous royal capital, and it is also the center of the universe in the Prepecha people's mythology.

"The area south of Huayamo Fortress and north of Apachengan State, with the source of the mountains and rivers as the western boundary, and Sitacuaro as the eastern boundary, is more than one hundred miles north and south and two hundred miles east and west, and is designated as the capital.

The royal capital of Qincongcan is the center. It has 100 villages and towns with a population of more than 200,000, and Dingkou and surrendered troops of about 70,000. Among them, there are 50,000 military villages, 150,000 civilian villages, and about 30,000 residents of the capital.


By July, the 20,000 surrender troops promised by Avitt had arrived in the hinterland of the Lake District not long ago. They had been running all the way in the rainy season, and had been short of food for several months since the surrender. They were all sallow and thin. At this time, these militia surrender troops could no longer catch up.

During this year's spring plowing, their bodies also need to be recuperated.

Shulot only sent officers and priests to organize the newly arrived troops, while allowing the priests to convert and teach the faith. These young men can be put into work during the autumn harvest. The young king has another plan waiting to be investigated.


"Take the copper mine dozens of miles south of Ivacchio City as the northern boundary, the Talsas River as the southern boundary, extending to the Sitacuaro Mountains in the east, and the first north-south river in the west. A hundred miles from north to south, and from east to west.

More than a hundred miles away, the entire Apatchengan State is centered on Kuramo City and is designated as Kuramo County, also known as Zicao County. It has nearly one hundred villages and towns under its jurisdiction, with a population of 200,000 and a population of 40,000. Well, as soon as possible

Check out the local aristocratic fiefdoms so that we can implement the next plan!"

Apatchingam State has a large area and can be roughly divided into three parts based on characteristics. There are several shallow copper mines in the north, and there are a large number of open-pit gold and silver mines in the south. In fact, there are also branches of copper mines deep in the veins here.

, gold, silver and copper accompany each other. And in the far south, close to the Talsas River that flows through half of the world, there are many small towns that prosper due to trade along the river. This is a land rich in minerals and prosperous commerce!

Kuramo City is located in the southernmost part of Apatchingam State, slightly to the west. It is a large riverside city. The largest river in the south-central part of the world, the Talsas River, expands here, forming a wide lake basin.

, and is also connected to the edge of the Colima Mountains. This large city is a famous trading center. Businessmen from the Mixtec, Zapotec, Tepanic, and Tecos tribes gathered here to form the

One of the most developed cities in the south.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Iskali's advance legion landed southeast of Apatchingan and did not pass through the city of Kuramo. Therefore, the city was spared from the war, but

The traditional aristocratic rule was also retained.

The meaning of Kuramo in the Prepecha language refers to the ragwood of the Boragaceae family, a beautiful tall tree, usually up to 8 meters long, with bright cyme-shaped flowers. The ragwood is in full bloom in summer.

It is very attractive and very popular among the Prepecha people. It is worth mentioning that the seeds of ragwood contain a lot of oil and are one of the rare sources of oil in Central America.

As his thoughts raced, Shulot walked up to the huge wooden board again. He drew his hand across the carefully marked map. The three counties in the north, middle and south were the core of the feudal kingdom in the lake.

During the Western Expedition, Hekou County in the north and Gyeonggi Province in the center experienced wars. The Tarasco nobles were almost completely purged and lost their local influence. The population of Gyeonggi Province has been divided into military villages and civilian villages, and the reception center

The population of Hekou County is under direct jurisdiction; while the population of Hekou County is in a semi-autonomous state, and will be completely under control as long as the new batch of priests arrive. Only the Apatchingam State in the south and the planned Zicao County have not experienced too many wars.

While retaining the vast majority of the population, it also retained too many remnants of the old aristocracy.

Thinking of this, the young king's expression turned cold. He pressed his palm hard on the position of Kuramo City, and his eyes became deep.

"Your Majesty, what is the next plan?"

Seeing His Highness's movements, Kuruca looked up. His eyes moved and he asked carefully.

Shulot smiled. He reached into his arms, took out a volume of book, and slapped it on the wooden table in front of him. At the top of the book, there were four neat large characters written on it.

"Military merit is awarded to the field!"

This chapter has been completed!
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