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Chapter 536 The arrangements of the elders and the checks and balances of the high priests

The sky is low and thick, the hall is condensed and wide, and the sun's rays are swallowed up, leaving only a faint halo. The fat Ugel's face is red, with one hand raised, looking at the people saluting, the corner of his mouth

He opened his mouth widely. Then, his expression flashed, he looked at the calm elder and prayed devoutly.

"The Lord God bless you! May the elders be healthy and bless the alliance forever!"

In the chief's hall, it is proper to praise the immortal elders. All the elders lowered their heads, facing the old man who lived as long as a god, and prayed together.

"The Lord God bless you! May the elders be healthy and bless the alliance forever!"

The elder nodded lightly, with a slight smile on his extraordinarily rosy face. His eyes were calm and profound, reading all the vicissitudes of the world and witnessing countless rises and deaths.

At this moment, he looked at the many elders with different thoughts, lingering on their faces one by one, as if he could see through everyone completely. This old man, who had controlled the alliance for more than half a century, was quietly thinking about the situation after his death.

He thought for a moment, thought of the story he had heard from someone, and then spoke again, deciding on the new power structure of the alliance.

"Ugel is the high priest and also serves as the chief priest. There are also three deputy chief priests who, together with the high priest, form a meeting of chief priests to cast lots to decide major matters of the alliance! The chief priest has two lots, and the three deputy chief priests have one lot.

If three lots are cast, this matter can be implemented!"

Hearing this, the expressions of many elders suddenly changed. Add a deputy chief priest to the priests and elders, and cast lots to decide major alliance affairs? This method of handling is quite common in tribal elders meetings, but in the alliance's high priest group

, but it has never happened before.

And casting three lots means that three deputy chief priests join forces, or the high priest plus one deputy chief priest. The key positions of these three deputy chief priests...

"The three deputy chief priests are..."

The elder pondered for a while and glanced at the people who were holding their breath. He left such an arrangement to let the ambitious elders share the power of the high priest, assist in handling academic affairs, and try to put conflicts on the table to resolve


"...Sun God Elder Tonatiu, War God Elder Yazar, Main God Elder Akapu!"

Hearing this, Sun God Elder Tonatiu raised his eyebrows, glanced at everyone, and saluted the elder. War God Elder Yazar looked happy, straightened his spine, and shouted yes.

The main god elder Akapu pursed his lips, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, bent down deeply, and bowed his head respectfully in greeting. It was really unexpected that he could get this position, and he had taken a crucial step!

In this round of power arrangements, Tonatiu has a noble status, and Yazar has always been brave and good at fighting. Both of them are popular. Only Acap is young and has little qualifications. He only relies on the inheritance of the main god brought by his wife.

, and the support of King Avit, he gained a foothold in the high priesthood. This arrangement by the elders is an exceptional promotion!

The three deputy chief priests faced the elders. After bowing respectfully, they each took a step forward and stood behind the new chief priests. Among the twelve chief priests, there were obviously three levels. The upper two levels concentrated the most important decision-making power.

, and the other eight priests and elders...

The elder thought for a while, and everyone lowered their heads and waited. Until the old voice came again, weak and plain, deciding the world.

"If two deputy chief priests are firmly opposed to a major alliance matter, a meeting of the high priests can be convened, and the twelve priests and elders will vote together. In the meeting of the high priests, the chief priests will have three lots, and the other elders will have one lot. Those who object

If the number of lots reaches half of the seven lots, the matter will be dropped and will be discussed again."

Ugel blinked and pinched his fingers. According to the new system, as long as the seven priests and elders object, the high priests will not be able to implement any new decisions. In this way, it will be difficult for the high priests to suppress them as before.

The other elders vigorously implemented major reforms. For him, such an arrangement was really...

"Good! Excellent!"

Ugel nodded with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his fat face. After he was appointed as the high priest, he was still a little uneasy and uneasy. After all, the first two priest leaders were busy and had to do everything, but the results were not good! Now, Chang

With some arrangements, he can relax and put the blame on others.

"Whenever big things happen, the elders discuss it together. If something goes wrong, it's everyone's fault, and it can't be blamed on me alone!..."

The elder's instructions fell into everyone's ears, like a light breeze, but also carried a weight as heavy as a mountain. It was a real power. The expressions of the three deputy chief priests changed, and they looked at each other, all thinking.

The remaining eight priests and elders finally smiled, thinking about how to unite and truly participate in the decision-making of major events.

