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Chapter 268: The Distant Future: Industrial Science and Technology Planning, Book of Divine Inspiration!

The night is deep, and the mountains in the distance are like beasts lying on the ground, hidden under the dark sky. The moonlight is dim, and the mines nearby are like a journey with no return, leading to the dark depths of the earth. The era of myths remains in people's hearts.

, making all natural scenes full of unknown divinity.

Under the moonlight, the mountainous area of ​​Qingambat is full of darkness, with only a bonfire swaying in the main mine. Loyal warriors patrol throughout the night, holding their weapons solemnly, guarding the safety of the king. In the center where the warriors guard closely,

It is the only simple stone house in the mine. Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see the light of fire flickering in the house.

The bonfire was blazing, the old charcoal was burning with green smoke, but the new coke was tasteless. The samurai commander held his breath and fell asleep, guarding the king. There was silence in the stone house, except for the rustling of the pen tip on the paper.

Shulot sat on his knees in the room, writing on the paper with a slender quill. After a while, he stopped writing, looked at the burning fire, and smiled comfortably.

"This charcoal is of good quality, has few impurities, and has strong firepower. It would be a pity to use it as firewood."

Bertard opened his eyes and saw His Highness's heartfelt smile, so he also smiled and asked.

"Your Highness, the "Industrial Science and Technology Plan" you are talking about has been finished?"

"Well! The general framework is here."

Xiulote smiled and nodded. During these days in the mining area, he had been thinking about the follow-up plan. Many long-standing memories were getting blurry, and he needed to write carefully to recall and calculate. He also happened to take this opportunity to put forward the ideas for the development of industrial technology.

It was put on paper as a long-term blueprint for future kingdom construction.

"Bertard, come and watch together!"

The king waved, and the warrior commander came closer and knelt down, listening.

"The eagle's gaze reaches thousands of miles, and the roots of the sacred tree have grown for thousands of years. All important events must be planned from the very beginning in order to fly to the height of the eagle and support the stability of the sacred tree!"

"Bertard, you are my most trusted confidant and have followed me for many years. Only you can roughly understand this plan, and it will also be helpful to your future responsibilities. I told you before that I intend to let you

Stand alone..."

"You have to go to the distant Eastern Great Lake for me, take control of the Long Snake Island in the lake, and establish a state there... That island will be rich in mineral deposits, and it is easy to mine in the open. There is Mexico given to us by the Lord God.

The gift of Jia Ren is also the key to guarding the edge of the world... What you need to do will be many and difficult, and your life will always be in danger!"

"Your Highness, even if the situation is dangerous and we are thousands of miles away, I am willing to die for you! I will definitely stop...capture...kill for you!..."

Bertard looked solemn and nodded solemnly. Although His Highness's prophecy was only a few sentences, it remained in his heart.

"Okay! Bertard, don't worry. The first few batches of aliens were only a few hundred people. They traveled thousands of miles by boat and had no base, so it's not a big deal..."

Shulot smiled happily, patted the warrior commander on the shoulder, and warned him carefully.

"...Your most important tasks in the future are, first, to integrate the various departments on the island, second, to guard against terrible diseases, third, to build an artillery fortress, and fourth, to make iron and steel!"

Bertard memorized every word and then asked in confusion.

"Making iron and steel? I remember that Mayan merchants brought you iron stones. As for steel, what is it?"

"Iron can be smelted from iron ore, and after proper treatment, iron will become steel! Steel is extremely hard and can make the best weapons and the strongest armor. More importantly, steel is

The door to industrialization! And blast furnace coke smelting is the most important step under the door!..."

As Shulot said this, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the wide scroll of paper spread out on the table.

There are words circled in boxes on the top of the paper, separated by bars, representing different fields of science and technology. Under the words are various notes mixed with numbers, letters, equations and text. And between the words technology,

There are also arrows unidirectionally connected together, indicating the advancement of technology.

Bertard looked at the first column, and what caught his eye was "Fuel". After "Fuel", there was first a strange "C", then "Wood", "Coal", and "Petroleum", three surprising words.

Names that seem to be understood but not understood. Under these names, there are small arrows, descriptions of the shapes of different fuels, possible discovery locations, and some symbols that are like a book of heaven.

He looked past those difficult words and looked directly at the mysterious and vague place. After coal, it was marked with Chinganbat, a small amount; thousands of miles to the north, and Chihuahua, southwest Texas, with huge amounts. After oil, it was marked with,

To the north and east, thousands of miles away, is the Texas oil field, which is deeper.

Seeing this oracular description, awe appeared in the warrior commander's eyes again.

"Your Highness, what is this?"

"These are all burning materials! Fuel is the cornerstone of technology and the food and blood of industry."

Schlott smiled. He didn't ask Bertard if he understood. He just explained it in detail, and at the same time sorted out the context in his heart.

"With the kiln, we can burn wood into charcoal and coal into coke. Coke has removed sulfur impurities and has a higher calorific value, making it more suitable for smelting metals. In the process of coking coal, a large number of by-products can be produced

Products, this is the most primitive coal chemical industry... And in the processing of petroleum, more high-value products can be obtained. This is petrochemical industry, but unfortunately we may never see it again in this life..."

Shulot moved his finger and stayed on "coking", recalling the smell he smelled during the day.

"Ammonia gas is produced during the coking process. Ammonia gas can be made into an important fertilizer, but it requires acid to absorb it."

The samurai commander looked at the "acid" column in the corner and saw "hydrochloric acid", "sulfuric acid" and "nitric acid" written below. He knew every word on it, but when combined, he was completely confused.

"The easiest acid to obtain is sulfuric acid. If you find sulfates, such as green vitriol and gall vitriol, just use a clay pot to retort. If you can't find it, you can also use the lead chamber method. We already have sulfur and saltpeter.

Or burn to produce a mixed gas, which passes through the corrosion-resistant lead chamber and is oxidized to obtain sulfuric acid... Well, this is the general principle. There are also lead-zinc mines here, and it is very easy to smelt lead. If you don't pay attention to purity and efficiency, you can use local methods.

Let’s try it out..."

Shulot thought for a moment, and then pointed to the word "fertilizer" again.

Bertard looked carefully and saw "N, P, K" behind the fertilizer, a set of mysterious symbols. Then there was a note on the back of "struvite", located at "the end of the Leman River flowing into the western lake, to the north."

Thousands of miles along the coast, in Baja California, on the arid seabird islands."

"By passing ammonia gas into sulfuric acid, you can get ammonium sulfate fertilizer, which can effectively increase the output of acres of land. This is the easiest nitrogen-containing fertilizer to make artificially. And ammonium nitrate is both a fertilizer and an extremely powerful explosive...

Of course, given the difficulty of producing nitric acid, within our lifetime..."

Shurot shook his head and looked at the "Explosives" column next to him. The top one was naturally "Black Powder", followed by "Nitrate Explosives", and then "TNT". The last two names were both accompanied by question marks.

The production process is unknown, but there is a small note: "God has said that the more nitro, the higher the difficulty and the greater the power!"

The king smiled lightly and continued to talk.

"Bertard, look here."

The warrior commander heard this and looked around, only to see a column of "Metallurgy" in the middle eye-catching position, followed by "Bronze Smelting", "Iron Smelting", "Steel Smelting", and "Cu, Sn," in the middle.

Mysterious symbols like Fe, C".

"The metallurgy of the feudal country started with bronze, because the alliance has two mineral materials, copper and tin. However, bronze is inherently defective in toughness, and the cost of excavation and smelting is also high."

Shulot paused and rested his finger on "Ironmaking". The warrior commander continued to look back and saw "Colima, the southwest mountainous area", "Cuba, the eastern end of the serpentine long island in the Oriental Lake", "

North America, Thousands of Miles to the North" marked the three locations, and I suddenly had an idea.

"The scale of the copper mining field will expand exponentially, and coke will also be used for bronze smelting in the royal capital. The kingdom's bronze output will soon increase significantly. After bronze smelting develops, the next step is to smelt iron."

"What can really be popularized on a large scale and completely change the world is ironware! With coke, build a blast furnace and blow in air, you can have enough high temperature to melt the iron. The technology for large-scale ironmaking is already mature. But in this world

During this time, iron ore is hard to find. I have been trying every possible way to find the source of iron ore."

Shulot sighed faintly. The iron ore in Colima is very deep, and the iron ore in North America is very far away. The iron ore in Cuba requires navigation. Among the three, the iron ore in Cuba is a rich open-pit mine, and its location can be clearly determined.

It has the advantage of mining... Thinking of this, the king patted the warrior commander on the shoulder before continuing.

"The smelted iron is divided into two types: raw and cooked, corresponding to the high and low carbon content... The carbon content is... well, the vitality contained in iron is somewhat similar to the tin content in bronze. A high content will make it brittle, and a low content will make it soft.

.But the special thing is that if the carbon content is just right, it will be both hard and tough, and it is called steel!"

Xiulote's finger slid down "steelmaking". Below it were four groups: "forging steel", "steel filling", "fried steel", and "pig iron steelmaking", and then marked with different words such as carburization and decarburization.


"Blast furnace coke smelts iron ore to produce pig iron. If pig iron is smelted again and the heat and oxygen are controlled, steel can be obtained directly. It is called pig iron steelmaking... Of course, this method seems to be the simplest, but in fact it is difficult.

If it is too large, there will be no hope for decades.”

Shulot smiled helplessly, and his thoughts flew back from the distant industrialized future to the beginning where everything was zero at this moment.