In the solemn chief hall, there was silence again, with only weak breathing. Under the deep sky, there was suddenly more wind, blowing the god's curtain. Seeing that it had been brewing for a long time, a spring rain was right in front of me.

After talking a lot, the elder took a breath and felt a little tired. He arranged it so that the entire high priest group would check each other. There would be no major problems, and there would be no leader who would take control of everything. It should be able to maintain

Several years of stability. He knew that no matter what kind of power arrangement, it could only be restricted for a while, and the distribution of supreme power still depended on people.

"...Then, which one of you will it be?"

The elder narrowed his eyes and took one last look at all the elders. Everyone lowered their eyebrows and looked at them, showing loyalty and sincerity. After a moment, he smiled with relief, lowered his eyes, and waved his hands gently.

"Everyone, go down!...Well, Kakamazin stays and talks with me...May the Lord God bless you!"

"May the Lord God bless you!"

The priests and elders of the alliance lowered their heads and saluted, and with different thoughts, turned and left one after another. Ugel looked at the elders with some worry, paused for a moment, and then left belatedly. He walked through the dark corridor

, walked down the high stairs, walked through the sloping corridor, passed the axe-wielding guards, and finally walked out of the chief's palace.

The dark sky came towards him, and it seemed to be full of light in Ugel's eyes. And a little wind blew on his face, like the caress of a beauty, making people feel comfortable all over. The fat priest and elder were very satisfied.

His whole body felt like he was flying, as if he were stepping on the clouds. He looked at the towering pyramid temple, laughed and sighed.

"Haha! Human destiny is so unpredictable! Even I, Wugel, will one day sit high in the great temple and become the high priest!... I think back then, Kechar was so smart that he suppressed me in every way.

One end, but died in the hands of the elders, took away the nobles of Texcoco, and killed hundreds of noble descendants of gods... However, Shuter was ruthless and decisive, destroying countless families, but died in

He came to the holy city of Cholula, and even the priest family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, has to be buried with him...huh?!"

Thinking of this, Wu Geer was suddenly startled and realized something. He murmured, and a bone-chilling chill enveloped his heart, making people shiver down their spines, have their hair stand on end, and tremble all over.


After a while, the new high priest came to his senses, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He turned back in fear and looked at the dim chief palace, as if he were looking at the lair of a beast, staring at the silent and swallowing abyss. He was full of

With a shocked and doubtful face, he was thinking wildly, wondering how many times he had passed by death.

"Huh!... The frog god Sochipili said that mortals must learn to be humble and self-aware. I am just a piece of rotten wood or a plate of fruit residue, so how can I be the material to be a high priest?"

Wugel looked at it for a moment, sighed, and shook his head. The emotions in his chest were ups and downs, and he actually recited two lines of poetry.

"The egrets are staying on the top of the sacred mountain, and the eagles are looking down from the great temple. They are all standing high, wanting to spread their wings and fly high! They are all singing loudly, wanting to shake the wilderness! ... And the thunder in the rainy season, with its

The storm came, they soared and screamed in the storm, and then they disappeared!..."

After chanting here, Wugel paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, he sang cheerfully with a bit of self-deprecation.

"After the rain and the sky cleared, a fat turkey came from the bottom of the mountain, twisted its buttocks, and climbed to the top of the pyramid... Then, it looked at the sunshine in the sky, waved its wings, and called out twice.

, just lay down on your back! ... Very good, very good! It’s high and flat here, and you can just sleep under the statue!”

"Uh...fat turkey..."

More than ten steps away, Akap stood outside the palace in the shadow of a corner, eavesdropping on the chanting of the new high priest. He stood here and waited for a long time, just to be alone with the high priest Ugel.

Let's have a good chat... But at this moment, after listening to Ugel's poetry, he pursed his lips, held his breath, put away the contempt in his heart, and left quietly.

It wasn't until Acap left that Wugel tilted his head slightly, glanced at the other person's previous position, and shook his head slightly.

"Young lynx, you are so full of energy, you always want to climb up! ...That's all, that's all, let's hand over the mundane affairs and watch them fight around. Anyway, I'm just a rotten tree, enjoy it

After a lifetime, there is no need to rush to study, just enjoy it and enjoy it! ... God bless you!"

After saying that, Ugel stretched out his hand again, drew the character "囵" for a sun hummingbird in the air, and then slowly returned home.

This chapter has been completed!
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