"Forging steel is carburizing wrought iron. The process is complex, time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is also called forging into steel. Filling steel means putting pig iron and wrought iron together. The pig iron is melted first and then infiltrated into the wrought iron.

, and then hammered into one piece while smelting. For fried steel, when pig iron is smelted in a blast furnace, molten iron flows out, is exposed to the air, stirs constantly, is heated and decarburized, and finally becomes steel directly."

"Actually, it is still too difficult to fry steel directly. Well, it is better to fry pig iron into mature iron, and then use forging or steel-filling methods to get steel in a time-consuming but stable way!"

Thinking of this, Shulot looked fascinated. Although these techniques only have general ideas, as long as they continue to invest manpower and material resources to try, they will steadily move towards success step by step.

"The biggest advantage of a time traveler is not the specific level of craftsmanship, but pointing out the right direction in the vast darkness!"

The king murmured softly, incomparable confidence surging in his chest.

Bertard lowered his head in admiration and looked at the bottom of "Metallurgy". There were two words "Metal Processing" written there, followed by a row of incomprehensible words: "Lathe, milling, planing, grinding, boring, drilling, wire."

.There is no explanation after these words, only a "hydraulic forging hammer" is added.

"Your Highness, what do these mean?"

Shulot's face froze. He only roughly remembered this formula. As for the specific metal processing machinery, it was naturally impossible to remember it. The king just pointed at the end and explained.

"Build a water wheel by the river, and then connect it to a forging hammer, which can be used to make metal armor pieces or rough armor embryos. In addition, you can also use water mills to process grain. Oh, by the way, there is also a windmill mill..."

Hulot added "windmill" under "Simple Machinery" next to it. This column has already written a lot of jumping words, including "loom", "spinning machine", "cotton gin", "

"Arm signal tower"... Of course, in the king's mind, these machines are just nouns, and they only know their general functions. There is only one exception... "steam engine"!

Shulot's eyes stayed on "steam engine" for a long time. There were two arrows from "metallurgy" and "metal processing", silently describing the difficulty of this technology. However, the word steam engine seemed to have

The unique magic power always aroused his thoughts.

"The dawn of the industrial revolution, the steam engine..."

Hulot whispered to himself, trying hard to recall the almost forgotten textbook. The illustrations that were once so clear now only have abstract and fuzzy shapes left.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Cylinder, piston, steam valve opening and closing, cold water condensation, power transmission of the tie rod..."

Fuzzy shapes and clear principles were combined in the king's mind at the same time. Unfortunately, the "complex" Watt steam engine was not assembled. After a long time, Shulot sighed softly. He picked up the pen and drew a shape.

A simple "miner's friend", Savery's Steam Water Lifter.

"Although bronze can be used as the cylinder and vulcanized rubber can be used as the seal... But until metallurgical technology and metal processing technology are sufficiently advanced, a practical and cheap steam engine is just a fantasy. This is still an expectation in our lifetime!"

Soon, Shulot recognized the reality and laughed at himself. It is worth mentioning that when the time traveler sealed the steam engine, the most rare vulcanized rubber was easily available to him in America.

Rubber is native to the Americas and has been widely used around the world. The original vulcanized rubber had been invented in the ancient Olmec period, and the Olmecs were called rubber people. They mixed the boiled juice of the rubber tree with the juice of the American grape vine.

Combined together, the rubber is vulcanized in the most primitive way and made into a waterproof raincoat. This kind of raincoat has a unique religious significance and is often worn by people for ritual ball games, and is also accompanied by losers.

of sacrifice.

Shulot shook his head slightly, raised his hand and wrote the word "vulcanized rubber" in the "Uncategorized" column at the bottom. Vulcanized rubber can also be obtained by fumigating with sulfur. It is temperature-resistant and impermeable, not easy to become sticky and deformed, and is antioxidant and wear-resistant.

, can be used to make many practical appliances, such as important car tires, convenient rubber shoes and raincoats.

In this column, there is also "fired glass". The research on glass by the stonemason leader Lozano lasted for two years, but there was almost no progress. Now with coke and blast furnace, the difficulty of burning glass can be greatly reduced.

"Glass beads are the cheapest monopoly trade product..."

Hulot smiled faintly. The wide scroll was almost at the end. Bertard looked at the bottom again, where there was the last column "Future". There were some difficult words written in it, including "electricity".

"Telegraph", "internal combustion engine"...

"Your Highness, what are these?"

The king hesitated slightly and said seriously.

"These are the final guidance of the Lord God and the future after my death."

Hearing this, Bertard was silent for a moment. His eyes flashed with excitement, and he spoke in a low voice after a long time.

"Your Highness, this scroll is so important, it should be given a more appropriate name."


Shulot was very interesting and had a smile in his eyes.

"what name?"

"Book of Divine Enlightenment!"

This chapter has been completed!
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